Chapter 177

Chapter 177 – 175【Plunder】

Chapter 177 175【Plunder】

General Military Mansion.

Zhao Han, Pang Chunlai, and Li Banghua held a three-person meeting.

Zhao Han handed the secret letter sent by Fei Yinghuan to Li Banghua and said: “The Ruijin volunteer army is gone, only a few hundred people are left, and they fled into the mountains at the border of Fujian and Jiangxi. Shen Youlong, the governor of Fujian, led 16,000 The rest of the people have moved to Ganzhou.”

Pang Chunlai’s eyes were not good, so Li Banghua directly read the content of the secret letter.

While reading it, Li Banghua was startled, because the letter was written in too much detail. Not only the number of firearms of officers and soldiers, but also some generals who harbor resentment and have been punished by the governor themselves or their cronies.

The letter also stated that Zou Weilian is raising food and grass, and after the spring of next year, he will definitely attack Wan’an, Longquan, and Taihe counties. After capturing these three counties, they will confront Zhao Han again and join forces with the governor of Jiangxi to attack from north to south.

The letter also said that Guangdong and Guangxi were fighting everywhere, and the governors of Guangdong and Guangxi were temporarily unable to enter Jiangxi, so they should take the opportunity to defeat the officers and soldiers along the way. Otherwise, the combined strength of officers and soldiers from the three provinces will reach 50,000.

Li Banghua was surprised and said: “Zongzhen, who wrote this?”

Zhao Han smiled mysteriously: “Among the enemy army, there is a senior official who is my internal response. At this time, don’t spread it to the outside world, so as not to leak the information of the internal response.”

“It’s natural.” Li Banghua didn’t ask further.

Pang Chunlai said: “It’s time to make a decision, whether to send troops next year or send troops now. Should we go north first or go south first. No matter what we choose, our army must go first, otherwise we will be in danger of being attacked by the north and the south. “

Zhao Han said: “It’s not just a pincer between the north and the south, Zhang Yinggao, the magistrate of Guangxin, has already trained five thousand heroes. As long as Li Maofang is not stupid, he will send Guangxin soldiers across the government to conquer the Fuzhou bandits and destroy the secret sect bandits in Nanfeng County. This The time should also be in the spring of next year. Once the Fuzhou religious bandits are wiped out, Zhang Yinggao can come from Fuzhou and go straight to Jishui County from the east.”

“Well, by that time, there will be a pincer attack from the south, north, and east, and the total strength of the official army will be around 40,000.” Li Banghua sighed.

Pang Chunlai suggested: “I think we should advance both by land and water, and attack the Fujian guest soldiers in Ganzhou first.”

Li Banghua agreed and said: “Yes, first fight the Fujian guest soldiers. The secret letter that should be sent here says that the Fujian generals have no intention of fighting. Let’s spread rumors first, saying that Zou Weilian plans to withdraw in order to protect the people of Jiangxi and is afraid that the army’s morale will be unstable. All the military officers from Fujian. Also…” Li Banghua suddenly had a blackened expression, “invited Zou Weilian’s mother and clansmen to Ji’an, and sent fake letters to Ganzhou, saying that the Zou clan was against each other. , must be divorced from General Zou Weilian!”

Fujian General Soldier Chen Tingdui, who was born as a champion of martial arts, was granted the title of Guangdong Deputy General Soldier by Chongzhen, and then promoted to Fujian General Soldier.

This person is a loyal loyalist of Chongzhen. If he heard that the Zou clan was a thief, and Zou Weilian suppressed the generals in Fujian, he might do something outrageous.

“Okay, first invite Zou Weilian’s people!” Zhao Han expressed his satisfaction with this plan.

Chongzhen eight years, November.

Jiang Liang led five hundred soldiers, swaggeringly set off from Xinyu County, and arrived in Shanggao County in three days.

Going to Gaozhi County, he was shocked. He had already recruited more than a thousand soldiers. At this time, he did not dare to go out of the city to kill the enemy.

Jiang Liang grabbed a boat at the county pier, crossed the river by boat, and went straight to Xinchang County (Yifeng).

Going to Kochi County was confused, thinking that the rebels pretended to leave, but in fact they wanted to kill the carbine, so they simply blocked all the city gates.

Jiang Liang abandoned the boat after crossing the river, “borrowed grain” from the landlord along the way, and swaggered to Xinchang County.

In Xinchang County, there are only a few hundred township warriors stationed there, and the county magistrate is also so frightened that he wets his pants, thinking that the neighboring Shanggao County has already been taken over by rebels. But seeing Jiang Liang leading troops into the mountains, this move was even more puzzling, and the county magistrate of Xinchang was completely confused.

Alas, the governor of Fujian, Zou Weilian, has a real hard background, and his hometown is actually in the middle of the mountains.

Although there is a relatively flat road out of the mountain, it is a full forty miles away from the county seat. When Zou Weilian was young, orphans and widowed mothers cut firewood for a living, and it cost eighty li to go to the city to sell firewood.

It is estimated that the deceased father left behind mules or something, otherwise the mother and son would have starved to death if they had only relied on manpower to transport firewood.

When he came to Longgang Village and asked where Zou Weilian lived, Jiang Liang immediately rushed with his troops.

In fact, the target is easy to find. The Zou family has a tall archway for Jinshi, and the house is relatively rich. The orphans and widows who used to be poor have now built a big house, Zou’s mother has maids to take care of her, and several grandchildren are celebrating at her knees.

“Madam, come with us.” Jiang Liang smiled.

Mother Zou was not afraid of danger, and asked, “Are you rebels?”

“Yes,” Jiang Liang threatened very politely, “I am following orders to take the old lady’s family to Ji’an Mansion. If the old lady commits suicide, then the Zou family will have to be exterminated. When leaving, you can bring some money, but things cannot Bring too much, after all, you have to march long distances.”

Mother Zou sighed: “Oh, let me arrange it.”

Zou’s mother took out the land deeds and body deeds, and donated the land property to tenants and domestic slaves, and also gave some to neighbors and relatives. After spending three days, Jiang Liang waited patiently, and then took Zou Weilian’s family away.

Including Zou Weilian’s two sons and a daughter, the oldest is only sixteen years old.

On the way back, Mother Zou saw that the rebels did not rob indiscriminately. Even if they asked the landlord to “borrow food”, they only took a few catties each. She couldn’t help but said to Jiang Liang: “General, I see that you are also a kind person, not the same as that ordinary villain. Why don’t you join the government and serve the king and the court?”

Jiang Liang smiled and said: “It seems that the old lady has lived a good life for a long time, and she doesn’t know how the poor can suffer. The emperor is stupid, the government is immoral, we poor people can’t survive, so we rebelled and tried to survive.”

Zou is still persuading people to be kind. She said: “More than 30 years ago, my husband passed away, leaving only orphans and widows. The family’s more than ten acres of Susukida were also occupied by relatives, leaving only two mules and one mule. I took the dog into the mountains to cut firewood, and when he got tired, I taught the dog how to read and practice calligraphy with branches. A mule of firewood was transported from the mountains to the county town and back. No matter how hard and tiring you are, as long as you work hard, you will always succeed.”

Jiang Liang couldn’t help but sneer: “What if your son didn’t pass the entrance examination? How many people in the world can be an official?”

Zou said: “If you don’t want to be an official, you can also do other livelihoods. As long as you are kind to others, have good conduct, and work hard, you will always have a bright future.”

Jiang Liang finally couldn’t take it anymore, stopped and shouted: “My father worked hard to farm the land, but he was starved to death! My mother was sick and had no money to buy medicine, so she just lay in bed waiting to die! If I don’t rebel, sooner or later I will too!” Parents will end up like that!”

“Oh, they are all hard-working people.” Zou could only sigh.

Zhao Han sent people to rob Zou Weilian’s family, and Jiangxi General Yang Jiamo also started to do it.

This guy took hundreds of family members and hundreds of guard soldiers left by Li Ruolian, and came all the way to the border of Qingjiang County by boat.

The war horse was not brought, so that thing is a burden.

By the river, a six-year-old cowherd boy suddenly turned around and ran while leading the cattle. On the way, he encountered a villager shouting: “The officers and soldiers are coming, the officers and soldiers are coming!”

Not long after, the village officer in charge of training the peasants and soldiers beat the iron pot and ran around shouting: “Gather the soldiers, gather the soldiers!”

The head of the village and the cadres of the peasant association hurriedly organized the transfer of the villagers: “Don’t delay, just take a few catties of grain and leave. Don’t be killed by officers and soldiers.”

Where are the farmers willing?

Not to mention picking up food and leaving, even pots and pans want to be taken away, which greatly slows down the transfer speed.

Not long after, Yang Jiamo led his troops into the village and shouted: “These are all followers of thieves, and dogs and chickens will not be left behind!”

Several peasants who transferred all their belongings were chased by officers and soldiers and hacked to death on the spot. Moreover, cutting off the head is regarded as the head of the anti-thief, and can be rewarded for meritorious deeds.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Jiamo did not chase other villagers, but went straight to the mansion of the nearby landlord.


The gate of the house was knocked open, and an elderly gentry greeted him courteously. He cupped his hands and said, “Gentlemen, you are finally here. My family is really a good citizen. Instead of following the thief, the Zhao thief divided the land. Thousands of acres of good land, all of them After being divided, how can people live with the remaining acres… Ah!”

Yang Jiamo hacked the gentry to death with a knife, and ordered: “This county has been stolen by the Zhao thief, and everyone is a rebel. Kill the men, kill the old, and take the young women and girls back!”

What’s the point of robbing Xiaomins? It’s quick to grab the big players!

What’s more, this place is under the rule of the anti-thieves. Even if all the big households are killed and robbed, the evil deeds can still be blamed on the anti-thieves.

The **** governor and political envoy completely dismissed Yang Jiamo as a beggar. Jiangxi Dusi is also a piece of rubbish, he has nothing he wants, Yang Jiamo had to plunder the people in order to raise soldiers.

Not only can you rob food and money, but you can also kill good people and pretend to be meritorious!

Yang Jiamo’s servants were responsible for killing people, and the hundreds of guards were responsible for transporting the looted things back to the ship. In half a day, hundreds of heads were captured, and countless money and food were also robbed.

“Run, the rebels are coming!” The guard soldiers who were carrying the goods were so frightened that they dropped their things and turned and ran.

The person in charge of commanding the guards was a local chief executive, who ran to Yang Jiamo and said, “Mr. Yang, these bandits are powerful. It is better to return to Nanchang as soon as possible.”

Yang Jiamo pointed to the distance and said with a disdainful smile: “That counts as soldiers? It’s just a group of farmers. Call your people back, and all the goods will have to be moved to the boat. Let’s see how I break the thief!”

Yang Jiamo’s hundreds of family members are all elites who have been fighting bandits for several years.

Although the war horses were not brought, they all wore iron armor.

The inside is chain mail, and the outside is cotton armor embedded with iron wires and sheets. It is not afraid of knives and swords, and can even resist bows and arrows.

But what they were facing at the moment was farmers and soldiers from nearby villages and towns.

This is Zhao Han’s new territory. The peasants and soldiers have only been training for two months. Many of them don’t have all their weapons and are still fighting with kitchen knives and bamboo spears.

In several villages in a radius, the peasants and soldiers gathered together.

Hu Dinggui, who is only fifteen years old, now belongs to the Chief of the Farmers and Soldiers. He is holding an officer-style spear that he picked up in his hand.


The temporary commander of these farmers and soldiers was a soldier who was assigned to the village for training. He sent an order: “Don’t rush forward and hold back the enemy, Mr. Gu Qian and Mr. Li will come by boat soon!”

(end of this chapter)

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