I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 187


The Fies flee the soldiers they follow.

I just lost count.

“Five? Are we going to sacrifice ourselves and let the other apprentice knights escape? Don’t make me cry.”

“What do you want to do? Do you want to split the troops and track the other one too?

“No, I’ll catch those guys and then I’ll go after them. Five won’t take that long. And every time you enjoy it, you digest it.”

Seeing the escaping fies, Gerhus nods his tongue.

The Fees ran away from their opponents once.

But you can’t completely disappear from the other person’s sight.

I need to keep them tight……

At least we have to buy time until Cognac rendezvous with the two boys. The Fees didn’t know how long that would take.

So we just have to do it where we can.

After the Fies get away with the distance, they run through the woods while maintaining a certain distance.

Feets are faster because of the heavy armor. Easy to keep your distance.

That’s how the fies were running away while keeping their distance for a while, but there was a change in their opponents. The other soldier strips away small hands, shoulders, legs and other parts.

The opponent’s chase speed increased sharply.

He’s a soldier trained to act in full plate mails. Lighter, naturally, that makes it faster.

“What do we do? Do you want me to shoot you in the bow?

Instead, the defense will have fallen. Bows and swords that never made sense before go through if you aim for areas without armor.


Fee shook his head.

There are many enemies at any rate. I can pack my distance while I shoot one. That’s the worst part.

But even if not, the distance began to twitch.

I know the cause. Fee’s legs are slow. I gained strength more than I did in those days, but still the slowest among my people. That’s pulling the legs of the people we act with.

Fee is compelled to make a decision.

Now he was still running while holding down the mountain path.

If they come back with a horse, they can hold it back with a bow.

But if we don’t, they might catch up.

I wanted to move to a deeper part of the woods with more favourable terrain, bumpy roads and poor vision. If possible, I want to cut their gaze there.

I just don’t know if Cognac is buying enough time to catch up with his people yet.

Fee recalls the character of that commander he saw in the village.

It was also difficult to argue with the village chief in a crude manner and to convey our will to the collaborators, the villagers. And to Cognac, who lied, he waved relentless violence.

High pride, emotional character. Hard to say a calm and brilliant commander.

Fee turned to Heiral for a favor.


“Oh, if that’s about it”

Heiral nods in response to Phee’s request.

The Fies went down the road once and for all.

Vision expands at once. But for that matter, it also increases the speed at which the target tracks.

I saw it in there. Catch this one in your eyes and laugh with a happy face, that guy.


Fee asks Hylal for what he just asked for.

Heiral stopped and put up a bow. I squeeze my bow as I look at a guy like that hyena. It’s a long way from that man who is the commander.

Hyral, however, adjusts the angle well and releases an arrow.

That went brilliantly to that man, Gerus.

However, the arrow is knocked down with a bow that was shot almost from outside the range, a light Gerus sword.

But it had the effect I expected.

Visible provocation. That’s why it works for the person looking down here.

Fee felt the malicious gaze of his stabbing opponent.

I give instructions to everyone while I feel it.

“Run deep into the woods and cut your gaze”

I renounce the protection of the road.

But, maybe, Fee had the certainty that the other guy would try to capture this one first.

In the woods, I see the escaping fies, there was Cain.

There’s sweat on that forehead.

(I can’t… Not in such a number that it can be countered……)

Whether the number of people is decreasing due to a horse drop, that number difference, if that distance is cut off sight, surround the area where the fies will be. All you have to do is look for someone and wait for them to be netted, in the mountain hunting guidelines.


If we are to carry out our mission as grass, it would be right to do nothing on this occasion and to report everything to His Majesty.

But as a result, those children’s lives could be lost.

(That kid dies…)

It’s my father and mother I remember.

Cain’s parents were grass again.

Cain at a young age was educated to live in the back of a mountain without people and to live as grass by his parents. Every day I even train as grass. Has it ever been about a childhood tame Naena who also has grass for her parents?

My father and mother said it.

“Grass is the king’s finger, the king’s hand. Do not bite the owner.”

In fact, both my father and mother have faithfully carried out the orders of my predecessor. The result was…… in later evaluations all that could not be said to have benefited the country…… My father and mother were nevertheless right to faithfully fulfill the king’s orders.

Cain himself became a servant, and Roy, the king who was to serve in the grass, was an unusual figure.

“What do you think of this?

That is what they ask the Cains, the grass, from time to time.

Of course I answer my own thoughts because it’s an order. But there was no such thing as a king asking grass in the first place. Because that’s a finger to faithfully fulfill your will.

Not only that. I even started investigating if the grass wasn’t paid enough after I retired.

The Cains never even thought about that.

fulfill the king’s will, and die. That’s all there is. Because that was our perception of ourselves.

Cain realized there that his will was too far removed from purpose.

I am too deeply embedded in my thoughts to even be aware of my surroundings. And even if I’m worried, I won’t solve any of the problems in front of me.

The teachings of grass, it all denied Cain the action he wanted to take on this occasion.


(If you don’t help… get that kid…)

Cain’s mind was squeezing the answer. I don’t know why I came to that answer. I don’t even know if this answer is right or wrong.

Still, Cain pulls out that silver sword.

At that moment, a sharp slaughter hit his neck from the rear of Cain.

There’s a blunt sound of the kid bumping metal into each other.

“Is that it? I thought I had it under control.”

One man stood when he saw the direction in which the attack had passed.

Cain knew the man.

Because Cain’s watching Phee and the guy he’s been spending the past week with.

Brown soft looking hair, with a slight grin on its face.

The man, who was named John, talks to Cain with a grin he even had when he was trying to kill Cain.

“Why is the royal grass in a place like this? Uh-huh, I don’t think there’s ever been a leak in the plan.”

Cain reminds me of his fat muscle earlier.

It is not a move of what was guided by the sword in soldiers and elsewhere. It was the same way Cain’s people waved the sword of the dark stuff.

“That’s our line. Why is someone like you in a place like this?”

Cain questioned the opponent with full vigilance.

From the outside, it was clear that the fies had been fitted. But to 50 soldiers with full body armor, horses for horseback riding. Besides even people in the dark.

Yet the purpose is simply to seize the apprentice knight. It snores too much from its purpose to the personnel infused.

“Well, I was just adapted to their hobbies, or I just had no choice but to infiltrate them, and all I had to do was tell my father what to do when he told me. Then somehow the grass of the kingdom is in such a despicable forest. I don’t move on a leash, and I’ve been watching because I’m still interested. Thanks to you, I missed a few of the boys out in the woods. Well, I hope we catch up later.”

(He talks a lot…)

Honestly, as someone who works in the dark, I think it’s a serious mouth lightness.

“Haha, you think your mouth is light? But you don’t have to worry about it. Because you’re going to die here.”

That said, John had his sword in one hand, and he was slashed with laughter.

The two swords bump into each other.

(Heavy attack……)

It exerts a power that is not as good as one of the 18th Cavaliers, but does not seem like a regular person. It’s like the limit of power is off.

It takes a severe series of attacks, but the pressure causes Cain’s sword to start on his back and his body to flush behind him.

“Ha, that’s it”

John laughs and makes a preliminary motion releasing a lateral slip punch against the gap Cain showed.

That was all Cain’s aim.

Cain’s left hand moves like a thunderbolt in a knee-standing condition, pulling out a silver knife that was stuck in the sheath of his right hip.

A silver trajectory passes John’s arm as he attempts to unleash a poke.

“Is that…?

The tip pounds down to the ground from the arms of John, who shrugged.

“Holy shit…”

John holds down his cut arm and kneels, and Cain stands up and proclaims to him.

“That wound. There’s a lot of bleeding and I can’t help you anymore. If you want help, throw up everything, including who your employer is and what your real purpose is. Even so, you in the dark don’t throw up”

Cain prepares to stab the stop immediately.

John grins and squeals, still holding his arm down.

“Ha ha… strong… strong… This… is not the strength of normal grass…”

To John, who doesn’t want to talk about anything, Cain takes a step closer to stabbing a stop.

Then John, in slow motion, grabbed Cain’s chopped arm.


I don’t know what the purpose of the move is. Be vigilant and the caine will stop working.

John pressed his chopped arm against his missing right arm.

(Are you confused by pain…?

The moment I thought about it, the fingers on my wrapped arms moved out.


Not only that, John comes again with a sword and attacks with an arm that should have been cut off.

Cain takes the attack with a silver knife. It was a heavy attack not at all the same as earlier.

(What the hell did this guy do…?

John says with a creepy laugh, looking at Cain.

“Maybe you, that Mr. Cain…?

Cain doesn’t answer. But so John laughs, as he guessed the answer.

“Ha ha, it’s strong in the street. An unfortunate man who is grass but too strong and whose name has been known to the world behind him. But why are you in a place like this?

While cutting, John looks at the boys fleeing the enemy.

“Maybe there’s someone important in there…?

I was dressed full of gaps. But Cain was confused.

(Earlier attack, you must have definitely cut off your opponent’s arm. It was well handled……)

But John’s arm, slashing each other, has already disappeared and is moving normally.

(What the hell kind of trick…?

John laughs at that gaze.

“Isn’t that strange? You think I should’ve cut it right, don’t you? Mr. Cain, sit down on the hitatoy. You know what?

Hitatoi’s seat, Cain had heard the name.

It’s a group of assassins who were famous on another continent far from here: the Alusian continent. Its strength seems to have been enough to even ask for the assassination of a king of a country.

Rumor was that one man was picking up his parents’ deceased orphans and raising his children as assassins.

“That’s where orphans with special powers are gathered and raised. There was a child with eyes that looked like day at night, a skinny but incredible child, a child who could soften bones and break into any place, a child who didn’t grow from a certain age at all, a child with all kinds of power.”

John giggles and tells Cain.

“My power is not to die. I won’t die. Whether they’re cut, strangled, burned with fire, or beaten with blunt weapons, they’ll never die.”

During the cut with Cain, Cain’s attack tore his skin several times, but it was somehow blocked.

The enemy makes a large sword-wielding gap, and Cain’s penetration pierces where John’s heart is.

“That’s why I’m called to everyone.”

But John didn’t even get upset and waved his sword down to Cain as he did, with a calm grin on his face.

“Immortal corpse (John Doe).”

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