Chapter 973

Chapter 968 – 964 [Splitting And Opening Up? 】

Chapter 968 964【Funding and opening up? 】

Hospital bed.

Famous doctor Hu Xun said: “Your Highness is fine, it’s just that the intestines and stomach are over-stimulated, don’t eat greasy and spicy food again these two days.”

“It’s time to work.” Zhao Han said.

“Don’t dare!” Hu Xun hurriedly cupped his hands.

The doctor Shoujin left, and before leaving, he prescribed a prescription to regulate the stomach.

Zhao Kuangyi was lying on the bed weak and weak. He had had diarrhea for a whole day, and the last thing he pulled out was water.

Zhao Han said to the court lady who was preparing to boil the medicine: “Get a bowl of salted boiled water first, just a little salty.”

“Father, I can really sit up, they are making too much of a fuss.” Zhao Kuangtang said.

Zhao Han said with a smile: “You pull too much and you don’t have the strength, you should lie down and talk.”

Although the roadside stall is dirty, it has been cooked at high temperature, and any bacteria have been killed long ago. It must be stimulated by the greasy and spicy taste.

In addition, let’s talk about pig large intestine oil, which is called skirt oil. Large pieces of fat are to be removed to make lard, and there is basically no weird smell.

The pig large intestine oil in the roadside soup, not even the skirt oil, is the fat layer of fat intestines. Cleaning along with the pig’s large intestine will definitely cause the smell of the large intestine. Vendors are reluctant to use flour and salt, and they are bought by peddlers when they are not clean.

The hawker stripped the oil from the fat intestines, and was reluctant to wash it with flour, salt, and alkali. He just rinsed it in water naturally, so it smelled very bad.

Zhao Han asked: “What king name do you want?”

Zhao Kuangchen thought for a while: “Since the child is going to the navy, why not make him King of the Sea.”

After hearing this, Zhao Han grinned: “The king of the sea doesn’t sound good, just make him the king of Jin. The princes of the new dynasty don’t have fiefs, so they can only receive their salary on time. I will give you a palace in the city. The vacant land in the city has long since disappeared. Well, there are still a few small gardens left by the honorable nobles of the previous dynasty. You can choose one by yourself, and live in it after renovation. “

“My son, thank you for your kindness.” Zhao Kuangchen said.

Zhao Han asked: “This kind of empty prince is not very interesting, do you want to really seal off the land?”

Zhao Kuangyi was taken aback, and quickly said: “My child has no such thoughts.”

Zhao Han said: “If you want to seal the frontiers, you can go overseas to fight. East of Chittagong, you are not allowed to get involved. West of Chittagong, do whatever you want.”

Zhao Kuangchen really didn’t think about this, he could hear that the father was not joking, but with a kind of encouragement and expectation.

For a while, Zhao Kuangtang didn’t know how to make a choice. He repeatedly weighed the pros and cons and said, “Father, my son has to think again.”

“Think slowly, don’t worry, there is plenty of time, and it won’t be too late to reply after ten years,” Zhao Han stood up and said, “Heal your illness first, and eat less messy things from now on!”

Zhao Kuangtang drank the salt water and took the medicine, his whole mind was in a mess.

He is greedy for the prosperity of China, and he does not want to go to remote and poor places overseas. He also has a lot of ambitions, wanting to emulate his father and achieve great achievements. Fish and bear’s paw, you can’t have both, you must choose one of the two.

With a little strength in his body, Zhao Kuangyi borrowed the files from Honglu Temple.

To the west of Chittagong is the Indian subcontinent. As for further places, Zhao Kuangyi is not within the scope of consideration.

The east coast of India is full of Dutch colonial ports. The west coast of India is full of Portuguese colonial ports. Zhao Kuangchen prefers the east coast for no other reason than being closer to China.

Regarding the information on the east coast of India, part comes from ocean missions, part comes from Han merchants, and part comes from European missionaries.

The northernmost is Bangladesh, which is powerful.

To the south is the territory of the Mughal Empire, let alone provoke it.

Further south is the country of Golkonda, which fought back and forth with the Mughal Empire.

Continuing down, there are three states of Jinji, Tanjore, and Madurai, all of which were separated and independent from the Kingdom of Vijayanagar.

Among them, Tanjore is the richest, rich in rice and cotton.

Madurai is a bit more tricky. It is one of the seven holy cities of Hinduism and the center of Dravidian culture. Once invaded by paganism, it is very likely that nearby states will join forces.

“Tanjore, or translated Thanjavur, is located in the southeast of the Indian mainland.”

“It borders Jinji Kingdom in the north, Mysore in the west, Golkonda in the northwest, and Madurai Kingdom in the southwest. It faces the sea in the east, and faces Ceylon Island across the sea in the southeast.”

“Tanjore, the capital of the country, is at the estuary of the Kaveli River. There are many irrigation canals along the river. The climate is hot and the crops are twice a year. If there are no irrigation canals and rivers, a variety of upland rice and cotton are grown once a year…”

“This country originally belonged to the Chula Kingdom. In the early years of Jiajing, it was annexed by the Vijayanagar Kingdom. In the early years of Chongzhen, the governor Nayak established himself as the Kingdom of Nayak. In the last years of Chongzhen, the Kingdom of Nayak was divided into two parts. Two, that is, Tanjore and Madurai.”

“This country has cavalry and elephant soldiers, which seem to be quite fierce. There are also gunfire soldiers and artillery soldiers, which are few in number. The king is arrogant and lustful, does not repair irrigation canals, ignores farming, builds large-scale construction projects, and builds temples…”

“All the land in the whole country belongs to the king. However, like the emperor of Zhou, the land is all owned by noble landlords. Prefectures, counties, and cities are all represented by nobles. Every village, town and township belongs to the landlord. Administer a village or several villages…”

The people of Tanjore believe in Hinduism almost entirely, and there are not many pagans to be found.

As for the land, it is mostly occupied by the Brahmin caste, and even the Kshatriyas are suppressed. The villages are all controlled by the landlords. As long as the taxes are paid on time, the king doesn’t bother to take care of them, not even a serious official. The landlord is the sky, the landlord is the law, and the big landlords unite to oppress the people.

Moreover, the landlords muddled through and did not build water conservancy at all. The irrigation canals along the river were dug by the Chula Kingdom hundreds of years ago. Many irrigation canals have been in disrepair for a long time and they are too lazy to repair them.

A little farther away from the river, repairing irrigation canals can produce twice a year, but they only know that they depend on the sky for food, and there is even a lot of wasteland. The irrigation canals were not built because the landlords were not united and could not distribute benefits fairly. If the wasteland is not reclaimed, the farmers will not have the perseverance to produce a constant product, and even if it is reclaimed, it will be occupied.

This country has long been decayed.

If history does not change, the capital will be captured and the dynasty will change in another five years.

And the new rulers are just a bunch of dogs in the water.

The rebel Sivaji beat the country of Bigapur to the point where he was powerless to fight back. Some nobles from Bigapur fled with a small army, and were beaten up by Golkonda on the way. Just such a garbage army, with only one or two thousand people left after escaping, actually wiped out the country of Tanjore.

Those big landlords who control the countryside seem to be deeply entrenched, but they dare not resist at all, and the whole village becomes slaves.

Even dare not start a religious war. The well-behaved Hindu country is occupied by more than a thousand Christian remnants, and it is obediently obeying the rule of pagan nobles.

How many Datong armies can such a country hold back?

A few days later, Zhao Kuangtang approached the emperor: “Father, my son intends to capture the kingdom of Tanjore.”

“You have a good vision,” Zhao Han was quite pleased. “Should I hang out in the navy for a few years, or lead the army next year?”

“Next year, it should be sooner rather than later.” Zhao Kuangting was afraid that his will would be worn down. After the youthful and vigorous years, he would definitely not want to go to India to make a fuss.

Zhao Han helped analyze: “Even if the Han people want to immigrate, they will definitely go to Nanyang first. Therefore, for a long time, it is impossible for the land you occupy to have enough Han people. You can combine officials from Tanjore City and The nobles are killed, but other cities and villages must rely on the original nobles and landlords to rule.”

“The situation there is explained in the Honglu Temple archives,” Zhao Kuangchen said, “The landowners are basically in the hands of the Brahmins. After occupying the capital, the sons and daughters will win over the Kshatriya who controls the army and give them more land and population. Let the Kshatriyas and the Brahmins fight, and when the two groups are nearly equal, the country will basically stabilize. As for the Han people, they only need to control the capital and surrounding areas, and slowly reproduce and immigrate.”

Zhao Han reminded: “Beware of the Dutch. The governor’s office of the Dutch East India Company is in Ceylon, just across the strait from the city of Tanjore. You can sell the cotton to Han merchants, and the rest of the goods should be sold to the Netherlands. Still have to sell to the Netherlands.”

“My son, please remember.” Zhao Kuangtang nodded.

Zhao Han said again: “Guangnan Province can no longer cause trouble. The Datong Army stationed there, if you send 1,000 people to India, they will be your private soldiers from now on. You have to pay them yourself. If there is not enough money, you can only Reward land and slaves, the court will not send you money. As for ships, I will give you three old warships that are about to be eliminated. You can use it as a navy, trade, or even as a pirate .The naval officers and soldiers on the warship will only give you a small part, and you can go to the coast to recruit Dan people for the rest.”

Some of the Dan people living along the coast have gone ashore to share land, but most still live on boats.

Navy soldiers, sailors, and handymen are more and more from the Dan people, and a large number of the Dan people went to Nanyang for reclamation. If this continues for a few more decades, it is estimated that the Danmin group will disappear completely.

Zhao Kuangtang said: “Father, my ministers need cavalry, two or three hundred cavalry is enough. Southern cavalry, the war horses are too short, and my ministers need tall horses.”

“The horses are dispatched from the royal racecourse, and the riders are recruited from the retired cavalry.” Zhao Han suddenly thought of someone, “Sun Kewang is in Taiwan, you can make him the leader of the cavalry. He has no team of his own, so he can only be loyal to you, and he can’t do anything. Stormy.”

Sun Kewang is in his 40s this year. He lives in the mountains of Taiwan as a village head. He is probably willing to go to India to make troubles.

Zhao Kuangchen went to visit his biological mother, Pan Qimei, and explained that he was about to go to sea, and was hugged by his mother and cried bitterly. Perhaps the mother and son would not be able to see each other in the future.

Next, Zhao Kuangchen wrote letters to his classmates in elementary school, middle school, university, and military academy. It’s the kind of relationship that is relatively good. Inviting them to go to India together, anyway, they will definitely be granted land by officials when they get there. As for the infantry, cavalry and navy, Zhao Han helped to select them, so that the southern soldiers and civilians enthusiastically signed up to go to sea.

After the Chinese New Year, Zhao Kuangyi will go to Guangzhou and take a large group of people to India. Doctors, craftsmen, veterinarians, etc., also have a group of people, but basically they are young people without wives and children, and apprentices account for more than 90%.

India is very big, and it will take at least a hundred years to completely colonize and control it.

Zhao Kuangyi went to the south to open up borders and establish a country, and how much he defeated was up to him. And the places he didn’t take down will be where China will colonize India in the next hundred years.

(end of this chapter)

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