I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 178


Expedition Training, Day Four.

I’m supposed to duel Cognac, Phee.

But as such, he studied his work around the corner for lunch.

Fees from the head of the unit who will be in charge of the instruction, who have taken on various ways of forming a line.

But the truth is, they don’t make a lot of sense to put this together just the Fees. It only helps because those who have promises as troops and train them to be able to act collectively do it, and unfortunately, the status quo, even if it is done by the Fies, the U.N. crowd…

Still, if you’re in a position to direct, remember, there’s no harm in it, so while you actually try, let me know.

In the case of the Fees, I was taught first and foremost that it was important to keep the chain of command tighter than that so that the will of the leader could be properly communicated to everyone.

Apparently the easiest way to do that is to reduce the number of people.

Well, in the case of the Fees, there’s nothing I can do because the leader is elsewhere.

And right now, it was Phee who was in trouble with such a leader.

Time for a lunch break.

“Heath. Today’s duel, are you okay?

Raimier of worry asks Heath, as usual, to worry.

Fee went in a relaxing voice, eating the ham he had received when he left with his bread.

“Well, aren’t you okay?

“That’s so relaxing…”

Raimier clouds his expression in a word he doesn’t think was before Phee’s duel.

As for Fee, I was gonna tell him not to get too serious so he wouldn’t worry about his opponent, but he said it was counterproductive for Raimier.

Should I have answered “I’ll spill it on you”?

That seemed cloudy.

It is a difficult personality.

“I don’t know what it is, but it’s a big deal.”

Slad’s words are exactly what describe Fee’s mood.

I don’t really know what it is, but it’s a big deal.

For Phee, who wanted to cut through this expedition without any trouble, it is an unfortunate and extreme thing.

Fee looks up at the sky and squeals.

“I could have lost something else, hey”

Because of their character, I think once this one loses, it’ll probably fit in. He probably hates losing.

I just wish this one flowed, even if they behaved so badly afterwards.

Either way, it is only patience during the expedition.

“Yeah, Heath can’t lose to someone like that…”

To Phee’s words, Laemier glances over his face and puts his lips together.

Though he worries about his body, he is a stubborn character in surprisingly weird places.

The person is worried about being girly, but I think these places are boys.

“But in fact, it’s going to be so bad if you win,”

“Well, you will”

For once, I separated this from the last as a condition for receiving a battle, but if I win, I will buy more of the opponent’s unhappiness.

There are more likely to be a lot of problems than the opponent is supposed to serve as the leader of the apprentice knights who came on the expedition.

So, honestly, it’s easier to lose.

“It’s time for the lunch break to be over! We’re leaving!

I can hear the troop leader.

The Fees rush to clean up after the meal and head over to the Force Leader.

As the apprentice knights line up for a small run, Couinu looks at Phee.

Phee immediately noticed her gaze and inquired back.

“What’s going on?

“No… Um…”

During his earlier conversation, Couinu bumps into what he was wondering.

“Are you going to lose intentionally maybe……?

I thought it wouldn’t be weird to think about what Heath said or did in the conversation earlier.

I also know Heath is avoiding trouble during his expedition. For that, I feel unprotected trying to get into the hot springs with you, getting dressed fine in front of you…

A little more… I don’t know what to say… like I want you to be vigilant about yourself… But…

Aside from that story, as a cousin, just because you’re going to lose doesn’t mean you can say something.

Personally, I don’t feel comfortable with Heath losing.

That’s why I think it would only be annoying to pass on such emotions to Heath, and I don’t know if you could ask me for my opinion.

Even if you asked, I don’t know if that would be a pleasure for me. If Heath wants to avoid trouble, it feels like it’s a bad thing to get in the way.

It feels like something is wrong.

That’s why Couinu bumped into only a few questions, looking at Fee’s expression in return for this one, a little.

“Did you look like a cousin that way?

The reason I did it was because I didn’t understand Fee’s expression.

I’m not laughing, I’m not angry, I’m staring straight at this one with no expression. If you’re a regular Phee, you’ll laugh like a tear, get puffy angry, and show some emotion.

I don’t know what emotion this expression was directed at.

“No… uh… that’s not…”

“Oh well.”

I didn’t know what to give back, and to Couinu, who was stuck in words, Fee turned a long way forward.

I feel the conversation has been forced to end.

Somehow his voice snapped, and Couinu stared at Fee’s back.

But until I got back to the fort, Phee never looked back.

(I’m not sure what the girl is thinking…)

I feel like I’ve been thinking about that for a long time, but to as many questions as I just had with Fee, Couinu thought so once again.

That’s how three minutes after the game starts, the Cousins will be amazed.

“Heath is fighting normally……!?

I wonder if Fi would be surprised.

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