Chapter 920

Chapter 915 – 911【Split Yarkand】

Chapter 915 911 [Split Yarkand]

Except for the unlucky Kandu who was left behind, the other Mongolian tribes in Qinghai really ran away.

They crossed the Dangjin Pass and came to Aksay Kazakh Autonomous County hundreds of years later. But at this time, Aksai was not the residence of the Kazakhs. Most of the people living there were Tibetans, and there were also a small number of Mongolians and Sari Uighurs (Yugus).

These common people belonged to Handongwei in the early Ming Dynasty, and their previous commanders were all Mongolian nobles.

During the Zhengde period, Handongwei declined, and all the ministries fled to Jiayuguan, where they were allocated and resettled by officials of the Ming Dynasty. Only a small number remained in the original territory. Over the next hundred years, because the Aksai area was too poor, the rulers of various ethnic groups did not take it seriously.

Currently, Babai Khan rules the Turpan region, and Muhanmatisha and Zhuo rule the Hami region.

Buddhists who refused to convert were either killed or fled. But on Aksai’s side, no one paid any attention to them, and just asked them to pay tribute and taxes.

Uzier led more than 70,000 Mongolian tribesmen, easily crossed the Dangjin Pass, and immediately took a few monks to contact the local chiefs of various ethnic groups.

Under the auspices of the monks and under the deterrence of the cavalry, thousands of people of all ethnic groups who believed in Buddhism all supported Dayan Khan Ozir. And gathered a thousand troops to fight with Oqier, and rushed to Dangcheng (Subei County) in a hurry.

On the side of Dangcheng, there are some small Mongolian tribes scattered, with a total of two to three thousand people, and they are also unable to resist the Mongolian army. Moreover, they were fed up with the oppression of Muhanmaitisha and Zhuo, and even forced them to change religions. This time, they simply followed Ozir’s rebellion and counted the ball.

Continue to go up the Danghe River, which is Dunhuang!


Here in Dunhuang, there is no city wall, and the lord’s name is Ebedura.

Ebedura, the first generation Hami Hui king conferred by the Qing Dynasty. At this time, not only did he not claim the title of king or khan, but even his father, Muhan Mai Tixia and Zhuo, were only Hami Burke (similar to a high-ranking official) appointed by Babai Khan.

Although Turpan and Hami are the territories of the Yarkand Khanate, they are actually in a state of separatism.

Ebedura was eating melons in Dunhuang, when he suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes and shouts of killing from the south. Without saying a word, he went to put on the armor and went out to check what was going on, but saw his soldiers fleeing in a panic. Some soldiers were wearing armor, and some soldiers didn’t even have time to put on the armor.

“What’s wrong?” Erbedura asked.

A military officer said: “The Mongols have come from the south!”


Ebedura took his wife and children, and hundreds of remnants of soldiers, and galloped towards Hami on horseback.

They are all Mongolians. Although they have different beliefs, the ability to run is engraved in their genes. There was no city in Dunhuang, and when the enemy came suddenly, Erbedura had no time to gather his troops, so he had to flee to Hami city first.

Twelve-year-old Galdan is charging on horseback at this moment, and there are quite a few cavalrymen of his age.

This guy chased and hacked the alien race along the way, as long as he didn’t kneel and surrender, even innocent people would be killed. As for those who surrender, those who are willing to convert will not die, and those who do not want to be converted will be slaves.

Unfortunately, Erbedura ran too fast and did not meet Galdan.

Historically, Galdan destroyed Yarkand and conferred Ebedura as Darkhan. After the victory of the Qing army, Ebedura turned against the trend and was canonized as the first-class Zasak by the Qing court.

But said that Ebedura fled back to Hami, and when he saw his father, he said: “The Mongols are coming, quickly recall Balikun’s troops, and hurry to Turpan for help!”

The elite main force here, some are stationed in Hami, and some are stationed in Barkol.

Ba Likun was originally inhabited by Mongols, and it was Heshuote Mongolia, who belonged to the same family as the Mongols in Qinghai. Gushri Khan borrowed troops to conquer Qinghai-Tibet, but the tribes who stayed in Barkol were killed by Babai Khan and all the people who did not leave changed their beliefs.

Muhan Mai Tixia and Zhuo were surprised: “Is it the Mongols from Qinghai?”

Ebedura said: “Most likely.”

The father and son quickly sent envoys, first to Balikun in the north to recall the troops, and second to Turpan in the west to request reinforcements.

Less than half a day after the envoy left, 10,000 Mongolian vanguard troops arrived.

At this time, the city of Hami was very small, but the Mongols were not good at attacking the city, so they could only loot around the city.

When Balikun’s reinforcements arrived, Ozir also brought the main force of Mongolia, and the two sides faced off a few miles north of Hami City.

The troops in Balikun are all fanatics from southern Xinjiang. At the beginning, Babai Khan and Muhan Mai Tixia Hezhuo really couldn’t beat the Mongols, so they went to southern Xinjiang to bring these people to fight jihad.

The Mongols were driven away, but the fanatics lingered, and the leader even became the lord of Barkol. I don’t pay much tax at ordinary times, and become a separatist force. The specifics are as follows: Lord Balikun is a vassal of Hami Burke, Hami Burke is a vassal of King Turpan Khan, and King Turpan Khan is a vassal of King Yarkand—all belong to the separatist regime!

Balikun’s fanatic army is small in number, only more than 3,000 riders, but all of them are wearing solid armor.

After a short standoff, the Balikun cavalry took the initiative to attack, attacking the tens of thousands of Mongolian cavalry on the flanks.

The Mongolian cavalry originally planned to follow the tradition, shoot arrows back and forth first, and then rush to kill at the right time. The Balikun cavalry didn’t care, they just charged forward in a daze, and some of them were still charging with arrows in their bodies.

Not to mention that the equipment is backward, the Mongolian cavalry lost in momentum.

Facing the charge of more than 3,000 enemies, tens of thousands of Mongolian soldiers subconsciously scattered and avoided, trying to keep a distance and continue flying kites and archery.

The Barkol cavalry rushed too fast, and more than a thousand Mongolian cavalry were bitten, and they were rushed to pieces in an instant. Batur, who was next to him, led thousands of cavalry to encircle him. After the Balikun cavalry broke through the formation, they accelerated towards Batur again.

Frightened for fear of death, more than 3,000 Balikun reinforcements, only more than 200 people were killed, they broke through the obstruction of the Mongolian army and ran all the way to the city of Hami.

The Mongolian cavalry chased after them, but were shot back by the defenders.

The leader of the reinforcements yelled at the head of the city: “Why don’t you come out of the city to cooperate?”

Muhan Mai Tixia and Zhuo said: “The Mongols are treacherous, I am afraid they will take the opportunity to seize the city.”

“Open the city gate!” shouted the leader of the reinforcements.

Muhan Mai Tixia and Zhuo Que said: “You are just outside the city. During the war, you can cooperate internally and externally. It is not good if you all enter the city.”

The leader of the reinforcements was furious, but he had no choice but to rest outside the city.

Muhan Mai Tixia and Zhuo are afraid, not only afraid of the Mongols taking the city, but also these Balikun fanatics taking the city. He is genuine, but the ambitions of these Balikun troops from southern Xinjiang are growing more and more visible to the naked eye.

Hami and Barkol are more like a cooperative relationship.

Balkol helped Hami resist the Mongols in northern Xinjiang, and Hami provided various material assistance for Balikun.

Muhanmatisha and Zhuowang looked to the west, waiting for Babai Khan’s reinforcements to arrive, and he would lead his troops out of the city to launch a general attack.


Babai Khan is also under attack, and the enemy is the Heshuote Mongols from northern Xinjiang!

Under the leadership of Sengge, the Junggar tribe took advantage of the void and occupied Mobei. However, the Heshuo Special Division went south to fight against Yarkand, and even went all the way to Hotan last year.

It is reasonable to say that relying on the Heshuote Mongolia alone, it would be thankful not to be attacked by Yarkand. It is impossible to take the initiative to attack.

However, something went wrong inside Yarkand!

After Abdullah Khan unified Yarkand, he began to centralize power reform, sending his son and cronies to serve as governors in various provinces across the country, taking away the power of local lords.

Six years ago, he pretended to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca, but suddenly came back halfway to see which nobles would rebel.

As a result, the different secrets (lords) really rebelled and elected his eldest son as king!

Abdullah Khan put down the rebellion easily and killed all the lords who opposed him. Then… what about the eldest son? What about those cronies who follow the eldest son?

He wanted to lure the snake out of the cave, but instead he led out his own son and many of his cronies.

In desperation, he threw his eldest son to be the local governor, and then killed those cronies who participated in the rebellion.

But the rift has already appeared, and it can no longer be repaired.

The eldest son Yao Levas feared day and night, for fear that his father would kill him. After becoming the local governor, he vigorously supported the Baishan faction and Zhuo, and secretly connected with other governors.

Other governors are the king’s cronies and are tools to weaken the lord. But they became governors, and they wanted more power, and they wanted to become lords themselves. In addition, the king killed a group of cronies, and these governors also became frightened, so they flirted with the eldest prince.

Heshuote Mongolia was hit by a snowstorm, and cautiously went south to plunder, just wanting to grab some food, but found that the combat effectiveness of Yarkand had dropped sharply.

It’s very simple. The governors of Yarkand played the trick of raising the bandits’ self-respect. The harder the Mongols robbed, the more power they could gain. The eldest prince and the governors of various places raised and suppressed the bandits at the same time, and their official positions and powers continued to grow. Then I really started to preserve my strength, always avoiding a big battle, for fear that my strength would be damaged, and the king would take the opportunity to take it off.

Such foolishness was punished last year, and Heshuote Mongolia almost wiped out southern Xinjiang.

It is also impossible to rob southern Xinjiang every year. Turpan and Hami, because of doing business with China, have become very fat in the past few years, so they will come to rob Turpan this year.

Babai Khan of Turpan is already old, and his son is not very successful. I made a lot of money doing business with China again, so I just enjoyed it. Anyway, the Mongols are all robbing southern Xinjiang, and they have never visited his territory once. The small lords of Turpan are also keen to annex land and keep slaves, and have not fought the Mongols for more than ten years.

Now that the Mongols came to Turpan, it was like entering a land without people. The nobles all led their troops and shrank in the city, allowing the Mongols to loot the Grand Bazaar outside the city.

“Has Hami’s reinforcements arrived yet?” Babai Khan was anxious.

The envoys from both sides met halfway.

They dismounted to say hello to each other, and then began to communicate.

“There are Mongols in Hami, please send troops to the rescue!”

“There are also Mongols in Turpan. I went to Hami to rescue soldiers.”

The two groups of envoys looked at each other, staring at each other.

The Mongols couldn’t attack Turpan City, which was a bit bigger, so they ransacked the bazaar and withdrew to northern Xinjiang.

On Hami side, Ozir was also unable to capture it, so he simply led his troops to Balikun.

Ba Likun’s reinforcements went crazy when they saw this, and they took the initiative to catch up to fight, because their clansmen were still stationed, and they could not let the Mongols kill them.

Muhan bought Tixia and Zhuo and was forced to lead an army out of the city to help. If he didn’t help, he wouldn’t get along.

(end of this chapter)

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