Ice Age Apocalypse: I Hoard Billions of Supplies

Chapter 109: The Whole Neighborhood Pressures

Chapter 109: The Whole Neighborhood Pressures

Faced with the terror of imminent death, the residents began to reminisce about Zhang Yi’s good deeds. Once someone initiated the thought, others were easily swayed, especially now that they were all hungry, making them appreciate the food Zhang Yi had provided even more.

"Come to think of it, maybe we were too harsh on Zhang Yi?"

"He braves the harsh wind and snow to find food for us, and he has to find enough for dozens of people."

"Yeah, so he didn't find any today. We won't starve to death; we can endure for a bit."

"Those who got killed brought it on themselves. They spoke out of turn."

"Exactly, who are they to think they can take his snowmobile? They deserved to die!"

"Oh, I remember now. Luan Qiang was a real jerk. He let his dog off the leash once, and it almost bit me!"

"Is that so? Well, he truly deserved to die then! And he got us into this mess before dying."

"Regardless, we need to convince Zhang Yi to continue finding food for us!"

"Right, that's our only way to survive."

"He's right. Zhang Yi's house is made of alloy; we can't break in. We have to beg for his mercy!"

Just as Zhang Yi predicted, a little kindness made the neighbors audacious, while harsh treatment had them groveling. Confucius was right: it is difficult to manage both women and petty people; being close makes them impertinent, while distancing them causes resentment.

Not long after Zhang Yi returned home, someone in the Building 25 group chat tagged him and apologized.

"Zhang Yi, we were wrong today. We sincerely apologize."

"We hope you'll overlook our behavior for the sake of our long-term neighborly relations."

"It was all Luan Qiang’s fault! None of us had such intentions. Please understand!"

"We will follow your instructions from now on."

"And, if you could, please go out to find food again tomorrow. We are really starving."

Seeing these messages, Zhang Yi smirked coldly, too lazy to respond.

"Let them stew in their own guilt and despair," he thought. "Maybe I should use them as a death squad one last time?"

"Throw a couple of moldy pieces of bread their way, and they’d scramble to do it."

Just then, a series of "Ding Dong! Ding Dong!" notifications caught his attention. He had most group chats muted, so why these alerts?

Curious, Zhang Yi checked and understood the situation.

Chen Lingyu from Building 9 had added him to a new group chat. He glanced at the members and realized the significance: exactly 30 people, including many familiar names like Li Jian from Building 18, Huang Tianfang from Building 26, Wang Qiang from Building 21, and Zhang Yunan from Building 5.

These were the leaders of all 30 buildings in the neighborhood.

Sharp-eyed and contemplative, Zhang Yi muttered, "Looks like they’re finally ready to confront me."

Zhang Yi knew this day would come. Unlike him, with an endless supply of resources, the other buildings were barely scraping by. Each day was a struggle for them.

Once Zhang Yi entered the group, Chen Lingyu announced, "I've added Zhang Yi. Let's discuss the matter."

Silent, Zhang Yi waited to see what they had to say.

His nemesis, Wang Qiang from Building 21, spoke first, his tone hostile. "Zhang Yi, I hear you’ve been living comfortably in Building 25, eating well every day, while ignoring us poor neighbors!"

Zhang Yi chuckled but didn't bother arguing. Talking against 29 voices, especially online, was pointless.

"If you dragged me in just to hear you babble, I'm leaving now."

Huang Tianfang quickly interjected, "Don’t be hasty, Zhang Yi. If you leave now, who knows what might happen!"

Zhang Yi sneered, "Are you threatening me, Huang Tianfang? I’ve killed so many of your Tianhe Gang members. How dare you bark here?"

"Believe me, I could wipe you all out by tomorrow!"

Behind his phone, Huang Tianfang felt a chill down his spine and hastily sent a voice message, "Don't scare me! The leaders of the other 29 buildings have formed a united front. Attacking one of us means attacking all of us."

"No matter how strong you are, can you handle so many of us?"

Zhang Yi's eyes flashed.

Indeed, they had united. A front of 29 buildings against him.

Li Jian, the good guy, intervened, "Alright, everyone, calm down. We created this group to negotiate, not to kill each other."

Wang Qiang snorted, "Alright, Old Li, tell him our plan."

Li Jian explained, "Alright, Zhang Yi, let me explain our agreement."

"The leaders of the 29 buildings have formed a united front to pressure Building 25. If you attack any of us, all the other buildings will provide aid."

"Second, we ask you to provide resources to ensure our basic survival."

"In exchange, we won't attack Building 25."

"Third, to ensure you fulfill your promises, we want your snowmobile to be shared among everyone, not kept for personal use."

"Fourth, we need you to disclose any resource locations you know. With the city buried in snow, not everyone can find supplies, even with a vehicle."

Li Jian concluded, "Zhang Yi, that’s it. Have you understood?"

A sneer curled Zhang Yi's lips.

These demands were outrageous. They wanted his snowmobile, expected him to lead them to resources, and demanded he ensure their survival. In return, they simply promised not to attack Building 25?

They were dreaming.

Although ridiculous, Zhang Yi understood the logic behind their demands. Negotiations were about extracting benefits, and their absurd demands were just an opening gambit.

They believed they could overpower Building 25 with their combined might, underestimating Zhang Yi's firepower. They didn’t know he had amassed a considerable arsenal of weapons and ammunition.

A fight between them wouldn’t even be close. Sheer numbers didn’t guarantee victory. Just as a single alien weapon could decimate Earth’s fleet, Zhang Yi’s superior firepower could annihilate them.

Silent, Zhang Yi contemplated his next move.

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