Chapter 207

Chapter 207 – 205 [Concrete Analysis Of Specific Issues]

Chapter 207 205【Specific analysis of specific issues】

The Wei family belonged to a large family in Ningdu. Their ancestral home was in Sichuan, and they moved to Fujian in the Southern Song Dynasty. Now it is divided into two branches, one living in southern Jiangxi and the other living in western Fujian.

Judging from his ancestral home, Wei Jiaju can be from Sichuan or Fujian. But the Wei family moved to Ningdu very early, and they can be counted as natives of Jiangxi.

During the Jiajing period, Ningdu was hit by a catastrophe, and the Wei family donated grain and ten thousand stones at one time to help the county magistrate relieve the victims, which shows its strong financial resources. Jiajing issued an imperial decree to set up a memorial archway and give a crown belt. The Wei family took the opportunity to build the imperial decree gate, so it is also called “the imperial decree gate Wei”.

The Wei family insisted on inheriting poetry and etiquette, but it was very embarrassing. In two hundred years, there was not even a single person…

Zhao Han called all the high-level officials to a meeting and asked Wei Jiaju to tell the situation in Nangan.

Wei Jiaju bowed his hands to the crowd, repeated what he had said before, and added: “Gentlemen, there are differences in different places in southern Jiangxi. Gan County is actually quite normal. There are very few luxury tenants around the capital city of Ganzhou. The further east , The further south you go, the more Hakka people come from Fujian and Guangdong.”

“So that’s what it is,” Chen Maosheng nodded. “No wonder the establishment of a farmers’ association outside Ganzhou city didn’t meet much resistance.”

Wei Jiaju said again: “Even within a county, the situation is also different. I am from Ningdu, and I know Ningdu County best. In the Shangsan Township in the north of Ningdu, most of them are natives of Jiangxi; in the Xiasan Township in the south of Ningdu, all the tenants They are from Fujian, and most of them are from Tingzhou, Fujian. Among these Tingzhou people, most are from Shanghang, and a few are from Liancheng.”

The more Zhao Han heard it, the more he had a headache. Leaving aside his Hakka identity, this kind of tenants who came to call for friends were equivalent to Fujian migrant workers who came to Jiangxi to work in a group.

What is even more frightening is that these migrant workers have reproduced in Jiangxi for generations, and they have no local household registration and no land property!

They must be given household registration, and they must be allocated land, otherwise it will be an unstable factor.

The situation in the southern Jiangxi area is extremely complicated. When Wang Shouren suppressed bandits here, he reported to the imperial court in the twelfth year of Zhengde that the Chongyi area was all Cantonese. There are not only the Hakka people, but also the people of the Yao nationality, all of whom were refugees resettled by the governor in the early years. These refugees cut down mountains to open up wasteland and contributed to the development of southern Jiangxi. At the same time, they also had conflicts with the local people. Most of the wasteland reclaimed was occupied by local rich people.

As for the southern Jiangxi region, the population dropped sharply in the mid-Ming Dynasty, not only because of the war.

Many were unable to bear the oppression of the landlords, and their families fled to Huguang. At that time, the southern part of Huguang was vast and sparsely populated, and there was a government-approved refugee settlement policy. Therefore, farmers in Jiangxi fled to open up wasteland, and almost half of the county and half of the county migrated to Huguang.

Indigo dye is a specialty of Zhao Han’s territory, and the Datong military flag is also dyed blue with this dye.

Indigo planting technology was spread to Ji’an Prefecture by Fujianese who moved to southern Jiangxi.

Pang Chunlai asked suddenly: “You, the head of Ningdu County, why did you take the initiative to come to Ji’an Mansion to offer advice?”

Wei Jiaju said very bluntly: “The Wei family is the largest family in Ningdu. My uncle, who went up to Wei and Xia Zhaofeng, was recruited by the emperor this year to be an official. He refused to resign. He is called “Zhengjun”. Discuss with the clan uncle. The saltpeter purchased by Mr. Zhao is all sold by the Wei family!”

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, okay, the Wei family turned out to be a supplier of saltpeter.

Wei Jiaju said again: “Now, Ningdu County is in chaos, and Mr. Zhao will take it sooner or later. The Wei family knows that it is difficult to protect the land, and I am afraid that it is also difficult to protect the saltpeter mine. After occupying Ningdu, Mr. Zhao, please allow the Wei family to mine and supply saltpeter. Ningdu There are also sulfur ore and iron ore, and Mr. Zhao is also allowed to mine them.”

“There are sulfur mines too?” Zhao Han asked in surprise.

“Yes, and not many.” Wei Jiaju said.

This Nima has sulfur ore and saltpeter. If charcoal is fired again, the materials for gunpowder production will be gathered directly, and a gunpowder production bureau can be set up locally in Ningdu.

After careful consideration, Zhao Han said: “As long as the Wei family is committed to joining, I can license the Wei family to operate the nitrate and sulfur mines. However, the Wei family is not allowed to monopolize, and two more companies must join in. In this way, the three companies jointly mine, and the Wei family’s mines It can be slightly more. As for the iron ore, it must be handed over to the fourth company for operation.”

“Thank you Mr. Zhao for your kindness!” Wei Jiaju’s purpose of this trip has been achieved.

Zhao Han asked: “You said Ningdu County is in chaos?”

Wei Jiaju replied: “There is a wealthy tenant who has gathered thousands of tenants and is besieging Ningdu County.”

Li Banghua felt very strange: “Why did the wealthy tenants rebel against the landlords and bully the tenants at the bottom, so why did they bring the tenants to revolt?”

Wei Jiaju replied: “Every time a wealthy tenant provokes tenants to make trouble, it is nothing more than wanting to obtain the permanent tenancy rights of more land, and then sublease it to ordinary tenants.”

“What good does this do for ordinary tenants?” Chen Maosheng asked.

Wei Jiaju said with some embarrassment: “Because the rich tenants deceive the top and the bottom, the landlord can’t collect too much rent, so he tried his best to increase the miscellaneous expenses. For example, buckets, white water, travel, winter animals, etc., the original intention is to make the rich tenants more. Rent was paid, but Haodian transferred the miscellaneous expenses to the tenant. The tenant hated the landlord and was willing to follow Haotian to revolt, just to abolish these miscellaneous expenses.”

Good guy, these wealthy tenants are really awesome. Not to mention all kinds of benefits, the disadvantages are all shared by the lower-level tenants, and the risks are all borne by the landlords above.

The harder the landlord exploits the tenants, the richer tenants can take the opportunity to stir up troubles and fight for more benefits for themselves.

Wei Jiaju said again: “It’s different this time. Daming saw that he was going to die, and Mr. Zhao advocated dividing the land. Those wealthy tenants are using Mr. Zhao’s banner, and I am afraid they want to seize the land from the landlord.”

“No matter how many fields they seized, they will be separated from me in the end?” Zhao Han asked doubtfully.

Wei Jiaju said: “Those wealthy tenants don’t even have the Ming court in their eyes, so how can they take Mr. Zhao seriously? Mr. Zhao led troops to divide the land, I’m afraid they will also incite tenants to riot!”

Zhao Han sneered and said, “According to what you said, the landlords in Ningdu County are all good and innocent people? They are really kind, I’m afraid they have been swallowed up by Fujian people long ago!”

“Don’t dare…don’t dare to expire Mr. Zhao,” Wei Jiaju quickly knelt down and kowtowed, “The landlord himself has tenants and slaves, and has the government to help him, so he is not afraid of luxury tenants at ordinary times.”

Damn it, it’s not only class contradictions, but also local-customer contradictions.

Landlords occupy the means of production and exploit tenants, while wealthy tenants are a group of parasites.

Once the land is forcibly divided, it is likely that the landlord and the wealthy tenant will unite, because in the face of external threats, their interest demands are the same. And Hao Dian and tenants are both Fujianese from other places, and tenants are very easily incited by Hao Dian!

Wei Jiaju was asked to step down temporarily, and Zhao Han analyzed to Chen Maosheng: “The main contradiction in the southern Jiangxi region is the double oppression of low-level tenants by landlords and wealthy tenants.”

“Yes,” Chen Maosheng nodded and said, “Not only in southern Jiangxi, but in all prefectures and counties in the future, the transfer of land property must be prohibited.”

Zhao Han said: “Landlords and wealthy tenants all rely on the land to make profits. If the land is divided, the landlord and the wealthy tenants will most likely join hands to stop it. However, you cannot directly kill the wealthy tenants, because they are often the heads of the tenants. Killing a wealthy tenant may cause a lot of trouble. As a result, countless tenants were incited to revolt.”

Chen Maosheng said: “We must first clarify the land allocation policy to the tenants, and separate them from the wealthy tenants.”

“That’s right,” Zhao Han said, “but in the southern Jiangxi region, many tenants speak Hakka, Fujian, and Cantonese. How do you explain the Tianzheng to the tenants? They can’t understand us, so naturally they don’t know Tianzheng. At that time, it was not what Hao Dian said, but the bottom tenants believed whatever. I am afraid that Hao Dian is in a hurry, and they can spread rumors that we are going to kill all Fujianese.”

Chen Maosheng thought carefully: “Since there are not so many people from other provinces in Gan County, we can preside over the division of land in Gan County first, and take the opportunity to let the missionary officers and the backbone of the peasant association slowly learn to speak Hakka, Hokkien and Cantonese.”

Zhao Han nodded and said: “You must learn to speak first. You have to learn what the bottom tenants say. You must take root among the tenants! You must warn the mission officers and the backbone of the peasant association not to distinguish Jiangxi people, Fujian people, and Guangdong people. Only the working people are our own people!”

“Understood!” Chen Maosheng cupped his hands.

Zhao Han also ordered: “The counties in southern Jiangxi can be occupied first, but except for Gan County, the other counties are not in a hurry to divide the land. You can first make a compromise and let the landlords and wealthy tenants continue to fight. Let the landlords and wealthy tenants unite against us. Remember, wherever you do things in the future, you must adapt to the times and local conditions, and you cannot just copy experience.”

Chen Maosheng was taught again.

Li Banghua asked: “If the 3,000 Fujian soldiers in Ganzhou city do not agree to their request to return to their hometown, I am afraid that the people in the city will suffer.”

Zhao Han sneered and said, “I promise, not only let them go, but also pay them travel expenses. The counties in southern Jiangxi are in chaos, so confiscate their weapons and see how they return to Fujian! I guess, if they go halfway, they will be killed because of Looting, fighting with various local forces. The more chaos they make, the better we can divide the local forces.”

The complex contradictions in southern Jiangxi are very interesting, not only in the Ming Dynasty, but even throughout the Qing Dynasty.

According to the “Ningdu Zhili Prefecture Chronicles” in the Qing Dynasty, there was a field soldier uprising during the Shunzhi period.

The cause was the conflict between the locals and the Hakkas. The Jiangxi landowner surnamed Wen and the Hakka tycoon surnamed Huang were feuding against each other, and the fight turned into a class struggle. Hao Dian, surnamed Huang, incited the tenants at the bottom, demanding the abolition of various harsh regulations and reducing land rent, in order to attack the landlord surnamed Wen.

After the slogan was chanted, it was unstoppable, and the three counties of Shicheng, Ruijin, and Ningdu erupted. Tens of thousands of Hakka tenants formed Tianbing, and native tenants in Jiangxi also began to join, and even spread to the entire southern Jiangxi.

Up to this point, there is no distinction between Jiangxi people and Fujian people, and there is no longer any contradiction between natives and tourists, but directly leads to the most essential class contradiction!

The place in Nangan belongs to a super powder keg. It will explode as soon as it is touched, and it will blow up several counties.

Chen Maosheng personally went to Ganzhou by boat, and conveyed Zhao Han’s order to withdraw his troops for dozens of miles and let go of 3,000 Fujian soldiers.

Dogs can’t stop eating shit, these officers and soldiers didn’t go far, and started looting as far as the capital county.

The landlords and tenants who were attacking each other were forced to join forces to drive away three thousand officers and soldiers. Then they continued to fight, and under the instigation of Hao Dian, they staged a vendetta against the natives day after day.

The landlord lost to Tian Bing and asked Fei Ruhe to lead troops into the county. This is their usual practice, using the government to suppress the tenants.

(end of this chapter)

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