Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 190 Visit

[Instant Transmission Blueprint]

Type: Transport Blueprint

Uses Left: 8/10

Effects: Use to learn how to create Instant Transmission Port.

[Slave Seal]

Type: Imprinting Tool

Amt. Left: 100/100


Those who are branded by this seal will turn into the most loyal slave of the user. They will retain their intelligence but will never think of betraying their new Master.

The Master has full autonomy over the well-being of the slave.

[Mentor's Halo]

Type: System Perk


Your Beneficiaries' comprehension rate increases by 50% with your presence and guidance.

The system was truly generous by giving him these rewards. He had truly hit the jackpot when he decided to turn his friends into his Beneficiaries as well.

The items he received will prove useful, especially the Instant Transmission Port and the Slave Seal.

The Instant Transmission Port does with the name says. It allows instant transmission from Point A to Point B without any delay, no matter the distance. Granted, it's going to be expensive thanks to the materials needed to build it and the maintenance costs but the accessibility it would give, on the other hand, was worth that price.

He even let Aria learn the blueprint right away so that they can start with it.

As for the Slave Seal, well he had the Revenants as prisoners didn't he? Then it should be obvious what he's planning to do with these.

Truthfully. He was planning on torturing them for more answers but with the Slave Seals on hand, he only need to work until their resolve and faith were broken before imprinting them with a Slave Seal.

Once they were turned into loyal slaves, Ashton would then have more tools in his arsenal to keep the invaders in check. Plus, since he's gaining their loyalty, they'd be more than willing to tell him all he wants to know.

Still, though, that is a matter for the future. It will take some time before the remaining Revenants are mind-broken so he needs to wait before planting the seal on them.

Aside from those two, the Mentor's Halo was also useful, and even more so the 500 Skill and Spell Points he received as well.

All in all, Ashton received yet another boost in his strength and he barely did anything actually.

And now, since the crisis has been averted, Ashton returned home and allowed his friends to have some time off.

Upon returning, he sent a transmission to Oracle Felicia, saying that the Black Fog has been dealt with.

The old woman couldn't even express how relieved she was to hear that. She was worried since they were severely understaffed but since the four of them were able to handle it, then it felt like a boulder was lifted from her chest.

Ashton forgot to tell her that the Revenants had also been dealt with but he felt too lazy to send another transmission message so he'll just tell her next time he remembers to do so.

While at home, Ashton scanned Fantasia as a whole and discovered that it was relatively peaceful.

Surprisingly, the Cult of the Skydemon still hasn't made any movements yet. Mages and Knights were patrolling everywhere to raise the security of the metropolis but no attacks happened.

Of course, he's relieved that the metropolis didn't turn into ruins when they returned, but still, he finds the inactivity of the cult rather intriguing.

Then again, that's none of his business anymore. The cult wouldn't last for long anyways.

Considering how strong Alice, Blake, and Mary have gotten thanks to their recent training, coupled with the experience of dealing with true and living Demons not too long ago, the fake Skydemons the cult raises are nothing but a mere joke to them.

He didn't need to worry since the trio would most likely wipe the cult out if they dared to do something now.

With this in mind, Ashton went to rest with Aria.

"Good morning, Oracle. What can I do for you today?"

It's the next day and Ashton woke up with Jerry notifying him that Oracle Felicia had come to visit. He doesn't have any clue as to what she wants from him but he couldn't exactly turn her away.

"Good morning to you too, Ashton. I'm sorry for disturbing your rest."

"Oh no, it's fine. What do you need?" He asked again.

"Ah, I'm actually here to invite you to the Federation's Headquarters. Some people are eager to meet you."

Ashton raised a brow as he heard that. He stared at the Oracle for a bit to gauge her intentions. Eventually, he didn't feel like she'll do something to upset him, especially after what he just did for Humanity, so this invitation should at least be genuine.

"...sure. I guess it's time for us to finally meet." He mused to himself. He stood up and left the old woman in the room by herself.

He changed his clothes and made himself look presentable at least. He took all the necessary stuff with him before meeting the old woman back where he left her earlier.

Seeing that he was ready, the oracle nodded her head. She stood up and walked out of the house.

There was a flying carpet waiting for them outside, this is their transportation to where they were supposed to go.

They rode the flying carpet in silence until they eventually arrived at the heart of the metropolis, the old City F which has been repurposed due to the changes that happened in the past.

Here, the Headquarters of the Morning Sun Federation is located...

After jumping off of the flying carpet, the guards greeted them before granting them entry.

Ashton looked at the towering building in front of him and sighed inwardly. He had no idea what to expect from this meeting. Previously, he had a lot of things to say about the federation but as his emotions mellowed out and logic took over, he found himself realizing the more intricate details of the current government.

Sadly, he still has mixed feelings about them until now. This view might result in a not-so-pleasant first impression...

"We're here..." Oracle Felicia said, stopping at a large door.

She took out her badge and stood in front of the scanner to get her pupils checked for an identity scan.

Once the security system confirmed her identity, the doors opened generously. She tapped the keypad available several times to get a visitor's pass which she handed to Ashton.

Wearing it, they continued inside the room. And that's when Ashton finally saw the current state of Humanity's so-called 'Leaders'.

The room he was in could be mistaken as a small indoor garden. In the said garden, there is a massive tree that seems to twist in itself. It has taken root in every square inch of this garden as well.

There's a specific air in here that Ashton couldn't accurately grasp. But instead of focusing on that, he focused on what he could see right now.

At the trunk of the twisting tree, he saw several old people sitting in a meditative position.

They sat in there like golden statues...

"You're not seeing wrong. They are indeed in stasis." Oracle Felicia informed, which shocked Ashton a bit.

There must be at least 11 or 12 people here scattered around the twisted tree, all of them are in stasis.

"Why?" He asked. He didn't expect this at all so he wanted to know more.

"I believe I can answer that question."

A voice sounded behind him. Ashton turned around and his eyes landed on the statue right next to him.

"You are?"

"Call me George, I am the one who asked Felicia to bring you here."

George sounded old and weary. He was sitting farthest from the twisted tree.

"Nice to meet you, George. I'm Ashton." He introduced himself before sitting in front of George.

Behind him, Felicia slowly withdrew to the corner of the room.

"I'm aware." George replied, "I wanna express my deepest gratitude for lending aid when we need it the most. Felicia told me what happened to you, and for that, on behalf of the other elders around, I also express my sincerest apologies."

"What's done is done. I came back alive and stronger anyway." Ashton replied, he then looked at the statue in front of him and asked: "How did this happen to all of you?"

"It's because of that tree over there," George replied, causing Ashton to take another look at it.

"We call that tree, the Twisted Heavenly Tree." He said, "What you see here is just the husk of that same tree. As what it does, it simply wraps around the Blue Planet, sealing it away with a Rule which filtered the invaders."

Ashton's mind raced. He then said: "Ah, so the rumors are true? The real army of the Invaders isn't even here yet. I'm assuming that this tree is what prevents them from descending? And you all are needed to be used to keep the status quo?"

"Exactly," George replied. "As I am sitting the farthest from it. I am still able to remain awake from time to time. Allowing me to become the bridge between us. While we can extricate ourselves easily from this state, we couldn't since that would pose a risk to our world."

"...that's rough, buddy."

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