Chapter 139

Chapter 139 – 137 [Master] (For The Leader “Hello Mr. Fu

Chapter 139 137 [Master] (addition for the leader “Mr. Hello Fu”)

Zou Mengwen rushed forward with his sword in hand, and shouted: “Qing Jin, you are rebelling too!”

Liu Tongsheng looked around in a daze. The rebels hadn’t reached the city yet, but more and more gentry were defecting. Even the Xiangyong recruited by himself shouted “Kaicheng” one after another, and a few Xiangyong even surrounded him.

“Clan brother (Master), turn it back!”

The clansmen and slaves surrounded Liu Tongsheng. If he dared to say no, he would be **** immediately.

Most of these tribesmen are small landlords and self-cultivating farmers, and only one is a big landlord. These house slaves are also waiting to surrender to the thieves to divide the land. They were just thinking about their old relationship, they didn’t take action directly, they wanted to coerce Liu Tongsheng to lead the crowd to defect.

“That’s all, that’s all!”

Liu Tongsheng, who was supposed to be the champion in three years, was forced to throw his sword at the ground at this moment. He can only save his family first.

The Zou family, the Liu family, and the Li family all defected and quickly occupied an entire section of the city wall. There was also a Liu family defecting to the north. As long as they are not attacked, they will not continue to attack. They are all villagers, who is willing to fight to the death.

Therefore, don’t see the lively fighting everywhere, in fact, the casualties are negligible.

Zou Mengwen’s grandfather was Zou Yuanbiao, who was the Minister of the Ministry of Officials before his death.

And Liu Tongsheng is Zou Yuanbiao’s student and Tang Xianzu’s son-in-law.

Although this group of gentry had conflicts with each other, they formed a huge network of relationships.

Even if they follow the thieves, their minds are not pure, and they have three thoughts: first, if the Zhao thieves can succeed, these gentry will form gangs and become the heroes of the new dynasty; second, if the Zhao thieves are defeated First, these gentry will look for opportunities to jump back and turn around again through the relationship with the court; third, temporarily hold on to the lives of the whole family, and cannot ruin the future of the family.

Even Wang Siren, who was suppressing bandits in Duchang, was a disciple of Liu Tongsheng’s father (deceased).

Liu Tongsheng looked around and found several gentry committing suicide. They all slaughtered farmers with their own hands. They wanted to use their own lives to preserve the continuation of the entire family.

The family is bigger than itself, bigger than the land, bigger than money, bigger than the court!

Zhao Han is not a Tartar, but a rebel, they don’t need to ruin the whole family. Only when a foreign race like the Manchu Qing came, many gentry would raise their families to rebel and donate all their properties to recruit soldiers to fight against the Qing.

Of course, there are also those who are greedy for life and afraid of death, relying on taking refuge in the Qing court to keep their wealth.

For example, in history, Li Musheng’s father, Li Yuanding, defected to the Manchu Qing the next year after Li Banghua died for his country. His uncle (Li Banghua) was still alive—the Li family produced several ministers in the Qing Dynasty!

“Welcome Mr. Zhao!”

The gates of the city were wide open, the shameless knelt down to greet them, and the shameless stood and bowed.

There are also some guys whose hands were stained with the blood of farmers, who wanted to commit suicide but couldn’t do it. They all knelt in front of Zhao Han, hoping to save a dog’s life by luck.

Zhao Han stood at the gate of the city, glanced over and said, “Ju Ren, stand up and go to my left!”

A total of nine people got up one after another and stood on Zhao Han’s left.

Liu Tongsheng really wanted to violently assassinate, but he was afraid of hurting his family, so he could only stand in line full of resentment.

“I heard there are Jinshi?” Zhao Han laughed.

Zhou Ruixu stepped forward with his head held high, cupped his hands and said, “Zhou Ruixu, the word length.”

Zhao Han asked, “What was your job before you returned to your hometown?”

Zhou Ruixu said: “Wenxuan Division Doctor.”

“This is a fat job.” Zhao Han sighed.

The doctor of Wenxuan Department of the Ministry of Officials can appoint local officials below the fourth rank without the approval of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, including the appointment of prefects from all over the country!

Zhou Ruixu replied: “Ding You returned to his hometown just after taking up his post and before going to work.”

This person’s official career is bizarre. Before he became the doctor of Wenxuan Division, he was just a small county magistrate. Suddenly, he fell into the eyes of the emperor, and he was personally promoted to be the doctor of Wenxuan Division, but he went home to attend the funeral without sitting on his buttocks.

Zhao Han asked: “You took the lead this time?”


Zhou Ruixu bit the bullet and admitted that, in fact, it was only because of his high official status that he was publicly elected as the nominal leader. Including the attack and killing of farmers that night, many gentry discussed it, and then forced Zhou Ruixu to take the lead in sending troops.

Zhao Han questioned: “Did you get blood on your hands that night?”

“I did, but I didn’t.” Zhou Ruixu replied.

Zhao Han scolded: “Say it clearly!”

Zhou Ruixu said: “I can’t bear to kill innocent people. But the soldiers under my command killed more than a dozen people, and I can be counted as killing them myself.”

What the **** is this?

Zhao Han said that he only punished the culprit, but this culprit did not kill anyone.

Zhao Han asked those Juren again: “Who has blood on their hands?”

One of the men came out, glared at Zhao Han and said, “If you want to kill or cut, it’s up to you, just let my people go!”


Zhao Han drew his saber out of its sheath, a flash of saber light flashed, and Juren fell down.

All the gentry were horrified, this is Ju Ren, who actually said to kill and killed. If it’s other rebels, it doesn’t matter how many people they kill if there is one person who joins them.

Zhao Han sneered and said, “Don’t look at me violently murdering people, I’m helping him, otherwise the whole family will end up in a public trial! Whoever has blood on their hands should stand up and don’t force me to interrogate one by one. If you are tried, the whole family will be taken back to the public trial, and the common people will drown you with their saliva!”

Two more gentry stood up, and some hid in the crowd trembling.

“Leave your whole body and stop chasing your family. I, Zhao, will do what I say.” Zhao Han said to the two.

Four soldiers quickly stepped forward, strangled the two of them with ropes, and strangled them to death in front of countless people.

This time, the gentlemen were really frightened, and some even lost control on the spot.

“You villain, you are so cruel that you are good at killing gentlemen. You will never want to win the world in this life!” Among the remaining eight Juren, one suddenly yelled.

Zhao Han smiled and said, “What’s your name?”

The man held his head high and said, “If you don’t change your name when you’re going, if you don’t change your surname when you sit, that’s true for Yang Zhong!”

Zhao Han asked, “Did you kill someone too?”

Yang Zhong replied: “No, I didn’t leave the city that night.”

“Ha ha ha ha!”

Zhao Han burst out laughing suddenly, and actually bowed to Yang Zhong: “I admire scholars who have backbone, you can scold me whatever you want, as long as you don’t break the rules.” Then he announced to other gentry, “In my place , you will not be punished for your words, and everyone can speak freely. There is only one thing to remember, don’t spread rumors to make trouble.”

The gentry haven’t recovered from their senses. It was really exciting to kill three people in a row just now.

Zhao Han had no choice but to go to Yang Zhong, took his hand and said, “You are a good man. With so many scholars, you dare to be the first to stand up and scold me. If you are so honest, you will be a pillar in the court. It’s a pity that Emperor Chongzhen You can’t use people. Mr. Yang, would you like to work under my command?”

Yang Zhong was stunned. He was so angry that he scolded the rebels, and he was already ready to kill himself.

Unexpectedly, the traitor smiled instead of angry, and even praised him as a pillar of talent, and even recruited him on the spot. Even though he knew that Zhao Han was buying people’s hearts, Yang Zhong was still very happy in his heart, and even had a sense of knowing him, thinking that Zhao Han was a hero with respect and courtesy.

“Good man, in a word, would you like to work with me?” Zhao Han asked.

“I…I…” Yang Zhong looked around, wanted to agree on the spot, but couldn’t save face, he hesitated for a long time and finally said, “Wansheng is willing.”

Liu Tongsheng sighed, not because Yang Zhong was a thief, but because he felt the horror of Zhao thief.

First, he praised in public, giving Yang Zhong enough face, and letting Yang Zhong let go of his resistance.

Then he recruited in public and roasted Yang Zhong on the fire.

Yang Zhong was able to pass the Juren exam, so he was naturally very smart. He knew that if he refused, it would be tantamount to ruining Zhao Han’s good deeds, and he would definitely be retaliated against in the future, so he could only bite the bullet and agree.

Yang Zhong was the first to surrender and had to follow Zhao Han to the dark. Others can be recruited, but Yang Zhong has absolutely no possibility of being recruited, he will be punished by the court as a model!

What kind of a traitor is this motherfucker, and his methods of manipulating people’s hearts are too terrifying.

Switched to other rebels, Yang Zhong would probably have been hacked with a knife, which would inevitably arouse the collective hatred of the scholars. But Zhao Han easily resolved it, and recruited Yang Zhong under his command. The gentry’s heart was also divided, which not only weakened the influence of the murder just now, but some scholars even thought that Zhao Han had the qualifications of a hero.

Liu Tongsheng thought to himself, no wonder Li Shangshu would follow the thief, this rebel is really extraordinary.

Zhao Han took Yang Zhong’s hand and said with a smile, “With the help of the king, it is better than a hundred thousand elite soldiers.”

“Zhao…my lord, you’ve praised me.” Yang Zhong’s scalp was numb at the moment.

Zhao Han’s words are murderous, and if they spread to the imperial court, Yang Zhong will definitely be included in the list of core rebels.

Hey, I’m just an ordinary Juren, I don’t know if I can be admitted to Jinshi, you say I’m better than a hundred thousand elite soldiers?

Yang Zhong was so wronged that he wanted to cry. He regretted that he stood up and cursed people just now. He would rather be hacked by Zhao Han, at least he would not implicate his family.

It’s just that, while being wronged, why do you feel so happy?

With the help of the king, it is better than a hundred thousand elite soldiers. This made Yang Zhong feel a little elated.

Zhao Han said to Yang Zhong again: “However, I’m afraid I will wrong you. To do things under me, you must start from a small official and a small position, and everything depends on your political achievements to get promoted. Those who are willing to do things and those who are able to do things will be promoted quickly. , would you like to be an experience (document) for the General Military Mansion?”

“I will do my best!” Yang Zhong also entered the state. Anyway, he has already been a thief, so he should do it well.

“Ha ha ha ha!”

Zhao Han laughed and turned to look at the crowd.

This good show of “the monarch and his ministers get the right” unexpectedly made some scholars feel itchy, especially those scholars who couldn’t pass the exam.

A scholar suddenly jumped out, cupped his hands and bowed: “Zong Zongzhen is thirsty for talents and respects corporals. He is really a wise master. I am too late to be talented. I would like to recommend myself to help Zong Town distribute the land. Please start from the Guo family’s field!”

“Great kindness, please get up quickly, Mr. Guo.” Zhao Han stepped forward to help him.

All the gentry gritted their teeth, this Guo guy is too cunning. There was only one Jinshi in his family’s ancestors, and the neighbors were all big families, occupying only a few thousand acres of land, but the business was booming.

As long as Zhao Han is involved with this guy, he will not be afraid of dividing the land at all, and it will be more conducive to doing business!

“Let’s go, the two of you will follow me into the city.” Zhao Han held each other, as if he was holding the young lover he just hooked up with.

Li Musheng suddenly knelt down, and Li Chunan also knelt down: “Gucun Li, I would like to do my best for the town!”

Zou Mengwen also brought his family brothers to kneel down: “The Zou family of the East Gate is willing to do a great job for the general town!”

Needless to say, the Li family, Li Banghua has long been a thief. Even if the Li family brothers did not follow the thief, their fathers would probably be implicated.

Zou Mengwen has no psychological burden. His grandfather, Zou Yuanbiao, was exiled by Zhang Juzheng with his leg broken, but his name was justified after Zhang Juzheng’s death. But since the death of his grandfather, the Zou family has never had a Jinshi, so maybe they can still prosper if they voted for the rebels.

“I would like to work hard for the general township!”

Suddenly, a large group of people knelt down at the gate of the city, and they all wanted to sneak into the anti-thief team to do things, and adapt to the situation in the future.

Liu Tongsheng could only kneel down. It is hard to say whether he can be recruited, but he will definitely not be able to take the No. 1 examination.

(end of this chapter)

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