Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

120. Master Sabu’s Request

The next morning

Rei put on his "Developer R" disguise consisting of a polygraph-shaped silver mask and a hooded black robe. Deciding now would be a good time to contact Tetsuo and inquire into his recent change of plans

When Tai informed him of Mori Sp.'s decision to speed up construction of ICF homes, his first thought was to make contact with Tetsuo as soon as humanly possible. Such news was something he preferred to hear from his partner, rather than a third party


{Genjutsu Transmission!}


After casting the projection-type Genjutsu, the present environment shifted. Altering until what was his room, became Tetsuo's office. Tetsuo was alerted to his presence the moment he activated the technique, already ready and waiting

"Developer R, I was going to make contact soon but you beat me to it. Do you have another schematic?"

"Not today. I'm simply here to make sure everything is okay with the company. Mori Sp. is speeding things up after all"

"Ah, you heard. I guess word travels fast"

"Have the devices I created given you some kind of trouble?"

"No. No. Not at all. It's just certain events have forced me to change some plans. I wanted to talk to you about it as soon as I could"

"Elaborate for me"

Tetsuo went on to explain his current circumstances. How the council and other unknown parties have grown curious, carrying out investigations into his company. Putting even his own safety at risk

"They've already started investigating the company. We knew it was only a matter of time before this would happen the moment you were given all of Kumogakure's energy contracts. I trust you've taken measures to ensure your safety?"

"Like you would not believe. I hardly ever leave the safety of my company building. Only when Mori Sp. becomes bigger, enough to fight these threats on its own, can I relax a little"

"Only a little huh?"

"Of course, a merchant must never truly let his guard down. Your name has also started to swirl amongst the masses as well"

"I already know, but there's no need to worry about me. However, I am you have any idea how this leak happened in the first place?"

"Your designs are without a doubt, revolutionary. Accomplished scholars, scientists, engineers, businessmen, and even several politicians have a keen interest in your work. Even if I forcibly prevented employees from going home, I doubt it'd stop the spread of your name"

"I guess it's true what they say, Rumors are far more difficult to stop than a blade"

"I-I assure you the company is still following strict guidelines when it comes to information security. All of your designs and inventions are safe. Even if one manages to escape with a blueprint or two, they'll never be able to manufacture it completely without us"

Tetsuo copied Kumogakure's method of splitting tasks for one job. His engineers were moved into separate groups and given different tasks to complete whenever Rei would give him a blueprint or advice for a new product

This was the best way to ensure no competitor could steal their merchandise. And by the time products made it to the public, the company would already be working on something new and/or better

"That's all I wanted to know Tetsuo, thank you"

"My pleasure. Is there anything else, another device you'd like to build?"

"I've something in the works but...not yet. I don't want to overload Mori Sp. with new products. It hasn't grown that big yet, I'll contact you when it's ready"

{Hmm...what was once too big is now too small. I need to hurry with the company expansion before anyone else manages to catch up with us. The Land of Lightning is becoming too compact for Mori Sp. to operate}


Rei ended transmission after hearing someone knock on his door

{Is it nee-san?}

Taking off his disguise, he opened the front door to find a familiar figure waiting for him


"I have told you repeatedly to drop the ossan, damn it. Come on, you and your team have been summoned"


Though he had more questions, Rei could sense the hint of urgency in his tone and thus, refrained from asking anymore. Obediently following Dodai to the central office of the Raikage

Arriving inside, Rei found Tai and Suzu waiting for him. But the presence of Toroi and a strange looking old man next to him is what caught his attention

"Is this them?"

"Yes Master Sabu. They'll serve you well. I apologize we couldn't get more Chunin or Jonin but-" (A)

"You've already gone above and beyond Raikage-sama. Thank you" (Sabu)

Sabu bowed with gratitude towards the Raikage before turning to the Genin

"Alright you three, get ready. Mission briefing will be given along the way as there's no time" (Sabu)

"No time? No time for what?" (Rei)

"Yeah, I'm confused. Who are you again?" (Tai)

"Watch you mouth you lot! This is Master Sabu, an esteemed ninja that hails from our country. He's trained many of our ninja decades ago, even my brother and I have received his wise tutelage" (A)

"?!" (Team Tango)

"Those are just my glory days he's talking about. Now, I'm just an old enka singer who also happens to be a ninja. An...enka ninja if you will" (Sabu)

A gestured to Toroi, the latter of whom nodded in response before speaking to the Genin

"Sorry about this last minute call guys, but you're the best we could muster" (Toroi)

"Toroi-sama..." (Suzu)

"This is a C-rank mission that will take place outside the country, Hikaru will be our escort. Also, there are two other Chunin that'll join us, along with...Killer B-sama" (Toroi)

"Eh?! B-sama?!" (Tai)

"Now it's getting interesting" (Rei)

"Join us for what?" (Suzu)

"There's an island Kumogakure has heavy ties to, Master Sabu has a contact that oversees the wildlife there" (Toroi)

"And?" (Tai)

"My contact sent me a message that's only meant to be used in emergencies. It's possible the island is under attack" (Sabu)

"This island you're talking it Genbu island?" (Rei)

"No, but your experience on Genbu island is part of the reason why you were selected for this mission" (Toroi)

"Our experience?" (Tai)

"Yes, particularly with-!" (Toroi)


A clapped his hands, stopping their banter. Because time was of the essence, the explanation would have to wait. Asking if they'd accept this mission, the Genin replied in agreement. With that affirmation, there was nothing more to be said and he sent present party out


"Come in" (A)

"I'm surprised you didn't go yourself, considering how important that island is to the village"

It was the Daimyō, waiting in the room next door for their conversation to end

"It's not my place but, is it okay to send them?" (Daimyō)

"I had no choice. They're the best Genin in the village and there are no Chunin or Jonin I can afford to remove from their current posts so suddenly now. This mission demands more people" (A)

"Three Chunin, three Genin, and including Sabu and B, three Jonin. Quite the group. And you're right, we still don't know what's going on. It's wise not to send an entire squadron until we verify the problem but...are you sure you still don't wanna go?" (Daimyō)

"The last time this happened, was during the Hyuga Affair. If this is another plot to get me out of the village...well-" (A)

"I get it, a chance to probe our hidden enemy" (Daimyō)

"If it even is them. Don't worry, Team Tango had the best time when it came to the Genbu island test. They'll be fine" (A)


The Daimyō took his leave, opening the door before sharing his final thoughts

"A, I think we both know the animals on Genbu...can't compare to the creatures in that place" (Daimyō)


"Yeah. I know..." (A)



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