I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 180


At the same time as the game started, it was Cognac who set it up.

Fee was somehow guessing.

He has challenged this battle because he has an advantage in physical differences. Then the attack that comes also makes use of it.

Fee took an easy-to-understand orbital attack from the front with a wooden sword.

But as it is, Cognac comes in.

Keep hitting me, I’m going to blow it up.

Fee doesn’t see the behavior to avoid until the last minute, gently shifting the center of gravity as soon as the opponent tries to weigh in as much as he wants.


A well-balanced cognac relaxes.

It was pointed out by Gollms.

That if the opponent is going to go win for Fey for sure, he’ll have the most patterns to bump his body.

If we hang out properly, they’ll blow us away with Fee’s light weight.

If you avoid it, they will take the lead around the game in the back.

So I pretended to hang out with my opponent’s advance and then practiced shifting my center of gravity and shifting it away as if it were a throwing move.

I practiced with the Golms. If it’s about Cognac, the success rate is high.

Out of balance, into a gap exposed cognac, Fee wields his sword.


But at the edge of the line, Cognac misses that attack.

(Damn it!

Phee scolded herself.

If we had stepped a little deeper, we would have been able to tap into positions we couldn’t defend. I was out of balance when I stepped out of the way.

(If it’s a cousin, I’ve made up my mind…)

Couinu wouldn’t even have to do such a small job in the first place, but if there had been the same scene, Couinu would have finished with one shot.


Out of sight, Cognac takes a distance once.

It was an operation to push with a weight difference, but it didn’t go through, it was taken backwards, and its expression was in a hurry.

Usually here, Fee sees how it goes too.

Basically because I’m not good at attacking. Little Phi in stature, poking through the gaps he showed as he avoided his opponent’s attacks was his usual way of fighting.

But I can aggressively attack from here today.

Lower your posture and pack your distance.

“Don’t lick it! You little prick!

Cognac’s whimsical blow of the horizontal giraffe led him into time for Phee’s sword to arrive.

Cognac’s hips were pulled on the prestigious words and back.

He was about to be hit in the first attack, but it seemed to be working pretty well.

Meet the sword in the near future.

Cognac’s sword puts on Fey’s cheek several times.

When it comes to avoiding it, it was fie with a feeling of nature, but just while attacking, I can’t be that good.

On several occasions, there were dangerous situations.

Besides, he’s got a lot of strength.

(We need to settle this early…)

Cognac, on the other hand, was attacking harder than he thought.

(Shit! Hard to do!

It’s totally different from the practice you always do in the south quarters because you fight your smaller body, even lower your posture.

I thought it was weak because it was small. He said it was easy to beat.

(Tackle again…?

Think so, but the first pinch is past your head.

Not good if they do that again. You can’t lose this battle…

It was Phee who moved first.

In the midst of meeting the sword, lowering the tip of the sword much lower, he waves the sword from the foot of Cognac in a glimmer of ground.

Basically, sword attacks are often overwhelmingly swinging down. Because it is a more natural movement, both operationally and physically, of man. The weight of the sword accelerates the swing and increases the power of the attack.

The second and third most commonly cut diagonally, and will it swing horizontally?

Cutting from the bottom isn’t much of a chance to do it. It’s an unnatural operation, and it’s inferior in power. Above all, when cutting up the sword, the position of the arm comes off the front of the body, large from the middle. I mean, it’s hard to get back into defense. Higher risk of being attacked by the opponent.

So hardly anyone uses it.

Everyone is not used to dealing with that track for that matter. The human footing is a dead end.

Fie’s blow slips through Cognac’s defense and approaches his chin.


Fee convinced of the victory.

“Whoa!? Whoa, whoa, whoa!”

“What, lie!?

Fee’s blow was taken lightly by a wooden sword that Cognac noticed approaching his jaw and pulled back in amazement. Normally, it can’t be taken in such a discerning defense. It was a phenomenon brought about by the historical difference in power.

Plus, Fee is more blown away by a reflexively shaken lateral blow with a surprising recoil.

Rolling down the ground, Fee retreats about 3 meters.

It’s less damage because it’s passive, but it doesn’t feel good.

(It’s irrational…)

Stupid in my heart.

I don’t have that one. I almost decided this one, but I can’t believe it would be reversed that way…

“Hehe, I knew it wasn’t a big deal! I’m gonna smash you right here!

Cognac, getting back on track, storms into a knee-jerked fie.

(But…, he caught me off guard!

Fee stays on his knees and storms Cognac in reverse.

“A tackle!?

The gallery is surprised by the attitude of the real tackle, not the tackle that made it look like Cognac’s twist.

Fee slipped his little body between Cognac’s legs as he pushed it away.


Cognac can’t handle unexpected movements.

Fee grabs the hem of Cognac’s foot, which cannot stop the momentum of the assault. Pulled back only at his feet, Cognac’s body unbalanced and swept to the ground.

Fee stayed put, using the momentum to pull the hem, didn’t even stand up, horsebacked on a cognac, with a wooden sword over his head.

“If you move, I’ll hit you down the back of the head!

I declare so.

Fee was also a little excited about the abrasions he sustained when he grabbed the hem and slipped through the ground, and the chance to win that he almost missed once. Finally, it also contains a bit of anger at such an irrational development as just now.

For that matter, my voice was genuinely mixed and compelling.


Cognac’s body stops perfectly.

“This is…”

“The smaller one wins”


As the apprentice knights around said, if Phee actually waves the wooden sword down from here, it will be over. I’m glad to say that almost the battle is a win for Fee.

It would be safe not to do it for once.

Whether it’s because you’re aware of the lack of power, Fee, where there’s always a full swing, but on the contrary, the fact that you were in an excited state may have led to deterrence. Slad is a little relieved.

Cognac, knocked down to the ground, groaned almost as the battle was about to go.

“is an irregularity…”


“Tackles aren’t sword moves…”

“Say it yet!

Excited Fee shook up his sword.

“Wow, wait, wait!

“No, Heath!

Look at that, Slad and Laemier panic.


But it was the cooinu that gassed it off. In no time, when I travel to the side of the two of them, I consolidate Phee’s sword with my arms so that she doesn’t move.

“Heath, oh, shall we calm down?


Filled with distance without time to notice, Phee is surprised and slightly rampaged, but the sword was not even frightened.

That calms Fee down a little too.

“Kuinu, let go of me… I’m not really attacking you. I just threatened him because he’s a little cranky…”

I don’t know about that……

Couinu’s restraint could not be lifted by Fee.


Cooinu also sees how Phee is and unties him.

The cheeks of the cooinu were a little red because of the tight restraint for the sake of being aggressive.

“The anomaly is an anomaly…!

Cognac still screams. A low adult voice entered, not the voices of the boys there.

“It’s a bad habit, indeed.”

“Squad leader……!?

What emerged from behind the boys was the captain of a unit that was giving me the pull of the Fees.

“Why are you here?

“My men told me the apprentice knights were getting together and making a scene, so let’s see how it goes.”

The face of the apprentice knights is nervous on its face.

I thought it might piss me off.

Look at that, the troop leader laughs.

“Ha, don’t worry. A duel is a knight’s flower, isn’t it? The knight who’s been here asks me every time he drinks. Well, I don’t know if it’s as discipline to repeat a private fight every time something happens, but it’s not bad as training for a fight. At the end of the day, if we’re serious, we’re not going to grow any real strength. Well, I’d like to try it again.”

That said, the troop leader finally made him laugh with an awesome face as he looked at the boys face.

Thanks to this, the boys stroke their chests relieved that they were not on track to be forgiven, but just missed. Apparently, this time it’s blinding, but don’t overdo it.

“My apprentice knight boy.”

Then I turn back to Cognac and say:

“If tackling is an anomaly, you were obviously hitting on your body too, pretending to make love, but, well, that doesn’t matter”

When the troop leader firmly pointed out Cognac’s cowardly behavior, he went on to say the words.

“The sword you guys are doing is supposed to be training for action. If you are in action, you will not fight with your sword alone. If it’s to defeat the opponent, I’ll give you my arm, and I’ll snap your leg. Sometimes they pick up stones and throw them. Then tackles and the like can’t be irregular. At least that’s what a soldier’s sword I do. Is the knight’s sword you’re after different from that? Something that just ends with a liturgical decency? Then let’s apologize. The knight’s sword is useless in action. It’s a deceptive thing to say tackle something like that.”


The knight’s sword has two functions.

It is true that they fight or fight in the rules of liturgy. But that has a lot of implications for us to show our strengths to our citizens in safe rules to reassure them and enjoy them.

If you are a true knight, you must win a battle in which there are no rules for criminals or villain opponents and ensure the safety of your citizens.

In fact, the training of the northern quarters is in that way with nature.

It’s also because some guys don’t get confused when only one fights…

What finally came out of the mouth of the silent Cognac…

“Hiccup… You’re in charge of their guidance…”

– That was the word.

In a way, this boy’s predicate evil is also amazing.

For the most part, Fee, who has calmed down, became a little concerned, sighing a little.

“Well, then, let’s ask your soldier in charge. John.”

To Cognac’s words, the Force Leader called John, who was in charge of coaching the Cognacs, who had not noticed anyone coming in the air since just now.

“Oh, wow, is that me? Hey, uh… We’re all close, okay…? Right…?

John suddenly shook the story and, tempered, put his hand on his head and said with a slightly pitiful smile.

“You hold on tighter, too.”

The squad leader smiles at John’s head.

“Aye, excuse me!

“If that’s the case, one day the enemy will drop your arm.”

“haha… sorry…”

Something John’s answer totally made me feel like a mess of air.

Troop leaders slap their hands pan as they tighten it.

“Anyway, we’re breaking up today. Have dinner, take a bath, and prepare for tomorrow’s lookout. I came here to study a job that would benefit the country.”


To the words of the Force Leader, the boys answer honestly and head over to the fort.

“Damn, remember…”

While Cognac had a good throwaway dialogue that way, the next battle didn’t come up. Are you going to keep your promise for once, because you have a captain?

I hope it’s the former, Fey thought.

“Thank you”

Fee thanked the troop leader and tried to go back.

“Never mind. It’s a good idea.”

“Was it a hike?!?

Apparently Cognac’s words were telling the truth.

“Oh, if it’s true, we were both going to get mad and disable the fight”


I don’t like that and I’m in trouble.

“I’m just involved… This time…”

Around this time I add, the usual bad deeds are a bit self-conscious.

“Ha, I see. Well, spending time with guys who don’t fit is also training. Let him get over it.”

That too, Fey thought.

It’s a hassle to hold a mess within your buddy, but it’s a little patience for another week.

“Then there’s the festival the day after tomorrow. On that day, you can join us on the afternoon off.”

“Is it a festival!?

Heard it was a festival, the eyes of the boys that remained shine.

“Oh, it’s like a harvest festival, and it takes place in the biggest village near the fort. I have a good liquor called Lindeale. I’m looking forward to this. It goes well with river fish.”


Adults talk about alcohol all the time.

The Fees don’t know what it tastes like, and they can’t drink it, so they can’t get excited.

But I look forward to the festival.

The Fees also bid farewell to the troop leader before heading for the dining room.

“Looking forward to the festival.”

“Whoa! It’s gonna taste good!

Sometimes Slad shouts out loud as he brings whoever from the edge of his mouth to Laemier, who smiles and continues to talk about the festival.

Meanwhile, Phee…

“Cooinu, how was your fight earlier?

That’s what I was asking Couinu.

“I don’t know…”

Couinu is asked and decapitated properly.

Then after a while I thought about it.

“I’m glad Heath didn’t get hurt badly because I was worried about that, huh?

That’s how I stroked my chest down with a reassuring look. It was a look I thought was sincerely good.

Fee is dissatisfied with that look in her heart.

(Ma… That’s right… It’s too convenient for you to want me to recognize you as someone to fight against…)

Fee’s desperate attempt to beat Cognac from the front is something that doesn’t feel like a threat to Couinu.

I’m sure you haven’t even noticed that Fee worked hard and became more resistant to slashing each other.

I don’t know what an elephant does to an ant.

As a cousin, I’m glad my favorite child isn’t in danger, but I don’t know what that feels like.

With each other not knowing how they feel about each other, Phee and Couinu still walk amicably into the dining room.

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