Chapter 127

Chapter 127 – 125 [Propaganda Datong] (For The Lord “Daoyuan Futu

Chapter 127 125 [Propaganda Datong] (addition for the lord “Dao Yuan Futu and Lord of Mysteries”)

The boat was about to arrive at Yongyang Town, everyone packed their things and walked to the bow one after another.

Passing the confluence of He River and Lu River, Fei Chun pointed to the front and said, “Both banks of He River are our territory!”

Looking at the lush seedlings on both sides of the bank, Liu Ziren exclaimed: “The rice seedlings here grow the best.”

Fei Yuanjian was a little confused: “Why didn’t I see it?”

Liu Ziren explained: “Don’t just look at the places next to the river, you have to look farther away. Look at the paddy fields in the distance, the seedlings are very green in color, and other counties along the way, as long as they are far from the water source, they are already drought-stricken. It’s a little yellowish.”

“Is there no spring drought here?” Fei Yuanjian asked doubtfully.

“It’s also dry, look at the river on both sides.” Xu Ying pointed to the bank.

The water level has dropped significantly, and the dried sludge can still be seen on the river bank after the water recedes.

Soon, they witnessed a lively scene.

Because the water level in the river has dropped a lot, the water truck can no longer lift water normally. So more than a dozen people stood by the river and used wooden barrels to fetch water all the way to the bank, and then poured the water into the diversion canal to facilitate the irrigation of paddy fields near the canal.

It has been flowing to the end of the canal, and a water storage pit has been dug temporarily. Villagers farther away can carry water from the puddles instead of having to go far to the river.

Liu Ziren grinned and said, “I like it here.”

“The government and the people are of one mind.” Xu Ying commented.

This kind of operation seems simple, but it must be organized by authoritative people. Otherwise, there will be countless disputes along the canal, and there may even be group fights for grabbing water.

Come all the way from Qianshan Mountain by boat, but only Yongyang Town can do it.

“Shift change, shift change!”

Another group of people came to the river, and those who had previously carried the water came ashore smiling, chatting and laughing with each other.

A half-hearted missionary officer said by the river: “See, this is what the peasant association is for. It’s not a hundred times more convenient than carrying water to irrigate the fields? This peasant association was established by the Datong Association for us farmers… Well,” the missionary officer suddenly got stuck He bowed his head and flipped through the small book, and continued, “The farmers’ association is the association of our farmers. The purpose of the farmers’ association is to do things for the farmers…”

“Xiao Xianggong, stop chanting, just like a monk chanting scriptures.” Some villagers complained.

“Ha ha ha ha!”

Everyone burst out laughing, thinking the missionary officer was a storyteller.

This Mr. Xiao is a Tongsheng from the Xiao family in Yongyang, and he is obviously not very proficient in business. He continued to flip through the small book and said: “What is the Great Harmony of the World…”

“Everyone has a field to cultivate, everyone has food to eat, and everyone has clothes to wear!” A villager has learned to answer quickly, “Recite every day, every day, I can recite it.”

There was another burst of laughter.

The mission officer surnamed Xiao finally got angry: “Don’t interrupt, I haven’t finished yet!”

“Xiao Xianggong, tell me.” The villagers laughed.

The mission officer walked up and down the river with his head held high and his chest held high, saying, “What does everyone have to farm? All the land in the world is occupied by the emperor’s relatives, by civil and military officials, and by honorable gentry. You occupy tens of thousands of acres, and he occupies thousands of acres. We ordinary people have no land to cultivate, and can only be tenants to farm for the landlord. Do you think this is the truth?”


The villagers shouted in unison, and stopped joking and making trouble.

The missionary officer didn’t look at the notebook any more, and walked around with his hands behind his back: “If the landlord has land in his hand, he can bully the tenants. The rent of the land can be set as much as he wants. When there is a famine and a bad harvest, he will fight big and small. He will let it go.” For loan sharks, five cents a month is considered less, but there are seven or eight cents a month. The tenants are busy all year round, and the harvest is all the landlord’s, so they can’t even eat enough. Is this the truth?”


The villagers shouted while carrying water.

The missionary officer continued: “The tenants are so miserable, but those who have their own land can live well? As long as they are not big landlords, they will not have a good life.”

“The imperial court increases taxes every year, and the county magistrate also changes the method of apportionment. There is also the whip method, which only collects money and does not collect grain. Tenants do not have to pay land taxes, but small landlords have to. Small landlords with only a few tens of acres of land , Sometimes I don’t have any money to pay the whip tax? I can only use the grain to go to the money and grain shop to exchange for silver, and I will be cheated by the big landlord.”

“The intention of this whipping law is good. It includes the land tax and miscellaneous taxes. After paying the whip tax, you should not pay other miscellaneous taxes. But until now, after the whip tax is paid, there are miscellaneous taxes. It is equivalent to paying miscellaneous taxes twice. There are many miscellaneous taxes, but it does not collect money, and let farmers send their grain to the county government. Hey, the soap official kicks you, and you can kick a few catties. Man, I force you to make up for it. It’s very bad!”

This missionary officer was probably born as a small landlord. Talking about his own experience, he gritted his teeth and was full of anger.

The missionary officer continued: “You are tenants, I am a small landlord, and we are all hard-working people. Take my family as an example, a total of more than 30 mu of land, not counting the children in the family, but also to support eight people, shared equally One person only has four acres of land. Four acres of land, after paying taxes and food, how much is left? I still have to study, and sometimes I have no money to buy paper. Kind of Datong shop. There are dozens of people in a room, and the inside is full of energy. The smell of sweat and foot odor made me faint, and I was confused when I walked into the examination room!”

“Ha ha ha ha!”

The villagers laughed again.

The missionary officer said again: “I only have a few cakes on me. I didn’t pay attention when I was writing the article, and I knocked over the cakes. I picked them up one by one, wiped off the dust and ate them like that. You need to hire a janitor for the exam. Linbao money is another expense. On the way back, I didn’t even have enough money for the boat ride, so I had to walk home. I had to cross the river in the middle, and I didn’t have enough money to cross the river. I just sat at the ferry, I sat for an afternoon. The boatman saw that I was pitiful, and said he would send me there at half price… I am a scholar, but is it easy for me? The boatman who punted the boat thought I was pitiful, woo woo woo…”

As he spoke, the mission officer felt more and more wronged, and even squatted by the river and began to cry.

The villagers finally stopped laughing and closed their mouths to carry water seriously.

After crying for a while, the missionary officer stood up again, wiped away his tears and said, “Everyone has a field to cultivate. It doesn’t mean that the tenants can cultivate the land for the landlord, nor does it mean that the small landlord can cultivate the land for himself. We should not only cultivate our own fields , but also have to pay exorbitant miscellaneous taxes to the government. There must be fields to grow, and after planting the fields, you must be able to eat enough, and you still have money to buy cloth to sew clothes. Put on!”

“well said!”

The villagers began to cheer.

The missionary officer said again: “Mr. Zhao is here to distribute the land to the tenants and reduce the tax for the small landlords. The government will definitely not like it, because they can’t be greedy for our blood and sweat. Therefore, we should send out young men from each family to follow Mr. Zhao. Fighting wars. So, Mr. Zhao set up a peasant association to let farmers grow more food, and everyone can live well. Everyone pays for Mr. Zhao, so that Mr. Zhao can raise soldiers and keep our fields. Only in this way can everyone have land to cultivate , everyone has food to eat, and everyone has clothes to wear. If this is done, the world will be in harmony! Long live the world in harmony!”

“Long live the great harmony of the world!”

“Long live the great harmony of the world!”

“Long live the great harmony of the world!”

The villagers followed suit, and then worked harder.

The mission officer spoke so that his throat was smoky, so he sat down on the spot to drink water, and then continued to read the small book.

Fei Chun took everyone ashore, and some villagers were going to the market in the town.

In the bazaar, there were also missionaries giving speeches. Many farmers were not in a hurry to buy things, so they gathered around to listen, and cheers broke out from the crowd from time to time.

Xu Ying and Liu Ziren’s two families are both half-tenant and half-owner farmers. They just passed by and listened for a while, and they showed infinite yearning.

Fei Chun said: “Yongyang Township is in the town, but the General Military Mansion is in a nearby village. It used to be the house of a big landlord. The front yard is the office of the General Military Mansion, and only Brother Han and Mr. Pang live in the back yard. Many rooms in the backyard are still vacant. We will all live in today, and we will arrange another place for everyone tomorrow.”

Zhao Han was working in the Yamen of the General Military Mansion, Fei Chun didn’t bother him, and took him directly to the backyard.

Fei Rulan and the maid Xiyue came to the courtyard where Zhao Han lived.

“Why is it so deserted here?” Fei Rulan blamed, feeling that Zhao Han was not well served.

Fei Chun explained: “Brother Han doesn’t want anyone to wait on you. There is only one maid in the courtyard, and a woman. The maid is not called a maid, but a maid. Brother Han doesn’t allow anyone to support his family. Sister Xiyue…”

Fei Rulan was stunned, and then said, “Tell me about it in detail.”

Fei Chun gave a brief introduction to Datong Thought, and then described Zhao Han’s various policies.

Fei Rulan was silent for a long time, called Xiyue back into the room, and said: “Your body deed is with my mother, and it is inconvenient to get it back. Since Brother Han has rules, then treat it as if the body deed does not exist, and I will give it to you.” Set up a new work contract. From now on, you will not be a maid, but you will also be a maid…”

“Miss,” Xiyue knelt down and kowtowed again and again, “The servant is born to be the lady’s person, and the death is also the ghost of the lady!”

Fei Rulan couldn’t help laughing and said: “Why do I want a female ghost? Don’t do this, brother Han is not allowed to kneel, you get up and talk.”

Xiyue stood up cautiously.

“I marry a chicken and follow the chicken, marry a dog and follow the dog, and marry a rebel and I am a thief’s wife,” Fei Rulan laughed as she said, “I have lived for almost twenty years, and I have always thought about my husband. He is a scholar full of knowledge, but he really never thought he was a daring traitor. The traitor’s rules are very weird, but they make sense when you think about it carefully. I can’t take the lead in breaking the rules he set, can I?”

Xiyue is uneasy, but she yearns for it. From now on, she can stop kneeling, and she is still a free person without a bond.

Two maids, one old and one young, learned that the mistress was coming, so they put down their work and came to see her.


The two said a blessing, and couldn’t help secretly looking at his wife. She was indeed handsome and dignified, worthy of our Mr. Zhao.

Fei Rulan smiled and asked, “What’s your name? How long have you been with Mr. Zhao?”

The young maid said: “My name is Huang Zhaodi, I’m from Wuxing Town, and I’ve been with my husband for more than half a year.”

The old woman said: “My name is Huang Lishi, and I have been here for more than half a year.”

“The surname is Huang.” Fei Rulan asked Xiyue to fetch some copper coins, “It’s the first time we meet, let’s take it for tea.”

“Mrs. Xie.”

The two maids were quite happy, and felt that the lady in front of them was more generous than Mr. Zhao.

Xiyue was a little angry, and almost reprimanded them, because when they received the reward money, they didn’t kneel down to thank them. Maybe it’s okay to get acquainted, but it’s the first time you meet, you have to kneel down and thank the master for the gift!

Fei Rulan still had a smile on her face, asked a few more questions about the situation, and then led them to tidy up the yard.

Even the furnishings in the room are very particular.

The two maids admired her a lot, thinking that the lady is too powerful. The same thing, just moved the position, it seems much more pleasing to the eye.

When Zhao Han came back from get off work, the house was completely new, even the corners were wiped clean.

Although Zhao Han didn’t ask for anything about it, he still felt very comfortable, and the exhaustion from a tiring day disappeared instantly.

(Thanks to Xiao Miaomiao, the leader of Genius945 for fighting the war, and also to all book friends for their rewards and support. By the way, please ask for a monthly pass.)

(end of this chapter)

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