Chapter 951

Chapter 946 – 942【Ideological Upheaval In North Korea】

Chapter 946 942 [North Korea’s ideological upheaval]

Not only is China’s social and cultural thinking changing, but Japan and North Korea are also brewing changes.

North Korea has been unable to close its doors, Japan is engaged in smuggling trade along the coast, and Chinese books will inevitably spread to the past.

Hanyang (Seoul, North Korea).

A group of people gathered in the secret room. They were silent and excited, as if they were waiting for something collectively.

The so-called middlemen are the children born to scholar-bureaucrats and good concubines. They were restricted from imperial examinations. Although they could be military officers, they could only be middle and low-level military officers. This is a huge group. The nobles give birth to a large number of concubine sons every year, and the concubine sons have their offspring born every year, but they will always be middle-class people who cannot take the college entrance examination.

They do not achieve high and low, and their wealth and status are superior to those of their lovers, but their lovers can still pass the imperial examination and have a slim chance of becoming a nobleman. And these middle-level people, no matter how good and hard-working they are, they will at most become middle-level military officers in their lifetime.

When the imperial examinations were introduced to North Korea, there were changes. One was the major (can be used as a civil official), the second was the minor (students and Jinshi), the third was the martial arts, and the fourth was the miscellaneous (technical officials).

The aristocratic class firmly controls the major subjects and martial arts, and at the same time sets restrictions on the small subjects, and then completely despises the miscellaneous officials.

In order to monopolize power, the aristocratic class holds other trials from time to time, which is Enke on the Chinese side. When conscientious, the notice is issued one month in advance; when the mind is insane, the notice is only issued four or five days in advance. When the ordinary scholars learned that the Enke was going to be held, the exams were already over.

Even if you are a good person and a village official, if you want to take the student examination, you have to ask two classes of nobles as guarantees, otherwise you will not even be eligible to take the student examination.

Now, North Korea is reforming the tax system again, and this kind of thing has come out.

The nobles and squires have fierce conflicts with the royal family. The aristocrats are separated from the beloved (civilian) class, the middlemen are attached to the nobles and are dissatisfied, and at the same time the middlemen are completely separated from the beloved.

Under the three classes of nobility, middle class, and good people, there is also a class of untouchables.

Even children born to nobles and concubines still belonged to the untouchables, and they were not allowed to call their father “Dad”, only allowed to call their father “Master”. (Male untouchables, if they come from a good family, can take the military officer and technical officer exams, and they will be promoted to the middle class after passing the exam.)


The old door opened with a tooth-piercing sound.

A middle-aged young man named Liu Shunqing sneaked in like a thief, quickly closed the door, and took out a stack of books from his arms.

Everyone in the room lit up the lamps and sat down around the table.

Liu Shunqing put the books on the table and said with a smile: “The Chinese merchants arrived in Hong Kong yesterday, and I quietly bought these books this morning. There are six issues of “Datong Monthly”, and several issues of “Historical Journal”, “Journal of Ancient Characters”, “Journal of Physics”, “Acta Mathematics”… the most difficult thing to do is this, hehe, “Collected Works of Qianchu.”

Chen Que, the beginning of the character.

Chen Que proposed that to study knowledge and to benefit the people, the four should be integrated into one. This is a heretical theory in North Korea, and North Korea’s dispute over qi and qi has already played out the dog’s brains, so how can they accept the integration of qi, xin and xing.

After Chen Que was promoted to be the prince’s teacher, someone spread his theory to North Korea, which immediately caused a huge response, and the king of North Korea quickly banned the spread.

This set of theories not only adds the word “mind nature” after “Qi Li”, but also involves the great liberation of Song and Ming Neo Confucianism. It is a moving and changing Neo-Confucian thought, and it is also a secular and scientific Neo-Confucian thought. It emphasizes that the principles follow the movement of the Qi, and the Qi is constantly in motion. based on the ideological basis.

The middle-aged children in the room were not in the mood to read various newspapers and magazines, and only asked Liu Shunqing to recite the content of “Collected Works of Qianchu”.

Liu Shunqing quickly turned to the core theory chapter: “Qi is the foundation of things. Reason is the law of things. Mind is the body of knowing. Sex is the use of knowing. The four are united, and the way of heaven is self-evident… “

Liu Shunqing seemed to be afraid that the walls have ears, and her voice was very soft when reading the article. At the same time, the speed is also very slow, because other young people are copying with pens.

After reading the general outline, it is time to explain in detail.

Tai Chi produces Yin and Yang, and evolves everything in the world. Qi is the material basis, reason is the rules and ethics, the heart is the perception of conscience, and **** is the pursuit of desire. Cognizant with the heart, with nature as the driving force, with qi as the foundation, with reason as the yardstick, to know the world, to understand the world, to transform the world, the four must be in harmony and unity, in order to become a real gentleman.

A more detailed elaboration, as well as an explanation of Zhao Hange’s position theory, as well as a deconstruction of traditional Confucianism and current scientific research.

The article is not long, Liu Shunqing repeated it several times, and all the young people have finished transcribing the content.

A young man named Jin Zhengshun wrote and sighed: “Chen Gong is worthy of being the teacher of the prince of the heavens, and he is truly a great scholar.”

Young people started to discuss:

“Chen Gong’s theory coincides with the theory of the Son of Heaven. The principles of heaven and earth are not easy forever, but the energy of heaven and earth is in motion and change. That is, the way of heaven lasts forever and the way of humanity changes. We are not inferior to the two classes of nobles. We are also middle-aged It can be a nobleman!”

“Great kindness! Nobles and middle-aged people have different positions, but they have the same character. Today’s nobles, who sit on a vegetarian diet, are all people with wine bags and rice bags. In terms of personality and moral ability, nobles are far inferior to middle-aged people. What’s the reason? bit too!”

“The aristocrats are not worthy, and our great Korean country is not in harmony with talent, reason, mind, and nature. If the four are not in harmony, the way of heaven will be difficult to manifest. Only Japan and the Houjin ravage the people. Now that the reform is taking place, although the treasury is abundant, but we are middle-aged people. There are countless good people, none of whom can rise to the top, and the poor in the country are even more hungry.”

“Of course, this matter should be changed. And whoever changes customs and customs, who is better than me?”

“How to change the world?”


“Impossible. Among my generation, the highest official position is no more than a mere general. The commanders who lead the army in the middle school are all the king’s confidantes, and they are all dignitaries in the second class. How can military advice be achieved?”

“The sages of the Heavenly Dynasty have a saying that the people are the foundation of the country. Where is the cornerstone of the Korean state? The people of my generation are the cornerstones, but millions of good people are not the cornerstones? When making friends with good people, especially local students and officials, they There is no step up.”

“Yes, yes, yes, these principles should be passed on to the students and the town officials.”


A group of young people discussed repeatedly, the door was suddenly pushed open, and the young man outside the door gasped: “Your Majesty… Your Majesty… collapsed!”

The young people looked at each other, and then Liu Shunqing was overjoyed: “It’s a good opportunity! The king died, and the faction will definitely resume. No one will pay attention to our preaching. We can be divided into five groups, copying a large number of “Collected Works of Qianchu” and sending them to the southeast, northwest and north. Spread it all over the world. I will stay in Hanyang and preach in Gyeonggi!”

Another young man said: “At a critical time, you can contact the Datong Army in Baozhou. Dedicate Baozhou and North Hamgyong Province to the Celestial Dynasty in exchange for the support of the Datong Army. At that time, we will be able to make things right and create a Korean country with great harmony among all people! At that time, middle-aged people can also be nobles!”

“Yes, Baozhou has been occupied by the Celestial Dynasty, and it is definitely not possible to get it back. There are many mountains in North Hamgyong, and it is tasteless to eat, so it is not a pity to discard it. It is a good deal to dedicate it to the Celestial Dynasty in exchange for support!” The rest of the young people also agreed. lift.

North Korea, which is next to the Tumen River, was originally called Jingcheng Duhufu, and you can tell what it is from the name—it won’t feel bad if it is ceded.

This group of young people has gone crazy. Their children and grandchildren will not be able to become nobles. In order to achieve a class breakthrough, they actually want to cede the land in exchange for China’s support.

And above the court of North Korea, a great ceremony is brewing, known in history as the “Jihai Litigation”.

To put it bluntly, it is party struggle!

Decades ago, two North Korean ministers worked together, one lived in the east of Hanyang, and the other lived in the west of Hanyang. The forces headed by them are called the Eastern People’s Party and the Western People’s Party.

In the beginning, the Eastern People’s Party was in power, and the Western People’s Party was squeezed out.

After the Eastern People’s Party gained power, they fought again, and the moderate faction and the hard-line faction confronted each other, the so-called Southern People’s Party and the Northern People’s Party. After defeating Japan, the Beiren Party came to power and split again, namely the Great Bei Party and the Little Bei Party. The Great North Party gained power and split again into the Bone North Party and the Flesh North Party.

During the post-Golden invasion period, the Xiren Party regained power and quickly split into the Xunxi Party, Qingxi Party, Shan Party, and Han Party.

At this time, the king of Joseon died, and the Nanren Party tried to counterattack, fighting around the new king.

The old king is the second son, but the biological mother belongs to the second concubine.

The old king is dead, and the new king succeeds. How should the queen mother mourn the old king?

Song Shilie of the Western People’s Party took the lead in speaking: “It is said in “Rituals and Funeral Clothes” that although the burden cannot be borne for three years. Although the previous king has borne the burden, he is not the eldest son to succeed, and Lun Xu is still the second son. Empress Dowager Ciyi is the former king The mourning period cannot exceed the period of time.”

Yin Kai of the Southern People’s Party retorted fiercely: “Song Shilie, you read the books of sages and sages in vain, and you don’t know the difference between the rites of the common people and the rites of the dynasty. There is a saying in “Rituals, Mourning Clothes, and Decline”. The second son born to the first wife is also called the eldest son. Empress Dowager Ciyi should be in mourning for the late king for three years! Zheng Xuan of the Han Dynasty noted in “Mourning Clothes” that the second son is also named the eldest son. A son can also be called the eldest son! Ren Zu took Xiaozong as his heir, which fits Zheng Xuan’s words. Although Xiaozong’s ancestor is the second son, he also has the status of the eldest son, so he should not be regarded as a concubine!”

Song Shilie also quickly retorted: “”Rituals·Mourning Clothes·Zhan Fai” indeed has this statement, but there is also the following. The second wife born to the first-line wife has the same name as the concubine. And according to the “Daming Law” and our Korean “National Dynasty Five Rituals” , regardless of the eldest son or the second son, the mother can only serve the mourning for one year!”

“You are so brave, now it is the Datong Dynasty, and you are still talking about “Da Ming Law”!” Yin Kai couldn’t say it, so he started to criticize.

Song Shilie said: “The law of the Great Ming Dynasty and the Law of Great Harmony have not changed much in terms of mourning clothes. Even if there are changes, the more they are changed, the more simple they will be. It will never be changed back to the three-year period!”

The Western People’s Party and the Southern People’s Party have joined in this ceremony.

As for the new king and the queen mother, they left them alone. This battle lasted for more than three months, and finally ended with the victory of the Western People’s Party, and the Southern People’s Party was almost completely deprived of important positions.

The new king of North Korea, Li Wei, who is less than twenty years old, has witnessed the whole party struggle, and he already hates the Western Party in his heart.

Although Song Shilie won the great ceremony, the sentence “the second wife born to the first wife has the same name as a concubine”, which is tantamount to saying that Li Wei’s father is a concubine, and the new king Li Wei is a descendant of a concubine!

After he succeeded the king in a dignified way, his **** was still hot, and after he became a **** for no reason, could Li Wei not feel uncomfortable?

But King Li Wei didn’t dare to act rashly, because the Western People’s Party was too powerful, and he had to recruit more forces to attack.

At this time, some people want to overturn the achievements of the reform and turn the per capita tax into a poll tax again. At the same time, the Western People’s Party began to split, and fierce discussions were launched on whether to take back Baozhou and whether to maintain a large army.

The minister of the Western People’s Party, who is in control of the power, suggested maintaining the status quo, acquiescing that Baozhou was occupied by China, and disbanding the old king’s expanded army. They are called the Los Party.

The officials of the Western People’s Party who are not in power suggest that they continue to maintain the army and take Baozhou back from China. In fact, it was to encourage the king to fight, but he didn’t dare to fight. He just tried to seize power under the banner of regaining lost ground. They are called the original party.

King Li Wei gradually leaned towards the original party, maintaining the army and demanding Baozhou. This fellow also did not dare to go to war with China, but also under the banner of regaining lost ground, he wanted to suppress the Luo Party who was in power.

As a result, North Korea, which had already had too many troops, once again expanded its army by 3,000 and clamored for the Northern Expedition.

When the court was in fierce struggle, “Qianchu Anthology” spread rapidly among the people. Those middlemen, scholars and local officials in North Korea became loyal supporters of this theory. “Da Tong Ji” is also disseminated, but only one piece on the theory of lattice is transmitted, and the rest of the content is deliberately controlled.

At the same time, the atmosphere in the Korean literary world is also changing.

During the middle and late Ming Dynasty, “Jiangnan Literature”, also known as “West Lake Graphics”, was popular in North Korea.

At first, during the Jiajing period, Tian Rucheng’s “West Lake Tour Chronicle” was spread to North Korea and quickly became a popular book. Korean literati envied the prosperity of Hangzhou. According to the records of “West Lake Tourist Records”, they drew various scenic spots in Hangzhou based on their imagination. And around these pictures, create poems, prose, and even novels.

Then they sang praises to the entire Jiangnan region. In the eyes of these Korean literati, Jiangnan in China, especially Hangzhou, is a perfect paradise on earth. Everyone has a Jiangnan dream, and everyone has a West Lake dream. If you have the opportunity, you must visit Hangzhou in your life.

Now, with the establishment of the new Datong Dynasty, a small number of Korean students studying abroad wrote articles praising Nanjing after returning home. The Jiangnan dream soon turned into a Jinling dream. Korean literati began to create pictures of Nanjing, drawing Xuanwu Lake, Zhongshan Temple and other scenic spots, and then created literary works based on the pictures. It is called Jinling Literature.

With the popularity of Jinling literature, the import of Chinese goods, and the spread of new ideas, the dissatisfaction brewing in the hearts of certain classes of literati in North Korea became more and more intense.

Especially the local gentry who have been divided into their mu, have long resented the political reform, and hated the two groups of nobles for controlling the government, but they have gradually accepted ideas such as the theory of personality. In their understanding, they are equal to the nobles in personality, and they can and must have room for improvement. As for the common people, what should they do?

Above me, everyone is equal. Below me, the class is distinct!

Through all these, the middlemen, scholars, gentry, and country officials in North Korea gradually moved towards a great unity of thought.

(end of this chapter)

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