Chapter 66

Chapter 66 – 065 [Big Company]

Chapter 66 065 [Datong Society]

Have lunch on the mountain, and then go to see Cai Maode after eating.

On the way to the cafeteria, many students followed along the way. When Zhao Han sat down, some others gathered around, chattering non-stop.

There were also a few tables of people, with sneer and disdain on their faces.

“This strange talk is just a sensationalist.”

“The head of the mountain should be expelled from the academy by him!”

“I heard that this guy is an adopted son, something like a domestic slave.”

“No wonder he said that they are created equal, but the lies of the humble.”

“Hahahaha, just say a few words that everyone is equal, does a domestic slave want to be the master?”

“If you are a domestic slave, why are you still a child? How strange!”

“It’s nothing more than sharp teeth and sharp mouth, charming its master, and getting a name in the household registration of the master’s house.”

“Damn it, wouldn’t this be a disgrace to my Fei’s family, I will definitely go to the patriarch to sue!”


Zhao Han’s side was equally lively.

A boy student said: “Chen Lide is a fake Taoist. I have long hated his words and deeds. It is really gratifying to be debated and walk away today!”

Zhao Han smiled and said: “Mr. Chen is a teacher after all, as a student, you can just investigate his mistakes, don’t slander his moral character.”

A scholar exclaimed: “Neither humble nor overbearing, neither arrogant nor impetuous, the apprentice is the true way!”

Another Tong Sheng asked: “Your Excellency said that what Zhu Zi said is shocking to the world. Which masterpieces are they from?”

Zhao Han replied: “There are many “Zhu Zi Yu Lei”, “Huian Ji”, and other writings of Zhu Zi.”

The scholar said in amazement: “I have seen “Hui’an Collection”, and even flipped through it. There are a hundred volumes. I was busy with the imperial examination at that time, so I didn’t read it carefully. I must read it seriously in the future!”

“I’ve only read it roughly.” Zhao Han said.

This is really not modesty. After more than three years, how can I seriously read the Confucian classics?

Zhao Han read “Huian Ji” selectively.

Don’t read the poems directly, read the favorite chapters carefully, and skim the boring chapters, only extract the key content, and know the gist of the rest.

He reads like this, and he bullies ordinary people.

Switched to face-to-face with a great Confucianist of Confucianism, Zhao Han could be refuted speechlessly.

Obviously, this cafeteria is full of ordinary people.

Some students wanted to pretend but didn’t want to read the book seriously, so they said, “I study Zhu Zi thoroughly, can you tell us more about Zhu Zi?”

This is not to ask for advice, but to get a few words, so that I can use them elsewhere to pretend.

“Yes, yes, please tell me about Zhu Zi.” Everyone agreed and wanted to remember a few more amazing words.

The meals have already been served, and there is no room to sit around the table, so many people simply listen with their rice bowls in their hands.

Zhao Han picked up his chopsticks and said, “Let me talk about “Hui’an Ji” first. This book is so amazing. Do you know what Confucius said about Shao Zhengmao?”

“Of course I know.” The scholar Liu Ziren held the bowl and said.

Confucius and Shaozhengmao gathered together to give lectures at the same time. Shaozhengmao’s lectures were more pleasant, and Confucius’ students all ran away. Later, Confucius served as the Chief Sikou, and after only seven days in office, he killed Shaozhengmao and left his corpse for three days.

It first came from “Xunzi”, which only said that Confucius punished Shao Zhengmao, without the content of lectures and violent corpses. After repeated interpretations, later generations have spoken with certainty and completed the details of the story.

The “Historical Records” Spring and Autumn writing style does not discuss any details, only after Confucius became an official and before he killed Shaozheng Mao, the word “you are happy” was added.

Zhao Han held up his chopsticks and said: “In “Hui’an Ji”, Zhu Zi denied that there was such a thing as “Zhu Shao Zhengmao”, and he also called Xunzi a vulgar Confucian, deliberately slandering Confucius. Because this story first appeared in “Xunzi”, and secondly in “Lu’s Spring and Autumn”, there is no record in other pre-Qin classics!”

“I see!”

The students are very happy, and there is another topic of bragging.

Even the tables in the distance, although they despised Zhao Han, listened attentively, lest they miss a word.

Zhao Han put down his chopsticks, cupped his hands and said with a smile, “Everyone knows that Zhu Zi not only scolded Xun Zi, but also entertained Confucius?”

“Really?” Everyone was horrified.

Zhao Han explained in detail: “Zhu Zi said that in the chaotic Spring and Autumn Period, rituals and music collapsed, and Confucius’ knowledge is useless. This is “Zhu Zi Yu Lei.”

Well, strictly speaking, it is not taken out of context, Zhu Xiyin meant to complain about Confucius.

The students were first horrified, then excited.

It turns out that Zhu Zi, like us, used to entertain Confucius.

“What else? What else? Tell me quickly!” These guys don’t like to hear the big truth, but like to listen to this kind of gossip.

Since everyone wants to hear it, Zhao Han is also willing to talk nonsense: “Song and Jin are side by side, may I ask, Zhu Zi is the main peace or the main battle?”

In the minds of the scholars of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Xidun and Ruya should not be fighting and shouting, and they might be the main peace faction.

But the Zhu Xi in Zhao Han’s mouth seems to be different.

So, everyone remained silent, waiting for Zhao Han to speak.

Zhao Han slammed the table: “Zhu Zi said, the Kingdom of Jin is full of barbarians and beasts. What is the reason with the beasts? What kind of contract should you negotiate with the beasts? Don’t be afraid, just do it, Northern Expedition!”

“it is good!”

“Zhu Zi is really a warrior!”

Since the Zhu Xi in Zhao Han’s mouth is so dishonest, isn’t it…even more dishonest in private?

Fei Ruyi had a wretched smile on his face, and suddenly asked: “Then Zhu Zi married a nun as a concubine?”

“Brother Changhuai, how can you talk nonsense!”

Everyone scolded, and then looked at Zhao Han, their faces were filled with thirst for knowledge, and they seemed to be expecting something to be true.

Hurry up, hurry up, we like to hear this.

Zhao Han explained: “At that time, the palace changed and the new emperor came to the throne, and Zhu Zi was called to be the emperor’s teacher. There were two people who supported him, one was the clan relative Zhao Ruyu, and the other was the foreign relative Han Yuzhou. When the two fought, Zhu Zi was the first to bear the brunt and was polluted ten times. Major crimes, including the crime of marrying a nun privately.”

“Then did he marry a nun?” Fei Ruhe asked.

“What do you think?” Zhao Han asked back, and continued to preach, “Zhu Zi did not justify the ten crimes, but admitted them all. So he withdrew from the court, just to avoid the party dispute at that time. But he still did not escape, Neo Confucianism Most of the disciples were excluded and persecuted, and Zhu Zi was repeatedly impeached when he lived at home.”

Fei Ruhe couldn’t help scratching his head: “What does it matter if you admit it? Are you married or not?”

“Of course I didn’t marry a nun, how can Zhu Zi be like that!” the scholar Liu Ziren shouted, “How can the criticism of party struggle be true?”

Didn’t marry a nun?

Everyone was so disappointed in Zhu Xi.

Fei Ruyi still did not give up, and asked again: “Did Zhuzi persecute the famous prostitute Yan Rui, and did he secretly marry Yan Rui’s daughter Liniang? Which of these two stories is true and which is false?”


Liu Ziren grabbed Fei Ruyi’s skirt and angrily said: “You are a monster, don’t slander a saint!”

Fei Ruyi saw that Liu Ziren’s face was full of flesh and he was not handsome at all, so he said with disgust, “I didn’t make up these stories, they have already been spread all over Jiangzuo.”

“Jiangzuo is a place where filth and filth are hidden!” Liu Ziren also looked disgusted, and suddenly pushed Fei Ruyi away, he felt disgusted if he got too close.

A **** guy and a straight guy, both hate each other.

Zhao Han slowly narrated: “That year when there was a catastrophe in eastern Zhejiang, Zhu Zifu was at home. Prime Minister Wang Huai, although he hated Confucianism and didn’t want to see Zhu Zi, he could only use Zhu Zi to help the disaster. Do you know why?”

“It must be Zhu Zi who is good at governing the region.” Xu Ying said suddenly.

“Of course,” Zhao Han said, “Zhu Zi was in charge of Chong’an County. During the disaster, the officials were corrupt, the merchants were surprised, and the gentry stood by. Zhu Zi punished corrupt officials, suppressed local evil gentry, and forced merchants to sell grain at a fair price. The halls and places were all offended by Zhu Zi, but the people in Chong’an County survived countless.”

“Sure enough, he is a role model for my generation, Zhu Zi, a sage!” Xu Ying, Liu Ziren and other students shouted.

Zhao Han continued: “The catastrophe in eastern Zhejiang is too serious. Prime Minister Wang Huai has no one to use, so he can only use Zhu Zi to do things. The catastrophe in eastern Zhejiang is not only a natural disaster, but also a man-made disaster. Tang Zhongyou, the magistrate of Taizhou, destroyed the local What’s more. Zhu Zi’s impeachment of this person in the Six Paths of Memorials shocked the entire court, because this Tang Zhongyou is the same villager and relative-in-law of Prime Minister Wang Huai!”

Xu Ying couldn’t help asking: “What happened in the end?”

Zhao Han sighed: “The disaster is under control, Tang Zhongyou was dismissed, and Zhu Zi… was also dismissed.”

“How unreasonable!”

All living beings were furious upon hearing this, including Fei Ruyi.

Fei Ruhe roared: “The emperor and the prime minister are really incompetent. Tang Zhongyou did all kinds of bad things, but he was just dismissed from office. Didn’t he be investigated for his crimes? Zhu Zi helped the people, but he also lost his black hat? Is Zhu Zi the night pot? Bring it Just use it and throw it away!”

“This…” Liu Ziren was also angry at first, and immediately retorted after hearing this, “How can you say that Zhu Zi is a chamber pot?”

Fei Ruhe glared at the other party: “You are still a scholar, don’t you understand human language? It’s not that I said Zhu Zi is a chamber pot, but that the stupid prime minister treats Zhu Zi as a chamber pot!”

Liu Ziren stomped his feet angrily and said, “That can’t be compared like that!”

Xu Ying quickly persuaded: “We are all complaining about Zhu Zi, so don’t hurt your peace.”

Fei Ruyi suddenly urged: “Tell me about the famous prostitute.”

Zhao Han explained: “The famous prostitute Yan Rui is the concubine of Tang Zhongyou, a corrupt official who knows the state. Tang Zhongyou also has a friend named Hong Mai. Many years later, Zhu Zi was dismissed due to party disputes, and Hong Mai happened to major in national history. He not only compiled history They slandered Zhu Zi, and even compiled “Yi Jian Zhi Geng”, which made up the story of Zhu Zi and the famous prostitute.”

Zhao Han said to everyone: “Masters, Zhu Zi is against women’s martyrdom. Zhu Zi’s inscription commending her husband’s martyrdom was also fabricated by Hong Mai and his like. Because martyrdom was not a good thing at that time, and would be cast aside by the scholar-bureaucrats. Those who oppose Confucianism say that Zhu Zi advocated the sacrifice of women to their husbands.”

Zhao Han pointed to the direction down the mountain: “If you follow the true meaning of Zhu Zi, the chaste and martyrdom archway can be demolished.”

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Fei Yuanjian put down the bowl and chopsticks and clenched his fists. His mother is now a chastity archway.

Liu Ziren suddenly said: “Students study the true meaning of Zhu Zi intensively. Why don’t we form a society and clear the source of Neo Confucianism.”

“I’ll join too!” Fei Ruhe immediately responded, this thing is purely for fun.

Xu Ying asked: “How about calling it Hanzhu Society?”

Zhao Han said with a smile: “Why don’t we call it Datong Society, which means Datong in the world.”

Zhu Zhiyu came over: “Can I join?”

(end of this chapter)

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