I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 125

129 Miss.

Finishing her sister’s escort assignment, Phee was returning to her former life as an apprentice knight.

After today’s training, Phee found an unfamiliar knight on his way to the water field. He is a knight with the gentle impression of a brown, short haired dripping eye. Its cheeks are twisted, and it also gives the impression of being a knight but somewhere weak.

When the knight looked at Fee, he opened his eyes slightly to his surprise.

“Oh, you are.”

Fee puts his neck up.

He was an unrecognizable knight from Fee. But they seemed to know about Fee.

When I was wondering, they said with a bitter laugh.

“Oh, don’t you remember? I’ve judged your game on the apprenticeship knight exam.”

That’s what they said, and Fee remembered as she blurted.

I do feel like it was these knights who were refereeing to me. That being said, I still can’t remember it clearly.

The other knight laughed bitterly again at the reaction.

“Ha. You could have been an apprentice knight, too, couldn’t you? Good for you. I really spared that game.”

The knight apparently remembered Phee clearly. I said that in retrospect of the game then.

Fee shakes her head at the words.

“Gollms was strong after all. I still haven’t won a single one. More than that, how did the Knight get here?

When asked that, the knight first realized that he had forgotten to introduce himself, and laughed lightly before giving his name.

“I’m Recon. As you can see, he’s a knight. General Affairs of this northern quarters……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

The introduction of a knight named Recon was very vague.

“I see, you came to visit today because you asked if it would be a general affair”

“Yeah, I said no at first that it wasn’t for me. I’m not from the north quarters. But once they saw the north quarters, they wanted me to decide.”

Fee was convinced to listen to Recon.

The general affairs of the northern quarters had left no one unattended for some time after the trolley was sent on an expedition. They were looking for a replacement, but the knights were too busy to find a replacement for the activity of the criminal organization. Recon seems to be the General Affairs candidate finally found.

Fee looked at Recon and thought he seemed like a good guy. I also thought the northern quarters were going to have a hard time because there are so many problem children. Give me something about myself on the shelf.

Fee decides to buy a future General Affairs candidate’s guide to get out.

“Well, I’ll show you! Because the northern quarters are a very good place!

Recon looks surprised when Fee says so.

“Are you sure? Looks like you were trying to get somewhere.”

“It’s okay.”

Fee snorts full of herself. You can still wash your body in the water.

I thought it would be better for all of us to entertain our future candidates.

Fie first led us through the north quarters.

There is a classroom that takes classes, etc. when you enter through the front door and go a little further. Going further back from there, there is a break room. The break room is a relaxing place for apprentice knights with books and board games. Sofas and chairs line up.

Fee’s usual seat is alive and well.

Recon said as he looked around the north quarters.

“By the way, you’ve got to fix it.”

“Yes, since Mr. Trolley stopped, things have broken at a bad time. We’re all fixing it now.”

Repair of the northern quarters, which had been left to Zelius, but after his actions were known, everyone began to help. Phee also taught a lot from Garuge and tried to fix a lot of things.

When I heard that, Recon apologized as if he was sorry.

“Ha… sorry. I just couldn’t figure out the next person…”

“No, I’m not blaming you! Instead, I usually figured out how much help I get from the people up there!

When the accommodation facilities broke, it basically felt like telling the people upstairs to fix it, but the Fees knew very well that it would be hard for them to try it on their own.

“Most of them aren’t repaired directly by us. But I’ll tell the repair guy. Your job is to train a lot and become a fine knight.”

Even though I had not yet decided to take up the post of General Affairs, but rather refused to take up the post of General Affairs, Recon said so and promised me.

(I knew you were a good guy)

And Fee looked up at that face and thought,

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