Illegal Alien in a MMO World

Chapter 42: Diplomacy & Disconnects (Part 2)

This is a two-part like Chapter 10, make sure to read Part 1 first if you have accidentally clicked here!


Tension that had previously been lifted by the initial arrival of evidence had begun to settle again as the full extent of its implications sunk in. Passing off the authenticating and analysis to his companions the Baron engaged the Duchess in tense small talk while he waited.

Tuning out again I found myself staring off into space again until a wrath-filled curse disturbed the valley.

“That realm’s damned forsworn accursed traitor!” 

The yell and accompanying thud of a hand slamming down on the hardwood table brought my attention back to the pair. Just in time to see the Baron let out a frustrated sigh and run his hand through his hair messing it.

“For what it’s worth Owain… As much as I don’t particularly like you after all the trouble you’ve given me and despite the fact you probably don’t like me just as much, I do respect you. I especially respect your loyalty and devotion to our Duchy’s independence,” she consoled. “And that is something that fool and traitor Haverhill will never have.”

“It is also why I am willing to make this offer to you. Peace between us and an alliance against Haverhill and his Pagutum support. In return I would name you the commander in charge of this coalition followed by a place as my chief military advisor afterwards. And when he is old enough, a teacher to my son. You will be in all but name the Lord Protector of our Duchy, until my late husband’s heir reaches the age of maturity to inherit his title as Duke.”

A storm of shock, suspicion and intrigue rolled across Redwood’s face as he processed the obviously unexpected offer, before settling into determined acceptance.

“Put that into writing and I’ll accept…” he paused, extending a hand across the table to shake, before adding in a deferential voice, “Your Grace.”

With the agreement sealed via handshake, the Duchess signaled to her steward who pulled out a pair of prepared vellum documents.

“I’m sorry if having these prepared was presumptuous. However, given the urgency of the matter and despite having to execute my former Chief Diplomat Arvel Thurnscoe for treason…” she paused. He had been Redwood’s man. Awkward. “I had Steward Trahern and my best scriveners working ceaselessly since my investigative parties returned to prepare this agreement and ensure there is not anything unpalatable that may prevent it from being signed.”

There was a pause in the proceedings as Redwood and his advisor’s cross examined the treaties, searching for traps or loopholes.

Minutes passed before the delegation came up for air and the Baron grudgingly admitted that the agreements were acceptable in light of the extreme circumstances and time constraints they were facing. 

With that agreement things suddenly moved fast with both sides signing the documents and tucking away their respective copies, before an exchange of hostages was made. The Baron’s adult son for the Duchesses’ nephew to keep both sides honest. Then after further handshakes and parting words, Redwood and his part rode off so he could go bring the entirety of his forces into the valley to marshal them before the march east.

As our own party mounted up to return to the city walls the quest completion hit, flooding my HUD.


[Event Santarriral Summit Successfully Completed

You have successfully aided your liege lord in gaining the allegiance of the civil war’s strongest faction bringing them one step closer to reuniting the Duchy and driving out the foreign invaders.


[Revealing Ring of the Investigator], 200 gold, Bonus experience.]



No sooner had I clicked accept rewards and closed the HUD window, when a new window took its place.



[Quest Update: Treason in the East.

Arrive in behind enemy lines

Defend the Camp

Reach Port Marchnad

Make contact with the Underground Resistance

Uncover evidence in Castle Haverhill or Discover the Pagutum invasion landing to uncover Haverhill’s treason

Return to the Duchess with evidence

Help build a coalition to fight against the invaders

Defeat Baron Haverhill and his forces and defeat Pagutum’s invasion force 

Rewards: ??? ]



Dismissing the window, I went to examine the ring I had been rewarded when a body collided with my side and bounced to the ground.

Eyes darting to the ground I realized what had hit me…


There she was. On the ground. Thrashing around. Seizing. Her form flickering in and out of the game even as she seized.

Dropping to the ground, I moved to place my hands between her face and the gravel as the Duchess yelled for her men to run and get a stretcher from the guard house and send for the Chief Healer.

Seconds passed and the seizing stopped. Moving to roll her on her side and support her neck, no sooner than her head was in my lap did she vanish. Vanish leaving behind a heaviness despite the empty air above my lap.

Freezing, I stared at where she had been only moments before. She was gone. 

Where had she gone? What? Why?

Frozen time, slammed back into jarring motion. Heart still beating in my throat I rushed to begin swiping open my hud with a frantic speed as I opened the messaging window and started typing.

No reply.


Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Please leave comments/reviews as they fill us writers with joy! Happy writers write more! 

Illegal Alien is a canon story in QuietValerie's Troubleverse setting. Make sure you read Quietvalerie's Trouble with Horns, her second Troubleverse story Witch of Chains and her other Troubleverse story on Scribblehub Lieforged Gale.

The Troubleverse & Kammiverse have their own discord where you can talk to other readers and the various authors including myself and QuietValerie.

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