Chapter 150

Chapter 150 – 148【It’S Not A False Surrender】

Chapter 150 148【It’s not a false surrender】

The two sides confront each other.

Zhao Han ordered the trumpeter to prepare, and said to Tian Younian again: “Prefect Tian, in this situation, are you still planning to feign surrender?”

It is true that there is no need to fight. Tian Younian’s advantage is that he has more shooters, and his disadvantage is also that he has more shooters.

Its military strength is only half of Zhao Han’s at the moment, and it is surrounded by three sides. If Zhao Han attacked regardless of casualties, the archer could only shoot one round, and the quick hand could shoot the second arrow, and then he would have to face close combat strangulation.


Tian Younian untied his bow and arrow, threw it away together with his saber, walked out of the army formation alone and said, “Two men, just tie me up.”

Zhao Han really sent someone to tie up this guy, and Wuhuada was bound to him.

“I’m sorry,” Zhao Han explained with a smile, “Tian Zhifu is a well-trained soldier, so I have to be on guard. Besides, your surrender was so abrupt that I couldn’t believe it.”

Tian Younian was tied hands and feet, turned his head and shouted: “Everyone put down their weapons, this person will not kill indiscriminately!”

Just when Huang Yao and Huang Shun were receiving the surrendered soldiers, Zhao Han asked curiously, “Tian Zhifu seems to know me well?”

“I have a scholar from Luling under my command,” Tian Younian explained, “Knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to win a hundred battles. To fight a war, you must find out the enemy’s situation. After the autumn harvest last year, I sent out spies. I have already found out what you are doing. Clear.”

“Good means!”

Zhao Han was not surprised by this, probably not only Tian Younian’s spies, Li Maofang and Wang Siren should also send spies.

Tian Younian continued: “For rebels like you, we must either destroy them quickly, or defect to them as soon as possible. At the beginning, I made an appointment with Governor Li and Wang Qianshi, and we will send troops together after the Lantern Festival. And we can’t divide the troops to avoid being caught by you.” Destroy each of them. After you went down to Fenyi County, I gathered troops and horses, trying to besiege you in Fenyi County, and let them quickly bring troops to join forces to besiege.”

“Do you think I can accomplish something?” Zhao Han asked.

Tian Younian smiled wryly and said: “Whether you will be able to succeed, it is hard to say for the time being, this will definitely end tomorrow.”

Tian Younian’s hometown is in Shaanxi, and he himself comes from a military officer’s family. No one is more familiar with the extent of Daming’s corruption than him. His whole family was killed by bandits. Besides his parents, he had three sons and two nephews. Some time ago, my father and brother also died in battle, so what hope can we have?

The only hope is to rely on military exploits to win a wife and son.

Ke Tian has been in Yuanzhou for more than four years. First, he wiped out the bandits, and then wiped out the rebels. He also presented bows and arrows to the emperor every year.

For such various achievements, only in the fourth year of Chongzhen, the emperor praised him once, sent him two taels of silver as a reward, and raised his monthly salary by six shi. Then there was no response, no promotion, no reward. Even the bow-making subsidy specially approved by the emperor was deducted by some bastard, anyway, the money did not leave the capital.

Tian Younian’s promotion path has been blocked by the court, and if he wants to continue to be promoted, he must send money to the Ministry of Officials.

Or, make great contributions in besieging Zhao Han!

So Tian Younian is very active in military training, he can only make meritorious service by conquering Zhao Han, because all the money he exploited is used for military training, and he has no money to give gifts to those idiots in the official department.

At this moment, he was besieged by Zhao Han’s surprise attack, and his last hope was shattered. He also wanted to keep his concubine and son in the city, and the last incense of his Tian family, what else could he do other than surrender?

Not only surrender, but also sell teammates.

Tian Younian suddenly said: “Governor Li Maofang and Wang Siren, the governor, should have received my secret report, and they may be gathering troops to rush to Fenyi County.”

“The Duchang Rebel Army is gone?” Zhao Han asked.

Tian Younian replied: “It disappeared a month ago. The officers and soldiers besieged the city for many days, and the rebels began to fight among themselves. After fighting each other, they offered the city to surrender.”

Zhao Han and Tian Younian didn’t know that Li Maofang and Wang Siren would not come to Fenyi County due to the sudden event in the north.

Last winter, rogue bandits ran across Henan, and the imperial court urgently dispatched troops from six provinces to encircle and suppress them.

Before the officers and soldiers could complete the encirclement, the rogues rushed out of the encirclement and went straight to the ancestral grave of Old Zhu’s family—Fengyang.

At this moment, Li Maofang and Wang Siren have sent troops, leading thousands of land and water troops to support Fengyang, the central capital. Compared with the ancestral grave of the old Zhu’s family, the Zhao bandits in Luling are nothing, and they can be encircled and suppressed slowly.

Even if Zhao Han didn’t attack at night and was besieged by Tian Younian in Fenyi County, the final outcome would be the same, because Tian Younian couldn’t wait for reinforcements.

As for Emperor Chongzhen, he used to cover his private house and refused to give money.

But since it was used once for disaster relief, there must be a second time. His family’s ancestral graves were in danger, and the tens of thousands of soldiers were underpaid. Chongzhen finally used internal money for the second time, this time to pay the soldiers on the front line.

Well, the emperor’s ancestral grave was in danger, and the soldiers took the opportunity to fight for pay.

The soldiers can’t be blamed either, they were still chasing the bandits in the snow during the Chinese New Year, but they couldn’t get their salaries for a long time.

How about not paying overtime wages during Chinese New Year?

Seeing that Zhao Han had finished receiving the surrendered soldiers, Tian Younian suddenly said, “Give me a thousand soldiers, and I’ll take people to fraudulently open the city.”

“it is good!”

Zhao Han immediately asked the soldiers to change their clothes, put on the clothes of the officers and soldiers, and took the weapons of the officers and soldiers, and surrounded Tian Younian to go to the city.

The battle tonight was very bizarre, Zhao Han thought there was a **** battle, but Tian Younian surrendered so neatly.

The next step was acting. There were shouts and killings in the barracks, shouting while running, and shouting all the way to the foot of Yuegong Ridge.

Tian Younian, with disheveled hair and smeared blood on his face, was accompanied by Zhao Han to the city. He was even more anxious than Zhao Han, because the concubine and his son were in the city, they were the only relatives he had in this world.

There has been an uproar in Fucheng. The soldiers who fled back from the barracks, as well as the soldiers who were responsible for guarding the grain and grass by the river, all fled outside several city gates. They wanted to enter the city to escape, but the defenders in the city did not open the door, fearing that there would be fraud and lose the city.

“Step aside!”

Tian Younian gave a loud shout.

“The Fu Zun is here!”

“Fu Zun killed the rebel!”


All the deserters were ecstatic, and they all made way for Tian Younian.

Tian Younian scolded angrily: “You run away before the battle, and you will be punished tomorrow!” He came to the bottom of the city and roared towards the tower, “I am Tian Younian, the bandits have been killed, open the city and let me in. Also, I sent someone to find the doctor, but all the doctors and doctors in the army have fled, and I have a wounded soldier who needs to be treated immediately!”

This guy is very prestigious in Fucheng, and the defenders didn’t dare to say anything after only a few orders, and rushed to open the city gate.

Zuo Xiaocheng was also among the deserters. He tried his best to squeeze forward, but was stopped by Zhao Han’s soldiers, and he couldn’t squeeze through at all. I had to shout: “Fu Zun, I am Zuo Xiaocheng, a Luling scholar!”

No one paid any attention to him.

Suddenly, the gate of the city was opened wide, and Zhao Han led his troops to surround Tian Younian and entered.


After entering the city, Zhao Han stabbed the guard to death with a single shot, and thousands of soldiers rushed towards the tower.

Tian Younian shouted: “I have already surrendered, and you should surrender too!”

It’s a pity that the shouts of killing were so loud that countless officers and soldiers were caught off guard and fled one after another after being killed. No one listened to him at all.

Tian Zhifu is also a thief?

Hearing the shouts of killing inside the city gate, Zuo Xiaocheng turned pale with fright, and immediately fled to the river.

His mind went blank and he couldn’t figure out what was going on.

I took refuge in Xie Xuelong, but Xie Xuelong was defeated and died. He came to join Tian Younian again, but he turned out to be even more powerful, and actually surrendered the rebel directly.

The city was in complete chaos, and some people even started setting fires, trying to take the opportunity to rob money.

Tian Younian saw the flames soaring into the sky, and immediately said anxiously: “Quickly dispatch a group of soldiers and follow me to capture the mansion, my son is still inside!”

I can’t care about the future anymore.

That one-year-old son is Tian Younian’s darling, the only remaining bloodline of the Tian family.

After Zhao Han occupied the southern tower, he immediately said to Huang Yao: “You lead the troops and follow Mr. Tian to occupy the government office!”

Tian Younian was surrounded and ran, and soon came to the government office, he immediately shouted: “Open the door, I am Tian Younian.”

The gate of the government office opened soon, and Huang Yao led people to occupy the place. Tian Younian didn’t care about anything, he trotted straight to the backyard, where his concubine was trembling with his son in his arms.

“Don’t be afraid, Xi’er, I’m back.” Tian Younian comforted softly.

He was nearly fifty years old, and all three sons died. This youngest son was hard-won.

This concubine is nothing more than a maid, and the mother is loved and favored by her son. After giving birth, she was immediately accepted as a concubine, and she planned to make a sequel in the future.

Until dawn, Tian Younian patrolled the city to collect the remnants of the soldiers, taking his concubine and son as hostages, and Huang Yao sent someone to guard them.

Everyone has been exhausted all night, and in the middle of the morning, they are not in the mood to talk, and they just send troops to defend the city and maintain law and order.

Slept soundly until evening, Zhao Han finally got up to eat, and called Tian Younian to have a drink together.

“Mr. Lizheng (Tian Younian),” Zhao Han raised his glass, “Thank you for your help!”

Tian Younian was actually depressed, took a sip of wine and said: “I know your way. After two days, I will release the slaves and change their labor contracts. If you believe me, I will help you take over the entire Yuanzhou Mansion. If you don’t believe me, I’ll go back to Ji’an with you.”

Zhao Han said with a smile: “It’s not that I don’t trust you sir, but that I have no intention of capturing Yuanzhou, and I will return to the army immediately after a day’s rest. By the way, I want to take all the craftsmen of Yuanzhou Weapons Institute away!”

“Okay, I’ll help you gather artisans.” Tian Younian said.

Zhao Han couldn’t help laughing: “Mr. descended so fast and cooperated in every possible way. I still can’t believe it.”

“I bought this official,” Tian Younian asked, “Do you know what official I bought?”

“Sir, please tell me.” Zhao Han said.

Tian Younian sneered: “The magistrate of Jiangning spent tens of thousands of taels of silver!”

Awesome, although Jiang Ning is attached to Guo Nanjing, but the oil and water are definitely very rich, it is really amazing to be able to buy this official.

Tian Younian continued: “Most of the money I earned in Jiangning was fed to the Donglin Party. At that time, Wei Zhongxian was in power, and the Donglin Party was very poor. It was so rare for me to send charcoal in the snow. After Wei Zhongxian fell, guess what happened?”

“Donglin Party has turned its face and denied people?” Zhao Han asked.

Tian Younian sighed and said: “I continued to work in Jiangning for a year and wiped out the Jiangning bandits. I had to give money to get a head of the household department. The fat job only worked for a year before being sent to Yuanzhou Come to be the magistrate, don’t think about the old love at all!”

From the county magistrate of Jiangning to the head of the household department, he has been promoted two levels in a row, which must be regarded as a high promotion.

From the head of the household department to the prefect of Yuanzhou, he has been promoted four times in a row, but this is hard to say. A fat and short Beijing official who is sent out to be a magistrate of a poor place needs to look at the future development.

“When we arrived in Yuanzhou,” Tian Younian said with a chuckle, “I was forgotten by the Donglin Party, and my previous friendship was gone. After all, I am from Shaanxi, and I was born in Juren, so I am not with them. These bastards, I am used to crossing rivers and tearing down bridges!”

Prefect is a hurdle, and it is very difficult to get promoted.

Some unlucky people, from one place to another, can be a magistrate for more than twelve years, and then participate in councils and politics slowly, and spend their whole life in circles.

Tian Younian is the kind who can’t be promoted. His official career, at most, can be mixed with a third rank to participate in politics, and he can’t even get involved in politics without money.

With no hope of promotion, without the burden of family members, and having to keep the incense, what burden does the thief have?

Tian Younian would not choose to be a thief if he was promoted normally according to his political achievements.

(end of this chapter)

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