Chapter 130

Chapter 130 – 128【Or Else, Forget About It As A Thief】(For The Leader ”

Chapter 130 128 [Or else, forget about it as a thief] (addition for the leader “echoss”)

In ancient Jiangxi, it was really necessary to grow wheat.

As recorded in “Jianchang Fuzhi”: “Wheat is planted in October and harvested in April.”

In the middle and late Qing Dynasty, double-cropping rice and triple-cropping rice were successfully promoted in the south and northeast of Jiangxi.

But in other places in Jiangxi, due to insufficient water and heat conditions, they can only practice multi-crop planting—joint planting of winter wheat and late rice, or joint planting of buckwheat, rape, beans and late rice.

Zhao Han is receiving a Confucian businessman at the moment. He passed by Yongyang Town for business. Seeing that the rebels here attach great importance to agriculture, he came here to offer advice.

This man’s name is Li Fenglai. Although he was born as a scholar, he talked about farming in a clear way: “This rice can be planted later. After the wheat is harvested, the late rice can be planted. The same field can be harvested twice a year for staple food.”

“Apart from planting time, what are the differences between early rice and late rice?” Zhao Han asked.

Li Fenglai explained: “Early rice can mature in three to four months, and late rice can take longer to mature. The later you sow, the slower it will grow. The shortest is four or five months, and the longest is half a year.”

“General Town!”

Suddenly a secretary knocked on the door.

Zhao Han frowned and said, “Say.”

The secretary replied: “The county magistrate of Luling wants to see you.”


Zhao Han thought he had heard it wrong, so he almost laughed out loud and said, “Please come in.”

Wang Diaoding was invited into the office, and he cupped his hands and said, “I, Wang Diaoding, the magistrate of Luling County, have met Mr. Zhao.”

Zhao Han bowed his hands and said, “Please sit down and wait a moment.”

Li Fenglai also got up to greet him and said: “Li Fenglai, a scholar of Nanchang Prefecture, has met Wang Zhixian.”

Then, Wang Tiaoding was left to hang there.

Li Fenglai continued: “If you want to plant late rice, ordinary rice species are not enough, you must use ‘Fanjaponica’ as the species. Farmers serve late rice, which is roughly the same as early rice, but there are some subtle differences. I can write down the differences. Mr. Zhao can make people try to grow it.”

“Is Luling County suitable for growing late rice?” Zhao Han asked doubtfully.

Li Feng said: “I don’t know, but many places in southern Jiangxi grow late rice, and Nankang and Raozhou also have a lot of late rice. You can plant wheat and rice together, you can plant buckwheat rice together, you can plant soybean rice together, you can plant oily rice together If you plant it, you will get two crops a year, and you will double the harvest.”

Zhao Han cupped his hands and said: “So, please Mr. Li, send some Panjaponica seeds, and I will let people try to plant them in my own fields.”

“Put it on me.” Li Fenglai said with a smile.

As a businessman, it is naturally impossible to be courteous for nothing.

Li Feng came to offer suggestions, nothing more than to buy Zhao Han’s food. Not to mention lowering the price, you can buy it at the market price, and it is mainly shipped to Jiangsu and Zhejiang for sale.

This is a long-term big business. As long as we have a good relationship with Zhao Han, we can collect food here every year in the future.

Li Fenglai also said: “Those mountainous and sloping lands can just be planted with corn (corn) after harvesting wheat. Corn can also be interplanted with sweet potatoes, which can increase production countlessly.”

Zhao Han said: “I have already bought the corn seeds, and I will plant them after harvesting the wheat.”

Li Fenglai said with a smile: “It’s time to breed at this time, and the yield of direct sowing is lower. You can first breed with dung soil balls, plant sweet potatoes in ridges, and then plant corn in furrows. In this way, each can get its own benefits. All sweet potatoes can increase production.”

Zhao Han got up quickly, cupped his hands and said: “Sir, you are really a great talent!”

Li Fenglai returned the salute and said, “I dare not, since I am a grain merchant, I am naturally familiar with farming.”

Zhao Han said: “As long as the master teaches the art of growing grain, in the future on my site, the grain will be sold to the master first.”

“It’s easy to say, easy to say,” Li Fenglai was very happy, and glanced at Wang Diaoding again, “Since Mr. Zhao still has distinguished guests, I will not bother you!”

“I’ll see you off.” Zhao Han kept sending Li Fenglai out of the house.

“That’s right,” Li Fenglai stopped at the door, and took out something, “This is a tobacco stalk, which can be smashed into powder, and sprinkled next to the roots when transplanting rice seedlings, so that pests can be exterminated.”

No polluting pesticides?

Zhao Hanxi said: “Please buy tobacco stalks, sir. I will buy a large amount next year when the seedlings are transplanted.”

“It’s easy to say, easy to say.” Li Fenglai said with a smile.

Zhao Han was in a happier mood, not only sent Li Fenglai out of the front yard, but even sent him out of the General Military Mansion.

Corn and sweet potatoes can be planted on a large scale this year.

Don’t think that the yield of these two crops will not be high without the improvement of improved varieties. Native Americans have been planting them for thousands of years, so don’t they know about breeding?

In the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, sweet potatoes had been dried and turned over all miscellaneous grains, and became the staple food of farmers in southern Jiangxi. By the middle of the Qing Dynasty, sweet potatoes had spread throughout Jiangxi and became the staple food of farmers in mountainous areas—farmers voted with their stomachs, and they knew very well whether the yield was high or not.

At this moment, Wang Diaoding was sitting in the room, still a little confused.

He came to meet the rebel on impulse, but he didn’t expect to be left there for a long time. What’s more interesting is that instead of feeling angry, he listened carefully to the conversation between Zhao Han and the grain merchant.

Zhao Han returned to the office and said with a smile: “Wang Zhixian, you are so brave, you are not afraid of being hacked by me?”

Wang Tiaoding asked back: “If you cut me off, what good will it do for Mr. Zhao?”

“Haha, you are an interesting county magistrate,” Zhao Han said with a smile, “Why are you looking for me? Just tell me.”

Wang Tiaoding actually stood up, adjusted his clothes, and bowed straightly: “Mr. Zhao, please give me your advice, how can all people be of one mind?”

Zhao Han said: “It is nothing more than four words, enlightenment, and virtuous governance.”

Wang Tiaoding asked again: “How to educate the people?”

Zhao Han explained: “I wanted to seek great harmony in the world, so I found like-minded people and asked them to preach the truth of great harmony in the world. This kind of truth should not be too difficult, and ordinary people can understand it. It is not enough to just talk about it, it has to be shared with the people. Tian, get rid of exorbitant taxes. In this way, we can unite as one. You are an official, what I can do, you cannot do.”

“Yes, I can’t do it.” Wang Tiaoding was sad, he really couldn’t distribute the land to the people.

Of course, Wang Tiaoding also shared. There were many bandits in Xian County, and many landlords were killed. After he wiped out the bandits, he also distributed the land to the refugees.

But in the first year, it was distributed to the peasants. Due to the heavy tax and miscellaneous taxes, it was annexed by the big landlords in the second year.

Wang Tiaoding asked again: “How can the government and the people be of one mind?”

Zhao Han said with a smile: “The people are not stupid. If they are good officials, they will naturally support them. How can we turn all officials into good officials? One is to give officials aspirations and let them understand that being an official is not for being famous, nor is it for fame and fortune. , but for the benefit of the world and the people. Second, we must select talents and appoint talents, and we must clearly distinguish rewards and punishments. Those who are capable will go up, and those who are not capable will go down. If they have outstanding achievements, they should be promoted.”

“So simple?” Wang Diaoding asked doubtfully.

Zhao Han said: “In the world, many principles are very simple. The real difficulty is whether they can be realized. Can the imperial court select talents and appoint talents? Can the imperial court implement clear rewards and punishments?”

Wang Tiaoding was silent.

Take Wang Tiaoding himself as an example. He suppressed bandits, built city walls, and resettled refugees in Xian County. Whatever achievements he made deserved promotion. The results of it? After working for three years, he was flatly transferred to Luling County just because he didn’t give a gift to the Wenxuan Department.

Sighed secretly, Wang Tiaoding clasped his hands and asked, “Mr. Zhao is so talented, which famous Confucianist did he learn from?”

This question cannot be answered, Zhao Han was very mischievous, and whispered: “I pretend to be a scholar, but I am actually a child. This is very embarrassing, don’t go out and talk about it.”

Wang Tiaoding was amused, and said: “Mr. Zhao voluntarily quit Fucheng, is it because he wants to be recruited in the future?”

“Why should I recruit security?” Zhao Han asked back.

Wang Tiaoding said: “The land in half a county can still resist the imperial army? Now, Governor Li is conquering the rebels in Duchang. When he succeeds in conquering the rebels, he will be able to train a strong army. How will Mr. Zhao deal with himself then?”


Zhao Han slapped the table fiercely: “I have 800 soldiers, and I dare to capture the city. Now thousands of elite soldiers, if they **** me off, they will go and beat Nanchang down. How many soldiers can that Governor Li train? Now, under my command There are more than 60,000 people in Dingkou over the age of twelve! If forced conscription, fifteen thousand can be conscripted!”

“It’s not that I haven’t fought a war before,” Wang Tiaoding expressed his disbelief, “There are more than 60,000 people, and there are at most 30,000 males over the age of 15. You take half of it to fight? Do you have enough food and grass?”

Zhao Han grinned and said: “Believe it or not, if I give an order, the farmers will bring their own food to fight with me.”

Wang Tiaoding thought about what he saw and heard today, and he believed it in his heart, and felt a sense of fear for no reason.

“Even if I can’t fight, I can still run into the mountains,” Zhao Han asked, “Guess how many soldiers and horses the imperial court will send to wipe me out completely.”

Wang Tiaoding estimated: “We will get 50,000 troops.”

Zhao Han stretched out two fingers: “It must be 200,000 yuan! I am in a hurry. Not only can I enter the mountain, but I can also do the coercion. At that time, even if I am wiped out, the whole of Jiangxi will be finished.”

Wang Tiaoding felt a little heavy, he could imagine the scene.

With Zhao Han’s terrifying organizational strength, if he is coerced all the way, and there are countless mountains to rely on, it may be difficult for a 200,000 army to wipe out.

Not to mention 200,000, even a 100,000 army, several provinces have to send troops at the same time. Firstly, the imperial court had no soldiers to use, and secondly, even if it could send troops, it would have to turn Jiangxi into a wasteland.

“Do you want to change the dynasty?” Wang Diaoding asked.

Zhao Han didn’t answer directly: “I only hope that the world will be in harmony.”

Wang Tiaoding stopped talking again, and didn’t know what he was thinking.

Zhao Han suddenly said: “Why don’t you be a thief.”

Wang Tiaoding said: “Let me think about it.”

The conversation between these two people was more outrageous than the other, and they didn’t know who was the official and who was the bandit.

Zhao Han didn’t force it, he just asked, “If I expand the farmers’ association to the whole Luling County, will you recruit village braves to fight against it?”

Wang Tiaoding avoided the question and asked instead: “Do you treat landlords like that?”

Zhao Han explained: “It’s not my territory, so the method can be softer. It’s just to establish peasant associations in each township, unite tenants to resist rent and interest, and unite small landlords and self-cultivating farmers to resist taxes.”

Wang Tiaoding thought about the situation carefully, shook his head and smiled wryly: “Then I can’t be the county magistrate.”

Zhao Han asked again: “What if I develop the peasant association to the entire Ji’an Prefecture?”

Wang Tiaoding sighed and said: “At that time, Mr. Zhao raised his arms and shouted, the whole Ji’an is yours.”

Zhao Han continued to ask: “What if I develop the peasant association to the whole of Jiangxi, to the two capitals and thirteen provinces?”


Wang Tiaoding got up suddenly, he didn’t dare to talk any more.

Zhao Han did not personally see off the guests, but only shouted at Wang Diaoding’s back: “One day if you figure it out, Wang Xianzun can come and follow the thief at any time!”

Wang Tiaoding walked out of the General Military Mansion, looked up at the sky, and always felt that the universe had been turned upside down.

(Thank you for the reward from the lord who is alone in the river and autumn, and thank you all book friends for your reward and subscription. Ask for a monthly ticket as a routine.)

(end of this chapter)

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