I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 173


The apprentice knight divides into two parts and follows the soldiers on patrol.

The division takes the form of north quarters and west quarters, then east quarters and south quarters.

Doing so just feels like 10 and 11 people are breaking up just fine in numbers.

“Well, it’s pretty much the same as usual, so there’s no point in deciding on a leader.”

Cognac, who deliberately ran for leader, seemed unhappy with this format.

Well, the apprentice knights literally still have no choice because they are apprentices here.

The Fees were dropping it off in a bit of a whirl as the troops, one on the 20-man side after the other, traveled around.

To those fies, the two remaining troops call out.

“Hey future knights. You will follow my troops. [M] Regards.”

That’s what I’ve been saying, I was still a strange soldier.

Apparently, Mr. John, on the other hand, will be in charge of the cognacs’ squad. Behind my back, I hear John talking to the boy in the south quarters.

To the tense in the south quarters, Mr. John seemed pushy and creepy.

Meanwhile, this is a majestic trick, and I look around at the Fees and say:

“Sooner or later, you may be our commanders, but I will not hesitate to instruct you in this training. No, I guess it’s more because I’m going to be commander.”

“Yes! Regards!

Both the boys in the north quarters and the boys in the west quarters posture, and hear the words.

“Okay, good reply. You guys are gonna be good knights.”

Seeing it, the soldier nodded and stuck his thumb out all the way.

I know you flatter me, but I didn’t feel bad about being told. The Feys Apprentice Knights smiled a little hazy at the words.

When the troop leader and thoughtful soldier snort one, he turns back his curly heel and puts a decree on the soldiers waiting behind him.

“All right, you guys! Line up! We’ll keep Leenberg at peace today!


“Sooner or later, the boys from all over this country will be watching you today! Don’t show me your pity!


“And there’s something I’m not used to on the itinerary! Never neglect to take into account!


The soldiers ordered answer it with some undisturbed ringtones.

“Then we’re off!

At the same time as that decree, the soldiers move.

Not as neat a line as a march, but moderately neat and undisturbed in the soldier’s positional relationship. I can tell it’s a real battle formation that can react immediately if something happens.

I didn’t know how to do it, and the troop leader looked back and said, as the Fees watched those soldiers.

“The first thing you need to do is follow me on foot. You don’t have to worry about the line.”


That’s what they say, it feels like Cargamo, and they follow the adult soldiers.

Everyone was overwhelmed and silent by the atmosphere of the soldiers.

Seeing that, the Force Leader comes back to the Fees and says:

“Oh, you can do it in a private language. Conversations between soldiers are important. It will facilitate the transmission of information. However, being obsessed with conversation and not being alert to your surroundings”


Seeing the Phys snort at the words, the troop leader returned to the squad.

Fee squeaks when he sees that back.

“Something cool.”


“I feel like I’m an adult because I can teach you so much, and I can take careful care of you.”

I’d love to, Mr. Crowe, and the 18th Knights are cool, but there’s a little too much out of shape for me to point to myself.

But this time, the troop leader feels like he’s doing what he needs to do as a soldier, and he feels like he can even look at himself.

Unlike the Crows, this is also an adult that Fee admires again.

My gains are infiltrating, but if I could command them like that, I think I could be a good knight.

“Oh, you have to work hard for an adult.”

To Phee, who said with a smile, Couinu said with a rare and attentive look.

“Yeah, I can’t beat…”

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