Chapter 922

Chapter 917 – 913 [Finance Is Abundant]

Chapter 917 913 [Financial abundance]

Nanjing, Forbidden City.

A battle report was sent. Although there were many surprises, it was not too outrageous.

After occupying Qamdo, Ma Hongjie planned to march towards Lhasa. Just tens of miles away, Sonam Raodan (Tibetan Chief Executive) ordered the emissary to surrender, and Tibet had been completely recovered.

There is no unified army in the entire front and back Tibet, only monks and nobles rule. It is okay to insist on fighting again, but it is really unnecessary. Even if those nobles are killed, new noble lords will appear in the future.

The imperial court immediately issued relevant orders:

Ade Chieftain (Deqin) and Zhongdian (Zhongdian) are under the jurisdiction of Yunnan Province.

Derong, Xiangcheng, Daocheng, Batang, Litang, Baiyu, Dehua (Dege), Gandosi (Garze), Dajianlu (Kangding), Ganduo Cangtang (Aba), Zaquka (Shi ponds), all of which are under the jurisdiction of Sichuan Province.

Although most of the Kang District is under Sichuan, the Xikang Office was set up separately, and the civil and military officials are all from the third rank.

Established the Qinghai Protectorate, and the government was located in Xining.

The eastern, northern, and northeastern parts of Qinghai, where land can be farmed, need to carry out long-term resettlement and reclamation to ensure that Qinghai has a sufficient Han population.

All tribes in Qinghai were conferred chieftains. Every three years, an alliance will be held in Dongke Temple to negotiate and resolve disputes among the ministries. Private expansion of the territory is not allowed, otherwise it will be a breach of the covenant, and all ethnic groups should unite and attack.

Establish the Tibet Protectorate, and the government is located in Lhasa.

Build cities in Lhasa and Qamdo respectively, and emigrate in arable river valleys.

Slavery must be completely abolished in the Kham-Tibet territory assigned to Yunnan and Sichuan. Which noble lord is not obedient, then continue to fight until everyone is obedient.

Qinghai and Tibet, two prefectures, did not forcibly abolish slavery, but rewarded the chieftains who abolished slavery.

Gansu broke away from Shaanxi and established a separate province, including the entire Ningxia and owning part of the Qinghai territory.

“In the next ten years, we will immigrate to these places,” Zhao Han said. “Those valleys must be firmly controlled. I am afraid that the people in Kangzang will not go there, and they will give priority to sending criminals to farm! Those monks, laymen and nobles don’t like it.” Do you want to raise slaves? Buy some female slaves and marry them to the criminals sent to Qinghai-Tibet.”

Ministers are speechless, Heilongjiang needs exiled criminals, and Qinghai-Tibet also needs exiled criminals to cultivate. Where did so many exiled criminals come from?

Our British Empire is still strong, the unemployed population in London is exploding, and spitting everywhere may be exiled to Australia.

Zhao Han continued: “There are several eminent monks in Tibet. The envoys of Honglu Temple went to confer them and discuss their fiefdoms. Tell them that they must obtain permission from the imperial court to reincarnate in the future.”

Zhao Han is quite satisfied with this conquest of Qinghai-Tibet.

Since those Mongols have run away, let them run away. Historically, when the Manchus pacified Qinghai-Tibet, they only drove Zhungeer away, and the Mongols would not fight a decisive battle for Qinghai-Tibet.

After all, this is the Little Ice Age, not the warm climate of Tang Dynasty.

The Tang Dynasty and Tubo were strong at the same time, largely because of the warm climate. The northward shift of the arable line in the Tang Dynasty could suppress the Mongolian grassland. In the river valleys of Tibet, the grain production area has also expanded, which can provide stable grain income for Tubo.

“How to deal with Hami’s request for help?” Liu Ziren asked.

Zhao Han said with a smile: “Let them fight slowly, and deal with it when they are free.”

Zhao Han’s plan is that within 20 years, Jilin will be set up as a separate province. The Rao Le Dufu Mansion will also become Rehe Province. The Western Sichuan Plateau is to be designated as Xikang Province. The Pingnan Protectorate of Burma will be designated as Menglai Province (there is Menglai Road in the Yuan Dynasty, which is actually a homonym of Mengnai).

It is estimated that it will take 30 to 50 years to establish provinces in Mongolia, Qinghai and Tibet.

The key lies in the immigrant Han nationality. It takes at least one generation, that is, twenty years to start, in combination with school education and force suppression.

Zhao Han said again: “Fei Ruhe, Zhang Mingshan (Zhang Tieniu), and Huang Changzuo (Huang Yao) are all appointed as Taifu and recalled to Nanjing to serve.”

In fact, these three people are all Dukes of the State, and they are all governors of the left. They should have lived in Nanjing long ago.

First, they can enjoy the prosperity of Nanjing; second, the removal of command power can make the emperor feel at ease;

This has been the case in all dynasties.

If you encounter any big battle, you can send them to the front line as the coach of one side.

In a few years, Li Zheng from Heilongjiang and Jiang Liang from Qinghai will also be recalled to Nanjing to serve as officials in the Dudufu.

After arranging the Qinghai-Tibet affairs, Zhao Han had not rested for a few days before he received an important piece of information: “Your Majesty, the Governor of Malacca has sent a message that the Netherlands has seized Nagapatam Port.”

“It’s so fast!” Zhao Han couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

Portugal’s colonial ports on the east coast of India fell and were taken away by the Dutch.

Perhaps, this can boost the stock price of the East India Company. The Netherlands has not recovered from the stock market crash yet.

In the winter of this year, Fei Ruhe, Zhang Tieniu, and Huang Yao successively returned to Nanjing to sit in the governor’s mansion.

Zhang Tieniu hasn’t been back for several years. When he saw the river covered with ice floes, he almost lost his eyes: “The Yangtze River is also frozen! It was never so cold during the reign of Chongzhen.”

The general of the navy on board said: “It is Ruibing, the Holy Son of Heaven came to the world, and there is such auspicious omen of Ruibing.”

Zhang Tieniu rolled his eyes. He had only heard of Ruixue before, but today he heard of Ruibing for the first time.

He lived in the Nanjing mansion for a few days, Fei Ruhe came back, and was invited by the emperor to drink with Huang Yao. At the same time, Jiang Dashan, Gu Jianshan, Yang Zhan and other generals were also invited, all of whom are currently serving in the Dudu Mansion.

“Come on, let’s drink this first!” Zhao Han was very happy to meet old friends.

Except for Yang Zhan, the rest of the people here are fellows who joined the army.

Zhang Tieniu drank a few cups of yellow soup, and asked: “Your Majesty, when will you go to fight Mobei? Mobei has been fighting continuously, and Zhungeer has internal strife, and now it is very weak.”

Zhao Han smiled and said, “Don’t worry, within three to five years, troops will definitely be dispatched to Mobei. At that time, the troops will be divided into two groups. You will be the commander of the East Route Army, and Fei Er (Fei Ruhe) will be the commander of the West Route Army.”

“That’s for sure,” Zhang Tieniu smiled openly, “Old Fei said what he wants to restrain Shi Yanran and confine the wolf to the Xu Xu. I don’t study much, but I know the champion. I want to get a share of this kind of credit, Tieniu.” !”

Zhao Han asked, “How does it feel to go back to Nanjing?”

Zhang Tieniu laughed loudly: “It’s comfortable here, much more comfortable than the grassland.”

Fei Ruhe also said: “I don’t even want to leave.”

Zhao Han teased: “Last time you said that living in Nanjing is boring, and you want to go to the north to fight soon. Such a crime of deceiving the emperor, I will punish you three cups.”

“Drink! Change to a bigger cup.” Zhang Tieniu booed.

Fei Ruhe could only drink with a wry smile, while Huang Yao didn’t speak much.

The atmosphere is a bit subtle, and I can’t find the feeling of the year. Except for Zhang Tieniu, everyone else was a bit reluctant to let go.

Seeing that Huang Yao was relatively silent, Zhao Han took the initiative to talk to him: “What else should we pay attention to in Kangxi and Tibet?”

Huang Yao said: “There is nothing in the snow area, and there will definitely be a war in the Kham area next year.”

“Oh, tell me.” Zhao Han said.

Huang Yao immediately opened up the chatter box: “Kham has fully released the slaves. How could those Tibetan chieftains who have surrendered, and even Tibetan monks, be willing to hand over the slaves? The imperial order will be issued next year, and there will be rebellions in Kham. I’m afraid We have to fight again!”

“Then fight,” Zhao Han said, “Xikang Province will be set up in Kham District in the future, and slavery must be abolished. It’s good to fight again, and kill all disobedient ones!”

“Your Majesty is wise.” Huang Yao flattered.

Zhao Han pointed at Jiang Dashan again: “I heard that you two got married?”

Huang Yao explained: “In Jiangxi before, the marriage was arranged. This time when I returned to Nanjing, I made the marriage contract.”

“This is a good thing, and I will definitely give birth to a general in the future.” Zhao Han praised.

This meal was a bit awkward to eat. As the emperor, Zhao Han actually had to liven up the atmosphere himself.

It can only be said that we haven’t seen each other for many years, and everyone is separated.

After the beginning of spring, get together more often at the racecourse, and go hunting together in autumn next year, so as to narrow the relationship between the emperor and the general.

In a blink of an eye, winter is gone and spring is coming.

Following Zhao Kuanghuan and Zhao Furong, Zhao Hanjin and Zhao Kuangyi also got married one after another, and the four princes and princesses have already started a family.

According to the fiscal statistics in February, the national annual revenue has increased to 53 million taels (including the interception of local provinces).

Among them, agricultural tax accounted for 62%, industrial and commercial tax accounted for 20%, tariff accounted for 17%, and income from overseas territories accounted for 1%.

This data surprised the ministers.

Liu Ziren said: “According to the statistics of the Ministry of Finance, the three provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shandong all saw a large increase in tariffs last year.”

Zhao Han smiled and said nothing.

The increase in tariffs in Shandong, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang, in addition to the increase in trade with Liaodong and North Korea, also benefited from the rampant smuggling of Japanese feudal lords.

The shogun was young, and the shogun’s uncle took the lead in smuggling, and the lords around the sea followed suit. In one year, the trade volume with Japan has almost doubled, and the tariffs of the three provinces have naturally increased accordingly.

Waiting for the normalization of Japan’s smuggling trade, the shogun will be in charge after he becomes an adult, and it may be difficult to restore the situation.

At that time, even if China does not interfere, Japan will have to fight internally.

Zhu Shunshui stroked his beard with a smile: “Last year, the conquest of Qinghai-Tibet went smoothly, and the annual revenue rose sharply. The fiscal surplus was 2.72 million. Finally, I can breathe a sigh of relief.”

In addition to the increase in tariffs, the full amount of taxes was also collected in Liaoning last year, which is also the reason for the soaring annual revenue. In order to develop Liaoning and encourage people to immigrate, tax reductions and exemptions have been implemented.

The ministers all smiled, and they were finally much more relaxed.

Zhao Han said: “This year’s Shangsi Festival, the whole country will have a five-day holiday. Except for border areas, the gates of the city will not be closed!”

In the past, the holiday was only three days, but this year it is five days, so everyone in the government and the opposition can play freely.

Of course, the Shangsi Festival is very close, and the provinces farther away may not have time to adjust their holidays.

After the news came out, the inside and outside of Nanjing City were boiling, and shops and hawkers were recharging their energy, waiting for the Shangsi holiday to make a fortune.

Zhao Han called all civil and military officials, as well as envoys from various countries, and took his concubines and children for outing activities.

This can not only boost people’s hearts, but also stimulate the economy, and it can also bring the relationship between monarch and minister closer. Anyway, Zhu Yuanzhang often did this. In the middle and early Ming Dynasty, Shangsi outings were popular, and it was Zhu Yuanzhang who started it. He would pull ministers out for outings almost every year.

(end of this chapter)

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