I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 47

48 Couinu

“Hmm, who do you think would be better this year?

The maids were discussing it in the garden of the royal palace.

I’m not talking about work, I’m talking about the rookies this year.

“It feels like a lot of grain this year.”

But I’m not talking about the samurai newcomers.

What they were talking about was the story of the newcomers to the Apprenticeship Knight.

“I figured if you’re in a dormitory in the east, Percil, I guess. He’s intelligent and cool with glasses!

“Kuinu-kun is also a beauty, isn’t he? The golden Sarasa hair and exotic face appeal.”

“If you mean beauty, Lizzie has a neat face.”

“But my hair’s a little…”

“That’s true…”

“Luca’s pretty good, too, isn’t she? It reminds me of Crowe.”

“Don’t leave Mr. Crowe with that one!

One samurai bite in such a way that the samurai next door looked amazing.

“Hey, no. Kiria is a big fan of Crowe, so if she says she looks alike, she’ll deny it.”

“Well, I thought I was pretty much alike.”

“It does look similar, but it feels a little different again, doesn’t it? Mr. Crowe feels like Frank, but is Luca really kizzy?”

“Not at all alike!

“Wow, don’t bite me… It’s Salia’s fault.”

“Yeah, my fault!?

By Kiria, who claims not to resemble him robustly, the place has become weird air.

So, a samurai who is good at soothing the conversation tries to change the subject a little and get back to the original air.

“Well, how about the north quarters?

“I like Geese.”

“It’s really cool to feel silent and shadowy.”

“Where’s Zelius?

“Nice style, isn’t it? He’s got a manly face.”

“Go, Golms kun……!

When one of the maids gave her the name blushing, the other maid looked back at the maid with those mixed eyes.

“Yeah, hey…”

“You are…”

“Well, I don’t know, but it’s a little different from what we’re talking about right now, so on the pass.”


In the end, the story of the samurai who gave him the Gollms was flushed by the summarising samurai.

“Where’s Laemier?

“Oh, it feels cute. And it’s very popular.”

“You’re gonna smile at us too!

“What about Heath if I say she’s cute?

“What’s Heath?

“That little one!

“Ahhh, it could be a blur with cuteness, for sure”

“A child younger than myself, I’m a little…”

“But you’re so cute when you laugh”

“Yeah, yeah. They call it an angel smile!

“Angel smile. It could really be that image.”

Not knowing dew that the samurai were telling such stories, the apprentice knight boys in the northern quarters were still about to enter this afternoon’s training.

At the end of their gaze like that, there was an unfamiliar sight.

Next to the instructor Hislo stands a boy who doesn’t know Phee.

Golden and white sara hair on brown skin, exotic neat face with exotic blood on it somewhere. I’m not tall or low.

Hands behind your back, standing beside Hislo with a serious look.

Seeing that, “Oh, that guy…” some boys bothered.

But as a fie, he was a totally unrecognizable boy. Well, it’s obvious because I’ve been in this country for less than a year.

Fee asks the next Golms in a whisper.

“Is that girl famous?

Gollms nodded with a slightly more serious look.

“Oh, he’s one of the same winners of the year as me”

Hislo said aloud before the deliberate apprentice knights.

“Quiet! Introduce the transferee today.

He is an apprentice knight cooinu belonging to the First Knights, who was to move from his east quarters to his north quarters with strong hope in his person.

He is also the disciple of Kaisal, who once served as His Majesty’s guide to swordsmanship.

His swordsmanship, taught directly by Master Kaisal, will surely be a good study for you.

Say hello, Couinu. ”

That’s how he was introduced, and Couinu was a step back.

Fee was clear and thought it was something he would introduce himself to. Everyone else was probably the same.

But Couinu’s first voice was different.

“Where’s an apprentice knight named Heath?”


Suddenly called his name, Fee startles and opens his eyes.

Everyone’s gaze poured under Heath at the same time. So he also figured out who Heath was. A firm grey eye turns toward Fee.

Couinu, who saw Fee, also opened his eyes a little and said, “This little one…?,” he muttered, “but soon returned to his serious expression, poking a wooden sword at Fee and proclaiming.

“Heath, I’m applying for a battle with you. It’s a serious one-on-one battle between men.

If this one wins, have the 18th Knights apprenticeship seat handed over!

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