Chapter 147

Chapter 147 – 145【Great Understanding Of Song Yingxing】

Chapter 147 145【Great Understanding of Song Yingxing】

Twenty years ago, Song Yingxing and his elder brother Song Yingsheng took part in the provincial examination. One of them came in third in the province and the other came in sixth in the province.

Jiangxi Township Examination third and sixth!

Unfortunately, until now, neither of the brothers has passed the Jinshi examination.

Three years ago, Song Yingshengquan was elected as the county magistrate of Tongxiang. To put it bluntly, it is to use the relationship of the Ministry of Officials to by-election for official vacancies as candidates. It must have cost money, otherwise it would not be the number one. Fei Yinghuan’s prefect did the same thing.

The family spent a lot of money to buy an official for his brother, but they really had no money to buy a magistrate for Song Yingxing, so they delayed for two years to help Song Yingxing buy a teaching order.

Education is barely an official, the principal of a county public school.

Now Song Yingxing is in his forties, and he came to Fenyi County to teach. This should have been the most important stage of his life, and all his works were completed in these few years.

Unexpectedly, when I met Zhao Han, I was arrested by a group of rebels when I first started writing “Heavenly Creation”.

“Search the county school and find all this person’s belongings,” Zhao Han glanced at Song Yingxing, “especially the manuscripts!”

Half an hour later, the soldiers carried the box to the county government office.

Zhao Han squatted down and looked through slowly. There were Song Yingxing’s travel notes, and countless technical data notes, including agricultural machinery, ceramics, bricks, metallurgy, gunpowder, textiles, mining, meteorology, and so on.

“Heavenly Creation” has already begun to write, but there is only the content of planting crops.

Zhao Han picked up those few pages of manuscripts, but it was about planting rice, and there were many farm tools with pictures and texts.

After a rough reading, Zhao Han commented: “That’s ridiculous. There are early rice and late rice in rice cultivation. You only recorded early rice. For late rice, you can use Panjaponica to sow. Your data collection is not complete.”


Song Yingxing used to be generous, but it wasn’t until he found his manuscripts and materials that he became a little scared, for fear that the rebels would burn his manuscripts.

But he didn’t realize it, the rebels actually discussed rice planting technology with him, Song Yingxing frowned and said, “Is there really a way to grow late rice?”

“Where are you from?” Zhao Han asked.

Song Yingxing replied: “Fengxin County, Nanchang Prefecture.”

“As far as I know, farmers in Northeast Jiangxi have already planted late rice, and southern Jiangxi has also begun to plant late rice.” Zhao Han said clearly, but the information actually came from the grain merchant.

Song Yingxing also disregarded the opponent’s status as a traitor, and asked curiously: “You only need Panjaponica rice seeds, can you grow late rice?”

“No,” Zhao Han corrected, “I asked people to try planting late rice in Luling County, but the harvest was not very good. After careful calculation, it should be due to insufficient heat. Crops can grow well without water and heat. If you go to the south, the heat will be stronger throughout the year, and I heard that in some places in Guangdong, rice can be grown two to three times a year.”

“Two to three seasons?” Song Yingxing was shocked.

Zhao Han said with a smile: “For many things, we not only need to know what is happening, but also why. Just like this rice, if you want to harvest more seasons, you must be in the south. It can be seen that the reason is the heat of the sun.”

Song Yingxing said: “If there is a chance, I will go to Guangdong to see.”

Zhao Han squatted down and continued to rummage, and found the materials for making weapons. There are bows, arrows, gunpowder, guns, etc., but unfortunately no trebuchet was found.

“Why is there no catapult?” Zhao Han asked.

Song Yingxing replied: “I haven’t seen it before. The warships of the Daming Navy either use artillery or crossbows. Who would use catapults?”

Well, the Catapult has been eliminated.

It was almost time for dinner, Zhao Han dragged Song Yingxing to dinner, so that he could keep an eye on the information in the box.

Song Yingxing followed in a daze, all he could think about was the wooden box. Even if Zhao Han lets him go, this guy won’t leave. Inside the box is his painstaking efforts collected for twenty years.

There is wine and meat.

The entire army has meat to eat today. After all, they have marched hard for many days and must replenish their bodies.

There is no need to rob, take the money from the county magistrate, and go to the butchers in the city to buy it. The butchers dare not not sell it.

“Bring the wine, I want to entertain Mr. Song.” Zhao Han shouted.

Mr. Song didn’t speak, just sat down and looked at Zhao Han, wanting to get back his manuscripts and materials.

Zhao Han smiled and said, “Mr. Song is eating.”

Song Yingxing said: “I have a long-term follower, who got separated when I ran for my life.”

Zhao Han immediately ordered his subordinates: “Put up notices throughout the city, saying that Mr. Song is my guest, and let Mr. Song’s followers come to the county government immediately.”

“This… this can’t be done.” Song Yingxing stood up in shock. Once the notice was posted, wouldn’t it be announcing that he had become a thief?

“Made, made.” Zhao Han laughed.

Song Yingxing had no choice but to sit down angrily.

Soon, the good wine hidden by the county magistrate was served on the dinner table.

Zhao Han poured wine for Song Yingxing himself, and asked, “Do you know the principle of leverage?”

Song Yingxing didn’t accept the wine glass handed over by Zhao Han, but picked up chopsticks to eat. He was really hungry, chewing his food and said, “I haven’t heard of it.”

Zhao Han turned a wine glass upside down, put his fingers on the table as a fulcrum, and lifted the wine glass with chopsticks: “This is the principle of leverage. From my finger to the wine glass, the distance from the chopsticks is the resistance arm. From my finger to the hair The point of force is the power arm.”

Song Yingxing immediately despised: “It’s so messy, this is the principle of specimens!”

“Specimen?” Zhao Han didn’t understand.

Song Yingxing pointed casually: “The front part is the book, and the back part is the standard.”

Well, since Mozi’s time, the resistance arm of the lever is called “Ben” and the power arm of the lever is called “Biao”.

Zhao Han said with a smile: “Mr. Song, I have a discovery. The strength I use multiplied by the length of the mark is equal to the length of the weight multiplied by the length of the book. I named it the principle of leverage.”

Song Yingxing was immediately attracted by these words, and wanted to go home immediately to verify.

He has already thought about the content of the verification test, and he can just use a large scale.

In fact, “Mozi” has revealed the principle of leverage and also explained the problem of proportion, but the description is very rough and no clear formula has been formed.

The two stopped talking and buried their heads in eating.

Filling his stomach, Zhao Han did not move around, but asked someone to carry the box.

Zhao Han carefully flipped through the manuscripts, suddenly laughed, and read an article aloud: “Governance is extreme thinking of chaos, chaos is extreme thinking of governance, and the number of multiplication and division in this world is also… The northwest is invaded, and the central plains are spread. Only the city walls remain, and the countryside Towns and cities are burnt to ashes, I don’t know how many. Living people die by bandits today, and soldiers tomorrow… When the political chaos is desperate for governance, the affairs of the world can still be done, so don’t be discouraged by the number of multiplication and division.”

Song Yingxing sat on the bench, turned around and looked at the scenery outside the house, wondering what was going on in his mind.

Zhao Han smiled happily: “Mr. Song, this article of yours seems to be self-inspiring, and you want to save the country. But except for the last sentence, the whole article is about changing the dynasty.”

“Nonsense,” Song Yingxing denied, “In this troubled time, it is time for scholars in my life to rise up.”

Zhao Han nodded and said: “Scholars should rise up, and I am also a scholar, so I rise up and work hard, intending to rebuild the world!”

“You are a rebel!”

Song Yingxing suddenly came back to his senses and asked, “Who are you?”

“Luling Zhao Yan, have you heard of it?” Zhao Han asked with a smile.

Song Yingxing said in surprise: “You are actually that Zhao thief, why did you come to Fenyi?”

Zhao Han didn’t answer, but continued to read Song Yingxing’s manuscript, and laughed even happier when he saw “Min Cai Yi”.

Song Yingxing’s “Min Cai Yi”, the main idea is—

Daming has been reduced to this point, but it is just the words “the people are exhausted”.

Wealth does not only refer to silver, but all department stores in the world are wealth. There is a lot of wealth in Ming Dynasty, but it is only gathered in the hands of a few people. The people were so exploited that they couldn’t survive, so the court couldn’t collect taxes. The more distressed the finances, the more they must be expropriated, leading to a vicious circle. Not only that, but the thieves and bandits in the world couldn’t survive, so they rebelled one after another.

Song Yingxing directly used the word “exploitation” in the article.

There are also articles such as “Tuntian Yi”, “Reminder of Science”, “Military Pay”, “Military Training”, etc., all pointing directly to the core problems of the court, but they did not give correct countermeasures.

In other words, it is impossible to give a countermeasure, because the roots of Daming are already rotten.

Zhao Han commented: “They are all good articles, sir is a great talent, but it is a pity that Emperor Chongzhen can’t use them.”

“It’s because I didn’t pass the Jinshi exam, otherwise I will do something.” Song Yingxing actually knew it in his heart, but he had to be tough in front of the rebels.

Zhao Han asked: “How do you compare with Mr. Li Mengan?”

Song Yingxing thought for a while and said: “Mr. Meng An, I am a talent for managing the world and helping the country, and I am not as good as myself.”

Zhao Han said with a smile: “This talented man who helped the country was demoted by the emperor and returned to his hometown, and now he is working for me.”

“You will force him with your wealth and life!” Song Yingxing sneered.

Zhao Han shook his head and said: “From the beginning to the end, I have never forced Mr. Meng An. When he took refuge in me, none of his tribe was under my rule. He took the initiative to serve me after watching me govern. If you talk too much, you I won’t believe it either, follow me back in a few days and have a look.”

After reading Song Yingxing’s article, Zhao Han didn’t want to talk about any more reasons, because the other party understood all these reasons.

Between the lines, what Zhao Han read was only despair, and it even tasted like a broken can.

Song Yingxing was arranged to live in the county government office, and his domestic slaves soon came to meet him.

“How is the city?” Song Yingxing asked.

The house slave replied: “These rebels are very good. They didn’t kill or set fire, but maintained law and order. Inside and outside the county town, things are better than before. Those who committed crimes were scared and hid.”

Song Yingxing was stunned and suddenly didn’t know what to say.

He is very clear about the current situation of Ming Dynasty, and the “World Games” was written very strangely. The whole article is implicitly expressing the view of the end of the dynasty. At the end, there is a sudden sentence, saying that although it is in troubled times, scholars should not be depressed and should cheer up to save the situation.

It’s just self-deception.

What can Song Yingxing do?

Although he came from a wealthy family, even the money for his brother to buy an official was obtained by patchwork. And his elder brother, who only served as the county magistrate for two years, brought back a lot of money to the family.

Song Yingxing was able to go to Fenyi County to teach, and the official money he paid for this also included the money embezzled by his brother!

He is in the middle of the game, he can see clearly, he can’t do anything.

Hey, let’s not talk about politics, let’s just indulge in side paths.

The next morning, Song Yingxing took the initiative to visit Zhao Han, wanting to get a steelyard to verify the principle of leverage.

The guard guarding the county government office said: “Mr. Song will stay for a few days, the general town is not in the county government office at present.”

Song Yingxing said in shock: “Has he sent troops to Yuanzhou Mansion?”

(end of this chapter)

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