I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 121


“Well, I guess it’s time to transfer my cooinu score”

Fee got up from the chair in the break room.

This will complete my victory.

I will not be certified if I do not take the paper of the increased score that Phee has to the dining room after writing it. It was not so much a set rule as a simple reason because no one would know otherwise.

To finally determine his victory in this masculinity ranking, Phee leaves the break room for the dining room. Behind it also followed the cooinu.

Raimier stood up before Phee, who had come all the way to the front of that dining room. Next door is Slad, and Geese. It was the usual threesome.

“What are you going to do?

Fee looks at them with a narrow eye and asks them what their intentions are.

Raimier, standing in the center of the three, questioned Fee the other way around.

“What’s wrong with Ius?

Fee laughed all the time with an evil face.

“I’ve decided to talk to him. All day in my room today.”

Hearing the words, Raimier raises his arms and sinks his hips. Same with the other two.

Obvious combat pose. The only Geese with leg injuries is his arm.

“You’re not going to win, so you’re going to take my first place with strength? That’s masculinity -”

“I don’t care about manhood. If my friend is about to go in a bad direction, I’ll stop you. That’s our friend.”

Raimier’s eyes were serious.

The boys in the north quarters also thrive on that schematic.

“Whoa… oh, the Raimiers!

“Nice! You’re so manly!”

Raimier looked into Fee’s eyes and went with a pitiful look.

“Heath, let’s not do this anymore! Even Heath wouldn’t have wanted to be number one in this way! There’s no way I can be proud of myself with such a victory! If you still want to do it, you’ve got us.”

“Go! Cooinu!



“… Gu”

Laemier’s persuasion was also much-needed, and the three rebellions were suppressed by Couinu, at the direction of the relentless Phee. Geese, who, by the way, was still injured in the leg, had been put to sleep on the ground relatively gently by the cousin.


A sigh leaks from the boys in the north quarters at that figure.

A boy next to Gollms, who was watching this commotion, spoke to him.

“Hey Gollms…… I just can’t do it with those guys. You can do something about it.”

Golms, who had already eaten that, said.

“I don’t care who comes first. I’m not so critical of the way he does it.”

The boy dropped his shoulder on the words. But what is that word? Back to back. Gollms rises from the chair.

“But you’re still losing to the cooinu. It’s not a bad idea to pay my debts here once.”

With that said, Gollms grinned, scratching the apprenticeship knight boys that had become galleries, and stood in front of Fee. An evil person grins on its strong face, squeaking his fingers.

“Let’s call it a battle, Couinu. Bare hands before you settle with your sword!

Couinu and Golms pose fighting across the street.

Apprentice knights to each other, though not a sword battle. He also has proper hands-on training. It was clear that it would be a full-scale battle.

The apprentice knight boys also watched with a tense look at the whereabouts of the battle from the side of Gollms.

When Couinu kicked the ground, the figure moved to scratch out.

“Ha no!

Someone’s voice sounds.

Moving instantly to the side of Gollms, Couinu slammed his full fist into its stomach.

Louder and louder sounds. It was a direct hit.


Golms laughed at it and waved his fist down to the cooinu as it was.


Couinu rushed it back to avoid it.

“That’s right. Your attack must be half as powerful without a wooden sword, too. You have to hit me in the face. I don’t know how.”

With that said, Golms turns to Couinu in a fighting pose that focuses on his jaw and face. There are gaps in the body, but Golms’ forged abs withstand the blow of the cooinu.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!

“That’s good! Golmsu!”

Apprentice knights who have become galleries give their appearance ambition.

Contrary to training with the sword, Gollms is turning more to the offense.

Unilaterally attack the cousin while successfully protecting areas of weakness such as the jaw and dovetail. Cousins who can’t do damage in the areas they hit will have to turn to defense.

However, Couinu was a big deal too. The move is quick and avoids all Golms attacks.


“No! Cooinu!”

The moment Phee screamed and Couinu avoided his fist coming from the right to the left, its shoulder hit the wall.


The eyes of the cooinu open.

Soon Couinu had been pushed into the connecting part of the dining room and hallway. There is one door closed, walled and cornered.

Gollms was guiding them. Put the cooinu in that spot while attacking.

“I’ve cornered him. Couinu.”

Gollms laughs.

“K, Couinu……!

That’s right. Fey also spoke in a hurry.

Without alarm, Golms wields his fist of stopping vigilantly so that he cannot escape from both sides.

A sweat fell on Couinu’s forehead.

“Go! Gollms!”

“There! Stupid!”

“Shit, don’t lose! Cooinu!”

Everyone screamed, Gollms fists swung down, and then the apprentice knights saw something incredible.

Couinu jumped Golms’ fist to avoid it. I can see that far.

From there, Cooinu landed on the ceiling as he spun his body around the universe with that momentum.

My feet were attached in a crouching position so that there really was a floor there. That was an instant, but certainly witnessed by everyone who was on the spot.




Everyone on the spot gives a shout at an incredible move that doesn’t seem human.

And at the next moment, the ceiling deflected with all the sounds, and the suddenly accelerated kick of the cousin sucked into Gollum’s face.

All that’s left is a quietly on-the-spot cooinu and a fallen down Gollms giant.

The dining room rings.

Even Fee had a more and more pulling look on Couinu’s displayed human detachment move.

At the center of that gaze, he blinks properly with the expression that he doesn’t know what the cooinu is.

“hey…… well done! Cooinu!”

Fee approached him, stroking and praising his body in horror as he made a grin, but his face was tight. His voice was trembling.

The other knights squeal.

“What was that move earlier…?

“On the ceiling… we were landing…”

“Are you really human? You’re not an animal?

Couinu, who did that, is now being taken seriously by Phee.

(Good…… I’m really glad Couinu has an obedient personality……)

Fee thought so with all his heart at this time.

The other boys, too, tend to forget because of their usual great temperament, but I feel it.

It is Cooinu who has defeated Golms, defeated that Percil, and is still setting an undefeated record among the apprentice knights.

“Why is that guy following Heath…”

Temperament is the dog itself, but its strength is exactly wolf.

Apprenticeship knights and strongest beings follow Heath.

The combination of the best evil wisdom bearers in the northern quarters and two with the strongest force.

There was no one left to stop.

That’s how Phee and Couinu were returning to the break room after transferring their points.

“It’s up to me to win this masculinity ranking.”


The transfer of points really put them first in the manhood rankings, and the rest of the time ran out another hour.

There are no more reversal eyes on the apprentice knights who were up against Fee.

Fee’s shoulder trembled.

“I won… I won… The most masculine man in the north quarters, I finally got that position. I… I finally won… at first birth…”

Fee stayed in his usual chair and raised his face, which was leaning down, trying to put the sight of the victor in his eyes.

The pounding and whining leaks out of its mouth.

“… the scenery when you win… is a little rusty.”

There was no one in the break room who was usually touchy. There is no one on the side of the Fees. Alone with Couinu standing on his back.


Couinu nodded at the words……

“Oh, you’ve got a little time to make the winning decision.”

The masculinity ranking decision is in 30 minutes.

I had some free time. Fee opened his body to his back as much as he wanted with his usual habits.

The chair firmly supports her weight and absorbs the movement. Extremely comfortable seating.

(Is that…?

The moment I was uncomfortable with the matter, something creeped up on Fee’s back and ran.

Bullshit, get up from the chair and look at it.

I saw such a fie with a strange look on the part of Couinu.

“The chair is fixed…”

Until yesterday I said shiitake rattles, and as I was saying, when Fee deposited his weight, there was a chair that leaned and was a little dangerous…… When the screws were properly re-threaded, the area where the sawdust stood was polished beautifully, and various places were repaired.

“Speaking of which, other chairs and tables are beautiful,”

Couinu looks around the break room for a moment and says so.

At that time, Phee was walking out. To be guided by a hunch of something that ran on my head……

One of the apprentice knight boys squeaks when he finds Fee back in the dining room.

“What? Did he come back and brag about his victory…?

The boys, who gave up that the masculinity ranking was a win for Phee, had moved on to the next topic.

“Speaking of which, are we going home for our next long vacation?

“I could be over here. We’re not that comfortable in a borough shop.”

“But most of this northern quarters aren’t here, either?

“Oh, a lot of places have been broken lately”

“I don’t know because that’s what’s stopped Mr. Trolley since he was removed from General Affairs.”

“Ah, but it looks like someone fixed the floors on this water field that fell out before. There was a new plate stretched back.”

“Oh, speaking of which, you are. I wonder if someone new has decided to fix it already.”

On Phee’s ear aiming at a point where he walks through the dining room, events in the northern quarters that we’ve all been putting on the masculinity rankings here lately and didn’t talk about pop in.

“Speaking of which, I’ve been talking about this table for a while and it’s gone.”

“Heh, I never cared.”

“Because it’s true. It was pretty hard to eat. If you noticed anything, you’d have all your legs at some point.”

“Speaking of which, there’s a hole in the wall on the back. I saw it today and it was blocked.”

“Now, the people in charge of the north quarters, they’re being restructured and the controls aren’t working, but I wonder who did it”

Fee was aware. That there was a rubber cover on the corner of the door when I tried to enter the dining room. Then the footprint of the cooinu on the ceiling had disappeared.

Every time I look at them and hear them, there’s sweat running down Fee’s body.

Fee stood in front of one piece of paper as he walked through between the boys. That was a piece of paper to fill out when you get a tool loan. Something of little interest to the apprentice knight boys.

Fee extended his hand to get off the explanatory paper that got on top of it.

The hand was shaking.

(No way… No way…)

Fee’s face was bright blue. To a hunch. Guided by a hunch close to certainty.

When I turned the paper, there was only one person there with a pompous name.


The moment I saw it, I burst into sweat from Fee’s back, and a strong sensation thrust through its body.

That was a feeling of defeat.

Fee’s brain starts spinning fast like a man in danger of death from there.

(No way… you’ve been doing this for a long time…?

Repair dangerous or broken areas in the dormitories…. I don’t mind manhood ranking…… No one will ever know…

I did feel uncomfortable. The operation to direct the group to lower Zelius’ score was going too well. Zelius has been in a much less popular place here lately for some reason. That’s why the operation worked so effectively.

This is why……

Ever since Zelius got home from his parents, he’s been around repairing broken places left alone by everyone and places where everyone seems to be in danger…)

That scene clearly comes to Fee’s head.

There’s a man silently repairing a broken part of his quarters for all of us.

That’s not all.

He used his dirty hands and even repaired Phee’s chair, which was about to take his first place seat from him. Obviously, I was supposed to show hostility, but I don’t mind that.

We even bothered to install rubber so as not to endanger it for ourselves, which was rampant about something. I erased the ceiling footprints so that Couinu wouldn’t get angry later. Even the slippage in the feet of the fine table in the dining room or the hole in the back wall that almost nobody cares about……

And without telling anyone about it, I just kept doing it quietly.

Fee was going to be fighting him too. I was desperately going to put up a fight to take the # 1 seat from him. Yet he didn’t even care.

He didn’t care.

We just quietly watched ourselves make noise in the masculinity rankings, repairing the places we use on a daily basis so that no one would have any trouble, even making repairs to dangerous places so that noise would not come to our attention.

I can’t believe that…

Fee hastily suppressed the words from under her throat.

(If I speak now, I lose…)

That was a clear hunch.

If you leak this voice, Zelius’ accomplishments will be passed on to everyone in the wake of it, and the point will be reversed. Then you have 30 minutes left. Fee has no chance of winning anymore.

(We still have a chance…! We don’t all know this fact. If we distract everyone, distract ourselves and hide this fact and get through the last 30 minutes, the masculinity ranking will be my win…!

I can win…! I’m a winnable person……!

Fee tells her heart desperately. Desperately suppress voices that are likely to leak from the bottom of your mind. My whole body trembled.

(I can win……! I can win! I can win……! I can win……! I can win……! I… win…)

I desperately stopped my body from screaming and told my heart so many times……

That was the moment.

At the next moment, Fee’s body collapsed from her knees.

falls to his knees and a voice leaks from his mouth that he couldn’t contain.

“Zelius… masculine…”

At that moment, Phee’s defeat was decided.

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