Chapter 961

Chapter 956 – 952 [Expansion Era]

Chapter 956 952 [Expansion Era]

Tsushima Island was occupied by China, and Japan made a lot of noise about it, but it was limited to the quarrels between old and middle-aged people.

Who wants to go to war with China for a small island?

In Tokugawa Ieyasu’s time, perhaps even a symbolic dispatch of troops, but now there is nothing to do.

The situation that the power of the shogunate fell to the side is not something that Tokugawa Itsuna can solve at all. It will even intensify, and Sakai Tadaki will eventually become the authoritarian elder, and the power of the elder will in turn overwhelm the shogun.

This mess was later passed on to Tokugawa Tsunayoshi.

Tokugawa Tsunayoshi established the post of “side servant”, and the old middleman can only see the general through the side servant. To put it bluntly, side servants are eunuchs who do not need to be castrated, while the elders and elders are the chief assistants and cabinet ministers. Such an approach suppressed the old middle school, but led to the dictatorship of the side.

Put it in China, it is the eunuch’s monopoly!

This is for a later story, so I won’t show it for the time being.

However, Zhao Han said that after discussing the territory obtained from North Korea with the cabinet officials, he quickly made corresponding arrangements.

Ping’an Road was changed to Ping’an Mansion, and the whole was merged into the jurisdiction of Liaoning Province.

In addition, Xuantu Province was established, including the entire territory of Jilin Province in later generations, and Hamgyong Province of North Korea was also incorporated into it. The provincial government is located in Huifa City (to the east of Huinan), Dongning Prefecture is established as the provincial capital, the large area of Tonghua is designated as Jianzhou Prefecture, Hamgyong Road is changed to Hamgyong Prefecture, and the area of Tongyu and Buyeo is designated as Taining Prefecture , Jilin and Changchun are set as Lujiang Mansion.

The provincial government of Xuantu Province is located in Huifa City (Huinan) purely because of geographical reasons.

This city is located on the Huipa River (Huifa River), and you can go east along the river to the Songhua River; go west along the river for a section of the mountain road, and you can go straight to Shenyang via the Hunhe River; go south along the tributary for a section of the mountain road, you can pass Pozhu Jiang arrived at the Yalu River to facilitate the control of Hamgyong Mansion.

The entire Xuantu Province has a population of just over 200,000, and its ethnic composition is complex. Among them, there are only more than 50,000 Han Chinese (including garrison troops and their families), about 40,000 Jurchens, 20,000 Mongolians, and the remaining 90,000 Koreans.

Among the more than 50,000 Han Chinese, there are still some Sinicized Jurchen and Sinicized Mongolia.

The reason for the rush to set up a province is to speed up the immigration of Han Chinese, and the exiles will be given priority in the future. Then through school education and non-governmental exchanges, the Chinese-speaking area will be expanded little by little. After two or three generations, the population of the province should reach 500,000.

For decades, Xuantu Province has been a money-losing product, and has always relied on central government funding for development. It would be good if it could achieve a balance of fiscal revenue and expenditure within the province.

Instead, Ping’an Prefecture (Road) assigned to Liaoning Province, from Pyongyang to Baozhou is very good, it is a relatively flat farming area near the river and the sea, and it is also the essence of the entire northern part of North Korea.

Nanjing, Forbidden City.

Zhao Han asked Dang Chongjun who had just returned to Beijing: “After the land was ceded, how is the public opinion in North Korea?”

Dang Chongjun replied: “It needs to be divided into places and people. North Korean officials don’t say anything on the surface, but they have a lot of resentment towards our dynasty in private. Korean literati, there are those who admire my dynasty, and those who fear it. There were some who complained, but most of them pointed their finger at the Western People’s Party. Those Song merchants in Kaesong were dissatisfied that Kaesong failed to attach to the Celestial Dynasty, and they were very likely to be liquidated afterwards, and they mainly expressed panic.”

“What about the common people?” Zhao Han asked.

Dang Chongjun said: “Our army once occupied Hanyang, Kaesong and Chunchuan, treated the people well, and did not commit any crimes. The people in these three cities are reluctant to leave the heavenly soldiers, and wish to stay there forever. As for the ordinary civilians in the local area, they have no I just want to live a safe life.”

Zhao Han nodded and said, “Understood.”

Dang Chongjun also said: “The secret work of the National Security Council has been spread everywhere, saying that the Chinese army sent troops this time because North Korea banned the dissemination of “Da Tong Ji”. Many North Korean scholars and even North Korean officials believed it, and began to secretly buy ” They want to know what kind of books will attract heavenly soldiers to overwhelm the country. The more North Korea bans “Datong Ji”, the more curious North Korean scholars will be, and the more they want to get it.”

Zhao Han said: “Qing has worked so hard this time, and I will go to Brunei again. When I return to Beijing, I will be promoted to You Shaoqing of Honglu Temple.”

“Brunei?” Dang Chongjun was puzzled.

“There is a civil war over there.” Zhao Han said speechlessly.

Brunei is a big fart place. In history, this civil war has been fought for twelve years. In the end, the civil strife was completely ended by ceding the land to the Sulu Kingdom and moving in the Sulu Kingdom for reinforcements.

Probably as follows, Zhao Han has a concubine who is the princess of Brunei. Last year, the father-in-law, the king, died of illness, and his brother-in-law succeeded him as Sudan. Less than half a year later, the brother-in-law, the king, died again. It was said that he died of illness, but no one knew the exact cause of death. Immediately, the second brother-in-law succeeded to the position of Sudan.

The second brother-in-law’s name is Ali, and the prime minister’s name is Mubin.

Ali’s son-in-law killed Mubin’s son. Mu Bin was furious and asked Ali to punish the murderer severely, but Ali protected his son-in-law.

As prime minister, Mu Bin staged a coup and killed King Ali, Zhao Han’s second brother-in-law.

Mubin proclaimed himself the Sultan, and in order to appease the anger of the royal family, he even appointed Bangsu, a member of the royal family, as the prime minister. Bangsu raised troops to avenge Ali, and Mubin was so frightened that he fled to Mirror Island, and Bangsu declared himself the Sultan. Today, the two Brunei sultans are busy with the civil war, while condemning envoys to request the canonization of the Chinese emperor.

Sulu Kingdom took chestnuts from the fire, wanted to get some benefits, and sent envoys to Mirror Island, but the envoys were killed by Mu Bin. King Sulu was furious and said that as long as Brunei ceded the Sabah area, he would send troops to help destroy Mubin.

In addition, the second brother-in-law king, who was killed by the coup, fled to China and asked the Chinese government to help him regain the throne of Sudan.

Zhao Han said: “You first take Prince Aleutin of Brunei to Luzon, order the two puppet sultans to cease fighting, and return the throne of Brunei to Aleutin.”

Dang Chongjun said it was very difficult: “Your Majesty, these two people fought a civil war in order to become kings. How could they easily hand over the throne? The Governor of Luzon must send troops.”

Zhao Han said with a smile: “Prince Aliutin of Brunei promised that as long as he can regain the throne, he will dedicate Sabah to China.”

“Minister, take the decree!” Dang Chongjun immediately knew what to do.

Brunei at this time is really not small. Sarawak and Sabah are under its rule, and its land area accounts for about one-third of Kalimantan Island.

The Sabah area is located at the northernmost tip of Kalimantan Island, and the Sulu Kingdom has always been eyeing this place. If Brunei dedicates Sabah to the Celestial Dynasty, it will not necessarily be a loss. Once the Datong Army is stationed, the Sulu Kingdom will never be able to invade Brunei again. Brunei will have no foreign troubles on the island, and can even dominate the entire Kalimantan Island .

In another time and space, when Malaysia was first established, the Chinese accounted for 23% of the entire population of Sabah. Even in the 21st century, Sandakan, the second largest city in Sabah, has a population of about 400,000, of which 320,000 are Chinese.

There are definitely not so many Chinese now, it was brought by the immigration wave in the late Qing Dynasty.

But it’s not too rare, because Chinese merchants have been coming here for trade for three consecutive generations of Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties. In the Sabah region alone, there are one or two thousand Chinese, and all of them can speak Hokkien, and they have not forgotten their mother tongue.

Dang Chongjun rushed to Luzon without resting for a few days.

First, he went to angrily reprimand the two pseudo-sultans. Both of them denied it in every possible way.

Dang Chongjun was noncommittal, turned around and returned to Luzon, asking Governor Zhang Huangyan to send troops.

Five warships and 2,000 Datong troops first killed Mubin on Mirror Island, and then went straight to the capital of Brunei. The puppet sultan, Bangsu Xiancheng, surrendered. Under the mediation of Dang Chongjun, the prince Aliuting regained the throne, and Bangsu served as the prime minister.

The Sabah area, with only more than a thousand Chinese, was established as Sabah County, which is under the jurisdiction of the Governor of Luzon.

Under the strength and strength, Tuotu is as simple as that, it only depends on how to manage and rule in the future.

At least, there will be no problems in Sabah County. The mountains are full of headhunters, and the Han people live in the coastal areas. As long as the natives are not disturbed, the Han people can reclaim land along the coast at will. In the late Qing Dynasty, not only people from Fujian went south, but even people from North China came to Sabah. Hundreds of years later, there are several villages there that all speak the northern dialect, which is very strange among a bunch of Fujianese and Malays.

Dang Chongjun completed the task here and expanded overseas territory again. The outgoing Governor of Palembang, Kuang Hong, couldn’t bear it anymore.

Under his administration of both soft and hard, several big families in Palembang converted to believe in Mazu one after another.

It can’t be called conversion. The Chinese here believe in not only Christianity, but also Mazu, and even Guan Erye. Now it’s just abandoning the religion and believing in Mazu wholeheartedly, and by the way, second master Guan also believes in it.

Several major families set an example, and more and more civilians are willing to convert.

Kuang Hong encouraged land reclamation again, so the Han people went crazy. There are tens of thousands of Han Chinese here, many of whom are small landlords and tenants. They frantically cultivated and encroached on the land of the Wandan Kingdom. They expanded the soil along the two river valleys, and even set their sights on the fertile soil along the coast.

The application for lifting the ban on firearms was approved, and Kuang Hong immediately distributed the matchlock guns to the peasants and soldiers, and the other 500 flintlock guns were also handed over to the four major families.

Using the slack time for farming, the army was trained for half a year, and after the rainy season, I thought about making troubles.

If he doesn’t do anything wrong, Kuang Hong will return to Beijing to report on his duties. He has to hurry up and make great contributions!

Banten Kingdom has only three cities in the territory of Sumatra Island, one is called Umbulan Padumanan, which is abbreviated by Han people as Ubullan; the second is called Bengkulu;

Shi Cunzhang, the leader of the local prominent family, led 3000 farmers and soldiers to take Bengkulu directly.

The leader of the local prominent family, Chen Sanwei, led 3,000 farmers and soldiers to directly attack Ubulan.

The 500 Datong Army in Palembang went around Lampung on a warship. Not only to take Lampung City, but also to use naval ships to cut off the Sultanate’s reinforcements, because the main force of the Sultanate is in Java Island.

There is no decent army here, only a burning tribe.

Whether it is the governor of Palembang or the local Han people, they don’t talk about benevolence, righteousness and morality. Burning and killing all the way to drive away the aborigines, especially in the valleys and plains, and killing the aborigines when they saw them, because these lands are easy to cultivate.

The Banten army in Sumatra had no time to gather, and the cities of Ubud and Bengkulu were captured by farmers and soldiers. In these two cities, even the walls are made of wood, and the Wandan soldiers with cold weapons, how can they stop the farmers and soldiers with muskets?

As for Lampung City, it couldn’t hold back the regular Datong Army, and it fell within half a day, and all the forces of the Wandan Kingdom in Sumatra were wiped out.

Governor of Palembang, Kuang Hong, that is really iron and blood.

This guy made his own claim, set off a storm in Nanyang, and led the Eight-Nation Allied Forces to take down Malacca. Now that he has opened up territory in Palembang, there are probably tens of thousands of natives who died because of him over the years.

Wu Liangfu, who killed Da Yuer and Shunzhi, stood outside Lampung City at this moment, looking at the sea and sighing: “Expand the territory, expand the land, and spread the power all over the world. This is what a man should do!”

Kuang Hong said with a smile: “You have outstanding abilities. When I return to Beijing this time, I recommend you to be the deputy governor of Palembang. Even if you can’t do it, you will definitely be able to return to China for promotion.”

(end of this chapter)

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