Chapter 908

Chapter 903 – 899【Longnuo Returns】

Chapter 903 899 [Long Nuo returns]

“Run, Long Nuo is back!”

More than a thousand indigenous men, some turned and fled, some knelt down and worshiped.

Longnuo: the incarnation of natural force, the **** of agricultural harvest, the **** exiled by the gods.

Mythological prophecy: Longnuo, the **** of exile, will one day take a big ship and lead the soldiers of the Kingdom of God to fight back to the island.

In history, Captain Cook was regarded as Long Nuo by the natives.

This deity represents the forces of nature, and at the same time has been exiled by the gods. Therefore, on the day of the Harvest Festival, we should not only thank Long Nuo’s natural force for bringing food, but also beg Long Nuo’s body not to return to the island.

Captain Cook’s arrival at the Harvest Festival frightened the natives of the island so much that they could only eat and drink as offerings, praying for the **** of exile to leave quickly.

Unexpectedly, Captain Cook returned to Hawaii to repair the ship after leaving for more than a month.

what does this mean?

Must send him away!

Because according to the legend, Long Nuo was exiled because he wanted to fight for the position of God King and failed in the battle. At the same time, he also represented the secular chiefs who were exiled. For the chief who is in power, the return of Long Nuo also implies that the chief should be replaced.

So can it be speculated that long, long ago, the ancestors of the Hawaiians came to live here by boat. There was an ancestor named Long Nuo, who mastered farming techniques and had a very high prestige, and even wanted to compete for the position of leader. Because of the failure to seize the throne, Long Nuo took the remnant and left by boat.

The story is told from generation to generation, and Long Nuo became the **** of nature, the **** of harvest and the **** of exile.

According to this way of understanding, the original leader of the Hawaiians should be a man named Kani. Because in mythology, Kani is the ancestor god, the ancestor of all men, and the **** of the sun, forest and fresh water.

The one who fought for power with Long Nuo was a man named Ku.

Ku: God of War, Chief Protector, God of Fishing, God of Handicrafts.

To sum up, the first leader Carney died, and the ancestors began to re-elect the leader. Ku, who was in charge of fisheries and handicrafts, and Long Nuo, who was in charge of agriculture, fought for power. Ku finally won, and gathered military power to become the God of War.

Anyway, according to the myths and legends, Long Nuo must never return, once he returns, disaster will come.

The chief of Maui, Papu, after fleeing for a while, suddenly picked up his weapon and turned around, shouting: “God Ku God bless you, follow me to expel Long Nuo!”

Anyone can escape, anyone can surrender, but the chief must be hard steel.

Ku is the protector of the chief, and Long Nuo is the mortal enemy of Ku. If the chief wants to keep his power, he must expel Long Nuo!

“Ku God bless, Ku God bless!” Papp continued to shout, trying to gather the rout.

The high priest Hu Laituo was also afraid that his power would be lost, so he raised his scepter and shouted, “God Ku bless you, God Ku bless you!”

The two mages nearby, encouraged by the chief and the high priest, also shouted together. Singers and dancers dance and sing while beating drums. What they sing and dance is war songs and dances.

There were more than 300 indigenous soldiers in front of them, and they regrouped around the chief. With the blessing of singing and dancing, they boosted their morale, raised their weapons and rushed forward.

At this moment, more than a hundred Chinese soldiers have landed, and they quickly formed formations on the beach and raised their guns.

“Bang bang bang bang!”

There was a gunshot, and more than 20 indigenous people fell down.

The aborigines near the deceased were stunned, stopped charging in fright, and shouted in panic: “It’s really Long Nuo, he has returned with soldiers from the Kingdom of God!”

Chinese soldiers continued to go ashore, raising their flintlock guns and shooting freely. Some people were still on the boat, and before jumping off, they raised their guns and aimed to fire.

More and more aborigines fell down, about thirty or forty people died, and these aborigines finally collapsed again. None of the war dances and war songs would work. The native soldiers were afraid of muskets, and even more afraid of Long Nuo who brought back the soldiers from the Kingdom of God.

This is Long Nuo, and the cooperation of the gods is needed to exile him.

Hawaiians’ awe of Long Nuo comes from hundreds of years of religious brainwashing.

Historically, after the unification of the Hawaiian Islands, the first king was able to collect taxes in order to centralize power, and it was also achieved by the name of Long Nuo. The king asked the people of the islands to offer food on the day of the Harvest Festival, under the pretext that they wanted to worship the **** Long Nuo, and the people of the islands really obediently paid their taxes.

The high priest suddenly came to tell him that he was old, he couldn’t run even if he wanted to, and he stood there in a daze, not knowing what to do.

Chief Papu looked at the completely disintegrated soldiers, looked up to the sky and said, “Has God Ku abandoned me?”

As the chief, Papp fears the gods, but at the same time does not believe that there really are gods. But today, the myth and prophecy came true. Long Nuo really drove the big ship and brought the soldiers of the Kingdom of God back to the island.

The high priest suddenly said: “Long Nuo has returned, the prophecy has been fulfilled, and the position of the **** should be changed. From today, Ku is no longer the chief protector, nor the **** of war. These honors should be returned to Long Nuo .”

The high priest led mages, dancers, and singers to line up towards the beach and knelt down to welcome Long Nuo’s return.

Chief Papp felt that he had nowhere to escape, so he stepped forward bravely and knelt in front of the high priest. Then, quietly raised his head to wait and see, wanting to see what Long Nuo looked like.

“Is this going to drop?”

Li Quan felt a little surprised. In his mind, even if the battle failed, the chief should flee back and continue to recruit troops.

The population of the Hawaiian Islands is more than tens of thousands.

Historically, when the Europeans were first encountered, there were about 300,000 people in the entire archipelago (some say 500,000 people). The colonists did nothing but bring typhus. Over the past few decades, the population of the archipelago has dropped to less than 90,000.

The island of Hawaii, where there were “friendly exchanges” before, may have a population of more than 100,000 at this time.

Maui, which is being attacked now, has a population of at least 50,000. These more than a thousand soldiers were assembled temporarily. Even if they were scattered, the chief could gather more troops.

Li Quan landed in a small boat in person, seeing him surrounded by crowds, the natives regarded him as a god.

It turns out that Long Nuo, the **** of exile, looks like this!

Pap took a few sneaky glances at Li Quan, and the eyes of the two met, Pap bowed his head in fright.

“You…you don’t understand, what the **** should I say?” Li Quan pointed at Papp, suddenly not knowing what to say.

Bartering is good, but what should I do to occupy this place? The operation is too complicated to explain clearly.

Pap who was pointed at was taken aback. At first, he was a little confused, but then he realized that Long Nuo was speaking the language of God, and it was normal for him not to understand. He bowed down and said: “Great Long Nuo, welcome your return, please give me any oracle.”

There was no way to communicate, so Li Quan said in desperation: “Arrest these people.”

The soldiers rushed over and **** the chief, the priest, the mage, the singer, and the dancer.

Pap was too frightened to move, and asked the high priest, “Is Long Nuo going to kill us?”

Hu Laituo replied: “If you want to kill, you don’t need to tie it up.”

Papp said: “It may be stoning if tied up.”

Stoning is death by stone, which belongs to the privilege of male criminals, because stones represent hard masculinity. Women are not worthy of stoning, they can only be hanged or strangled by hand.

“Should…probably not.” Suddenly Laituo also became frightened.

Chasing those rout soldiers all the way, Li Quan soon received the news that there was a city several miles ahead.

The city is very small, and the urban population is only one or two thousand people.

The city wall is built of volcanic rock, about three meters high, without towers, arrow towers, parapets and other facilities. Not far from the city, there is also a temple.

This city is called Lahaina. After hundreds of years, only a small section of the ancient city wall remains.

The great chief and the high priest live in the city, and the rest of the villages are scattered all over the island, and they are not allowed to build a city. This is the only city on the island.

Perhaps because they heard that Long Nuo had returned, many residents greeted him tremblingly and came out with all kinds of food, as if offering food would send Long Nuo away.

“What should I do?” Li Quan asked.

Their original plan was to kill all the chiefs and priests, and then conquer this place by force.

But the surrender of the chieftain and priest Ma Liu seems to be able to do other things.

Ouyang Chun reminded: “These civilians hold melons and fruits in their hands and knelt down to worship us. They don’t look like surrendering at all. They seem to regard us as gods. Maybe we can take advantage of this.”

Li Quan nodded: “Not bad.”

Ouyang Chun continued: “We do not speak the language, and the number of people is small. It is impossible to directly manage tens of thousands of islanders. It is better to retain the chiefs and priests and let them help manage the whole island. After we learn the local language, let them pay tribute. .”

Ye Yu said: “We have to have our own territory. Although it is suitable for farming, it is not conducive to anchoring large ships. I sailed around the island a few days ago, and I have found out that the most suitable place for a port is the north of the island. West. There are two rivers flowing into the sea, which are suitable for farming. There are also several rivers flowing into the sea on the far left, and they are all flat land, which is also suitable for farming. The most suitable place for building a port, there are mountains on the west side, and a castle is built at the foot of the mountain. “

Li Quan escorted the captive nobles out. At first, no one dared to move. They were stunned for half an hour, and finally their family members approached.

Li Quan sent people into the city again, expelled all the residents in the city, and arranged them in families.

“Those who are left by the lottery, go and choose a wife.” Li Quan said.

The dress of married women on the island is different from that of unmarried women.

The soldiers who decided to stay, only selected noble girls, all grinned.

The appearance of these aboriginals, especially the nobles, is very in line with Chinese aesthetics, and it can even be said that the average appearance is very high.

Their facial features have Caucasian features, so that some anthropologists mistakenly regard Hawaiians as Caucasian mixed-race descendants. At the same time, it has the characteristics of East Asians, and the various size data of the skull fossils are extremely similar to those of northerners.

Chinese research has found that the bones of ancestors unearthed from Dawenkou and other Shandong sites are highly similar to those of Hawaiians. Therefore, some people speculate that they are the result of Dongyi people who crossed the sea and mixed with other races.

Identified from the Y chromosome, they are also close relatives of the Chinese. Take the Indians as an example. If the Indians are distant relatives of the Chinese, then the Hawaiians can definitely be called cousins.

These aboriginal nobles, when they saw the Chinese picking up their own girls, they became happy after being frightened.

Although the status of women is low, there is no custom of offering sacrifices to women here. The nobles speculated that it was the gods who took a fancy to their daughter and wanted to marry her and take her back to the Kingdom of God, which meant that the gods would also leave.

Li Quan ordered dozens of girls to be brought along, and escorted the captured nobles, and took a boat around the northwest corner of the island to Kahului, the largest port of Maui in later generations.

There are villages and local nobles here.

All the local nobles were expelled, Li Quan led people to occupy their houses, and did not allow local civilians and slaves to leave.

As for what to do with the expelled nobles in the future, the chief will make arrangements for himself, most likely to allocate a piece of land for them in the mountains.

A lot of living supplies were given, and 50 soldiers and seriously ill people stayed behind.

Then Li Quan sent the nobles back to the city, supplied a little fresh water and fruit and left.

Chief Papu was confused and asked the high priest: “Long Nuo drove five big ships and left. Why did he leave some soldiers in the north and let those soldiers marry our daughter?”

The high priest, Hulaituo, did not answer directly, and asked the chief to **** a few slaves to the temple to hold human sacrifices.

After some psychic communication, Hu Laituo said: “I have already communicated with the Father God, and the Father God told me that God Ku has provoked public anger in the kingdom of heaven and has been expelled by the gods. The gods welcome Longnuo’s return. From now on, Long Nuo is the protector of the chieftain. Long Nuo resented us for being rude to him, so he came down to the earth to admonish him. Long Nuo also left behind his own guards from the Kingdom of God, and let these guards intermarry with the daughters of nobles. From now on, he will serve as Long Nuo for generations Guard the island.”

“So it is.” Papp suddenly realized.

(end of this chapter)

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