Chapter 27

Chapter 27 – 027【Bloodyness And Backbone】

Chapter 27 027【Blood and Spine】

Fei Ruhe returned to the classroom after all, because it was almost time for get out of class to end.

The people at the bottom of the Ming Dynasty had difficulty eating two meals a day.

But in affluent areas, people basically eat three meals a day. Even if there is not enough food, if you boil stones in white water, you have to emit cooking smoke, so as not to be looked down upon by the villagers and neighbors.

The schedule of Hanzhu Private School is roughly as follows—

Morning reading: the teacher leads the reading, collective recitation, selected people to read.

breakfast time.

Practice Chinese characters: practice one hundred characters in Cun Kai.

Classic meaning: explain the Four Books and Five Classics.

lunch time.

Recite: Review textbooks and recite chapters and sentences.

Dictionary: talk about poetry, talk about couplets, talk about ancient prose.

dinner time.

Evening self-study: Review what you have learned today, and occasionally explain the essays.


“come in.”

Fei Ruhe’s nosebleed had stopped, and with the teacher’s permission, he swaggered into the classroom.

Fei Chun had a bruised nose and a swollen face, covering his face with his sleeves as he followed closely, fearing that others would see his distressed appearance.

On the contrary, Zhao Han was not injured at all, walked into the classroom and sat down next to Fei Chun.

The lecturer is called Pang Chunlai, an old scholar who seems to be short-sighted, and he is giving a lecture at this time.

He didn’t care what the students were doing. He put the textbook two inches in front of his eyes, sat on the podium and shook his head: “Confucius said: A gentleman has three precepts. When he is young, his blood is not fixed, and the precepts are in his color. When he is strong, he has a vigorous blood. It’s fighting. Even when you’re old, your blood energy is weakening, and you’re gaining abstinence.”

“What is blood and qi? The shape serves life, blood is yin and qi is yang. That is to say, if a person wants to survive, he must have blood and qi, and he must reconcile yin and yang…”

Suddenly, a student raised his hand: “Sir, what is rebooting?”

“Hahahaha!” All the children laughed.

Fei Ruhe also booed: “I know, abstaining from **** means abstaining from women!”


The students laughed louder, and there was a cheerful air in the classroom.

Zhao Han asked Fei Chun in a low voice: “Then who is making trouble?”

“Fei Yuanjian, from Henglin,” Fei Chun said in a low voice, “In terms of seniority, he is the uncle of our young master, and he is a brother of our old master.”

Well, this seniority is high enough, Fei Yinghuan’s uncle generation.

When the lecture was interrupted, Pang Chunlai was not angry. He stroked his beard and said, “You are all boys and youths, your blood is not yet determined, so you must not be contaminated by women. You should refrain from it!”

Fei Yuanjian was estimated to be twelve or thirteen years old, and he was also a senior repeater. He continued to make trouble: “If a young man is not close to women, then he can’t have children? There are three unfilial acts, and the greatest thing is to have no offspring. Sir, you must be wrong! “

“Yes, I made a mistake!” Fei Ruhe followed suit.

There are more than twenty students in this class, Fei Yuanjian and Fei Ruhe, the “grandfather and grandson”, should belong to the class bully type.

They made trouble for the teacher, and their younger brothers followed suit.

For a moment, the classroom was as noisy as a vegetable market.

“Bang bang bang bang!”

Pang Chunlai finally couldn’t bear it anymore, knocked on the table with a ruler, blew his beard and stared at him and said: “Silence, silence! You should not be addicted to women’s **** when you are rebooting here. Food and **** are also important. Eat enough, marry a wife and have children. Human nature, how can we really get rid of it? However, gluttonous gluttony, licentiousness and pleasure are human desires. The abstinence from **** here is not to abstain from human nature, but to abstain from human desires!”

Fei Yuanjian continued to sing the opposite tune: “Sir, you talk nonsense, but Zhu Zi’s Annotations didn’t say that.”

“That’s right, what Zhu Zi didn’t say, the master is talking nonsense!” Fei Ruhe followed suit.

Singing and harmonizing, so lively.

Zhao Han observed the situation carefully and found that the whole class was booing, except for one student in the front row who was buried in his book all the time. Moreover, the student’s clothes are thin, and he can be seen from a poor family.

“Bang bang bang bang bang!”

Pang Chunlai frantically tapped the ruler, but the classroom was already noisy. He really had no choice but to shout: “Self-study, don’t walk around, and wait for the end of get out of class!”

“Wow… oh oh oh oh oh oh!”

The students cheered collectively, as if celebrating a victory, and then fought with each other.

Pang Chunlai didn’t bother to care about these **** anymore, so he put on a kind expression and said to the poor student in the front row: “Xu Ying, come forward.”

The student who called Xu Ying went over immediately, and said respectfully, “What teaching do you have, sir?”

Pang Chunlai said with concern: “Do you understand everything I said today?”

“Understood.” Xu Ying nodded.

Pang Chunlai reminded: “Confucius’s abstinence from **** and fighting are not ordinary abstinence from women’s **** and fighting, but to restrain the desire in the heart. What is moved by blood is what desire refers to. A saint is the same as a human being, blood; A saint is different from others in his ambition. You should yearn for a saint, cultivate your ambition and restrain your blood, so that you can achieve great things.”

Xu Ying thought carefully and asked, “Mr. Ke once said that a man must be bloodless.”

Pang Chunlai explained: “The blood here is the desire of a person. To restrain the blood is to restrain the desire. And a man must not be without the blood, because he has blood and bones. Fighting against others is a battle of will and spirit, not blood. dispute.” Pang Chunlai pointed at the hall, “Such stubborn people have too much blood and no blood. You should study hard, don’t fight with them, and don’t let down your talents. But don’t lose your blood Sex, you can’t be without arrogance.”

Xu Ying bowed quickly: “Thank you for your teaching, sir.”

There was a lot of fighting in the classroom, and the teacher didn’t care about it, and only gave a small lesson to the poor scholar.

“Dang Dang Dang Dang!”

Not long after, the bell rang.

The students cheered collectively and swarmed out of the classroom.

Students who are relatively close to home, go home to eat directly, while boarding students all go to the cafeteria.

There are also day students who are not far or near, take out their own food boxes, and eat in the classroom.

Fei Ruhe seemed to be released after serving his sentence, he couldn’t wait to run out, and suddenly turned around and pointed at Zhao Han: “That…that who…”

“Zhao Han.” Zhao Han laughed.

“Yes, Zhao Han, let’s go have dinner together.” Fei Ruhe said.

While they were leaving the classroom, that poor student, Xu Ying, was also hurrying away clutching a small bag.

It’s a pity that he didn’t run fast enough. He was blocked by people when he got up. Four or five people surrounded him to prevent the teacher who was packing up his things from seeing him.

The leader was Fei Yuanjian.

Xu Ying didn’t want to fight with him, she lowered her head and turned around to leave, but was immediately pushed back.

Fei Ruhe suddenly grabbed Zhao Han and said with a smile, “Don’t be busy eating, let’s watch a good show first.”

Pang Chunlai held the textbook and ruler under his arm, and leaned on a cane in his hand, and finally left the classroom trembling.

Seeing the teacher leave, Fei Yuanjian said in a mocking tone: “Great talent Xu, what did you eat today?”

Xu Ying protected the small bag for lunch, lowered her head and replied: “Wheat cakes.”

“You haven’t paid the rent owed by your family, and you can afford to eat wheat cakes?” Fei Yuanjian smiled more vigorously, and at the same time stretched out his hand to grab it, “Open it and let me see.”

Xu Ying shook her head again and again, squatting down with her bundle in her arms, waiting to be beaten up by the group.

Facing Xu Ying who was lying on the ground waiting to be beaten, Fei Yuanjian suddenly lost interest, turned and left and said, “It’s so boring!”

The other students punched and kicked each other a few times, but they all left one after another.

After being beaten, Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief, and ran out quickly with her things in her arms.

Zhao Han witnessed the whole process, and he didn’t help, but asked: “Young master, don’t you see injustice, come to help?”

“What the hell,” Fei Ruhe said angrily, “That idiot is on the same level as my grandfather, can I still beat him up?” Then he said, “Well, I really don’t like him. Wait until he makes a fuss someday. If it gets too big, such as beating people half to death, it is justifiable for me to take another shot.”

Fei Chun flattered immediately: “The young master is brave and resourceful, and also has a chivalrous heart. He will definitely become a hero in the future.”

“Hahaha,” Fei Ruhe felt relieved, “Well said, this young master will definitely be a hero from now on!”

Zhao Han was speechless for a moment, a direct descendant of a wealthy family, it’s fine if he doesn’t want to take the imperial examination, at least he must have the ambition to be a general. What the **** is fantasy being a knight?

“Water Margin” read too much!

The three of them went to the cafeteria together. After walking dozens of steps, Xu Ying could be seen squatting under the railing of the gazebo.

Zhao Han said: “Young Master, I’ll go and have a look.”

“What’s so interesting? He must be crying. Every time that guy is bullied, he doesn’t know how to fight back. He just hides and cries alone.” Fei Ruhe curled his lips and said.

Fei Chun explained: “The young master also helped, but that kid didn’t know what to do, so he refused to accept it.”

Zhao Han walked over lightly, and he heard a burst of sobbing.

Xu Ying squatted outside the railing of the gazebo, wiping her tears while eating wheat bran cakes. His family is a semi-owner farmer, and the whole family has a few acres of land, so they must not have enough to eat. They have to farm the land separately and occasionally do some part-time labor in order to survive.

If such a family of half-owner farmers and half-tenant farmers encounters a famine one day, the only land they have will inevitably be annexed.

Surprised that there was someone behind her, Xu Ying didn’t dare to turn her head, nor did she dare to stand up. He frantically stuffed the remaining half of the pie into his mouth, then held his head and prepared to be beaten.

Zhao Han felt pity, took out a few copper coins and said: “You are growing up at this age, you can’t just eat bran cakes, and use them to buy some food.”

Seeing the copper coins handed over, Xu Ying finally raised her head slowly. He didn’t know who Zhao Han was, so he stood up and bowed, “I appreciate your kindness, but one pancake is enough to fill you up.”

Sure enough, he was very stubborn, Zhao Han left with his arms folded, and quickly chased after Fei Ruhe.

“How?” Fei Ruhe asked with a smile.

Zhao Han said: “He has a backbone.”

(end of this chapter)

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