Ice Age Apocalypse: I Hoard Billions of Supplies

Chapter 107: A Big Harvest

Chapter 107: A Big Harvest

Zhang Yi didn't have much time to think here; the days were long, but the nights were short. If he didn’t find the armory quickly, it might be dark by the time he returned. However, finding the dormitory at least provided a reference point.

Zhang Yi climbed out of the dormitory onto the snow and began comparing the surrounding landmarks in his memory with those described by Uncle You.

The excavator resumed its work. It didn’t take long for Zhang Yi to find the armory. The armory was heavily fortified, resembling a concrete box covered in snow, making its full appearance unclear. Zhang Yi found an iron door with a heavy silver lock.

He took out a crowbar and exerted all his strength, but after struggling for a long time, he couldn’t break the lock. "Military armories aren’t so easily breached! But I can't use a gun either."

With his hands on his hips, deep in thought, Zhang Yi suddenly remembered he had driven the excavator here. Slapping his forehead, he quickly climbed back into the excavator and used it to break the lock.

Impatiently, he entered the armory. Pushing aside the steel door, the sight inside would make any man’s blood boil. Zhang Yi saw his first real armory, different from his imagination, without mountains of bullet boxes in large iron cabinets.

The armory had many iron racks against the walls, holding numerous black rifles. On the racks, there were also gray-green boxes made of some unknown metal, looking very heavy. Camouflage uniforms and helmets hung on the walls, with some camouflaged paint underneath the racks.

Zhang Yi took a deep breath and first stored all the rifles in his alternate space. He now had so many guns, that it seemed impossible to ever use them all unless he formed a post-apocalyptic survival squad someday. Regardless, he stored them for potential future use.

His main interest was in finding bullets, grenades, and RPGs. Cautiously, he opened the metal boxes, finding various types of bullets. Having learned about firearms at a shooting club, Zhang Yi understood which bullets matched which guns.

The armory contained around 2,000 handgun bullets, over 5,000 rifle bullets, and more than 3,000 sniper bullets. He also found a military sniper rifle, different from his police model, with better environmental adaptability, water, dust, and cold resistance, though less precise.

For Zhang Yi, precision wasn’t an issue, as his superpower ensured accurate shooting.

What delighted Zhang Yi even more was finding ten boxes of grenades, each holding five grenades, for a total of fifty grenades!

This discovery was already a big harvest for Zhang Yi.

"If they all went on missions, they’d need to take their gear. That’s why over half the equipment in this armory is gone."

The sudden snow disaster caught them off guard, and they left these supplies behind in their haste. For Zhang Yi, the amount was more than sufficient.

"However, there should be more than one armory in the military camp."

According to Uncle You, the Tianhai City garrison had a regiment of around 1,500 soldiers. It was unlikely to have only one small armory.

After collecting everything, Zhang Yi continued clearing the snow along the concrete walls with the excavator. Soon, he found another armory nearby. This armory had fewer weapons and equipment, but Zhang Yi still found several thousand bullets and two boxes of grenades.

"Considering everything, this is more than enough!"

Zhang Yi smiled in satisfaction.

With these weapons, no one in Tianhai City could pose a threat to him in terms of firepower. He had never used grenades before but could ask Uncle You for guidance or find instructions online.

He didn’t find any heavy weapons. The Tianhai City garrison was an infantry unit, lacking artillery and armored vehicles. Heavy machine guns and similar weapons were likely taken on missions. If not for the snow disaster’s rapid onset, Zhang Yi wouldn’t have found these weapons and ammunition.

"No matter what, these weapons are more than enough for me."

"This also points me in a direction. In the future, I can gather weapons from police stations and military units across different cities."

Every sizable city had police stations and garrisons. With his means of transportation, Zhang Yi could cross cities to seek weapons and equipment in nearby satellite towns.

After ensuring he had found everything valuable in the vicinity, Zhang Yi drove away from the military camp. He didn’t go far. The surrounding area was a wilderness with many trees, perfectly matching his needs.

He used the excavator to break the trees at the waist and stored them in his alternate space.

Busy for a long time, he returned home at nightfall. The neighbors were waiting for him to distribute food, but this time Zhang Yi returned empty-handed.

Seeing the neighbors, Zhang Yi spread his hands. "I searched many places today but found no food. Everyone, please bear with it!"

People shouldn’t be fed too well; a full belly leads to rebellious thoughts. Just yesterday, some neighbors had started asking for clothes. Today, Zhang Yi deliberately brought back nothing to remind them: "You’re all my dependents. Don’t overstep your bounds! If you want to eat, behave!"

Hearing Zhang Yi’s words, the neighbors began murmuring.

"What? No food today?"

"Impossible, there are so many places to search. Can’t you try harder?"

"It’s tough without food tonight!"

"You worked all day and found nothing?"

Zhang Yi smiled at the chattering crowd. "Are you done talking?"

Everyone fell silent, their faces unhappy but their mouths shut.

"Recently, you all seem to be getting complacent, forgetting that you begged me to save you."

"Has it only been a few days, and you already think I’m obligated to bring you food?"

"If that’s the case, we can part ways. You can find your own food from now on."

Everyone was shocked.

Li Chengbin quickly said, "Brother Zhang, that’s not what we meant. We understand how hard you work! The snow outside makes it difficult to find food. Please go and rest first!"

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