If You Are a Dodder Flower

Chapter 64

Chapter 64

The restaurant is just an ordinary small restaurant. If you don’t have a big enough table, you can use a few square tables to fight the table. In this way, two people were also seated.

Zou Yue is now acting as the president. There are so many things to look after. I want to call Wei Wei to sit on her side and turn around… Wei Wei has naturally sat opposite the right side of Xia Rou.

Zou Yue paused, and wanted to sit next to Wei Wei, and felt too revealing. In fact, she has never been confessed to Wei Wei. But she always felt that she liked Wei Wei for so many years, Wei Wei should understand.

Xia Rou took off his coat and hung it on the back of the chair. He turned to Wei Wei on the opposite side. Straight, eagerly looking at her.

Xiarou paused and smiled at him.

Wei Wei’s heart seems to have suddenly blossomed! In the winter, a long grass flies, birds and flowers!

Some boys squatted with Wei Wei and immediately knocked their backs with other girls with chopsticks. They said, “No eyesight! Go there and sit there!” The boys were dull, and somehow inexplicably, they were pulled to the side by the girls. Going, I want to leave the seat around Wei Wei and leave it to Zou Yue.

Wei Wei took the boy back and smiled. “Don’t go, who are you going to drink with me?” The boy was coming back.

He said that there is no way for others. Zou Yue sat at the end of the long table and was also suitable for her acting president.

The menu was taken over, everyone laughed and haha, one person ordered a dish, and some people did not order it. Finally passed to Zou Yue’s hand, she finally added a little – the club public fee checkout.

Return the menu to the waiter, and then look up and see Wei Weizheng and Xia Rou speak.

“Don’t you hurt today?” he asked carefully.

“No.” Xiarou gently shook his head.

“That’s good.” Wei Wei sighed. “At the time, I was a little nervous, afraid of controlling the power.”

In fact, that slap does not control the power, it is too light. At the time, everyone felt that it looked a bit too fake. However, so many girls are directed at this handsome foreign aid, and you can’t hide it.

The cold dishes soon came on, and the beer and drinks came up. Zou Yue took the cup and stood up to summarize the performance first. He praised the circle and thanked him for a circle. Finally, I thank Wei Wei and respect him. Wei Wei smiled and did it.

As soon as the hot dishes came up, the atmosphere was full of fun. Everyone eats, drinks, talks and laughs.

Slowly, I noticed Wei Wei’s concern for Xia Rou.

Help her to pick up the vegetables and help her pour the drink. I also thought that the drink was cool, and she called her hot tea…

The drama group has more girls and is sensitive to the mind. Gradually, I feel that it is wrong. Wei Shixiong’s enthusiasm… obviously it’s like Xiarou!

Someone started to sneak a sneak peek at Zou Yue. Zou Yue’s smile is really strong, and it’s very stubborn.

Wei Wei… is still the same as the previous life. He is full of enthusiasm and vitality.

Only in her previous life, she only met him after entering the company. It was a few years later than now. At that time, he had completely faded away the remaining studentism. He was a young man with positive enthusiasm and flexibility. Unlike Xia Rou, who is in the company, Wei Wei, the backbone of the department, is deeply appreciated by the leaders. Wherever he goes, he can bring sunshine.

The more the meal is eaten, the more everyone knows that Zou Yue’s general trend has gone.

Wei’s brother’s attitude towards the freshman’s Xia Rou is clear and clear.

Most people are not the first to deal with Wei brothers. Last year, Wei brothers have been in contact with everyone. They always thought that even if it wasn’t, Zou Yue and Wei Shixi had to come together sooner or later. After all, Wei brothers should have invited Zou Yue to give them foreign aid twice. And Wei’s attitude towards Zou Yue has always been mild and amiable.

But there is no harm without comparison. Until then, the girls realized that the difference between the attitude of the boys to their favorite girls and those who did not like them was so great.

Indeed, Wei Wei has always been gentle on Zou Yue, but it is only mild.

When Wei Wei looked at Xia Rou, his eyes were too bright. That burning sight, no one can be seen as not seeing. He didn’t have to confess, he used his eyes to express his love for Xia Rou.

The atmosphere on the dinner table became awkward. Everyone deliberately talked and laughed, but because of deliberate, the atmosphere was even more strange.

At the time of checkout, Zou Yue’s face was very gray.

The funds in the group were on her, and she got up and went to the waiter to check out the invoice. I heard Wei Wei said: “If you like her work, there are many departments in my family. When do you have time? I will bring it to you. Will you go on Saturday? Morning? Afternoon?”

That Xia Rou said: “I have to go home on weekends.”

“Oh, are you local?” Wei Wei said. “My home is in the city, not far from the provincial capital. This is for you, this is my business card, I have a phone call on it…”

There are also boys in the regiment chasing Xiarou, and Xiarou did not agree. Those who reportedly put candles and show bmw in the dormitory building, it is said that no one can win the favor of Xia Rou.

Zou Yue would like to listen to it, Xia Ro will not pick up that business card. The waiter is already urging her, and she is standing there and not taking a step, it is too ugly.

Zou Yue went very heavy with the waiter, and did not hear Xia Rou’s answer.

When she bought the order back, everyone started wearing a jacket. Xia Rou walked around his neck around his neck and couldn’t talk. But in Wei Wei, who is opposite her, the smile on her face is so bright.

Zou Yue’s heart sank.

Out of the restaurant, she said to Wei Wei: “Brother, today is hard work, go back soon.”

Wei Wei took a look at Xia Rou and smiled: “I will send you to school.”

There are several boys in the club, not many of them are sent by a man. But everyone did not say anything, just a few boys gave each other a few eyes, eyebrows.

At the entrance to the school, Wei Wei said goodbye to everyone, but there was no special way to say goodbye to Xia. Instead, he said a few words at the door with Zou Yue. Zou Yue has been standing outside the gate, watching him get on the taxi, only sighed and turned into the door.

I saw that most of the people in the group were scattered. However, several people blocked Xiarou there. It seemed that there was something wrong and the atmosphere was a little nervous.

Zou Yue frowned and went over and asked, “What happened?”

“Zou Yue! Xiarou is too much! She received the business card of Wei Shixiong!” A junior school girl who had a good relationship with Zou Yue was angry and angry.

She really… still received…

Zou Yue’s heart is very bitter and hard to accept.

She was silent for a while and said: “That is the freedom of others.” After that, he turned and left.

“Zou Yue! Zou Yue!” They called Zou Yue two times, hateful Xia Roo, and chased it.

“What! These people!” Zhuang Xiao looked at her eyes. “I still study sister!”

“I have the ability to take control of Wei brothers, don’t chase you! Also blame you?” she muttered.

Xiarou shook her head and took her away.

To Zou Yue, I silently said in the bottom of my heart.

In her previous life, when she met Wei Wei, Wei Wei was still single. Or Zou Yue has not been able to become his girlfriend, or they have broken up.

Therefore, Xia Luo does not feel that he has intervened in Zou Yue and Wei Wei. Just seeing how Zou Yue feels sad, she will apologize somewhat.

Wei Wei had not had the opportunity to speak with Xia Roo twice before. In fact, the root cause was that Xia Roi deliberately avoided him.

At that time, Xiarou was still in chaos, and he didn’t know how to face Wei Wei, so he avoided him.

But when Wei Wei was like the previous life, so warmly and straightforwardly expressed his love for her, she directly remembered the business card when she handed it to her.

The young man has always been aggressive and brave. She has never seen negative energy in him.

In the department, no, actually, most young girls in the company’s headquarters like him.

Wei Wei likes Xia Rou and loves at first sight.

Straightforward confession, enthusiastic pursuit, two years, perseverance.

But this young man who is covered in sunshine is finally injured by Xia Rou.

Don’t say this life, even in the past life, Xia Rou always thinks about Wei Wei, there are some faint sadness and embarrassment.

His pursuit of her is too warm, her love for her is too pure, warm and pure enough that people do not know how to refuse.

So one day, after the company’s party ended, Xiarou offered to let Wei Wei send her home.

By now, Xia Rou remembers how bright Wei Wei’s eyes were and how happy he looked.

However, Xia Rou did not let Wei Wei send her back to the apartment, she asked Wei Wei to send her back to Cao. That day, she should have returned to Cao’s family to see Cao Xiong and Cao Yang.

The guard at the door, the large courtyard, the four-storey main building, and the annex…

Wei Wei’s joy has turned into a loss.

Xia Rou is not arrogant, and she has never preached her background in the company. Wei Wei never knew.

At the gate of the main building, they said goodbye.

Wei Wei was silent for a long time and said nothing.

Xiarou is also.

But the information she wants to pass, Wei Wei has already received.

After that, Wei Wei stopped the pursuit of Xia Rou. Soon after, he applied for an external transfer to the branch office. Later, they did not see one or two faces a year, and occasionally met at the headquarters, they nodded.

Xia Rou breathed a sigh of relief at that time, and felt that Wei Wei had finally retired.

It can be said that it is difficult to retreat. In other words, it can also be called… being hurt by self-esteem.

I hurt a person who is full of sunshine, and I think that Xia Rou occasionally thinks that I am covered in darkness. But those who are embarrassed and blameless are not as big as the temptation to become “Mrs. Liang.”

She then got married with Liang Zikai.

When Wei Wei handed over the business card, the past life shook in front of her eyes.

In addition to Wei Wei, she also remembered the envelope that Cao Yang had placed in front of her. There is also Cao Yang’s evaluation of Wei Wei and her advice.

She remembered today, Cao Yang took time out of her busy schedule and made a special trip to see her… She remembered that when he took her from the stage, his arms were so powerful.

Regardless of past and present, it is strong and powerful to protect her…

So she finally made a choice.

No, actually, she has already decided, this life… When the big brother said something, she listened!

She then took Wei Wei’s business card and smiled at him. Looking at his bright eyes, like a star in her smile.

For Zou Yue, she can only say that she is sorry in the bottom of her heart.

Because Wei Wei…

It is the eldest brother, the man chosen for her.

He said, I don’t ask you to be rich and rich, I only hope that you are safe and happy, there is a man who really knows how to cherish you and love you.

Those people, those things… you can’t control them.


Forget it, there is a big brother who can always protect you…

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