Chapter 174

Chapter 174 – 172 [What I See And Hear]

Chapter 174 172 [What I have seen and heard]

Nanchang added Chaoguan, without the permission of the imperial court, Jiangxi Governor and Chief Secretary set it up privately.

The name is of course to raise money to suppress bandits, but I don’t know where the money is raised.

Ding Kuichu stood on the Nanchang City Tower, pretending to be patrolling the city defenses, but in fact he felt extremely miserable. He is the newly-appointed Jiangxi Zuobu Political Envoy. It seems that he has been promoted to a higher level, but in fact he has been cut off from his fortune.

This guy was originally the right servant of the Ministry of War. After Fu Zonglong, Governor of Jiliao, was dismissed from office, he was also responsible for the affairs of Governor Jiliao.

Acting governor of Jiliao, what the **** is being thrown to Jiangxi to be the chief envoy?

Although this position is a high-risk position, I accidentally followed Yuan Chonghuan away. But high risk means high return, and the money is rolling in, and it can’t be spent in ten lifetimes.

In history, how much money did Ding Kuichu earn?

After the Qing soldiers went south, this guy used the warships of the Southern Ming court to transport more than 200,000 taels of gold and more than two million taels of silver. Seventeen maids were also sent to serve the officers in charge of transporting silver day and night. After Haikou was defeated, Qu Shiqi donated 5,000 taels to help recruit soldiers, and asked Ding Kuichu to donate some, but Ding Kuichu didn’t give any money.

Finally captured by Qing army general Li Chengdong, Ding Kuichu wanted to surrender. But with so much money in his hand, how could Li Chengdong be willing to let him surrender? The whole family was killed immediately, and the property disappeared.

Ji Liao, the governor of Ding Kui and Chu, dared to be greedy, but he was facing the Tartars directly. Jiangxi’s rebels are nothing!

On the eighth day after arriving in Nanchang, Ding Kuichu set up a banknote pass to collect customs duties on ships passing by. Of course Li Maofang was willing to cooperate, and the two put aside their factional disputes and quickly hooked up together.

As for Yang Jiamo, the chief soldier, he was completely ignored by them. What a general is, if he wants money, he will grab it himself.

The passenger ship Fei Yinghuan was on was stuck two miles south of Nanchang City, and he was slowly queuing up to pay taxes and pass the customs.

“Why do you have to charge so much tariffs? This business can’t be done!”

“Jiujiang will be levied once, and Nanchang will be levied again. After this time, I will not go to Ganzhou, and I will go to Hekou in the future.”

“I’ve seen eunuchs set cards, I’ve seen vassals set cards, I’ve been in business for 20 years, and this is the first time I’ve encountered governors and chief envoys set cards!”

“The second master of my family is also an official in the court, and he must impeach these two bastards!”

“These two stupid officials are not even as good as the rebels. The rebels in Linjiang Mansion and Ji’an Mansion don’t set up cards, and only charge the berth tax at the dock.”


Fei Yinghuan stood on the deck, and there were discussions in his ears from time to time, and the businessmen were all blown up.

Civilian officials privately set up banknotes, which is outrageous. Fei Yinghuan thinks he is not so bold.

This tariff money is earned very quickly, some 30 for 1, some for 20 for 1, and some for 10 for 1. There is an official banknote pass in Jiujiang, and now there is another banknote pass in Nanchang. Merchant ships coming in from the Yangtze River basically have no profit at all once they pass through the two banknote checkpoints.

Even at a loss!

Fei Yinghuan felt that Jiangxi was doomed. If Zhao Han could not be wiped out quickly, this way of doing things would make life difficult for the people.

It is true that people are living in dire straits, and Zhao Han also has a very headache.

Jiangxi itself does not produce salt, Guangyan was cut off by the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, and Huaiyan had to go through two more checks. Now the salt price of Linjiang Mansion and Ji’an Mansion has doubled compared to last year. This is because the General Military Mansion came forward to subsidize it and ordered the salt merchants not to raise the price indiscriminately, otherwise the salt price may increase by three or five times.

Zhao Han’s finances are almost broken, and he is looking to buy private salt from Huguang, and transport it via the Sweeping King’s territory.

After waiting for half a day, Fei Yinghuan finally passed.

After a short walk, I saw hundreds of cavalry, standing in a long line, stupidly standing on the river beach.

Jiangxi General Soldier Yang Jiamo looked at the endless paddy fields and wanted to cry. He brought hundreds of family members to the post, all armored cavalry, led the troops out today to familiarize themselves with the terrain, so they had to dismount and lead them all the way.

Either paddy fields or mountains, let alone cavalry charges, it is impossible to even form an array.

At the beginning, Li Maofang and Li Ruolian escaped on horseback. The distance was less than two hundred miles, but they rode for a full ten days. Zhao Han caught several generals fleeing on horseback at that time. The reason is simple. Some horseshoes stepped into the paddy field and could not be pulled out, and some accidentally fell down while galloping on the ridge of the field.


Yang Jiamo plunged into the mud with a spear and felt that he was a tiger trapped in a cage, unable to use all his strength. He would rather fight rogues in the north than come here to fight rebels, and most of his hundreds of family members are useless.

Fei Yinghuan looked at the cavalrymen from a distance and couldn’t help laughing.

Wei Jianxiong said: “The cavalry is still useful. In the final battle, they are transported to the vicinity of the battlefield by boat. If there are not many paddy fields, they can take the opportunity to charge the battle. Jiangxi soldiers who have never seen cavalry will definitely collapse.”

“Using cavalry in Jiangxi, the terrain is too harsh.” Fei Yinghuan shook his head repeatedly.

The passenger ship arrived at Linjiang Mansion in a blink of an eye. Fei Yinghuan was very surprised. The city was still prosperous, and it didn’t look like it was occupied by rebels.

When I came to a restaurant, the waiter hurriedly greeted: “What do you want to eat?”

“Just a few special dishes, no alcohol.” Fei Yinghuan came here for inspection, and he didn’t want to expose himself, and he was afraid that drinking would cause trouble.

The food was served, and just after eating two mouthfuls, a beggar appeared in front of the restaurant.

It is said to be a beggar, but it doesn’t look like it, because the clothes are not tattered. Said to be a beggar monk, but he didn’t wear a monk’s robe, but had a big bald head.

Suddenly, a guard appeared, caught the bald beggar and left.

Fei Yinghuan was surprised to see it, so he called the shop assistant and asked, “Are those monks? Why were they arrested by the officials?”

The store clerk smiled and said, “That’s a fake monk who didn’t have a certificate. After Zhao Zongzhen took down Linjiang Mansion, he saw that there were too many temples inside and outside the city, so he sent someone to clean up the certificate. Guess what? More than a thousand people were arrested. Fake monks and fake Taoists, only more than 30 are real monks. Those temples are now distributed to the poor, and the largest temple has been converted into a nursing home.”

Fei Yinghuan asked curiously: “Fake Taoist priests and monks who have been expelled can’t even beg for food?”

The store clerk replied: “You can ask for alms, but you must have a certificate, otherwise you will be regarded as a beggar. Mr. Zhao is not allowed to have beggars under his rule.”

“This is so strange,” Fei Yinghuan suddenly remembered that he had never seen a beggar when he came from the pier, so he couldn’t help asking, “Where have all the beggars gone?”

The store clerk said: “If you have all hands and feet, you can sign up to work. Young people will be sent to apprentices in porcelain kilns and weapons, and older ones will be sent to various construction sites as helpers. If they are too old or physically disabled, they will be sent to work.” Sent to the Nursing Home to sew clothes and make shoes for officers and soldiers. Mr. Zhao said that if you work, you will get food, and if you don’t work, you will not eat.”

Fei Yinghuan waved the shop assistant to leave, and sighed: “Brother Han always does things unexpectedly.”

Wei Jianxiong teased: “Their brothers and sisters are beggars, and they heard that they were bullied by evil beggars, so they can’t tolerate beggars under their rule.”

“Your statement is interesting.” Fei Yinghuan couldn’t help laughing.

By the way, many of the fake Taoist priests cleaned up by Zhao Han switched to fortune-telling.

There are also a small number of people who are not only literate, but also know how to make alchemy, and were arrested to make gunpowder in the weaponry. The recipe process was guided by Song Yingxing, and these Taoist priests learned quickly.

After eating and drinking enough, Fei Yinghuan continued to go out for a stroll, and when he walked to a place that was close to the west gate, the street suddenly became noisy.

But saw pedestrians dodging to the side one after another, and a group of soldiers came with weapons in hand.

When these soldiers ran over, the people were curious about what happened, so they swarmed after them to watch the excitement.

Fei Yinghuan followed quickly, and after running for half a street, the soldiers in front finally stopped.

Li Zheng roared: “Surround up, don’t let anyone go!”

The two-story building was quickly surrounded by soldiers, and suddenly someone jumped out of the window on the second floor on the side, limping and trying to escape into the crowd.

“Catch it!”

It’s a pity that I ran slowly and was caught after only running more than ten steps.

The soldiers broke open the door and rushed in. The sounds of crying and screaming and begging for mercy mixed together and spread to the street.

Li Zheng stood at the door and said to the onlookers: “From now on, it is forbidden to open casinos. If you find more than five people gambling together, you can all report it to the government, and half of the gambling money seized will be given to the informant!”

As soon as this remark came out, there was an instant sensation.

Some people shouted on the spot: “I report, there is a casino on Dongyuan Street!”

Li Zheng smiled and said, “The troops have already been sent over there.”

Another luxuriously dressed passer-by asked, “Master Jun, is it okay to gamble at your own house?”

Li Zheng explained: “If you are entertaining guests, you can also gamble at home to enjoy yourself. Don’t try to take advantage of loopholes. Whether it is a banquet for guests or a gathering of people to gamble, it will be clear when the time comes!”

Gamblers were caught one by one, and they started spanking in the street.

Zhao Han made a rule that you can’t hit your back when you hit the board, and you can’t hit the bone, so as not to **** people. But spanking is okay, and you have to take off your pants, which is not harmful but extremely insulting.


The older girls and younger daughter-in-laws who ran to see the excitement turned their heads one after another, because a row of white buttocks were showing at the entrance of the casino.

“Good fight!”

“Isn’t that Chen Lao Si? This time, I’m going to embarrass myself.”

“Deng Jiu is here too. Hey, Deng Jiu, the hairpin you pawned last month has not been redeemed yet. What kind of jewelry have you pawned this time? If you continue to gamble, the mother-in-law will run away with others!”


All the gamblers covered their faces, they didn’t care about the pain anymore, they just wanted to finish the spanking and go home as soon as possible.

Not only the gambling funds were confiscated, but even the money from the gamblers was seized and taken away by the soldiers.

Then, these gamblers can be fucked. Then the ones who were escorted out were all casino employees, all **** and sent to the mountains to mine.

A guy still dared to seek connections, and whispered flatteringly: “Mr. Li, my uncle works in the county government office. He cooperated with the distribution of land a while ago, and the government officials have personally praised him. Look, we are all on our own, sir. The water flooded the Dragon King Temple. As long as Mr. Li releases me, the little one will be rewarded.”

“What’s your uncle’s name?” Li Zheng smiled.

The man replied: “My uncle’s name is Huang Zhi. He was a talented scholar and worked as a clerk in the county government.”

Li Zheng smiled and asked: “Does he have a share in this casino?”

“Yes, there are several big families in the city,” the man said, “The masters were still discussing a few days ago, and they said that they would give a filial silver to the government officials, the county officials, and Mr. Li every month. “

Li Zheng smiled more happily: “Very good. Someone is here, go to contact Yuanzhi County and ask him to arrest Huang Zhi for interrogation!”

The man was speechless for a moment, and looked at Li Zheng stupidly.

(end of this chapter)

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