Chapter 111

Chapter 111 – 109【Seize The City】

Chapter 111 109 [Seize the city]

Woke up in the middle of the night last night, and another morning, Xu Fusheng was so sleepy that he yawned. He said to the people around him: “I’ll go back and catch up on sleep, the rebels won’t come again.”

Sun Yanghuai was still a little scared: “Fu Zun, this thief Zhao is extremely treacherous, I’m afraid he will kill him.”

Xu Fusheng yawned and pointed to the south of the city pier: “I understand now, Thief Zhao just wanted to rob the boat, and even robbed the cash pass by the way.”

Sun Yanghuai looked towards the pier, suddenly realized, and sincerely admired him: “The government respects you!”

“The government respects you!”

More than a dozen officials next to him began to flatter them one after another.

Ji’an Fucheng is very strange. Although the city is high and the pool is deep, the area surrounded by the city wall is not large. It was built on the basis of the old city of Tang Dynasty.

Inside the city walls, except for residential buildings, almost all government offices.

The north of the city is the official residence and the county school, the west of the city is the garrison office and warehouse, the south of the city is the Luling county government and the school, and the center to the east of the city is under the jurisdiction of the prefect of Ji’an.

The real quintessential place is outside the city, and many houses have been built around the city.

Especially in the area from the south city wall to the wharf, the area is even larger than that of the city, where business is prosperous, goods are gathered, and various shops are lined up.

If the inside and outside of the city are counted as a whole, the area inside the city accounts for about two-fifths, while the area outside the city exceeds three-fifths.

If Zhao Han was looking for money, he didn’t need to rob the cash gate last night, he just robbed the Chengnan Wharf to earn more!

Therefore, Xu Fusheng was very sure that Zhao Han’s goal was to rob the ship, and the robbing of the banknotes was just incidental. At this moment, I am afraid that he has fled far away by boat, and he has gone to that state or county.

The magistrate and county magistrate had their hearts in mind, and each made some arrangements, and then went home to catch up on sleep and rest.

Just as they passed by the Admiral’s Office, they suddenly heard a shout from the city: “Zhang Zhenshou is back!”

The two looked at each other, angry and funny.

The **** forcibly transferred the guards out of the city, and they were nearly annihilated. Xu Fusheng and Sun Yanghuai were naturally angry, but they were even more afraid that Zhang Yin would die, and it would be difficult to explain to the **** guarding Jiangxi.

“This **** ran fast, but he was not hacked by the rebels.” Xu Fusheng sneered.

Sun Yanghuai was also yawning: “It seems that I still can’t sleep, I have to go and welcome this **** back to the city, and see if I can get him to say something nice.”

Put down the basket on the tower, Zhao Han supported the eunuch, and said in a low voice: “If you want to live, don’t play tricks.”

Of course Zhang Yin was thinking of cheating. Once the city was broken, he would lose his use value, and he was hacked by the rebels?

Zhao Han patted the **** on the back, and whispered in his ear, “After breaking the city, I will kill the magistrate and county magistrate. At that time, I will not only release you, but also send you to Nanchang by boat. Remember, losing the city The loss of land is the responsibility of the magistrates and magistrates. The governor Xie Xuelong raised the bandits’ self-respect, and deliberately transferred his troops to Anfu County, leaving the prefecture to the rebels to take advantage of it! But you Zhang guards, bravely killed the enemy, once defeated the bandits, and died because of it. Seriously injured.”

Zhang Yin was stunned for a moment, and then he was ecstatic – I’m still useful, I’m still useful, the rebels won’t kill me!

Moreover, not only can he survive, but he can also shift the responsibility to the civil servants.

Thinking about this, Zhang Yin suddenly had an infinite desire to survive, and started his explosive performance. He shouted in the most arrogant tone: “Grandpa broke his leg, open the city gate quickly, and kill anyone who disobeys!”

The officials and soldiers defending the city did not dare to open the door at all, and still put down the baskets.

Zhao Han and Fei Ruhe had disheveled hair, and their faces and bodies were covered with dust. They helped the **** to sit in the basket, deliberately lifted the eunuch’s broken leg, and slammed it against the edge of the basket.


The **** let out a scream like killing a pig, and beads of sweat dripped from his forehead in pain.

There is no need to act again, he shouted palely: “Open the city gate quickly, my leg is broken, go to the bone setter!”

The city defenders looked at each other, and officials rushed here one after another.

Some officials want to open the door, but a few officials dare not take the risk, and there is a lot of trouble there.

Xu Fusheng and Sun Yanghuai came late, seeing the **** did not seem to be a fake, otherwise it would be impossible to act so real. Therefore, Xu Fusheng said: “Open the door and welcome Zhang Zhenshou into the city. Also, invite the best bone setter.”

The city gate opened, Zhao Han and Fei Ruhe helped each other, and dragged the **** who was about to faint from the pain to enter.

After entering the gate, everyone was terrified, and even more nervous than outside the city.

Because except for the city gate of Linjiang, all the other city gates are built with urns. Zhao Han and the others are in the urn at the moment. Once they are found to have a problem, it is tantamount to being caught in the urn, and they will not be able to escape even if they want to.

Finally, she passed through the Wengcheng without any danger, and came to the real Fucheng.

“Oh, Zhang Zhenshou, you are finally back!” Xu Fusheng walked down the tower with a smile, and hurried over to greet him.

Sun Yanghuai said: “Zhang Zhenshou is a blessed man, what are a few rebels?”

Many officials from Ji’an Mansion and Luling County also came to flatter them, and they only hoped that the eunuchs could help to say good things. Because the local civil unrest is too great, the court will probably punish the crime, and only the **** can still blow the wind in the palace.

Zhang Yin didn’t think about other things anymore, his broken leg was in excruciating pain, and he said weakly: “Look for a doctor, quickly find a doctor.”

Deserved it!

Many officials are flattering, with flattering smiles on their faces, but they are all gloating in their hearts.

Xu Fusheng pushed Zhao Han away, personally supported Zhang Yin, and said comfortingly: “Don’t worry, the bone setter will come soon.”

Sun Yanghuai also pushed Fei Ruhe away, supported the other side and said: “Last night, if the command of the guards was determined, they defeated the bandits far away. They are really the pillars of the imperial court.”

Zhang Yin was sweating like rain, begging: “Oh… slow down, slow down, my leg is broken.”

The magistrate and county magistrate were also very bad. They deliberately dragged the **** forward, just to make this guy suffer.

“Ah,” Xu Fusheng hurriedly stopped, and said with concern, “Is Zhang Zhenshou okay? I’m being reckless.”

“No…it’s not in the way, slow down and it will be done.” Zhang Yin was almost speechless, his face was completely distorted in pain.

While speaking, many officials from Ji’an Mansion and Luling County had already surrounded the **** one after another.


Zhao Han stabbed the prefect Xu Fusheng to death with a single shot, and then hacked to death a fellow prefect with a knife, and then he swung his knife indiscriminately.

People are crowded here, and the distance between each other is very close. Long spears are not as good as short knives.


Xu Fusheng clutched his chest and fell down slowly. He couldn’t figure it out until his death. How could the rebel not leave?

There is nothing to grab in the city, so why not go to the south pier of the city, and even take the risk to swindle Fucheng. This is really unreasonable!

At the same time as Zhao Han started, Fei Ruhe also overthrew the magistrate, hacked the magistrate to death with a knife, broke into the crowd of officials and was invincible.

Zhang Tieniu carried an axe, and after killing the officials, he went to kill the guards.

At this moment, Wu Yong didn’t know whether he was a thief or a soldier. He had no choice but to bite the bullet and charge to death, stabbing the judge who was trying to get up with one shot, and then stabbing the officer who was struggling to death.

Killing two officials in a row, Wu Yong was inexplicably excited, as if something had awakened.

He is a military household, but actually a serf, and his life is worse than that of a tenant.

Kill, kill, kill, all officials should be killed!

Wu Yong fought more and more bravely, he didn’t kill soldiers, he only killed officials. There was a pile of people lying on the ground, and there were always people who were still alive, but those who were still moving could not escape Wu Yong’s shot.

It was really refreshing, Wu Yong was in a good mood, and suddenly felt that the previous twenty years had been wasted.

Now it is considered a person, but it used to be just a livestock.


Wu Yong’s eyes were red, and he rushed towards the defenders, even forgetting about fear and death.

Zhao Han rushed towards the top of the city while shouting: “Ruhe, lead people to guard the city gate. Tieniu, don’t charge anymore, bring people to guard the tower with me! Trumpeter, come quickly!”

The trumpeter quickly ran to Zhao Han’s side and took out the suona from his bag.



The sharp and piercing suona sounded, and the gate of the eunuch’s luxurious mansion outside the city was suddenly pushed open, and Jiang Dashan rushed towards Fucheng with five hundred soldiers.

The trumpeter is still blowing non-stop. He used to only blow on weddings and funerals, but now he is standing on the tower of Fucheng, cheerfully delivering funerals to officials at both the prefecture and county levels.

“The rebels are coming!”


The guards and soldiers fled in panic, and the officials were all taken over by the same pot. How could they have the heart to fight?

Eunuch Zhang Yin fell to the ground, screaming in pain, and was stepped on a few times during the fight. One of his feet happened to step on his broken leg, and he passed out from the pain as he wished.

By the time Jiang Dashan led five hundred soldiers into the city, the defenders had already fled without a trace.

The street market outside the city soon became chaotic, merchants and residents closed their doors one after another, and merchant ships at the dock also set sail quickly. Some soldiers and hooligans who escaped from the city took the opportunity to burn, kill and loot outside the city, even under the banner of rebels.

Zhao Han immediately ordered: “Ruhe, you take 100 people to the wharf to quell the chaos. Dashan, you take 50 people to occupy the Ji’an government office. Tieniu, you take 50 people to occupy the Luling county government office. Huang Shun, you lead fifty people to occupy the prefectural warehouse. Li Zheng, you take people to the county school, so that those scholars don’t panic. Remember, except for those who take the opportunity to make trouble, you are not allowed to kill casually!”

Chen Maosheng is currently hiding in a small mountain ridge, responsible for managing food, livestock and political workers.

Huang Yao took two snatched merchant ships and ran to the north to dock ten miles away, and made an appointment to sail back at noon.

Zhao Han personally led people to go to the school, because he did it too quickly, some of the scholars inside hadn’t escaped yet.

Seeing the rebels coming, the scholars stood up and tried their best.

Zhao Han took a step forward with a smile. Suddenly, some scholars threw down the bench and ran away, and some scholars were so frightened that they knelt down and begged for mercy.

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill people indiscriminately. I’ve also read the book.” Zhao Han laughed.

The scholars were still in shock, but at last they were not so afraid.

Zhao Han asked: “How many of you are left?”

A scholar reminded: “There are still some schools in the county, and there is Bailuzhou Academy in the middle of the river.”

“I forgot about it,” Zhao Han smiled, and suddenly ordered, “Come on, surround Bailuzhou Academy, and no boat is allowed to enter or leave!”

Bailuzhou Academy, together with Bailudong Academy, Ehu Academy, and Yuzhang Academy, are known as the four major academies in Jiangxi. Presumably there can be a few talents there.

(The book is updated twice a day, and the leader of the next chapter is updated, a total of three updates. In addition, ask for a monthly pass.)

(end of this chapter)

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