Chapter 204

Chapter 204 – 202 [Broken] (Addition For The Lord “Hengfeng”)

Chapter 204 202 [Broken] (addition for the leader “Hengfeng”)

“Boom boom boom boom!”

The sky is full of moon and stars, and the drums of war are beating everywhere.

Huang Yao sat by the bonfire and let the soldiers bandage his wound.

Zhao Han has firmly occupied Zhangshu Town. As the distribution center of medicinal materials in the south, what he needs most now is medicine. Moreover, the two drug dealers who presented the excellent golden sore medicine formula were recognized and supported by Zhao Han, including the one who punished Fei Chun’s parents according to law.

“There is something wrong with the war drums of the officers and soldiers tonight. They beat five times in just one watch.” Huang Yao frowned.

Mission officer Tu Menggu said: “Either plan to attack at night, or plan to escape.”

Huang Yao suddenly smiled and said: “Yo, Mr. Tu also knows how to fight, and he can see through the intentions of officers and soldiers.”

The Tu family also belongs to the common surname in Jiangxi, whose ancestor was Tu Qin who supported Sima Rui and proclaimed himself emperor. In the area of Nanchang and Fengcheng, there are a lot of people with the surname Tu. There are several descendants of rich families who defected to Zhao Han, and there are also many recruits to help Zhu Xieyuan fight.

Tu Menggu said: “This afternoon, I shuttled between various positions, encouraging the morale of our army, and at the same time observing the enemy’s movements. After noon, officers and soldiers are more and more likely to flee, and in the evening, many officers and soldiers have not yet approached the positions. , was already frightened and fled down the mountain.”

“We have a low life. It doesn’t matter if we die. The general town will take care of it, and orphans and widows will not be bullied.” Huang Yao pointed at the foot of the mountain. If you die, your family’s land and real estate may be taken over by your relatives. You are a good family member, are you willing to work hard?”

“Hey, I definitely don’t want to.” Tu Menggu laughed.

After the wound was bandaged, Huang Yao got up immediately: “The officers and soldiers will flee tonight, it depends on whether Lao Li (Li Zheng) dares to come and take advantage of it!”

Li Zheng didn’t wait, and the officers and soldiers suddenly attacked at night.

The surviving more than a thousand rattan armored soldiers, as well as several thousand officers and soldiers “elite”, suddenly launched night raids on various positions.

The Datong Army paid the price of more than 40 casualties, and finally interrupted the attack of the officers and soldiers.

Tu Menggu wondered: “Could it be that the officers and soldiers are not fleeing, but fighting to the death with us? After another two days, our army will have no water supply.”

Huang Yao shook his head and said: “The officers and soldiers can’t fight anymore. In the hands of Governor Zhu, there are only one or two thousand rattan armored soldiers. But this is not fighting on flat ground. Our army’s second line of defense is even more dangerous. How can the officers and soldiers be defeated so easily?” What he can do is delay. Our army lost the first line of defense, and also lost the water source, until the day we have no water to drink. But how long can the morale of the officers and soldiers last? No matter how fierce the attack is tonight, the officers and soldiers will definitely die retreat!”

Huang Yao patrolled the various positions with injuries, prepared the soldiers for the pursuit down the mountain, and then leaned on the rock to take a nap.

There is a drum beating down the mountain to tell the time on time, so he is not afraid of oversleeping.

Nearly three o’clock, Huang Yao ordered the whole army to attack, no matter whether the officers and soldiers retreated or not, they must go to night raids to regain the first line of defense.


The Datong army went out in all directions and reached the first line of defense, only to find that the position was full of dummies made of thatch.

“Beep beep beep beep~~~~”

The sound of suona came from the direction of the artificial river, and then a suona was passed on to a suona, all of which were sent out by Li Zheng and Fei Yinggong along the way.

The officers and soldiers retreated and were discovered by sentries.

The sound of suona from near to far, tore through the silence of the night, and continued to spread to the mountains farther away.

It must be too late to intercept immediately. Li Zheng, Fei Yinggong, Zhang Tieniu, Liu Zhu and others directly led troops to the northeast in an emergency, trying to go upstream to block the retreat of the officers and soldiers.

They…all missed!

Zhu Xieyuan did not follow the river all the way back to Nanchang, but crossed the river one mile south of Fengcheng.

There is the narrowest part of the river, the width of the river is only 30 meters.

Moreover, Zhu Xieyuan left a thousand officers and soldiers here, which can not only watch the defenders of Fengcheng County from south to north with the officers, soldiers and sailors in the Ganjiang River, but also make preparations for crossing the river in advance.

The Navy has been harassing Fengcheng County, and Jiang Liang, who is in charge of guarding the city, has not dared to act rashly these days, let alone cross the river to attack the thousand officers and soldiers.

The location of the thousand officers and soldiers is disgusting, at the confluence of two small rivers. Whether Jiang Liang from Fengcheng County came to attack, or Li Zheng and Fei Yinggong from the mountains came to attack, they had to cross the river first. The officers and soldiers also prepared a lot of small boats, and they could escape by boat when the situation was not good.

Zhu Xieyuan had already planned his way out before encircling the mountain!

More than 20,000 officers and soldiers followed the river and arrived at the ferry south of Fengcheng at dawn.

Huang Yao brought more than 3,000 tired soldiers and chased them all the way from the southwest. Really tired soldiers, many soldiers wanted to doze off while walking, forced themselves to march, pulling each other’s belts.

Li Zheng, Fei Yinggong and others blocked the retreat and ran too far. When they realized something was wrong, they hurried back along the river.

“The main force of the officers and soldiers has returned?”

Liu Shunyi, magistrate of Fengcheng County, boarded the tower in a panic.

Jiang Liang pointed to the south and said: “The officers and soldiers want to cross the river. Liuzhi County, Fengcheng will be handed over to you for defense, and I will lead the troops to attack halfway across the river!”

Liu Shunyi said in horror: “No, our responsibility is to defend Fengcheng. There are officers, soldiers and sailors in the north, and there are many well-built ladders. If the general leads troops to the south, what should the officers, soldiers and sailors take to attack the city from the north?”

“I will only take a thousand regular soldiers out, and leave you a thousand farmers and soldiers, as well as hundreds of warriors temporarily recruited,” Jiang Liang said. Break through?”

“But…” Liu Shunyi hesitated to speak.

Jiang Liang didn’t bother to talk to him, so he asked someone to open the city gate and left the city with a thousand soldiers.


Hundreds of officers and soldiers have successfully crossed the river, but Jiang Liang suddenly killed them, scaring them away.

Zhu Xieyuan was not surprised but pleased, and said to the generals under his command: “The rebels have left the city. There is no need to wait for a boat. Take off your armor and swim there, and seize Fengcheng County!”

More than 20,000 people crossed the river, all of them were Jiangxi soldiers who could swim, and the river was only 30 meters wide.

After killing more than 2,000 officers and soldiers, thousands of them swam over quickly, and they surrounded Jiangliang’s 1,000 Fengcheng defenders.

“Make a circle formation!”

Jiang Liang shouted anxiously.

Fortunately, the officers and soldiers came here to swim, and those with armor took off their armor one after another. Jiang Liang, who was forming a circle by the river, was really hard to chew.

Moreover, when fighting in formations on flat ground, the strange weapons used by officers and soldiers to deal with wolf traps are not so easy to use.

It was the more than a thousand rattan armored soldiers who swam across the river wearing rattan armor (the rattan armor was waterproof), and there was nothing they could do about the formation of wolves, shields, and spears.

“Quickly divide the troops to attack the city, the ladder is by the river!”

Zhu Xieyuan was very depressed. The rebels guarding the city dared to go out of the city to prevent him from crossing the river. The navy led by Zhu Guoxun, the general soldier of Jiangxi Province, has been standing still for so long. Compared with the two, it is really **** off.

Zhu Guoxun had heard the cry of killing a long time ago, and his order was: “The enemy’s situation is unknown, wait until dawn.”


In the circular formation, there were five hundred archers hidden, and they began to shoot at the officers and soldiers on the periphery.

There were screams all of a sudden, and the officers and soldiers were all topless, defenseless against bows and arrows.


Li Zheng, Fei Yinggong, Zhang Tieniu, and Liu Zhu finally rushed back and rushed directly to the officers and soldiers who had not yet crossed the river.

Zhu Xieyuan was shocked and angry. The anti-thief defenders in Fengcheng County took the initiative to attack, which caused his crossing operation to be delayed. Now the whole army is divided into three parts. Most of them have crossed the river, some are in the river, and some are on the other side.

“Gather soldiers, gather soldiers!”

Zhu Xieyuan asked the messenger to blow the horn.

After reinforcements from the Datong Army rushed in, officers and soldiers who did not cross the river jumped into the river and swam to the other side.

The 30-meter wide river, and the slow flow, is nothing to Jiangxi soldiers, and they can swim across it in a blink of an eye.

They could besiege and kill 1,000 soldiers of Jiang Liang with 20,000 people, or they could stand by the small river and kill Li Zheng, Fei Yinggong and others who were trying to cross the river. It can also be transferred to the Ganjiang River, with officers, soldiers and navy as the backing, and can return to Nanchang in a safe and sound manner.

However, a group of terrified soldiers are retreating in embarrassment in the dark night, how can they maintain their sanity?

It is not bad to be able to withdraw here.

“The rebels are coming, run!”

“The thieves know how to bewitch!”

“Master, let’s run away too, we can’t fight anymore.”


The officers and soldiers who swam across the river were already in chaos.

Obviously they have an advantage in numbers, obviously they have already crossed the river, obviously they have multiple choices, and they can remain invincible! But they just became chaotic, groups of village braves did not gather after crossing the river, but fled directly along the small river.

The sound of Zhu Xieyuan’s bugle gathering seemed to turn into a starting gun for fleeing, and countless officers and soldiers scrambled to escape.

Zhu Xieyuan was stunned. Our entire army crossed the river smoothly, blocked the enemy’s main force on the opposite bank, and surrounded the enemy’s Fengcheng defenders by the river. Our army has the advantage at the moment. If we fight harder, we can even take the opportunity to seize the city. The enemy army is still on the other side, they should be feared, what do you mean by rout?

In a word, the officers and soldiers were terrified, and the retreat turned into a rout.

And collapsed in a daze.

Wang Ting tried to mix among the defeated soldiers, and he really wanted to rebel against the water at this moment. But the defeated soldiers didn’t give him a chance, and the two thousand township warriors he recruited were also running away in a swarm, without knowing what the **** they were running away at all.

Anyway, if someone escapes, we will follow suit. If you escape early and quickly, you will surely survive.

“Master, let’s go, it’s too late for the rebels to cross the river!”

Zhu Xieyuan was dragged away by his own soldiers. Those Guizhou Tengjia soldiers were very loyal, and they could form an formation to cover the retreat of the coach in the dark.

“Damn, if I knew I shouldn’t wear armor, I’m exhausted from running all the way!”

Zhang Tieniu took off his armor and plunged into the river. His ax was a bit heavy, and Liu Zhu swam to the front soon.

At this moment, Huang Yao also led his troops to chase after him.

But his soldiers were too exhausted. Seeing that the officers and soldiers had collapsed, they all lay down by the river to sleep, and left the rest to the friendly army to deal with slowly.


Jiangliang’s 1,000 city guards were besieged for a while, and only 930 people were left to fight, and they took the lead in chasing and killing the defeated soldiers.

Li Zheng, Fei Yinggong, Zhang Tieniu, Liu Zhu and others also led troops to swim across the river one after another, leaving only more than a hundred firecrackers and hundreds of archers.

There are too many big and small rivers in Jiangxi. After chasing for several miles, there is another small river ahead.

I saw countless broken soldiers jumping into the river, swam to the other side of the river and continued to flee. The chasing soldiers also jumped into the river, and continued to chase after landing.

Give them each a bike and it becomes a true triathlon.

From dawn to morning, many rout soldiers were so exhausted that they could only sit down and rest for a while, and then ran for their lives when they saw the pursuers coming.

Those with poor physical strength couldn’t run, so they just lay flat there, doing whatever they wanted, killing them or cutting them, whatever they wanted.

Wang Tingshi’s physical strength was even weaker. He was lying on the riverside, and when he saw Datong soldiers chasing him, he quickly shouted: “I am Zhao Zongzhen’s internal response, don’t kill me!”

Although the officers, soldiers and sailors in the Ganjiang River in the north did not dare to go ashore to fight, they also sent spies over to check.

Knowing that Zhu Xieyuan’s entire army fled, Zhu Guoxun immediately ordered a retreat, and the navy retreated outside Nanchang City before stopping.

This Jiangxi General Soldier is a parallel importer!

He fought in Fujian at the beginning. In three years, he was promoted from the general to the deputy general. First, he followed Zheng Zhilong to win the battle, and second, he relied on spending money to pretend to be someone else’s military exploits.

The court officials thought that Zhu Guoxun was good at water warfare, and he would definitely show his prowess in suppressing bandits in Jiangxi.

However, he dare not fight a tough battle…

(Thanks to KevinDu12345 for the leader’s reward, and to all book friends for their rewards and subscriptions. The additions of Penguin and Baiyinmeng will be added after the general leader’s addition is finished.)

(end of this chapter)

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