Chapter 959

Chapter 954 – 950 [Tsushima Island]

Chapter 954 950 [Tsushima Island]

What does Tsushima Island look like now?

During the Wanli period, Japan invaded Korea, and the Zong family of Tsushima Island was ordered to join the war. All males on the island, from the age of 16 to 53, were all mobilized, barely recruiting an advance team of 5,000 people.

The 5,000 Tsushima soldiers were almost wiped out, and there were no adult men on the island.

After several years of hard work, finally a group of adults came of age. Japan once again asked the Zong family to recruit soldiers, and tried their best to recruit only a thousand soldiers, some of whom were even under the age of 16.

Fortunately, this time they did not actually participate in the war, and all the thousand males survived. In the next few decades, Tsushima relied on these thousand males to reproduce.

Immediately afterwards, Zong was in charge of diplomacy with North Korea and successfully restored diplomatic relations between North Korea and Japan. Tokugawa Ieyasu rewarded him for his meritorious deeds, and granted Duomafan a name of 100,000 shi, but his territory produced a maximum of 10,000 shi.

The most important thing is the lack of people!

Now it has been restored for decades, counting the old and weak, women and children, there are probably more than 10,000 people on the island.

In history, the Zong clan ruled Tsushima for hundreds of years, and it was in the hands of Zongyi that it reached its golden age. But at this moment, Zong Yizhen has just succeeded to the throne for two or three years, the population is scarce, the fields are barren, and the debts are high. How can it look like a golden age?

The leak in the house coincided with the continuous night rain. Last year, there was a fire, and the castle town was burned to ruins.

The vassal Oura Mitsutomo said: “The top priority is to rebuild the castle town. At the same time, we will sort out the debts and use Japanese and Chinese merchants to rebuild the castle town. Sell the land to the merchants to pay off the debts. The built shops will also be theirs. We will be responsible for collecting taxes in the future. “

This is forced to have no choice but to rely on real estate to make money.

Zong Yizhen just turned 21 years old, nodded and said: “That’s fine, anyway, we have no money, so let merchants pay for rebuilding the castle town.”

Oura Mitsutomo also said: “After rebuilding the castle town, it is necessary to reform the land inspection and change the local knowledge and action system to the pre-Tibetan knowledge and action system. Implement the equalization system, develop new fields, absorb Japanese ronin, and strengthen the development of silver mines. With this At the same time, it is necessary to establish a feudal school and train samurai who are loyal to the daimyo.”

“Such a reform, I’m afraid it will be very difficult?” Zongyi asked doubtfully.

Centralization reform is of course difficult. In another time and space, after the reform was completed, Oura Mitsutomo was executed, purely to vent the anger of other retainers. But also because of this reform, Ma Fan quickly became stronger, and agriculture and commerce developed rapidly.

Dapu Guangyou said: “No matter how difficult it is, we must reform, otherwise we will never have a bright future with Mafan.”

“My lord, an envoy from China has arrived!”

Zongyizhen stood up abruptly, took Mitsuyou Oura out, and other retainers also went to the port one after another.

It was Dang Chongjun who came. The North Korean monarchs and ministers were tossing around in the winter, and he was not idle in Hanyang. During this period, he submitted his plan to Nanjing, and Zhao Han quickly approved and reissued the imperial decree and copper seal to him.

“Your servant of the kingdom, meet the angel!”

Although Zong Yizhen has an official position in North Korea, he thinks he is Japanese in his bones. At this time, self-declaration of identity was ambiguous, and it was not clear which country he was a minister of.

Dang Chongjun was very young, and he was sent as an envoy because he was proficient in Japanese and Korean.

At this moment, Dang Chongjun deliberately used Korean words: “Your Excellency, the lord of North Korea has dedicated Tsushima Island to the Celestial Dynasty. From now on, Your Excellency is an official of the Celestial Dynasty, and you don’t need to call yourself a small minister.”


Zongyizhen subconsciously looked at Mitsuyou Oura, who also looked bewildered.

Dang Chongjun said again: “Everyone, take a bath and change your clothes. After fasting for three days, set up the incense table to welcome the imperial edict.”

Oura Guangyou was the first to come back to his senses, bowed down and said, “Angels, please enter the city and rest.”

The main city of Mafan is called Yanyuan City. Although it is small and dilapidated, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. As for the outside of the city, the commercial and living areas were all burned up, and it is currently in ruins. Merchants and people can only build temporary huts to live.

Dang Chongjun passed by the castle town, and couldn’t help asking: “Is everything outside the city burned?”

Zong Yizhen had a bitter face: “It was burned last year, and I have been short of money to rebuild it, which made Master Angel laugh.”

“This is easy,” Dang Chongjun said with a smile. “When I go back, I invite some merchants from Jiangsu to come over. They will definitely be willing to pay for the repair of shops. Moreover, Tsushima Island will soon be changed to Tsushima County, and the imperial court can also allocate a sum of money.” Money and food.”

Zong Yizhen and his retainers did not dare to object when they heard this. It is easier to ask God than to send God away.

After setting up the Chinese envoys, Zong Yizhen held a meeting with his retainers.

Due to the sharp drop in population due to the war, the strength of the retainers on Tsushima Island was greatly damaged. Then the “Liuchuan Incident” incident occurred again. The Zong family made the retainers obedient, and realized the centralization of the lord’s power in a disguised form.

At that time, Japan wanted to reopen trade with North Korea and let the Zong family of Tsushima Island be in charge of peace negotiations.

North Korea stated that peace talks are possible, but the shogunate must first send diplomatic documents. So Zong forged the documents of the shogunate, tricked North Korea into sending envoys to Japan, and then forged North Korea’s diplomatic documents. This method was used repeatedly several times, and the king of Korea and the Japanese shogunate were fooled around.

The vassal Yanagawa Tiaoxing had a conflict with the Zong family and wanted to become the directly-controlled banner of the shogunate, so he ran to report the inside story. As a result, Yanagawa Tiaoxing was exiled, and Tsushima’s lord Zongshi had nothing to do with him, and he became the exclusive minister of Asahi-Japanese diplomacy.

“What should I do?” Zong Yizhen asked directly.

Retainer Arai Hideki said: “We can only ask the shogunate to negotiate, we have no ability to resist China.”

Oura Mitsutomo said: “If it is in the mainland, the shogunate may send troops, but this is Tsushima Island. Can the shogunate navy fight the Chinese navy?”

Everyone was silent.

In this time and space, Ma Fan has a more difficult life.

In another time and space, although there are not many males left in Tsushima Island, a large number of Japanese ronin came to supplement them. Those ronin also turned into pirates, and with the support of the Zong family, they monopolized the trade between Korea and Japan.

Now, China’s maritime trade is booming, the Chinese navy is regularly suppressing pirates, and Chinese merchants have taken away market share.

For the lords of Mafan, they are so poor that they can only eat tea and rice.

The economy on the island has not completely collapsed. It is purely that Tsushima has copper and silver mines, which can be mined and sold to Chinese maritime merchants in exchange for supplies.

Discussions come and go, and everyone feels that they should lie flat.

As for the shogunate, there is no need to take the initiative to report it, as long as it can be concealed. Anyway, after losing Japan’s domestic territory and retreating to Tsushima Island, the feudal lords and retainers here are used to living in the cracks.

Fast for three days, bathe and change clothes.

Dang Chongjun read out the imperial edict in Chinese: “Emperor Fengtian Yingmin, the imperial edict said: Tsushima Zongshi has lived on this island for a long time, and the current imperial court has set up Tsushima County, so that the people can settle down, so there is no need to choose another magistrate. Zongyi really protects the environment and the people, but this Ren, and another award to Wen Linlang (Zheng Qipin Sanjie)… hereby!”

“I thank you!” Zong Yizhen received the order in a daze, and also got the appointment document and official seal.

His full title is: Datong Mazhi County, Dengzhou Prefecture, Shandong Province, China.

Dang Chongjun said: “The county magistrate of Tsushima County will arrive soon. As for other officials, please ask Zongzhi County to discuss with the county magistrate. If Japan sends troops, they can go to Tamna County (Jeju Island) for help.”

Tsushima Island is too poor. With the current agricultural technology, the island can accommodate 20,000 people. Unless there is a stable foreign food input.

Therefore, after taking Tsushima Island, the imperial court decided to station 1,000 troops and 4 warships on Jeju Island. These troops are responsible for protecting the safety of Jeju Island and Tsushima Island, and at the same time keep an eye on Japan and North Korea for secretly doing things.

Tsushima Island is full of Japanese, so there is no need to kill all immigrants for the time being.

The magistrate of the county is directly appointed by Zong Yizhen, the county magistrate is dispatched by the imperial court, and everything else remains as usual. Those so-called retainers all have fiefs on the island, but the lords have become mayors and village chiefs, and they don’t even bother to allocate land to farmers for the time being.

But three things are important!

Dang Chongjun said to Zong Yizhen and his retainers: “From now on, you and other officials must change their Han surnames, and people without surnames must also change their Han surnames when they settle in the government. You and other officials must wear Han clothes, otherwise Dismissed from office and exiled. Within this year, the imperial court will allocate funds to build a primary school, and the teachers will be dispatched by the imperial court. Three years later, a middle school in Tsushima County will be built, and an additional elementary school will be built. Scholars in Tsushima County, regardless of ethnicity, are welcome Take the imperial examination to be an official.”

Changing the surname, changing clothing, and indoctrination, weakening Japan’s influence here, can achieve cultural replacement in two or three generations.

Regarding this policy, Zong Yizhen and his retainers did not contradict it.

Isn’t that just changing your surname?

Zong Yizhen’s ancestors had changed it a long time ago. Their original surname was “Wei Zong”. In order to facilitate dealing with North Korea, they changed their surname to “Zong”.

Dapuguangyou, can be changed to Puguangyou.

Arai Hideki, can be changed to Jing Hideki.

How convenient, much easier than Mongolians changing their surnames.

As long as their territories and properties are not moved, they can have any last name and any clothes they can wear.

Dang Chongjun also said: “From now on, you can no longer have private soldiers. Your army will be replaced by police and patrol soldiers. The number of police is tentatively set at 80, and the salary will be provided by the county finance. The number of patrol soldiers Tentatively 150 people, the salary will be provided by the imperial court. The rest of the army must be disbanded. If anyone dares to hide private soldiers, it will be regarded as treason!”

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Dang Chongjun went on to say: “We should check the acres of land on the island, and pay taxes according to the number of acres of fields. If anyone conceals the acres of fields, the whole family will be exiled to Heilongjiang!”

Dang Chongjun led a thousand Datong troops and demanded that Zong Yizhen hand over the city defense.

Zong Yizhen discussed with his vassals for three full days, but finally he still did not dare to resist, and obediently handed over the power of city defense. Then, the domestic samurai were reorganized into policemen and inspectors, and all redundant samurai were dismissed and turned into ronin.

Dang Chongjun was afraid that these ronin would cause trouble, so he even took away the ronin at the port. More than 400 ronin were scattered and thrown to Heilongjiang.

Dang Chongjun immediately led his troops away, as if everything had changed, and yet nothing had changed.

From now on, it will be a blunt knife to cut the flesh, and Sinicization bit by bit. Now the Han people only serve as the county magistrate and control the school. In the future, senior officials will be gradually sent to take charge of various departments of the Tsushima county government. The military salaries of those inspectors are paid by the imperial court, and will gradually be managed by Han people.

If there is any change, the Datong army will come and kill these Japanese lords completely.

Even Zong Yizhen, the magistrate, will be transferred to another province when the time is right, and will be managed by a Han official.

When the time is right, it will be the real inventory of the fields.

These guys must have concealed the land and did not report it. When they were caught, they ransacked their homes and exiled them. The imperial court had an excuse to divide the land on a large scale.

(end of this chapter)

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