Chapter 142

Chapter 142 – 140 [Four Provinces Besieged And Suppressed Zhao Han] (For The Leader “Six Sons”)

Chapter 142 140 [Four provinces encircled and suppressed Zhao Han] (addition for the leader “Six sons are afraid of water”)

After the autumn harvest this year, not only did the peasant army in Ruijin County grow stronger, but also a peasant uprising broke out in Longquan County.

Longquan County is the Suichuan County of the later generations. It is very poor with many mountains and little land.

There is a Longquan Hundred Households Institute here. Although it is only a small hundred households, it has been developed for two hundred years, and it has even graduated from the military.

The little arable land was divided up by military officers and gentry.

When the news came that Zhao Han occupied the three counties in central Jiangxi, Longquan County, which was only two counties away, also broke out an uprising of military households. The military households united with the tenants, killed military officials and landlords, rushed into the county seat and killed the county magistrate, and hung the banner of “Practice justice for the sky” on the tower.

The censor Chen Yuding came to Jiangxi with great joy. As soon as he took office, he felt his scalp go numb!

This guy came to Nanchang in mid-October. First, he heard that Zhao bandits had seized three counties, and then the Southern Jiangxi General was killed, and then Longquan County was also occupied by rebels.

Inquire carefully, good guy, Nanfeng County is long gone, and there are bandits rebelling in Qianshan County.

“Da Yinggong, why are you not moving at all?” Chen Yuding asked.

Zuo Buzheng He Yingrui said: “How can there be nothing? The Jiangxi Third Division is doing its best to assist the governor in suppressing bandits. Otherwise, where will Governor Li’s troops come from?”

Chen Yuding said anxiously: “After more than half a year of suppression, the Duchang bandits are still occupying the county. What kind of bandits are they suppressing?”

“The water bandits in Poyang Lake have been completely wiped out. Duchang rebels have also been besieged for many days, and they will definitely be captured within this year!” He Yingrui didn’t want to talk nonsense with Chen Yuding, he was spending money to promote relations, and he would be transferred back to the center soon .

Damn Jiangxi, whoever wants to be an official will come, He Yingrui just wants to leave early.

The two of them didn’t agree with each other, and broke up unhappy.

Back to the temporary mansion, the slave reported that a man named Xiao Puyun asked to see him, and Chen Yuding hurriedly invited him in.

Xiao Puyun cried when he met him: “The inspector told me that the Zhao thief indiscriminately killed the landlords and distributed the land of the good people to the tenants. He used to confuse people’s hearts. Even… even Li Mengan turned to the thief!”

“But Li Mengan, Minister of the Ministry of War a few years ago?” Chen Yuding said in surprise.

Xiao Puyun said: “It’s him!”

Chen Yuding felt that the situation was getting more and more serious, and hurriedly asked, “Who else is following the thief?”

“There are too many thieves,” Xiao Puyun resented that the government did not send troops to Ji’an Mansion quickly, causing his father and brother to be killed. He immediately framed him and said, “Jiangzhou’s military equipment is Wang Siren, and his teacher is Jishui Liu Yingqiu, the son of Liu Yingqiu. Liu Tongsheng has also joined the bandits. Then Wang Siren must have colluded with Zhao bandits, and he stayed in Duchang and refused to go south to suppress the bandits!”

Chen Yuding wondered: “The rogues in the north rebelled, and most of the gentry died with their families. Why are there so many gentry in Jiangxi following the thieves?”

Xiao Puyun said: “The thieves in the north kill and rob food, and then flee to other places. How can the gentry follow the thieves? Even if they want to follow the thieves, they will be chopped down by the thieves. This Luling Zhao thief is different. He is a scholar of Jishui himself. As long as the gentry hand over the land, he will not rob money and food, and will not kill people indiscriminately. In order to save the lives of the people, the gentry is often forced to submit. This guy also distributed all the land of the landlord to the head of Guizhou, and the common people were all killed. It’s bewitching! According to the inspection, what is Zhao’s rebellion shouting?”

“What are you shouting for?” Chen Yuding asked.

Xiao Puyun gritted his teeth and said: “The world is one!”

“The world is in harmony?” Chen Yuding thought he heard it wrong.

“Exactly,” Xiao Puyun said, “in the three counties of Luling, Jishui, and Anfu, many poor scholars were bewitched by the Zhao thief just because they were allocated a few acres of land, and they all spontaneously took refuge in him. You can speak of integrity! Today, in the three counties in Central Jiangxi, the common people only know that there is a Zhao thief, but they don’t know that there is a Ming emperor!”

Chen Yuding inquired about the situation carefully again, and Xiao Puyun talked about it all at once.

At night, Chen Yuding held a lamp to write memorials.

Not only impeached Jiangxi officials for their ineffectiveness in suppressing bandits, but also impeached the former inspector censor. He was unwilling to blame his predecessor.

Moreover, Chen Yuding was still in the memorial, requesting the establishment of Jiangxi General Army and the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi to send troops.

After finishing writing the memorial, Chen Yuding felt exhausted. He knew that he was in trouble, and that Luling Zhao thief was an extraordinary rebel!

By the way, Chen Yuding in history first defected to the Manchu Qing Dynasty, was dismissed later, and ran to become Zheng Chenggong’s teacher.

Zheng Chenggong failed to resist the Qing Dynasty. Chen Yuding was captured and beheaded by the Qing army. No regrets.”

Another complicated official, he had no psychological burden to vote in the Qing Dynasty, and he would rather die than regret in resisting the Qing Dynasty.

Chen Yuding was afraid of the delay of the memorial, so he simply paid for the money himself, asked his servants to hire a boat and went straight to the capital, and entrusted his mentor to hand over the memorial.

Only one and a half months later, Chongzhen saw the memorial, and was so angry that he directly kicked the book case.

He urgently summoned the ministers of the cabinet, slapped the table and shouted: “Jiangxi is so corrupt, I only found out today, what do Jiangxi’s third divisions and Jiangxi governors do!”

The ministers were too frightened to speak, there were too many unlucky things this year.

In the summer, Huang Taiji unified Monan Mongolia, and on the way back from the West Chahar, he ran to announce the great looting. This means that the Tartars don’t have to go east anymore, they can attack directly from Shanxi!

Just a few days ago, the armies of the five provinces encircled the rogue bandits. As a result, Luonan was defeated, and the deputy general of Huguang was killed by the rebels.

The ministers were summoned urgently, thinking they were discussing the rogues, but unexpectedly they were Jiangxi rebels.

“Look for yourselves!” Chongzhen threw the memorial.

Shoufu Wen Tiren quickly picked it up, read it quickly, and handed the memorial to the second assistant.

Don’t look at Wen Tiren not doing his job, he has achieved a lot this year. Li Changgeng, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Hu Yingtai, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, and Zhou Shipu, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, were all overturned by Wen Tiren, and these three ministers were replaced by the sworn enemies of the Donglin Party.

The survivors of the Eunuch Party and the Qi, Chu, and Zhejiang Party fought viciously with each other with the Donglin Party, and Wen Tiren stood by and watched the show as a lone official!

Chen Yuding’s memorial was circulated in the hands of the cabinet ministers, but no one was willing to speak first.

Chongzhen was so angry that he even laughed angrily: “A rebel actually called for the unity of the world to rebel. It is extremely absurd and ridiculous! And that Li Banghua, who was an important minister of the Ministry of War, took the lead in following the bandits!”

Xie Sheng, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, who was born in the Lu Party, finally spoke at this moment: “The Li family in Gucun, Jiangxi Province, but anyone who is an official in the court will be interrogated in prison.”

Chongzhen said angrily: “Go to prison, arrest them all!”

Ministry Minister Liu Zunxian said: “Jiangxi’s three divisions and the governor of Jiangxi should all be recalled to the central government for questioning.”

This is the political enemy’s attack. Hou Xun, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, quickly said: “Your Majesty, Chen Yushi’s memorial said that Jiangxi’s third division and governor are attacking the thieves in Duchang. Duchang County is very important. Why not wait for them to destroy the capital?” The Chang bandits, going south to conquer the Luling bandits? The most urgent task is to order Shen Yulong, governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, to gather troops from Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, and Jiangxi provinces to first wipe out the southern Jiangxi bandits. “

Li Kangxian, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, echoed: “What Hou Shangshu said is very true. Jiangxi can suppress the collection of autumn grain and recruit more soldiers to suppress bandits.”

“Suppression, suppression, and suppression again,” Chongzhen said angrily, “When is Jiangxi’s money and food not suppressed? Since I became the throne, Jiangxi has never paid the full amount of taxes in any year!”

No one dared to speak, the emperor was furious.

After a long time, Chongzhen finally spoke: “Let the governor of Fujian, assist the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, first wipe out the southern Jiangxi bandits, and then go north to conquer the Luling Zhao bandits!”

Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, Shen Youlong, although he doesn’t understand military strategy, is good at employing people and knows how to leave wars to professionals.

Fujian Governor Zou Weilian, together with Zheng Zhilong two years ago, destroyed the lair of the pirate Liu Xiang. Last year, another eight days of **** battles drove the Dutch out of Xiamen and captured the Dutch colonial leader.

The two of them work together, enough for Zhao Han to drink a pot.

Fortunately, the chief assistant Wen Tiren was there. In history, Zou Weilian was framed and dismissed by Wen Tiren.

Zou Weilian was also unlucky. He was dismissed after winning the battle, and died of illness in his hometown the next year.

At this moment, Wen Tiren remained silent, just waiting for Shen Youlong and Zou Weilian to make mistakes. If the two of them can’t destroy Zhao Han for a long time, or if they lose the battle, then they will wait to bear the emperor’s wrath. Wen Tiren will not let this opportunity pass by.

During the incident, Xue Guoguan suddenly said: “Your Majesty, according to Chen Yushi’s memorial, Jiangzhou’s military preparations are for Wang Siren, and there may be suspicions of collaborating with rebels.”

“Nonsense,” Li Kangxian was furious, “Chen Yushi’s memorial, I have already written it clearly. Wang Siren secretly communicated with the rebels. It’s just that he heard about it, and he didn’t dare to be sure, and he didn’t dare to hide it!”

Military Minister Zhang Fengyi also said: “Wang Siren’s character is still trustworthy, and he will never do anything to collude with rebels.”

Wen Tiren frowned suddenly. Although Zhang Fengyi was not his henchman, he was also his helper. Why did he speak for the Donglin Party instead?

It can only prove that Wang Siren is very popular.

Li Changgeng, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, who was taken down by Wen Tiren this year, also holds Wang Siren in high regard.

Zhang Fengyi felt that Wen Tiren was unhappy, so he immediately changed the subject: “Your Majesty, do you want to set up Jiangxi General Army?”

Chongzhen thought carefully, and suddenly said: “The commander of Jinyiwei, Li Ruolian, can be the commander-in-chief of Jiangxi.”

This appointment made the ministers want to complain, but they all refrained from opening their mouths.

Although Chongzhen did a lot of stupid things, he did one thing right, and that was to add a military examination.

In the previous martial arts, there were only Wu Jinshi, and the examinations were supervised by civil officials. Since the Chongzhen Dynasty, there have been military champions, and these warriors can also be disciples of the emperor.

Wu Jinshi was grateful for this, and many **** martyrs emerged.

For example, this Li Ruolian, facing Li Zicheng’s attack, fought to the last moment in Beijing.

In this regard, the imperial court finally took Zhao Han seriously. The governors of Guangdong and Guangxi, the governors of Fujian, the governors of Jiangxi, and the generals of Jiangxi all took Zhao Han as their final conquest targets.

After talking about the Jiangxi matter, the monarchs and ministers began to discuss the rogue matter again.

Governor of the five provinces, Chen Qiyu, this unlucky guy must be finished. After such a big defeat, the skin will peel off even if you don’t die. The best end is to be sent to the frontier.

Chongzhen and the ministers had been arguing for several days, and finally decided on the candidate for the new governor of the five provinces – Hong Chengchou!

(Thanks to the leader of 99 Jiu Jiu Jiu Jiu for the reward, and thanks to all the book friends who rewarded and subscribed!)

(end of this chapter)

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