Chapter 18

Chapter 18 – 018 [Convincing People With Reason]

Chapter 18 018 [Convincing people with reasoning]

The maid, Mo Xiang, is not very old, about twenty years old, with a beautiful appearance, and she is not yet married.

There was a time when Fei Yinghuan suddenly became interested and wanted to play Hongxiu Tianxiang’s night reading. So through the matchmaker, I bought a Lehu girl who was good at poetry and books, and she studied ink, learned books, sang poems, and gave supper, and named the girl Moxiang.

Gradually, Young Master Fei got a little addicted to it.

Wife Lou Shi was jealous, but she didn’t cry and fuss, didn’t beat and scold the maid, but took a concubine for her husband with great fanfare.

Neither a maid, nor a concubine, but a regular concubine. Send Mo Xiang, a lowly maidservant, to be hired by a matchmaker, and a contract will be reported to the official, and she will be accepted as a concubine of a good family!

This matter is insulting to the family, and its nature is quite bad.

The old man of the Fei family was furious when he heard the news, beat Fei Yinghuan violently, and ordered no women to appear in his study, so as not to delay the imperial examination due to female sex.

Mo Xiang, who was in charge of the study, turned into the young lady’s maidservant. In addition to sweeping the courtyard, she also did some errands of sending messages and welcoming guests.

Obviously, the young mistress of the Fei family is not a cheap lamp.

And Mo Xiang is not simple. She has served the eldest and young mistress for many years, but she was not caught and beaten to death directly!

Bringing the two brothers and sisters into the courtyard, Mo Xiang smiled and introduced: “Several main rooms live in Guanshi Fei’s family. The young master’s servant boy lives in the east wing, and there are still three vacant rooms. You brothers and sisters can choose whatever you want. one.”

Zhao Han did not look at the wing room, but carefully observed the main room.

Steward Fei is worthy of being a high-class domestic slave. His quality of life is far superior to that of a small landlord. He lives in a spacious and bright house, and even has a main room of his own.

Zhao Han asked curiously, “Why does Uncle Wei live here?”

Mo Xiang smiled and said, “Master Wei thinks the house is too big, and he really can’t get used to it, so he insists on moving out to live in a hut.”

Master Wei?

It seems that Wei Jianxiong has a very high status!

The three vacant rooms in the East Wing, the brothers and sisters quickly finished visiting, and the layout was exactly the same. Not shabby, not luxurious, the style is more rustic.

Zhao Han pointed casually: “Just this one.”

Mo Xiang said: “I’ll ask someone to bring over the bed, bedding, towels and washbasin, and you can buy the rest of the daily necessities yourself.”

Zhao Han asked: “Where is the meal?”

Mo Xiang replied: “Madam Ling will arrange it.”

“Who is Mrs. Ling?” Zhao Han was completely confused.

Mo Xiang was still smiling, but with sarcasm in his smile: “Mrs. Ling is the official wife of Fei Guanshi.”

A house slave in charge, can his wife be called a wife?

Besides, Mo Xiang deliberately emphasized being a regular wife, could it be possible that this steward can still take concubines?

What the hell!

After Mo Xiang left, Zhao Zhenfang finally spoke.

The little girl ran around the room, circling with her arms open, bouncing around and saying, “Second brother, this room is really big! Shall we live here from now on?”

Zhao Han warned seriously: “I will live here, but the house is not ours, you must not treat this as your own home. When we grow up, the second brother will take you to find the elder sister.”

“Well, I remember,” Zhao Zhenfang said, “As long as I can find my eldest sister, I can live in any small house.”

Not long after, another servant woman came to help the brother and sister make the bed and fold the quilt, and left daily necessities such as chamber pot, washbasin, toothbrush and so on.

Only toothbrush, no tooth powder.

Tooth powder needs to be purchased by yourself, which is a bit expensive. The main ingredient is salt, and Chinese medicine, high-end products and even spices are added, and there is a fresh fragrance between breaths.

If you are reluctant to buy tooth powder, just brush your teeth with clean water.

It is also the privilege of Zhongqinyuan to provide free toothbrushes, and few low-level servants outside brush their teeth.

“Bang bang bang bang!”

Zhao Han was cleaning the house when someone knocked on the door frantically.

Opening the door, Zhao Han suddenly smiled, and there were more than a dozen little kids standing outside.

Three servant boys dressed in silk stood side by side at the front. Judging by their arrogant expressions, they knew they were looking for trouble.

The other little kids wore more ordinary clothes, and almost everyone had patches on their clothes.

“My name is Qin Xin, and I specialize in serving the young master to play the piano!”

“My name is Jian Dan, and I specialize in waiting for the young master to dance swords!”

“My name is Jiu Po, and I specialize in serving the young master to drink!”

The three boys reported themselves to their families, speaking in a very proud tone. They were selected from many children born in the family.

First of all, you must be handsome, and second, you must be smart, and you even have to take regular cultural exams.

Among the domestic slaves, they are the best, and they will be trained in the future.

Obviously, Zhao Han is not the only one who has been cultivated. Whoever develops better in the future can be the chief steward of Ehu Fei’s family!

Zhao Han held back a smile, feeling very uncomfortable, these names are really too secondary.

Qin heart, sword gall, wine soul…

Let’s play martial arts or fairy tales?

Fei Yinghuan likes to pretend to be aggressive, and he is so coquettish in naming boys.

“What are you laughing at?” Qin Xin asked.

Jian Dan also said: “Don’t laugh, be honest!”

Jiu Po threatened: “We have all inquired, you are a boy picked up by the young master on the road. Don’t feel that you are favored, and you will be beaten to death if you dare to disobey. Now kneel down and kowtow, Qin Xin is the eldest brother, Jian Dan It’s the second brother, and I’m the third brother. If you kowtow to recognize your brother, you will be your own brother from now on, and we will protect you even if you are bullied!”

“Kneel down!” Qin Xin and Jian Dan shouted at the same time.

“Kneel, kneel!”

More than a dozen brats shouted together behind them.

Zhao Han felt very interesting, and asked with a smile, “How old are you?”

Jiu Po seemed to talk the most, not only reporting his own age, but also answering for the other two together: “Qin Xin is fourteen years old, Jian Dan is thirteen years old, I am also thirteen years old, how old are you?”

Zhao Han said solemnly: “I am sixteen years old, and my sister is fifteen years old, both older than you. You three, hurry up and kneel down and call me brother and sister!”

The three of them were a little dazed. They looked at Zhao Han, who was a head shorter than them, and Zhao Zhenfang, who had just started to change teeth.

How the **** can this be fifteen or sixteen years old?

“you’re lying!”


“You must not be as old as me!”

The reaction of the three of them was very intense, as if they felt that their IQ was insulted.

Jiu Po suddenly shouted: “Hit him!”

More than a dozen little kids rushed forward immediately, Zhao Han closed the door and fastened the latch quickly.


I don’t know who it is, but rushed to the front, and was hit by the door panel, causing nosebleeds.

Zhao Zhenfang panicked: “Second brother, there are a lot of them.”

Zhao Han smiled and said, “I’m not afraid.”

Jiu Po yelled through the door: “If you are a hero, come out quickly, don’t hide in there and be a bastard!”

Zhao Han responded with a smile: “More than a dozen beat me one, are you all heroes? If you want to talk about heroes, you must single out!”

“One-on-one is one-on-one! Come out quickly.” Jian Dan said immediately. He served Fei Yinghuan to practice swords, and occasionally learned a few tricks from him, and he was confident that he could beat all Fei’s family children invincibly.

Zhao Han laughed and said, “You swear!”

Jian Dan immediately yelled: “I swear to fight one-on-one, if my words don’t count, I will fall into the latrine and drown.”

Such a poisonous oath, he is a ruthless person!

“Quickly open the door, the second brother has sworn.” Jiu Po was still roaring.

Zhao Han asked the little girl to take a few steps back, stood sideways himself, and then suddenly pulled the latch.


“Don’t press me down!”

“Get up quickly!”

A bunch of little kids slammed into the door, and the one with the most arrogant tone, Jiu Po, was crushed at the bottom.

After tossing for a long time, all the children got up in a panic.

Jian Dan was afraid that his clothes would be torn, so he took off his silk coat, and clasped his fists in a serious way: “Please enlighten me!”

Zhao Han also practiced…military boxing.

After all, Jiandan is fourteen years old, a head taller than Zhao Han, and has sufficient nutrition all year round, and his strength is much stronger than Zhao Han.

The boy threw his fist at him, Zhao Han immediately dodged it, and at the same time punched the opponent’s kidney.


Jian Dan had a painful face, covering his waist with his hands, and was beaten so badly that he couldn’t speak out because of the pain.

Zhao Han took advantage of the victory to pursue, and then hit Jian Dan hard in the stomach with a rear punch.


Jian Dan’s stomach was so full that he almost vomited out his lunch.

One last blow, a right uppercut, with a face full of flowers.

Jian Dan was dizzy and fell to the ground.

The scene fell silent in an instant, except for Jian Dan’s painful groans, and the dozen or so little kids were all frightened.

Zhao Han raised his arm and pointed at Jiu Po: “Do you want to single out?”

Jiu Po immediately said: “Jun… A gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands!”

Qin Xin hurriedly chimed in: “Yes, a gentleman uses his words but not his hands. It’s degrading for you to beat people like this!”

As expected of Juren’s servant boy, he also knows what is insulting and polite, and he has read several sage books.

Zhao Han began to pull up the banner to make a tiger skin, and said with his head held high: “My martial art was taught by Master Wei himself. If anyone refuses to accept it, he can make a gesture with me at any time!”

Master Wei’s apprentice?

The children started to be dazed again, feeling as if they had kicked an iron board.

Jiu Po seems to have learned how to change faces in Sichuan opera, and instantly put on a flattering smile, and his body is also three points shorter: “We are all brothers, we don’t know each other if we don’t fight…”

“Shut up!”

Zhao Han interrupted sharply: “Since we are brothers, we should distinguish between big and small. Who is the elder brother and who is the younger brother?”

All the children were stunned and looked at each other.

Zhao Han raised his fist: “The one with the big fist is the elder brother, if you don’t kneel down and call him elder brother!”

No one answered, and they couldn’t wipe their faces.

Zhao Han grabbed Jiu Po’s skirt suddenly, and asked, “Kneeling or not?”


Jiu Po hurriedly knelt down, thinking that if a good man doesn’t suffer the immediate loss, today’s humiliation will be repaid ten times in the future. Immediately kowtowed and shouted: “Jiu Po pays homage to brother.”

Zhao Han pointed at the younger sister again: “I still want to worship my sister.”

Jiu Po blushed, clenched his fists, and shouted bravely, “See you, sister.”

Zhao Zhenfang was a little scared: “Stand…stand up and say.”

Zhao Han asked Qin Xin again: “What about you?”

Qin Xin gritted her teeth and said, “I won’t kneel even if I’m beaten to death!”

Zhao Han immediately made a gesture to fight.

“Brother!” Qin Xin knelt down with a bang.

After some persuasion, more than a dozen children were convinced and bowed down to their elder brother and elder sister one after another.

Zhao Zhenfang, who was only six years old, had more than a dozen stinky younger brothers at once.

Jian Dan, whose mouth was broken, was still a little dizzy, and asked cautiously, “Brother, can we go?”

“Not urgent.”

Zhao Han took the burden, took out ten taels of silver, and stuffed it into Jian Dan’s hand: “Brothers, today we don’t know each other if we don’t fight. Since I have been worshiped by everyone and become your elder brother, I should show it. Especially It’s Brother Jiandan, the corner of his mouth is scratched, and the silver is used to buy some food and supplements. As for the remaining silver, I will share it with the brothers for tea.”

“Brother is bold!”

A group of little kids were overjoyed.

Qin Xin, Sword Gallbladder and Wine Pore, although they can wear silk, they don’t have much money at all.

The silk clothes are work clothes that Fei Yinghuan bought for the servant boy in order to pretend to be aggressive.

Even if they get rewards occasionally, they have to give them to their parents, and their parents are also Fei’s domestic servants.

Ten taels of silver, even if more than a dozen people share it equally, it is still a huge sum of money for them.

The humiliation of being forced to kneel just now disappeared in an instant, and everyone happily shouted for the money.

In the end, Qin Xin, Jian Dan and Jiu Po each got two taels, and the rest was distributed to other children.

All the children were instantly divided, and the rest of the children felt that it was unfair, thinking that Qin, Jian, and Jiu were too stingy.

Newly worshiped brother, we have agreed to share the money.

Why would the three of you take six taels of ten taels of silver?

Jian Dan was also a little unhappy, thinking that the corner of his mouth was broken, so he should be given more, Qin Xin and Jiu Po shouldn’t be like him.

(end of this chapter)

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