Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

122. Kintarō

Didn't want to leave you guys hangin over the weekend so I rushed this one out. See ya next week!


The team from Kumogakure approached the island on the opposite side from the enemy invaders. It was then Hikaru abruptly stopped the ship a few kilometers away from the island

"We're stopping here?" (Toroi)

"The island's invisible barrier has been activated. Give me a moment so I can signal Kintarō-dono" (Sabu)

Several minutes prior to Sabu sending a flare in the air, a portion of the barrier opened. Sailing through, the barrier in question closed immediately after they entered. Once they arrived on the coastline, the overseer of the island came to greet them

A man with large muscular build called Kintarō, along with his giant raccoon partner Pochi, shook hands with Sabu before addressing the others

"Welcome, friends of the Cloud. I am Kintarō, and this is Pochi, we're the ones who maintain equilibrium in this feral place. In other words, we ensure no species in this place hunts another to extinction"

"I see, like a wildlife conservation"

"That's right, it's been a while Toroi-dono, I haven't seen you, Killer B, or Tekkan since the last...six years if I recall correctly"

"Thank you for continuing your duties despite the ongoing war at the time"

Kintarō was a private contractor, not a resident of Kumogakure or the Land of Lightning. He had no obligation to help them, but out respect for his friendship with Sabu, he choose to stay anyway. Despite the fact the island was an easy target for foreign nations

"I know you've already met B and Tekkan, but these Chunin here are Musai, Hikaru, and Funsui. And the young ones to my left are our finest Genin team. Designated Team Tango, they are Suzu, Rei Sano, and Tai Yotsuki respectively" (Toroi)

"A pleasure to meet you all, now I suggest we move. Pochi and I haven't been able to put all the animals away yet, we'll head to my campsite. Follow me precisely and stay on the path. Pochi!" (Kintarō)

"I'll be escorting Tekkan back to ship. Funsui, stay with them" (Hikaru)

"Got it" (Funsui)


Pochi took point as the rest followed in a straight line

"Your letter was brief, what exactly happened for you to initiate the Terrarium protocol of all things?" (Sabu)

"I was unable to send another letter after the barrier was activated. Sigh, less than eighteen hours ago, a small armada of ships arrived on the western side of the island. But for whatever reason, the haven't gotten's almost as if they knew about the barrier" (Kintarō)

"Impossible. The barrier is invisible, and not many know of it existence in the first place. Are you sure they aren't just probing from a distance?" (Toroi)

"No, they've stopped just at the edge of the barrier, they know it's there. Which is why I called for help. Anyone with such detailed intel and arrives with a force like that is a threat I take seriously" (Kintarō)

"Have you confirmed whether or not they're ninja?" (Sabu)

"Not yet" (Kintarō)

As speculation continued, Tai raised a question for them

"Excuse me, what exactly is this Terrarium protocol you're talking about?" (Tai)

"Right, guess I should explain. In the event of an enemy intrusion, protocol dictates I call for reinforcements, activate the barrier, and direct all local wildlife into bunkers built beneath the island for their safety" (Kintarō)

"The creatures here are potential summoning partners for shinobi of our village after all. Such precious assets must be protected at all costs" (Toroi)

"Everyone here was chosen due to their experience on dealing with abnormally large wildlife. Your objective is to protect them, not hurt them" (Sabu)

"And the enemies?" (Musai)

"Once I've accounted for all the animals, then we verify exactly where these intruders come from, and what they want" (Kintarō)

"If we discover the presence of shinobi, we contact Kumogakure immediately for reinforcements" (Toroi)

{That would designate this mission as B-rank at least} (Suzu)

"But they're not gonna wait long, so I suggest we-TAI-KUN!" (Kintarō)

"?!" (Everyone)

"DON'T MOVE!" (Kintarō)

"Uh! T-That sound is-!" (Tai)


When the group halted to answer Tai's question, a large snake took the opportunity to slither down a tree and approach Tai from above. The one in question did his best not to move as he could feel the serpent edge ever closer to his neck

"...!" (Tai)

"Don't. Move." (Kintarō)

"What do we do? I know we're supposed to protect them but-" (Toroi)

"If push comes to shove, so be it. I'll take care of this" (Kintarō)

"!" (Sabu)

Before any of them could do anything, Rei casually approached Tai and stuck out his hand

"Rei! What are you-?!" (Kintarō)

"Our mission is to protect these creatures" (Rei)

Rei grabbed the snake beneath its head and casually placed it away from Tai. The latter of whom nearly fell to his knees with relief. Kintarō instructed Pochi to carry out its job and add it to rest of the animals within the bunker

"Huh, Pochi is quite effective for this task. I can see why you keep him around" (Rei)

"Phew! Thanks Rei, I owe you big time. But why didn't you kill it? It was gonna kill me!" (Tai)

"Animals only lash out if they're distressed or provoked, our new friend wasn't looking to cause harm, it just thought you were apart of the tree" (Rei)

"Right, I forgot how much of a snake lover you are. I just hope you never pick them over me in the future" (Tai)

"Long as your use outweighs theirs, he won't" (Suzu)

"What she said" (Rei)

"Jerks!" (Tai)

"H-Hehe, let's move on" (Toroi)

As the group was on verge of arriving at his camp, Kintarō gave a small glance at Rei. An action that didn't escape Toroi's notice

"Not bad, right?" (Toroi)

"A child that doesn't even flinch at something like that is abnormal to say the least" (Kintarō)

"They're some of our most gifted. I promise they'll be of good use to you" (Toroi)

"Mm. Oh! We're almost at my camp, the center of the island" (Kintarō)

Kintarō was reassured knowing the Genin Kumogakure sent weren't going to be a burden

Minutes later, the group arrived at his camp. At its edge, there was an entrance that led underground to the island bunker. Pochi had just emerged from it after dumping the snake Rei just caught

Getting their bearings, Killer B was directed into the bunker and Kintarō pulled out a map before addressing the group

"Alright, I want to do this quiet, and right. Fortunately, Pochi and I are good at our jobs, as we've already rounded up most of the creatures on the island. Just a few stragglers remain, like the one Tai got acquainted with earlier" (Kintarō)

"I take it we'll each hit different parts of the island?" (Toroi)

Kintarō pointed to the map

"Yes, each group will require a sensor to detect them. I'll leave team assignments to you, but we need to hit these four areas at once. Pochi and I count as a one team, and I know Master Sabu can handle for the rest-" (Kintarō)

"Since Rei-kun is sensor, Team Tango will remain as they are. Funsui is one as well, so Musai and I will go with him. What about containment?" (Toroi)

"Right, I didn't get chance to show you since I rushed away when you popped that flare" (Kintarō)

Kintarō pulled large scrolls out of a pouch and handed one to each team

"Once you've gathered all the animals in your respective areas, place these scrolls either above, or below them. They contain a Jikūkan Ninjutsu1Space-Time Ninjutsuconnecting to a mark in the bunker for easy transportation. However, they're a one-off so be absolutely sure you're done before using them" (Kintarō)

{It's just like nee-san's transporting pots I use to travel back and forth from my lab} (Rei)

"Let's turn on our radios, channel 7" (Toroi)

Since Tango wasn't with them, they couldn't use his Chakra Transmission to communicate telepathically via their chakra. The group would be doing this the old fashioned way

"Okay, sound is good, channel is secure" (Funsui)

"Remember, you're not to hurt them under any circumstances. These animals will serve this, as well as future generations of Kumo-nin!" (Sabu)

"Be at ease Master Sabu. I'm well versed in wide-ranged Kanashibari no Jutsu2Paralysis Jutsu. And with Toroi and Funsui's help, we'll make sure they don't get a scratch" (Musai)

"Kanashibari...that's reassuring, and what of you Team Tango?" (Sabu)

"Rei's good with Genjutsu, Tai and I have a few tricks up our sleeves as well. Don't worry about us" (Suzu)

"What about Killer B-sama? I saw Master Sabu take him beneath the bunker a minute ago but-" (Musai)

"B-dono will stay in the bunker to keep our friends in check. If they were to rampage, busting out of that place is a guarantee. Then you get dozens, if not hundreds of giant, hostile animals running amok on the island" (Kintarō)

"Gulp!" (Tai)

"Plus, B can't afford to go all out here. If he were to transform and enter his Tailed Beast State, he'd cause irreparable damage. Having him stay here at our base while keeping them calm and quiet is the best way to utilize his talents" (Sabu)

"If it wasn't for this, Raikage-sama wouldn't have let him come along on this mission" (Toroi)

"I see, that makes sense" (Musai)

Suddenly recalling an important factor, Kintarō caught everyone off guard as he shouted a final warning to the group as a whole

"One more thing! If you encounter any large sand pits, STAY AWAY from them! And NEVER, EVER use Doton3Earth Stylenear them! Don't ask me why, it would take too long to explain, just take my word for it!" (Kintarō)

"Huh?" (Funsui)

"O-Okay..." (Musai)

{No Doton, that shouldn't hurt me too much...and I think Suzu's alright. We should be fine} (Rei)


"Okay then, time to cut the chatter! Our mission is clear and we're on borrowed time people, let's get this done with haste!" (Toroi)






And so, the four teams dashed in different directions towards their individual objectives respectively. Completely unaware of what the lurking enemies outside the island had in store for it...and them


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