Chapter 32

Chapter 32 – 032【Crazy】

Chapter 32 032【Crazy】

Although it is early winter, the sun is warm today and it doesn’t look cold.

The breeze blows into the bamboo forest, making a rustling sound, as if playing the beautiful notes of nature.

Such weather and such scenery should have been a fresh pastoral poem. But Zhao Han seemed to see a picture of ghosts and ghosts, with flesh and blood and limbs all over the place, evil ghosts showing their teeth and claws, and yakshas circling in the sky and laughing cruelly.

It seemed that he was back outside the city of Tianjin. Zhao Han took his sister’s hand and walked past countless menacing gazes.

Perhaps, Zhao Han almost forgot the hardships of that day because of the lack of food and clothing these days. I forgot that he was in the south of Tianjin, and saw someone exchanging children’s corpses, and saw someone using bones as firewood to cook soup.

When he came to Qianshan Mountain, Zhao Han could vaguely guess that the low-level people here are not having a good time.

But the bustling town, the fields with abundant grain, and the academy in the paradise all cast a veil over the reality. No one is willing to uncover and look directly at the hidden ugliness, and Zhao Han is no exception, because it is really unacceptable.

If this goes on like this, Zhao Han will probably be domesticated, a domestication that he can’t even notice.

Think life is fine until one day disaster strikes.

Accustomed to it?

Do not!

It shouldn’t be!

“Master, brother, this is the place.”

Zhao Han was suddenly awakened.

At some point, they had left the bamboo forest, Fei Chun raised his finger and pointed to a few earthen houses.

The walls are rammed with soil, and bamboo strips are sandwiched in the walls, which are similar to the role of steel bars. At the same time, it is also mixed with straw, which can limit the temperature isolation, so as to obtain the effect of warm in winter and cool in summer.

The roof is thatched, and it will have to be repaired after a period of time, otherwise it will be exposed to wind and rain.

A woman is drying bamboo leaves, which are very high-quality fire-making materials. Bamboo leaves fall automatically every day, and you have to hurry to collect them. If you catch them from another house, you may fight.

“Excuse me, is Xu Ying at home?” Zhao Han clasped his hands and asked.

The woman was obviously wrong, her face turned pale in an instant, she held a bamboo rake and said, “He… did he get into trouble in the academy?”

Fei Ruhe said: “Xu Ying this afternoon…”

“No trouble,” Zhao Han immediately interrupted Fei Ruhe, smiling, “We are Xu Ying’s classmates, we skipped class to play around.”

The woman immediately relaxed a lot and became enthusiastic: “Three young masters, hurry up and sit at home, I will pour water for you!”

“Aunt Lao is here.” Zhao Han said.

This woman looks like she is in her thirties or forties, or in her forties or fifties. It is impossible to accurately observe her age.

A two or three-year-old doll, with a long nose, was lying at the door and peeping at them. The nasal mucus flowed to the upper lip, sucked back with a swipe, and then protruded out of the nostrils, looking for the original path to flow again.

Zhao Han kicked away a bunch of bamboo leaves, and there were many words written on the dirt floor, which should have been written by Xu Ying——

Zi said: The three armies can seize the commander, but the common man cannot seize the ambition.

Zi said: The clothes are worn out and the robes are worn out, stand with those who wear foxes and raccoons, and those who are not ashamed, what is the reason? If you don’t ask for it, why don’t you regret it…

“Let’s go.” Zhao Han turned and left.

They all disappeared without a trace, and the woman finally brought out the water.

She is holding a kettle in her left hand, and three clay bowls in her right hand, which are the bowls with the fewest gaps in the house. And it has been cleaned several times just now, so it must be clean, so as not to attract the disgust of my son and classmates.

Fei Yuanjian panicked more and more at this moment, his mind was full of images of himself being hanged and beaten.

It’s nothing to bully classmates, just a poor farmer.

The biggest mistake he made was throwing the book into the water. Such behavior, placed on the Fei Mountain, is no different from deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors!

He brought his attendants to the stream and found that Xu Ying was still in place.

The farmer sat squatting, his trousers and shoes were wet by the stream. Holding the cobblestone inkstone in both hands, he stared blankly at the destroyed book, his eyes glazed over, and he muttered to himself, not knowing what he was muttering.

Fei Yuanjian got closer and finally heard the content clearly. It turned out that Xu Ying was reciting “The Analects of Confucius” together with Zhu Xi’s annotations.

Have memorized it for more than half an hour.

All the schoolchildren came to Xu Ying, but he still kept reciting without looking at others, as if he was cut off from the world.

“Isn’t this guy stupid?” said a schoolboy.

“I look like it.”

“Hey, Xu Ying, sir let us find you to go back to study!”

“It’s so stupid, he doesn’t pay attention to what he says.”

“Why don’t you slap him in the face? I heard that if you suffer from an insomnia, you can wake up with a slap in the face.”

“I want to hit you.”

“Why should I fight?”


The student who was bullied arbitrarily at ordinary times, no one dared to contact him at this moment, they just wandered around him to check.

Fei Yuanjian finally couldn’t help it, kicked the soaked book away, and shouted: “Don’t pretend to be crazy anymore, just say a few words!”

This move had an effect.

Xu Ying, who was staring at the book at first, slowly raised her head to look at Fei Yuanjian because the book was kicked away, and the voice of reciting became louder: “The master said: ‘A country has the way, but its words are dangerous; Dangerous line speaks grandson. ‘Go, grandson, go together. Dangerous, high and steep. Sun, humble and obedient…”

Fei Yuanjian threatened: “I don’t care if you are stupid or not. Anyway, your book fell into the water and has nothing to do with my young master. Don’t talk nonsense in front of your husband. Otherwise, I will beat you every time I see you!”

With tears still on Xu Ying’s face, she stood up holding the cobblestone inkstone, her eyes were red, and she looked at Fei Yuanjian: “The Master said: ‘Those who are virtuous must have words, and those who have words do not need to be virtuous; those who are benevolent must have courage, and those who are brave There is no need to be benevolent.’ Those who are virtuous will accumulate in peace and harmony, and the beauty will be released…”

Fei Yuanjian suddenly felt hairy, subconsciously took two steps back, and scolded: “Did you hear that!”

“Nangong Shi asked Confucius, saying: ‘Yi is good at shooting, and rowing a boat, neither of them will die; Yuji bows to crops, and he has the world…’” Xu Ying continued to move forward after reciting “The Analects of Confucius”.

Fei Yuanjian was so frightened that he backed away again. He felt ashamed when he took a few steps back, so he stood up boldly and said, “Don’t pretend to be stupid, I… ah!”

“The Master said: A gentleman who is not benevolent has a husband, and a man who is not a villain but is benevolent also…”

Recited one sentence after another, Xu Ying had already walked in front of Fei Yuanjian, and suddenly raised the pebble inkstone in her hand and smashed it out.

Fei Yuanjian let out a scream, blood flowed from his forehead, and fell into the stream lying on his back.

“Hurry up and save the young master!” Fei Yuanjian’s book boy shouted.

The other schoolchildren were frightened by Xu Ying’s madness, so they didn’t dare to approach.

Seeing that Fei Yuanjian was injured and fell into the stream, he immediately dispatched a few to rescue him, and the rest worked together to subdue Xu Ying.

Xu Ying didn’t resist at all. After smashing the inkstone, her face was expressionless, like a dead person, and she continued to recite “The Analects of Confucius”: “The Master said: If you love it, don’t work hard? Loyalty, if you can, don’t teach it.” Don’t worry, the love of a calf…”

Fei Yuanjian was dizzy at the moment, and was pulled up with all his strength, and he heard terrified shouts in his ears: “Blood, a lot of blood!”

Fei Yuanjian reached out to touch his forehead, and there was indeed a lot of blood, and he fainted from fright.

This guy is dizzy with blood, not with others, but with himself.

All the students panicked, and carried Fei Yuanjian back to the academy, escorting Xu Ying back at the same time.

Xu Ying is still wandering in the sky, reciting “The Analects of Confucius” well, even surpassing the progress of the teacher’s lecture. Because the teacher didn’t explain it, and the meaning of some content was unclear, Xu Ying began to think about the reason silently.

“Doctor, doctor, the young master bled and fainted!”

Hanzhu Academy has a doctor, who usually has a headache, or is injured in a fight, and can be treated immediately.

Fei Yuanjian’s bookboy said: “You guys watch here, I’ll go back and report to Master and Madam!”

Pang Chunlai rushed to hear the news, did not ask how Fei Yuanjian was injured, but looked at Xu Ying, who was insane, and asked angrily: “What happened to Xu Ying?”

A schoolboy replied: “He beat Fei Yuanjian until he bled and passed out.”

Pang Chunlai hit the ground with his cane: “I’m asking you, what happened to Xu Ying!”

“I don’t know, maybe his book fell into the water, and I was scared stupid by myself.” Another schoolboy said.


Pang Chunlai grabbed a schoolboy: “He regards books more than his life. How could he fall into the water? Tell me quickly, or you will call your parents!”

The student was quite frightened, and tremblingly said: “Really…he really dropped the book into the water by himself.”

Pang Chunlai went to grab a relatively timid one again: “If you don’t tell the truth, you will be expelled from the academy!”

This man was born in a rich peasant family. He didn’t dare to look directly at the teacher. He lowered his head and replied, “I didn’t lose the book.”

“Who lost it?” Pang Chunlai asked.

The children of the rich peasants were silent, they did not dare to lie in front of the teacher, nor did they dare to confess Fei Yuanjian.

“Okay, okay, even dare to destroy the books of sages and sages, Fei’s family style is really good,” Pang Chunlai said to the rich peasant boy, “Where are the books? Bring them back to me!”

The children of the rich peasants, as if they had received an amnesty, hurried to the stream to look for books, and retrieved their schoolbags, including the cobblestone inkstone that injured Fei Yuanjian.

Students came back one after another, gathered around to watch the fun.

Not long after, the “Four Books Collected Notes” was also brought back.

Pang Chunlai looked at the ruined books, and then without saying a word, he led the foolish Xu Ying to find the head of the mountain on crutches.

The head of the mountain is not in the private school, but in Hanzhu Academy halfway up the mountain.

Not long after they left, Fei Yuanjian’s parents arrived on a sliding pole.

His father just looked gloomy, but his mother started roaring before getting down the pole.

This is an old woman in her fifties. She gave birth to Fei Yuanjian at the age of forty-two. She shouted at the top of her lungs: “Whoever hurts my son, get out!”

(end of this chapter)

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