I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 175


Finish your first day’s lookout and come back to the fort.

Time was already around evening.

“Well, it’s pretty sweaty.”

“There was a break, but you walked all the way”

Raimier agrees with Slad’s words as he pats his jacket.

As the saying goes, the apprentice knight boys were more or less, all sweaty.

I’ve been walking all the time while the sun was in sight, though I’ve been pinching my breaks over and over. That’s sweaty too.

“Dinner cafeteria is available until 9: 00 p.m. We’ll walk around tomorrow. Eat properly. Then if you sweat, there’s a hot spring. You can come in here all you want.”

The captain of the unit who broke up the soldiers came to Fey and said so.

“Is it a hot spring!?

The boys’ eyes shine.

Hot Springs had heard of Phee as well.

You think hot water will erupt from the basement where the volcano is located? They take that as a bath with a little cold.

When you enter, it may also have the effect of becoming healthy, and places with hot springs may become royal and aristocratic resorts.

Phee had never been there.

The bath itself is a delicacy, so basically Fee’s life revolves around bathing in the water. And then go to the sauna.

But I still like the occasional warm water.

“Well, this isn’t a volcanic zone, is it?”

Raimier tilted his neck.

“Speaking of which, I’ve only been there once, but you don’t smell weird like then”

Phee was also listening. Do you think the hot springs smell unique?

But after I got to this fort, I didn’t remember smelling like that.

“Oh, the occasional hot water seems awesome where there is no volcano. It’s very rare. The fort is not very entertaining, so I’m getting permission to make sure the soldiers can use it as a matter of priority. They don’t know enough hot water to go into business anyway.”


The boys were impressed with how some of those things were.

“Okay! Then let’s go!

When the slud was like that, Fee pulled Cooinu’s sleeve as hard as it could.

I knew Phee was to blame. That’s why I wanted to go into the hot springs. To do so……

(I knew I’d want to go into the hot springs anyway! Couinu, please!

Yes, tell them by sight.

Couinu said to Slad, who invited him, that he would have a slightly troubled look.

“Um, I’ll be in a little later…”

“I will, too.”


Fee’s feelings were starting to lead to Couinu, even without words.

Though a complete one-way journey from Phee to Couinu.

“Oh, well, Lemier, let’s go!

“Ugh, yeah.”

Without any particular suspicion, the sluds ran in the direction in which they were taught there was a hot spring.


With a whisper in my ear, but I’ll thank you.

“There seems to be a lot of people in the hot springs for a while, why don’t we go to dinner first”

The fort also has a dining room.

It doesn’t open early in the morning like the soldiers are looking around, but the fort guard soldiers are there until noon. Apparently the lookouts and guards will be replaced in about a month. Basically, he said protection was more popular than walk-through sightseeing, but he said he liked that troop leader something better. You think your body will be dull?

The two of us head to the dining room.

The dining room is on the first floor of the fort, on the west side.

Thanks for your help yesterday, but it’s a big dining room with only a big fort to cover quite a few people. Maybe 10 times the size of the cafeteria used by the apprentice knights.

The dining room was crowded, but the seats were still there because everyone had gone to the hot springs.

When you take whatever you like in Viking format, you give your dining room aunt just the last few you’ve ever taken. It’s a unique format, but when we live in a fort, we all eat differently, so they made it into this system because there are not enough people who say the quantity is even uniform, or vice versa, when we free up the quantity, there are people who eat too much.

One voucher for each dish is given at the beginning of the month. The Fees also got it the first day they came to this fort.

They won’t run out unless they do how unscrupulous they are, but some of them run out in about half the moon and trade around.

In the corner of the dining room where the soldiers also eat looking delicious, Phee and Couinu also sit down to eat.


There are many meat dishes because they are male belts, but there were also dishes with flavors that I had never eaten because of the mountains or because they were baked with mountain vegetables. But after the hunger I walked around, everything tastes good.

“Yes, I remember the dishes I ate when I was training under my master”

“Well, speaking of which, you were training in the mountains.”

Maybe this is what mountain food is all about. And Fee thought.

“Master of the Couinu. You’re a great guy, aren’t you? I’d love to see you once.”

“Um… if you like… next…”

Something’s finally going on. Fee puts his neck on the cousin.

At that time, I heard voices from afar.

“Hey, black wind!

When I looked at the entrance to the dining room with a voice, there was a cognac.

And he’s waving at me. It’s a name that doesn’t sound familiar, but I kind of figured out who you’re calling.

He said he was coming running this way.

“Black wind, why don’t we play poker?

I knew it was about the cooinu.

“What’s a black wind…”

Couinu listens back.

“What’s your nickname? I’ve heard rumors that he’s done a great job in the Northeastern sword game.”

Well, did that give you such a nickname?

“… Fair enough”

He was a good nickname for the cousin.

Well, I don’t think Fee looks good either.

“So why don’t we play poker now? It’s a one-on-one man fight!

“Poker means you bet on something?

Fee hesitated.

If you’ve done it, you might find out, but poker is a game that makes little sense if you don’t bet something. Because no matter what difficult role you try to align, there is no bonus.

All there is is is the result of winning or losing the opponent.

Whether you win in two pairs or all the Royal Straight Flashes, winning or losing is together.

So make sure you bet money, for example.

You can bet a lot of money with strength if you have a strong role here. But if they’re stronger, they’ll take all that money. So for the first time as a game, readings and rushes arise.

“Of course I bet. Take this.”

That’s what Cognac took out was the food voucher that the Fees had just used.

“Yep… it’s time to stop… if someone skips a meal, it won’t go out of style…”

Phee glanced at him and said.

I was usually the fie on the side of riding the fool’s noise, but I meant to be serious during my assignment at the fort.

Even if not, it’s too risky to target your daily diet because you use your strength around. If you do poorly, it could interfere with your training.

“Damn, you don’t have the guts for a woman’s face. Black wind, you wouldn’t say that, would you?

“No, me too…”

Fee thought a good kid cousin would normally say no. And I tried to say no. But.

“Oh, come on, you can’t bet, you’re hot on a woman.”

Hear that word and the word of the cooinu stops.

Kuinu stared at this one for a while so that he could patrol it for some reason.

And with a hard determined look, I say to Cognac.



Fee squeaks in her heart.

(You want to be that hot…)

Couinu has weak gambling.

Because emotions are honest.

It’s easy to get misunderstood because the basic expression looks faceless and cool, but my emotions are honest when I’m happy or surprised.

Such a cousin, but as an indication, poker was losing.

He currently loses about thirty sheets.

But I think you did your best. For a cousin whose facial expression was easy on her face, she also worked hard on the poker face. I don’t think there was any particular mistake in matching roles.

And yet you’re losing, because they’re better at it.

(Ma, you’re just challenging the battle…)

Cognac was used to poker. Instead, he had been taught by someone, and he used the kind of technology that would also be used in pro to pro battles.

That’s what they call reading.

The technique of reading emotions from fine tricks and habits as well as the expression on the other person’s face.

You may wonder if their emotions are that different just because they can be read, but they are not.

For example, if you are confident, unsure, or just know that, when you are unsure, you catch the stakes gunned down, they will come down. You can win.

It’s no use trying to hide how much emotion a cousin has.

You can’t win no matter how much you do with this.

“Ha ha, black winds aren’t a big deal either”

When a desperate-faced cousin suffered his 23rd defeat.

“Yes, change of players”

Fee rang the bread and hands, attracting the surrounding attention and interrupting into the chair of the cooinu.

“Hih, Heath……”

“What is it, little one? You ran away once, and you’re gonna do it?

“Yes, I am.”

Fee responds in a quiet voice.

Honestly, I wonder if I got this fight because I want to be hot.

The girl didn’t see it in the first place.

But I take care of Couinu. No, I’m a dearer friend than that. I can’t overlook the trouble.

And with all this skill, there’s also anger at the Cognac side for hiding and challenging the battle.

“Hehe, that’s good. Don’t cry if you get bummed out!

From the results, it was bumpy.

The other guy.

With the technology Mr. Conrad taught me, let them read their lies emotions and trick them into setting up a great battle. So I won, and where my spirit was about to collapse, I pounded relentlessly.

It was a big win.

Apprentice knights come to watch poker battles.

In that gaze, Phee gives Couinu a ton of food vouchers on hand.



“What, and I won for the cooinu. I’m in trouble if you don’t take it.”

“Oh, thank you… I’ll give that cognac back…”

Taking only what he lost, Couinu gave Cognac the rest of his food voucher back.

Then I look at Fee and apologize for being awkward.

“The… Heath… sorry…”

Fee followed such a cooinu cheek. I followed relentlessly.

“It’s nice to try to be hot for something else, but this isn’t the kind of thing Cooinu should be trying to do! Cousins are good at cousins, so they’re cancerous!

“Oh, I’m sorry!

I had tears in my eyes for 10% and seriously apologized for the cooinu too.

Let’s go, then.


Fee on his refreshed face, who also said what he wanted to say, left the spot.

“Well, it feels good to have hot water.”

“Ugh, yeah……”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Couinu hasn’t been put in yet, I guess I should have gotten him in first.”

Coming to the fort for the second day. A lot has happened and I was finally able to get into the hot springs.

After 23 o’clock, there was no one in the hot springs and Phee was able to get in too. I have Couinu on watch.

“No, that’s fine…”

I’m gonna have him on watch, so I asked Couinu to go in first, and I thought Phee would come in later, but he gave it to me.

I really can’t thank Cooinu enough.

Sweating in warm water was a superb feeling.

I want to change you to a cooinu soon, but I can’t get out of the hot water.

“Or do you want to come in with me?

I got clothes made of new materials from Mr. Garuge that are okay to go into the water. If I wore that, I should have put it in there with the cousin.

Then you don’t have to take turns like this, so time can be shortened.

“No! That’s fine! Because it’s really good!

I hear Couinu keeps an eye out. I don’t know where that passion comes from, but I think it would be really appreciated.

“Ugh, I enjoyed it -!

Fee enjoys plenty of hot springs and just as bad if you make him wait any longer, he gets out of hot water and wipes his body.

And when I go back to the dressing room waiting for Couinu and change clothes, I speak to Couinu, who has been watching the entrance for a long time.

“It’s a turnaround . Thank you. Now I’m waiting.”

“No, you can go back to your room and sleep now…”

That said, the cooinu went into the hot spring.

That’s not how it works.

I’m a friend.

Fee smiles and sits in the bathroom chair, waiting for Couinu’s bath.

By the time Couinu had winded and cooled his lit face at night, used it for hot water to sink his spirit, and by the time he returned, there was a fie who would sleep easily in a chair.

“Oh, uh…”

Couinu was stunned by the way he looked.

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