Chapter 179

Chapter 179 – 177【Capture】

Chapter 179 177【Capture】

Fei Yinggong also came. He now commands 500 troops, all of whom are archers. They are temporarily incorporated into the navy and trained together.

This time Gu Jianshan came to reinforce, did not use the big ship of 400 materials, but all small and medium warships of 50 materials, 100 materials, and 200 materials.

Run faster!

The fleet did not open its sails, and came against the wind and the water, approaching at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“Dock ahead, dock ahead!”

Yang Jiamo yelled in horror. He knew he would be overtaken and he must not be surrounded on the water.

Half a mile away from Fengcheng County, the ships of the officers and soldiers docked ahead of time, trying to escape diagonally to the south gate instead of the west gate by the pier.

“Get out!”

The soldiers of the guard wanted to disembark first, but they were all pushed away by the servants. Pushing and pushing, the servants suddenly raised their butcher knives and began to chop at the guard soldiers blocking the way, killing the guard soldiers to the point of collapse in an instant.

Hundreds of family members quickly landed on the shore, giving up all the looted goods, and rushed towards the county seat surrounded by Yang Jiamo.

Gu Jianshan ignored these official ships and guard soldiers, and led the navy to the Fengcheng County Wharf.

Li Zheng, Huang Shun, Huang Yao, Jiang Dashan, and Fei Yinggong each led five hundred people to disembark quickly, and set up a formation to capture the county seat.

Yang Jiamo had already taken his family members and rushed to the south gate, angrily angrily said in person: “Quickly open the city gate, I am the general soldier Yang Jiamo, quickly open the city gate!”

The incident happened suddenly, and the magistrate of Fengcheng was still on his way, but the officers and soldiers in charge of guarding the city closed the city gate.

Yang Jiamo was so angry that he could only lead his troops to run around the city and quickly moved to the east of the city.

At the same time, Yang Jiamo sent forty servants to cut off the queen.

Although the number of people is small, they are all soldiers, enough to block the streets and buy precious time for the main force to enter the city.

But, after the fart!

Seeing two or three thousand rebels coming, the servant who was in charge of cutting off the rear ran away immediately.

The county magistrate Xie Longwen finally boarded the tower, and ran along the city wall with Yang Jiamo, shouting as he ran, “Long basket, basket, hang Zongzhen Yang up!”

Xie Longwen in history is also considered a famous name in history, but there is only one line of words. The general idea is: Fengcheng suffered a famine, the county magistrate failed to provide relief, was severely injured by the angry people, died after resigning from office and returning to his hometown.

Yang Jiamo also ran and yelled: “Open the city gate quickly, my family can hold it!”

Hundreds of armored elites will definitely not flee after entering the city, and most of them will be able to hold the city gate.

But Xie Longwen didn’t dare to gamble, he shouted: “Mr. Yang, hurry up and get into the basket, and I’ll talk about it after I pull you up.”

Yang Jiamo’s lungs were almost exploding with anger: “Go to the **** city quickly, the rebels are about to catch up!”

Xie Longwen shouted: “The rebels have already caught up. If I open the city gate, the rebels will definitely take the opportunity to enter. That’s how the last magistrate of Fengcheng died for his country!”

“Can it be the same? Laozi’s servants are elite!” Yang Jiamo stomped his feet anxiously.

Xie Longwen didn’t speak any more, what he thought was: If your soldiers are elite, can they be chased back by the rebels all the way?

Facing the lowered baskets, Yang Jiamo did not choose to run for his life, but turned around and led his servants to fight.

These hundreds of family members are Yang Jiamo’s lifeblood!

If he had to choose between his son and servants, he would hack his son to death without hesitation and choose to keep these hundreds of servants. Once the family is gone, his future is gone, and he can only be slaughtered by mermaids in the future.

This is the streets and alleys outside the city. Li Zheng led 500 soldiers, and after chasing them, he quickly marched forward.

Huang Yao and Jiang Dashan led people around another street, trying to surround these frontier soldiers.

Fei Yinggong and Huang Shun each led 500 archers and prepared to shoot after forming an array.

They hold infantry hard bows and ordinary arrows. Compared with the servants’ soft bows and long arrows, although the shooting speed is slower and the accuracy is lower, they have a longer range and greater power!

Huang Shun wanted to move on, but was stopped by Fei Yinggong, who was stuck in the range of his bow and arrow.

I can **** on you, you can’t **** on me.

“Draw the bow, let it go!”

One thousand archers, divided into two rounds to shoot.

The guards crossed their arms to block their faces and necks, just like that to withstand long-range attacks. It seemed that they were shot like hedgehogs, but only two unlucky guys fell down, and all the rest were fine.

The cotton armor embedded with iron sheets and wires is not afraid of bows and arrows at all, let alone wearing chain mail inside.

“Shoot it back!”

Yang Jiamo gave an order, and hundreds of family members even resisted the rain of arrows, and began to fight back with their bows and arrows.

But what they are facing at the moment is a soldier who has been trained for two years.

All the staff were wearing leather armor and cotton coats, and the spearmen and wolf soldiers were hiding behind the sword and shield hands. Not only is it covered by a wooden shield, but the wolf’s whisk can also withstand part of the bow and arrow.

Finally, Huang Yao had already detoured to the other side and started to march forward.

As for Jiang Dashan, he is still on the detour. Once he reaches the position, he will be able to encircle the officers and soldiers on three sides.


Yang Jiamo made a prompt decision, and before the rebels encircled him, they all rushed towards Li Zheng, wanting to destroy all the rebels first.

These servants have no formation to speak of. They were originally cavalry and hadn’t trained much in infantry formation.

That is to rely on the whole body to wear armor and charge forward with a waist knife.

Their waist knives are also different, lighter and thinner than infantry sabers, this kind of knives are used to hunt down defeated soldiers on horseback.

“Wolf whisk!”

The three-meter-long wolf whisk constituted the first barrier.

The servants covered their necks and faces with their left arms, and rushed into the wolf trap like that. This kind of magic weapon against light infantry, when encountering armored soldiers, its power is greatly reduced, and it was quickly killed by the servants.

“Raise the gun!”

The spearman began to stab wildly, and the rattan player also hid behind the shield, drew out his waist knife and slashed at the enemies who rushed in.

One of the servants who ran the fastest had a long spear on his chest and abdomen. After the point of the spear pierced through the cotton armor, he was successfully blocked by the chain mail, and he was still rushing forward with a knife. Zhao Han’s subordinates are all ordinary long spears. To face this kind of armored soldiers, they have to use special armor-piercing line guns, but they have higher requirements for casting technology.

“Poke the calf!”

Li Zheng roared.

Lined with chain mail, it only covers the crotch. The outer cotton armor battle skirt is basically above the knees, which not only reduces weight, but also makes it easier to get on and off the horse.

The spearmen switched to poking their calves one after another, but the leather armor facing them couldn’t stop them, and more than 20 servants were poked down one after another.

But more and more servants rushed up, and their bodies almost hit the shield. They also had no way to strike, they didn’t know where to swing their knives, so they could only use the force of the collision to try to break up the shield formation.

The weapons of servants are not for attacking fortifications, that kind of saber is thin and light.

Yang Jiamo’s mind went blank. When plundering the countryside, due to the poor terrain, the servants could not give full play to their advantages. But here is the streets and alleys, hundreds of armored elites can’t beat the same number of rebels?

In Yang Jiamo’s established impression, he should be crushed immediately!

Seeing Huang Yao leading troops to kill behind him, he was about to be attacked from both sides. Yang Jiamo didn’t care about his servants anymore, he turned around and rushed to the base of the city, looked at the magistrate with resentment, and quickly sat down in the basket.

If this **** magistrate and these city guards opened the city gate immediately, Yang Jiamo and his servants would all be able to enter.

Even if you go around to the East City Gate, you can still enter the city. The armored elite is blocking the door, how can the rebels get in?

Seeing Yang Jiamo running away hanging from the basket, Fei Yinggong was afraid that the officers and soldiers would not understand, so he immediately shouted in official Chinese: “The thief will flee, the thief will flee!”

Because the two sides were fighting together, a thousand archers did not dare to shoot any more arrows. At this moment, they followed Fei Yinggong and shouted: “The thief will flee, the thief will flee!”

It’s just that the Mandarin is not up to standard, with a strong Jiangxi accent.

But that was enough. Our own generals fled and were faced with flanking attacks. These servants lost all fighting spirit in an instant and put down their weapons one after another to ask for surrender.

There were only two officers who ran fast, and they were also hung up in baskets.

There are only two family servants I have saved for more than ten years, and Yang Jiamo’s heart is bleeding. He looked at Zhixian viciously: “You are fine, fine, fine!”

Xie Longwen bit the bullet and argued: “The rebels are chasing too close. If the city gate is opened, the rebels will definitely take the opportunity to kill them.”

“Kill your mother!”

Yang Jiamo grabbed Xie Longwen’s lapel: “I am blocked by hundreds of soldiers at the city gate, how could it be possible for the rebels to enter!”

Xie Longwen is a serious Jinshi, and at this moment he is also angry: “I have the responsibility to guard the land, and no mistakes are allowed.”

If it wasn’t for the fact that the other party was a civil servant, Yang Jiamo would really like to throw this guy down.

A seventh-rank civil servant is also a civil servant.

Since he couldn’t vent his anger with the county magistrate, Yang Jiamo could only take out his bow and arrow, aim condescendingly, and shoot at Li Zheng who was receiving surrendered troops.


Li Zheng fell down at the sound, and the soldiers around him panicked, dragging them to retreat a long way away.

The arrow pierced through Li Zheng’s left cheek, and he shot two of his back molars, and it just wobbled and stuck in his face.

Yang Jiamo turned around and aimed at Huang Yao on the other side. He was not good at archery in the streets, but it was very easy to aim at the target in the city. Huang Yao subconsciously raised his arm to block the arrow, and was shot in the left arm by an arrow, and quickly hid behind the wooden shield.

This product is really a sharpshooter!

Fei Yinggong stepped forward a few steps, mixed with the spearmen, and quickly returned an arrow.

The shot was hit, but it was a pity that it got stuck on the cotton armor, making it difficult to cause damage to Yang Jiamo.

Xie Longwen felt that it was effective, and asked: “Why doesn’t the general continue to shoot?”

Yang Jiamo didn’t bother to answer, so he just stepped back and said, “Think about how to defend the city!”

Xie Longwen was silent, full of resentment in his heart. If Yang Jiamo hadn’t robbed the rebels’ territory, how could these rebels come to besiege the city?

The servants outside the city were ordered to take off their armor and weapons, and then they were escorted outside the moat and tied up.

Hundreds of sets of iron armor and cotton armor!

This kind of chain armor, to be precise, is chain armor. It is called “steel wire chain armor” in “Wu Bei Zhi”, and it is called “chain mail” in North Korea and Manchu Qing Dynasty. It is made of iron wire circles the size of copper coins.

As early as the mid-Ming Dynasty, there was already wrought iron wire drawing technology.

Fei Yinggong looked at the armor all over the floor, and instantly became jealous, and wanted to go back and ask Zhao Han for a pair.

On the banks of the Ganjiang River, the naval forces at Gujianshan did not fight seriously at all.

After he unloaded the soldiers at the pier, he turned around and surrounded the officers and soldiers ships. After the siege, it was found that not only the guards on the ship had run away, but even the boatmen had been oiled, leaving only three empty boats by the river.

It’s not an empty boat, it’s full of money and food, most of which were snatched from the gentry’s house!

Soon, Gu Jianshan received the news, and he immediately dispatched sailors to carry the captured armor and weapons outside the city.

Surround Fengcheng County.

(end of this chapter)

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