I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 43

44 Outside, Lynette and Fee.

That was when Lynette was only a child and not long after she started serving Feel.

“Why are those kids wearing samurai clothes?

“Look, that’s it. of” The Samurai Famous House. ”

“Oh, there it is.”

Watching Lynette walk through Dayman’s Royal Palace and rumouring so hiccups was that she was 10 years older than Lynette was a samurai of age.

“Phil, you’re the same age, so it’s too bad to serve all at once.”

“Besides, I’m worried about leaving that kid to you, Phil. We should have grown ladies attached to you.”

Their voices had reached Lynette’s ears properly.

(Huh, what’s an adult if you can’t even follow the tea procedure)

For Lynette, who had been educated as much as possible by the samurai from a young age, the laziness of the samurai in this country was beyond sight.

They were out of touch with their jobs by the way, both cleaning and managing their costumes.

One way to brew tea. Very much so. Because they save time steaming and heating the cup, the tea they make is not very fragrant and the temperature is dropping from the right temperature. The tea is not delicious.

And yet neither His Majesty the King nor Her Majesty the Queen realizes it. So the quality of the work of the samurai is retreating more and more.

When I first came to the royal palace, it was flashy.

Most things do the job properly flushed. Occasionally some of them were relatively serious, but they were doing it with an unpleasant look. I’m not motivated…

All of my colleagues were older than her, but there was no respectable person.

Lynette was fortunate to have come to this royal palace to serve you, Phil.

As rude as it may be, His Majesty the King and Her Majesty the Queen of this country were people who didn’t know what was going on. Lynette’s sincerely brewed tea doesn’t look like they just drank and felt anything, just like their usual clueless tea.

I did not see my abilities or personality, but was about to be held by the title of “Samurai Famous House” and just because I was the same age, that I would be worthy of the Samurai Lady of Phil.

Only Phil said, “It’s delicious. I’ve never had tea like this before,” he said and smiled.

That one is exactly what a samurai or samurai deserves to serve, who is as smart and wise as Lynette to see the value of things.

It’s good to serve such a person.

With that in mind, Lynette was headed towards the water field.

Apart from taking care of her husband, the samurai must also manage her surroundings. But Lynette, Phil’s sidekick, didn’t have time to do clothes and other laundry.

So I have to leave it to the other samurai and pick it up when the laundry is done like this.

When I got to the water field, she left her clothes cluttered to throw out and finished washing them.

(No Thailand……)

She immediately realized it.

I know. Harassment.

The ladies of this country all want to be Phil’s caregivers. So we were all secluded about her when she was young and chosen to serve.

Ty was made of a special cloth to reveal his position of serving the princess.

I have spares, but I don’t want to lose them as much as I can.

(You won’t have the courage to do it, so I’m sure it’s hidden somewhere difficult to understand)

Reading their personality for shady harassment, Lynette starts to think so and look for her own Thailand.

But naturally, my heart isn’t calm.

(Ugh! We don’t have time for this!

Side service is less of a time you can spend for yourself.

Yet pulling that leg meant annoying you, too, Phil.

“That’s why it’s third class.”

I accidentally felt poison from my mouth.

Someone pounds Lynette’s shoulder like that.

“Is this what you’re looking for?

It was Ty that Lynette was looking for that was holding in her hand.

“Oh, thank you”

That’s how Lynette received Thailand and then realized that her hand belonged to a girl her age.

When I gave him my face, a girl with the same golden hair as the royalty of this country was looking at this one.

Lynette knew about the girl. Another princess in this country. Fee.

Phil, your twin sister.

Before entering the royal palace, Lynette had once been shown a portrait by her mother.

I don’t know, it was a lot more appropriate, but it was a messily written portrait.

When I put the real thing in front of me, I even feel like I’m not alike.

Either that or Lynette figured out the other princess because the only girl her age in the palace right now was Mr. Phil and his sister.

Lynette also knew the story of her being the princess of this other country.

Yet she was nowhere.

The King and his wife, Phil, even at the tea place you saw. Also on the supper grounds where they spend their time as a family. Even on the stage of the party they will be taking Master Feel to.

The samurai also left just after work in a dark water field, the first time Lynette saw the princess.

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