Chapter 918

Chapter 913 – 909 [Eastern Science And Technology Association]

Chapter 913 909 [Eastern Science and Technology Association]

Thousands of dragoons scattered around Qinghai Lake for reconnaissance.

Ma Wanli’s cavalry division was quickly divided into two: one went to the southern foot of Qilian Mountain, and the other went to the mountainous area south of Qinghai Lake.

“Da da da da!”

Several Tibetan youths came running on horseback, shouting along the way: “Han soldiers are coming, Han soldiers are coming!”

Sangji is the chief of the Arou tribe. He walked out quickly and asked, “How many Han soldiers have come? But do you want us to pay tribute?”

“The Han soldiers sent someone to tell us that all the patriarchs of Arou’s eleven tribes should go to the Dongke Temple Huimeng. If any tribe doesn’t go, they will send troops to kill them!” Said the Tibetan youth.

Naturally, Sangji did not dare to neglect, took his son and dozens of cavalrymen, and rushed all the way towards Dongke Temple.

Around Qinghai Lake, there are eight Tibetan tribes.

As early as more than a hundred years ago, the pasture by the lake was also theirs. But the remnants of the Oara Mongols came over and occupied the pastures of Qinghai Lake, and finally formed the Xihai Mongolian clan (these Mongolians were incorporated by Gushi Khan). The Tibetans in Qinghai were driven to the surrounding mountainous areas and became half-nomadic and half-farming.

Among these Tibetan tribes, Arou and Guomi are the most powerful.

The Arou tribe belongs to the Qianhu tribe and consists of 11 hundred households. The Guomi tribe belonged to the Two Thousand Households Tribe, which consisted of 20 Hundred Households. The history of their settlement in Qinghai can be traced back to the Tubo Dynasty. As for the thousands and hundreds of households, they were canonized by the Yuan Dynasty.

During the Ming Dynasty, part of the Arou tribe was incorporated into Handongwei by the imperial court, and the territory was from the south of Shazhou to the south of Qilian Mountain.

Sangji’s residence is relatively close to Dongke Temple, and he arrived in two days. He was asked to pitch a tent outside the temple and wait.

After a few more days, more and more leaders came to join the alliance.

There are not only Tibetan chiefs, but also Huihui, Sala, Huoer and other ethnic groups.

Half a month later, the alliance officially started, and the venue was set in the open space outside Dongke Temple.

Jiang Liang led the crowd to come on horseback, and the chiefs of all ethnic groups stood up to greet him.

The soldiers of Datong brought the low table, and brought drinks and food, and the chiefs sat on the ground.


Jiang Liang greeted, and the soldiers behind him took off their helmets to pour wine for the chiefs.

The chiefs of various ethnic groups were very surprised that the Datong soldiers who poured wine for them also came from various ethnic groups.

“Please drink.” A Tibetan Datong army smiled.

Sangji was very surprised and hurriedly asked: “Where are you from?”

“Shaanxi.” The Tibetan soldier replied.

Sangji asked again: “There are also Tibetans in Shaanxi?”

“Yes.” The Tibetan soldier said.

Sangji asked again: “Are you a handyman in the Han army? No, you have armor, so you should be a sergeant?”

The Tibetan soldier said: “Three years ago, the imperial court established a new cavalry division in Shaanxi, and all soldiers were recruited from Shaanxi and Gansu. The cavalry division has more than 10,000 people, and one thousand of them are not Han. My horsemanship is good, and I have done a lot. I have ten cavalrymen under my command.”

“Okay, okay, I didn’t embarrass the Tibetan man,” Sangji was very happy, and asked again, “Have you ever bullied you, a Han officer?”

Tibetan soldiers said: “In the Datong Army, officers and soldiers of all ethnic groups are treated equally. Our cavalry division has a sentinel who is from the Salar nationality. He is tall and mighty and has already become a general of a hundred men.”

Sangji immediately sarcastically said: “Sala barbarian, can you still be a general?”

The Tibetan soldier’s expression changed, and he said, “Don’t talk nonsense. Although the Salar chief is not my superior, we all respect him very much. In last year’s riding and archery competition, he won the third place in the whole division. Rely on the real ability to be the head of the post.”

Sangji smacked his lips and stopped talking nonsense.

Salar people, call themselves Salar.

There are different opinions on the source, some say it comes from Turkey, some say it comes from Turkmenistan, and some say it comes from Hami. It has lived and integrated with the Han, Tibetan, Hui, Mongolian and other ethnic groups for a long time, and is distributed in Gansu, Shaanxi, and Qinghai.

“Are you also a Salar?” asked Han Bing, chieftain of Jishi Prefecture in the Ming Dynasty.

Han Yaowu replied: “Yes.”

Han Bing said again: “We Salars all live near Jishi Mountain. How did you become an officer of the Han people?”

Han Yaowu smiled happily: “I am a fugitive slave. I took advantage of the chaos and fled to Gansu. The generals of the Han family were kind-hearted and did not dislike my origin. They even gave me a Han name. Commander Han, do you want to arrest me and return to Jishi Mountain?” ?”

“Don’t dare!” Han Bing gritted his teeth.

Han Yaowu continued: “I am the sentinel of the Datong Cavalry Division. I have a hundred cavalry under my command. All my soldiers are in armor. Commander Han, how many armored cavalry do you have under your command?”

Han Bing said blankly: “Not much, not too little.”

Han Yaowu threatened: “Today the governor will meet here, and all tribes in Qinghai should obey the instructions. If you don’t obey, the Mongols will just run away, and the governor will find no one to vent their anger, so it is possible to bring about the disaster of genocide.”

“Thank you for reminding me.” Han Bing was surprised and angry.

What is the population of the tribes that migrated from Central Asia? Once the Datong army is angered, it is really an extermination of the clan.

After the soldiers of various ethnic groups communicated with the chiefs, Jiang Liang raised his glass and said, “Leaders, drink this cup to the brim!”

The soldiers who were responsible for pouring the wine just now turned into translators again.

The chiefs of all ethnic groups toasted to welcome them.

Jiang Liang raised his neck and drank it dry, and then said angrily: “Tulubaihu (Gushi Khan) came to Qinghai and drove you to the mountains. The rich and beautiful grasslands have been taken by the Mongols. I feel worthless for you all.” !”

These words reached the hearts of many chiefs, subconsciously nodding in approval.

It doesn’t matter, for example, Han Bing and Han Dayong, the two chiefs of the Salar ethnic group, have lived in the mountains for hundreds of years.

Jiang Liang said again: “Since the Mongols have left, I want to redistribute the grassland they left behind to you!”

Redistribute pasture?

All the leaders raised their ears, and the Salar tribe was no exception. No one wanted to live in the mountains all the time.

Sangji couldn’t help asking: “What if the Mongols come back?”

Jiang Liang said: “So, if the ministries want grassland, they have to help our Datong army to fight. If the Mongols still don’t fight, then I will stay in Xining for a long time. When the Mongols come back, you will retreat to Xining, and I will take it with you.” Soldiers will help you take back the pasture!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was moved.

Jiang Liang continued: “The tribes in the following places can stay where they are, but the slaves must be released. If you want to keep the slaves, please move the entire clan away, and I will arrange good pastures for you. Nianbo, Guide…”

Jiang Liang listed a bunch of place names, all of which can be cultivated in the northeastern part of Qinghai. In the future, Han people will migrate here to reproduce, so as to strengthen the deterrence and control of Qinghai.

Most of the chiefs participating in the alliance are not in the relevant area, because the imperial court does not plan to immigrate to the farming area south of Qinghai Lake for the time being.

The few tribes who were asked to relocate their families, although a little reluctant in their hearts, still miss the pastures left by the Mongols. Their moods were extremely complicated. They were looking forward to helping the Han people win the war, but they were also afraid that the Han people would not keep their promises.

Jiang Liang stood up suddenly, raised his glass and said: “Those who are willing to join in the grand event, let’s drink this one!”

The chiefs looked around and toasted.

If anyone does not join the gang, there is no need for the Datong army to go out, and the tribe next door will do it. Several clans join forces to fight against one clan, divide up the territory, and even win awards from the imperial court.

Moreover, they are indeed dissatisfied with the Mongols.

Although Gushi Khan only came to Qinghai for a few decades, Xihai Mongolia has existed for more than a hundred years. For hundreds of years, they were oppressed by the Mongols, but they were unable to resist. Now that there are Han Chinese taking the lead, then rise up against his mother!

“It’s easy to say, bring out the armor!”

Jiang Liang gave an order, and the soldiers brought hundreds of sets of cotton armor, as well as exquisite waist knives and lances, and let the chiefs present choose.

The chiefs of those small tribes suddenly smiled, changed on the spot, and walked around.

The chief of the big tribe is also very happy, these equipment are all good products, they really can’t make them.

“Expel the Mongolian bandits!” a chief of the Hall clan shouted.

“Ha ha ha ha!”

The rest of the chiefs suddenly laughed.

The Huor people are the Tu people. The Tibetans call them Huor, and the Han people call them Tumin.

And what about themselves? He felt that the Mongols were very powerful, so he called himself Mongolian and White Mongolia. Now that they have benefited from the Han people, they actually shouted on the spot to expel the Mongolian bandits.

After the chiefs finished distributing the fine armor, Jiang Liang got another chicken, killed a cow as a tribute, and made a blood alliance outside Dongke Temple.

The alliance ended, and the chiefs of each tribe returned to the tribe, bringing their warriors to join them. There are also infantry, but mainly cavalry, and the coalition forces of various ethnic groups total more than 8,000 people.

Salar chieftain Han Dayong also provided information: “The Mongols escaped from the west of Jishi Mountain, which is near my territory, and may have fled to the area of Alanaoer and Xingxiu Sea.”

“Very good,” Jiang Liang praised, “If you can find the Mongols over there, I will give you credit!”

Han Dayong said happily: “Don’t dare to claim credit, it would be great if we can destroy the Mongols.”

Thousands of cavalrymen of various ethnic groups scattered out, and they didn’t have to do anything else, just to explore the traces left by the Mongols’ retreat.

These people are all local snakes, and they are too easy to use.

Half a month later, it has been traced to the Quma River area, which belongs to the core territory of Haixi Mongolia.

To tell the truth, the imperial court did not intend to drive Qinghai Mongolia to extinction. There are already so many ethnic groups, and it doesn’t matter if there is one more Mongolian. It can also check and balance the development of Tibetan power.

But the sons of Gushi Khan refused to give up the Kham area, so we can only fight a few games first.

Haixi Grassland.

The eight Taijis have become nine, and the boss finally brought people here.

Faced with the search and pursuit of various ethnic groups in Qinghai, they were made to lose their temper. Even if they set up an ambush, they could only eat dozens or hundreds of people at a time.

They can’t retreat anymore, and they will retreat to Hotan. They don’t want to mine Hetian jade!

Batur said helplessly: “Brother, let’s fight. If you win, go back to Qinghai. If you lose, take your troops to capture Hami, maybe you can destroy Yarkand!”

“Capture Hami?” Ozil was suddenly opened up.

Batur said: “Chief Hami occupied the commercial road and had a stalemate with other nobles in Yarkand. There was a fight last year. I also heard from merchants. We went to attack Hami, and no one in Yarkand nobles would rescue us. , the chances of success are great.”

Ozir said: “Since we have already retreated here, don’t fight with the Han people. Let’s go back to Hami!”

The brothers looked at each other, and they all thought this idea was very good.

They originally came from Xinjiang, especially Ozir, who are extremely uncomfortable with the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. They do not want to live in Tibet at a higher altitude, and would rather ignore government affairs and go to Qinghai to herd cattle.

How good it is to take Hami down. It is more comfortable to live in than Qinghai, and it can also be connected with the tribes in northern Xinjiang.

For the brothers, Qinghai and Tibet belong to a foreign land, and Xinjiang is their hometown.

(end of this chapter)

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