Chapter 159

Chapter 159 – 157【Family, Country And World Theory】

Chapter 159 157【Family, country and world theory】

After Huang Shunfu was transferred to the General Army Mansion, the new magistrate of Luling County was called Li Ke.

This person does not have a high degree of education, but was born as a child.

But he followed Zhao Han very early, and was a self-cultivator of Li Jiaguai. In the early days, he assisted in the distribution of fields, then joined the missionary group, then became the mayor of the town, and then transferred to the county government. It is a matter of course to succeed the county magistrate.

“Meet the general town!” Li Ke cupped his hands.

Zhao Han smiled and said, “Please sit down.”

“Mr. Xie.” Li Ke sat up straight.

“I read the brochure you handed over,” Zhao Han asked, “How did you solve the problem of peasant marriage before?”

There was a big mistake in the division of fields in the three counties.

As long as they are twelve years old, both men and women have land to divide. But what if the girl gets married? Should the land under her name belong to her natal family or her husband’s family?

According to the equality of men and women, it is naturally owned by the woman herself, and she can take it with her wherever she marries.

But how could the woman’s family agree!

Li Ke replied: “Changing land to get married, people of two families marry both a daughter and a daughter-in-law.”

Zhao Han frowned and said: “There is only a daughter in the family, or there is only a son, isn’t it impossible to get married?”

Li Ke said: “It’s hard.”

Zhao Han immediately called Chen Maosheng, and after explaining the situation, he asked, “Why didn’t you tell me about such a big mistake in Tian Zheng?”

Chen Maosheng was also very surprised and explained: “At the beginning of the division of the land, everyone was very happy, and they didn’t say it was not good for marriage. After that, I was transferred to the General Military Office, and I didn’t know much about the things below, and no one reported it. situation.”

Zhao Han had no countermeasures for a while, and ordered: “Immediately inform the mission group and the peasant association, let them collect more opinions from the farmers, and see how to solve this problem.”

This is a big loophole. The family who raises a daughter will suffer. It may lead to the reluctance of the daughter to marry, because the daughter will take the field away.

The land administration in New China is based on the village group as a unit, and the total amount is divided equally among the villagers. The deceased took back the land, and the newborn immediately divided the fields.

But Zhao Han can’t do that!

The land equalization system of the Sui and Tang Dynasties has left a lesson for the past. With the control of the grassroots in ancient times, it is impossible to recover the land of the deceased, which is almost equivalent to re-dividing the land every year. Public land in the Sui and Tang dynasties was also redistributed to farmers every year. In order to save trouble, grassroots officials simply kept it the same every year. As a result, the deceased’s land could not be recovered, and the newly grown Ding Tian could not be distributed, and finally the Tang Dynasty’s finances were ruined.

The Peasant Association is only a transitional product, without any official position at all. Once it brings corruption to the official position, and overlaps with the effectiveness of village and town institutions, the government cannot afford so much salary. However, if official positions are not given, the enthusiasm of the peasant association cadres will also fade as time goes by.

Therefore, sooner or later, the peasant association will be abolished, or it will die out naturally, and all affairs in the village will eventually be assigned to the village head.

What Zhao Han was thinking at the time was that instead of allocating land with corruption in the future, it is better to take advantage of the full control now and directly distribute the land to farmers as private property.

In this way, it is guaranteed that each farmer has a few acres of land, and even if they have a few more children, they can live on. After the territory expands, the excess population will be moved to the war-torn areas in the north.

In this way, decades of rural stability can be obtained. At that time, land conflicts will be transferred overseas step by step.

Really, if a land government can be implemented smoothly and ensure the stability of the countryside for decades, it is already considered a very powerful policy.

From ancient times to the present, no political power has been able to maintain land administration purely by agriculture.

New China has developed into the 21st century, and it also uses industry to eliminate land conflicts. Due to the increasing population, many newborns in rural areas have been unable to divide their fields.

Industry in the 17th century was not good. The early industrial revolution not only failed to alleviate land conflicts, but also accelerated land annexation!

North America used to have so much land, but after the industrial revolution, a large number of farmers had no land to cultivate, because capital annexed land too fast. It can only rely on continuous expansion and seizure of Indian territory to divert conflicts.

The same is true in Britain. Before the Glorious Revolution, the king opposed the enclosure movement because it was not conducive to the king’s collection of agricultural taxes.

It was the great development of British industry that caused the capitalists to annex the land crazily, and the king would overthrow the king if it was an eyesore, so the land enclosure movement intensified—if it had been done in China, the farmers would have rebelled long ago. British farmers rebelled, of course, but the population was too small to be easily suppressed by the nobles.

The land enclosure movement caused a large number of landless peasants to flock to the cities to work and earn a living. Britain’s industrial scale can’t bear it, so it can only enact strict laws, and anyone who steals a piece of bread can be exiled to Australia. In this way, the excess urban population is thrown overseas to fend for itself, which can not only reduce the pressure on local security, but also increase the population of overseas colonies.

As for the enclosure movement and exile policy, how many innocent civilians died, that is not a question that capitalists need to consider.

It can only be said that it is a history of blood and tears.

Zhao Han also wants to develop industries. He can imagine that after the capitalists make money, they must spend a lot of money to buy land. Therefore, he wants to divide the land in advance, and prohibits the sale and purchase of land. Even if the land is rewarded for meritorious service, it has to set an upper limit. Private land exceeding the upper limit is invalid.

Forcing capitalists to open up overseas!

But the problem encountered now is simply ridiculous. It turned out that a woman married a man, which led to a dispute over land ownership.

Zhao Han used all his strength to collect various opinions, and found that this problem… has no solution.

Only land-swapping marriages can be performed. If there is no daughter in a household, it is difficult for a son to find a wife. If you want to ask for a wife, you can just promise that you don’t want your wife’s land, otherwise the woman’s family will never allow her daughter to marry in order to protect the land.

Zhao Han held several meetings, and the final decision was absurd: no intervention.

You don’t have a daughter in your family, and if you still want to marry your son a wife, you have to agree to the woman’s land property, and stay with your natal family and not bring it with you.

No policy is perfect, as long as there are no major problems, then make do with it.

Bailuzhou Academy.

More than 400 officials, officials and scholars crowded together to listen to Zhao Han’s lecture, and each of them had a pamphlet written by Zhao Han just in front of them.

“Family, Country and World Theory”!

Zhao Han stood on the podium, afraid that the students in the back row would not be able to hear clearly, so he simply held up the cardboard speaker to give a lecture.

”In the pre-Qin period, the land ruled by the emperor of Zhou was the world. The land distributed to the princes was the country. The land distributed to the scholar-bureaucrats was the home.”

“In today’s world, the land handed down by our ancestors is the world, and the land we lay down is also the world. What is a country? The land ruled by the emperor is a country, such as my Ming country! As for the family, your family, my family, big and small Countless homes!”

Although the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty still has the title of Son of Heaven, the official term “Daming Kingdom” has been used for a long time.

These concepts are easily accepted.

“Changing the surname and name is called subjugation. Renyi is full of benevolence and righteousness. As for leading beasts to eat people, people will eat each other, which is called subjugation of the world. Subjugation is not terrible. If the Great Ming is destroyed, it is called subjugation. You and I will build another country.” It is terrible to perish in the world, no matter whether it is a commoner or a gentry, no one can escape!”

“The Kingdom of Ming Dynasty is composed of tens of thousands of families.”

“Thousands of thousands of families pay taxes for the court to maintain the existence of this country.”

“As a country, as a court, what should Ming do? It should use the taxes paid by ordinary people to support both civil and military teams.”

“Civilian officials and officials maintain the country’s operation. Spread enlightenment, encourage farmers and mulberry trees, build water conservancy, build bridges and pave roads, and eliminate violence and peace. Military officers and soldiers maintain the stability of the country. Internally, bandits must be eliminated, and externally, aliens must be resisted.”

“What is the current situation?”

“Civilian officials and officials are mostly corrupt officials. Water conservancy projects are not repaired, and people are not helped in times of catastrophe. Instead of eradicating violence and bringing peace to the people, they wantonly exploit the people.”

“Military officers and soldiers will have no courage, and soldiers will not have the will to fight. They can’t clear up bandits internally, and they have suffered repeated defeats externally, causing the world to suffer.”

“The reason why I rebelled was because of this Ming Dynasty, which no longer has the appearance that a country’s court should have.”


Pang Chunlai, Li Banghua, Song Yingxing, Tian Younian, Wang Diaoding and others were said to be suddenly enlightened, especially the subjugation of the country and the world.

“Changing the surname to name means subjugation of the country. Benevolence and righteousness are full, and the beasts cannibalize people, and people will eat each other, which is called the subjugation of the world.” This sentence comes from Gu Yanwu. It has not yet been published, and it is enough for scholars to understand the truth.

It can also provide a very strong theoretical basis for Zhao Han to rebel.

Zhao Han continued:

“Why did the Ming court fall to this point?”

“Government of officials, enlightenment, morality, these are not the key. During the time of Taizu, the administration of officials was also corrupt, because it originated from the officials of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty. But why did it prosper at that time? It was all because of the financial constraints of the court.”

“I divide the taxation of a country into two types, direct taxation and indirect taxation.”

“Direct taxes are taxes paid on the basis of head or land. Indirect taxes, such as gate tax, banknote tariffs, etc., are heavy, and the goods are sold more expensive. Anyway, the merchants do not lose money and can pass it on to the people.”

“If a country wants to have a fiscal balance, direct taxation must be stable.”

“In today’s world, direct taxation has been destroyed. First of all, the land, a small group of people, occupy the vast majority of land. They can avoid taxes, they can evade taxes, and even if they can’t escape, they can pass on to tenants, turning direct taxation into indirect taxation .”

“Secondly, there is the poll tax. Since the first whip law was corrupted, the poll tax has been collected completely indiscriminately. A large number of people have taken shelter from the gentry, hiding the population to escape the poll tax. This has caused a small number of people to bear the poll tax of the entire country!”

“The imperial court’s finances are unstable, the people are miserable, and all the wealth has been taken by those big families.”

“If the imperial court doesn’t have enough tax revenue, then they can’t raise soldiers. If the soldiers don’t have enough to eat, how can they fight the Tartars? The more they can’t beat the Tartars, the more they have to extort money to raise soldiers.”

“The imperial court extorted and extorted money. If the people could not survive, they would rise up and rebel. The Northwest rogues who were the first to rebel were forced to revolt. This made the imperial court send troops to suppress the rebellion. The more troops were used, the more financially exhausted it became. Excessive taxation and excessive collection will arouse more people to rebel.”

“Drinking poison to quench thirst!”

“As a result, we have reached the current situation.”

“The emperor, the clan, and corrupt officials are not the only ones who disrupt the country. The gentry and gentry in the world are all to blame!”

“Why should I divide the land? Because if I don’t divide the land, not only will the country be destroyed, but the whole world will be destroyed, and tens of thousands of families will be destroyed! Let’s see, which big family can save their lives in the place where the Northwest rogues passed by? It is Yichun , Yongxin counties are also killing landlords and rebelling, if you don’t believe me, go to Yongxin County to see for yourself!”

“Gentlemen present, do you want me to divide the land. Or do you want the world to turn against you and take away all your wealth and lives?”

”The family, the country, and the world are actually one body. Everyone only cares about the family, and only cares about their own family, and the country will perish, and the world will perish. If the world is destroyed, the small furniture will be destroyed, and the door will not survive!”


Pang Chunlai, Li Banghua, and Song Yingxing thought they had a thorough understanding of the situation in Ming Dynasty.

However, Zhao Han’s point of view of direct taxation and indirect taxation made them feel fresh and new. The previous vague views were theoretically summarized.

Li Banghua sighed: “It’s amazing to be able to say this in my family and country!”

Pang Chunlai turned his head and said to Wang Tiaoding: “Bohe has outstanding literary talents. You can polish this article and spread it in Jiujiang and Nanchang cities.”

(end of this chapter)

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