Chapter 120

Chapter 120 – 118【Weak Landlord Class】

Chapter 120 118【Weak landlord class】

The landlord of Yongyang Town, it is really interesting!

When the tenants in the surrounding villages and towns rebelled spontaneously, the landlords here began to practice Xiangyong. Hearing that Xie Xuelong was going to suppress the bandits, they immediately sent Xiangyong there.

Now, Xie Xuelong is defeated, and Zhao Han must take Yongyang Town.

Because this is the southern gate of Ji’an Mansion, if Zhao Han takes Yongyang Town as the ruling center, he can control Yongxin County in the west, Anfu County in the north, Taihe County in the south, and go straight to Fucheng in the east!

Landlords with normal minds knew that Zhao Yan was coming to Yongyang Town, but only a few of them packed up their belongings and fled. Most of them are sitting at home waiting, not knowing what they are waiting for. Waiting to be killed to divide the land, or waiting for Zhao Han to be kind?

“Master, the rebels have disembarked!”


Xiao Wanquan was trembling all over, fidgeting restlessly in the study, a deep fear enveloped his heart.

“Master, there is a band of rebels coming straight to our village!”


Xiao Wanquan’s legs were weak, so he asked his servant to help him go out, and ordered the whole family to be called together.

When Zhao Han personally led his troops to Xiao’s house, he was kneeling on the ground before his eyes.

Zhao Han ignored these guys, but looked up at the “Zhuangyuan Temple”.

This ancestral hall is very interesting. The main entrance and the side entrance are built like three archways. There are a lot of plaques, and the written content is scary enough: champion, second place, Hanlin, Huiyuan, Jieyuan, Huikui, Jingkui, Da Sima, Da Sikou, Dazhongcheng, Xuezheng…all are the honors obtained by the ancestors of the Xiao family , or the official positions held by the ancestors.

After looking up at the Zhuangyuan Temple for a while, Zhao Han finally smiled and said, “Are you going to follow the thief?”

Xiao Wanquan knelt down and kowtowed, then knelt straight and cupped his hands and said: “Mr. Zhao has a heart for all people, and spreads virtuous government. I also heard that Mr. Wen went to Fucheng, but restrained all the people in the autumn without any crime. This is really a righteous teacher, how can he be called a bandit? ?Although the old man is dull, he also knows what people want or not, and today he is just serving the Ming Lord.”


Zhao Han was amused by the old man, and asked, “Do you know how I govern?”

“I heard a little bit.” Xiao Wanquan’s heart beat wildly.

This guy still has illusions in his heart, thinking that Zhao Han killed the landlord and divided the land, which was a means of gathering people’s hearts in the early stage. Now that the governor is defeated, his power will increase suddenly, and he will probably make friends with the local gentry.

Zhao Han asked: “Would you like to donate the fields of the Xiao family?”

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Wanquan felt desperate, and his illusion was shattered.

But he couldn’t leave this place. There are Xiao’s ancestral hall, Xiao’s ancestral house, Zhuangyuan Temple, and countless lands of Xiao’s. After leaving, can the Xiao family still be called the Xiao family?

But if they don’t cooperate with the rebels, Xiao’s family may be killed!

Thinking left and right, Xiao Wanquan kowtowed and said: “Mr. Xiao is willing to donate the land in the family and serve Mr. Zhao from generation to generation!”

“Give up all the property?” Zhao Han asked.

“Give it all!” Xiao Wanquan bit the bullet and said.

I’ll go, this is not easy to handle, Zhao Han feels a little troubled, but he hopes that the Xiao family will rise up to resist.


Zhao Han suddenly laughed heartily, helped Xiao Wanquan up with his own hands, and comforted him: “The old man understands righteousness deeply, how can I disregard human feelings. How about this, the whole Xiao family, above twelve years old, no matter men, women, old or young , each person can leave 20 mu of land.”

Only 20 mu for each person?

Xiao Wanquan was about to cry, and forced a smile to flatter him: “Mr. Zhao is really benevolent, I am so grateful.”

Zhao Han said again: “The Xiao family must divide the family and property, excluding children, there are at most ten people in a family.”

Xiao Wanquan almost fainted, and really wanted to bite Zhao Han to death.

Once the family is separated, people’s hearts will be scattered, and his appeal will be gone.

Zhao Han asked: “Does the old gentleman disagree?”

“Yes, I am willing!” Xiao Wanquan said quickly.

Zhao Han continued: “The Xiao family slaves must all be released. Those who are willing to share the land, I will give them the land. Those who are willing to stay, all will be changed to servant contracts. From now on, don’t beat and scold the servants at will.”

Xiao Wanquan has nothing to say. If the land can be divided, how many slaves are willing to stay?

Zhao Han said with a smile: “I am short of talents, Mrs. Xiao can recommend his sons to be officials.”

Xiao Wanquan seemed to be alive again, and he would not be afraid of losing his land if he could be an official. This traitor made a big fuss, and most likely they will be recruited from now on, and Xiao’s disciples will follow suit. If the rebels really took over the world, wouldn’t the Xiao family be the hero of the dragon?

Xiao Wanquan straightened his back and said: “My Xiao family has one juren, seven scholars, and countless students and schoolchildren. I am willing to follow my husband!”

“Are there any Jinshi officials?” Zhao Han asked.

Xiao Wanquan replied: “The style of writing has declined, there are no non-commissioned officers for the time being, and there are still two who are promoted to become officials.”

No wonder the thieves were so straightforward. It turned out that there were no Jinshi in these two generations.

As long as you are a scholar, you will accept them all.

But these scholars cannot all stay in Yongyang Town. When allocating land to them, they must be scattered and allocated to other villages and towns, otherwise it will definitely become an internal hidden danger.

Even if they have land in Yongyang Town, they have to take back the land, at worst, they can get a few more acres elsewhere as compensation!

Zhao Han was very satisfied with the surrender of the Xiao family, and sent an order to Chen Maosheng: “Maosheng, the Xiao family’s righteous deeds can be set as an example, let the missionary group report to other landlords. Also make it clear to the common people and soldiers that although the Xiao family has had bad deeds, it has already done so. Change your mind…well,” Zhao Han suddenly said to Xiao Wanquan, “Old man, if you are angry with the people, can you get some housekeepers and stewards out? They cheat and exploit the people, **** it!”

Xiao Wanquan was extremely angry, and at the same time extremely terrified, because those evil slaves died on behalf of the master.

If a few evil slaves don’t die, it’s Xiao Wanquan who will die!

However, if you push your confidant house slave to suffer, who will listen to him in the future?

It’s over, it’s over!

Xiao Wanquan suddenly knelt down: “The evil slave deserves to die, and this old man wants to kill him as soon as possible!”


Zhao Han helped Xiao Wanquan up again, pointed to the Zhuangyuan Temple and said, “Xiao’s ancestral house, ancestral hall, and Zhuangyuan Temple can all be kept. As for the Hall of Heroes, change to a disobedient landlord!”

With the Xiao family as an example, two-thirds of the nearby landlords volunteered their land.

They naturally had calculations in their hearts, and it would be great for Conglong to succeed, and it would be acceptable to recruit security in the future. If they are recruited, the allocated land can be taken back by various means. Anyway, we can’t offend the rebels now, otherwise all the clansmen will be killed.

The reactions of these big landlords were completely beyond Zhao Han’s expectations.

He killed many landlords in the neighboring villages and towns, but as long as the soldiers suppressed the land, the landlord class was not as stubborn as imagined. Instead of resisting, he took the initiative to contribute land, and also provided a large number of scholars.

Haha, it’s so interesting!

As for the remaining one-third, those big landlords who refused to follow the thieves all had clansmen who were high officials in the court.

Of course, Zhao Han will not be soft-hearted, just take these guys for surgery.

Chen Maosheng’s mission team soon expanded to 200 people, borrowing Yongyang Town and surrounding villages to train missionaries while working.

Currently, Zhao Han’s territory is bordered by Yongxin County (with Fei Yinggong in the middle) to the west, Anfu County to the north, and Taihe County to the south. Lushui is the dividing line in the east, and the east of Lushui belongs to the jurisdiction of the government.

To be honest, the government’s land is more fertile, while Zhao Han’s land is relatively barren, with many villages and towns having large areas of mountainous land.

But the barren land is more conducive to consolidating the foundation, training officials and training soldiers, otherwise the rate of corruption will be very fast!

Zhao Han’s top priority is not to blindly expand the territory, otherwise he will just stay in Fucheng.

He has to grow the mission group and train grassroots officials!

Once the power is consolidated, there is no need to send troops at all, and the farmers’ association will be formed directly on the government’s territory. The peasant association led the tenants to bear the rent and resist the interest rate, led the tenants to oppose the landlord, and could extend its tentacles to the three surrounding counties without occupying a single city.

This strategy is not to defeat the officers and soldiers, but to paralyze the court.

As long as the county, state, and prefectural cities are not lost, the local officials will help Zhao Han deceive the central government. Maybe even after the actual control of the entire Ji’an Mansion, Emperor Chongzhen will not know that the Zhao thief has grown.

As for the government not being able to collect taxes?

Alas, there must be another catastrophe. Anyway, Jiangxi is like this every year, and the deportation central government’s tax revenue has become less.

Just as Zhao Han was consolidating his territory, the peasant army fleeing south had already occupied half of Taihe County.

The tens of thousands of rogues who were captured by Xie Xuelong in the north were going to be sent home to arrange farming, but now they are making trouble again. Some ran away in Anfu County, and some returned to Luling County spontaneously, asking Zhao Han to allocate land to them.

Zhao Han lacked grassroots officials and missionary personnel, otherwise the northern and southern counties could have easily started.

Even the officials of Taihe County and Anfu County will help Zhao Han consolidate his territory—Zhao Yan, who does not attack the county seat, is far cuter than those rogues!

The world is so absurd that the government actually has a heart for Zhao Han…

Chongzhen six years, winter.

All the officers and soldiers encircled and suppressed the northwestern bandits, and the peasant army took advantage of the freezing of the Yellow River to break out of the encirclement by the officers and soldiers. Conquering Mianchi, Lushi, and Yiyang one after another, the peasant army entered the border of Henan.

The governor of Henan was blocked by heavy troops, and the peasant army turned southward, looting Ruzhou, Xichuan, Neixiang, Guanghua, and Nanyang along the way.

Facing the pursuit of officers and soldiers, the peasant army that had merged suddenly dispersed into several groups. Not only did they wander around Henan, but they also waited for the five-way thieves in the old Huihui, and even invaded Huguang instead.

Can’t hold it anymore!

In Shaanxi, Shanxi, Sichuan, Henan, and Huguang, thieves can be seen everywhere. Even in Beizhili, there are small groups of peasant troops fleeing. How can the imperial court care about Jiangxi?

Li Banghua and Ouyang Zheng, who were “invited” by Zhao Han, were provided with simple tea and light food. Zhao Han did not meet with them, but only let them observe the administration with the mission team.

At the same time, Zhao Han captured Ji’an Fucheng, and the news that the governor was defeated and committed suicide quickly spread to the whole of Jiangxi.

The reputation of “Zhao Yan” is known to everyone, and it is said that he is a giant bandit who kills without blinking an eye.

This brought about a series of chain reactions. The Tantric Sect, which was originally developed in the countryside, took the opportunity to gather people to revolt in advance, and the religious uprisings broke out in Qianshan County and Nanfeng County at the same time.

On the other side of Poyang Lake, the uprising in Duchang County also broke out ahead of schedule, and colluded with the Poyang Lake water bandits.

If the next governor of Jiangxi is also a capable minister, he won’t even bother to conquer Zhao Han. The government must first wipe out the Duchang rebels. It is so important there. Whether it is from a political, military, or economic point of view, the Duchang rebels must be put down first!

Big tomorrow, it is completely disabled.

(This volume is over.)

(end of this chapter)

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