Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

124. Breach! [1]

Sorry for the late release guys! My neighborhood is undergoing rolling blackouts this week. I had no choice but to finish this chapter with my phone (Sorry for any errors ><!). Please enjoy the chapter!


Summoning Island

The individual groups from Kumogakure had nearly finished the task of rounding up the local wildlife. Team Tango was the first to finish their area and opted to join the others. After scanning the island with his sensing, Rei decided the first person they should aid is Sabu

Though the one in question was used to this kind of job, he was by himself and had the second largest group of creatures to secure. A rowdy gang of giant raccoons, not that different from Kintarō's partner, Pochi

Using radios to inform him of their upcoming arrival, they bolted to his location. Wide as the island was, the team was fortunate they'd  been sent to area near Sabu's and managed to arrive at his location within the span of a few minutes

"Oh, you guys got here in no time at all. And to finish your area so quickly, not to shabby" (Sabu)

"We had it easy. How can we help Master Sabu?" (Suzu)

"For starters you can...hold on-!" (Sabu)


Before he could finish, Sabu ducked, avoiding a swiping palm from striking his head. Countering with his giant axe, using the blunt end of the handle to knock the raccoon back. He was still in the midst of battle and had no time to talk. Picking up on this, Team Tango engaged without waiting for permission

"Same as before guys!" (Tai)

"Right!" (Rei & Suzu)

"?!" (Sabu)


Tai jumped in the air as Suzu and Rei formed hand seals, preparing to unleash their Ninjutsu

"Doton: Tajū Doryūheki!1Earth Style: Multi Mud Wall(Suzu)

"Magen: Kakuran!2Demonic Illusion: Disturbance!(Rei)


Several walls of earth emerged from the ground, enclosing the unruly mammals and preventing escape. Rei capitalized on the opportunity by hitting them Genjutsu as to halt their movements

Tai, still in the air, used his arm bracers to summon small spheres wrapped in paper before throwing them at the raccoons. A strange colored smoke emerged after they exploded

The raccoons found it more difficult to move as the strength departed from their bodies. One by one, they fell asleep on the ground

"That anesthetic?" (Sabu)

"More like, an anesthetic and sleeping gas cocktail I came up with" (Tai)

"As per the mission parameters, only completely non-lethal means must be used for these creatures" (Rei)

{Not bad at all. Ignoring the well conceived strategy, this team has demonstrated excellent team work and the ability to think on the fly. They're already near Chunin Level...} (Sabu)

"Rei! Are there anymore?" (Tai)

"No, we're done here" (Rei)

Sabu threw the scroll Kintarō gave him over the now downed animals. A Jutsu formula emerged from it, encasing them until...


Their figures vanished in a cloud of smoke, sent to the underground bunker via Jikūkan Ninjutsu3Space-Time Ninjutsu

"Now what?" (Suzu)

"From what I can tell, Kintarō-san and Pochi are already done with their area, but Toroi-san's group is having some trouble" (Rei)

"Toroi-sama having trouble? Really?" (Suzu)

"He's not in danger or anything, but the group they're dealing with is especially large. On top of that, they can't use lethal means" (Rei)

Sabu interjected and addressed the team

"In that case, you three go back him up. Since you said Kintarō-dono is done, he should be heading back to the center of the island, at the entrance to the above-ground entrance to the bunker" (Sabu)

"You're going to report to him in person?" (Suzu)

"Yes, he's too far away for the radios to reach. We can better coordinate our next strategy in person. Once the island is clear, we won't have to worry about collateral damage when we engage the enemy. The barrier won't last forever" (Sabu)

"Then let's get moving! Come on guys!" (Tai)


Tai took off without even waiting for their response

"Hey! You don't even know where to go you idiot!" (Rei)

"Excuse us, Master Sabu" (Suzu)

"Be careful!" (Sabu)

Rei chased after Tai as Suzu gave a departing bow to Sabu before doing the same

{With that team, we should be done in no time. The problem is the group outside. It's strange, shouldn't Takigakure4Hidden Waterfall Villagehave acted by now? Such a large group illegally traveling along this close sea route would certainly not escape their attention. Could something have happened to that village?} (Sabu)




Tai moved with haste as Team Tango made they their way through the island

"Tai! As the medical-nin, you're not supposed to lead the group!" (Rei)

"No time, I wanna get this done! Besides, I got a good look at Kintarō-san's map before we left, I know exactly where Toroi-sama's group is!" (Tai)

"That's not the-ugh! Geez, why is he in such a hurry anyway?" (Rei)

"It's probably because of his family" (Suzu)

"His family? O-Oh yeah, can't believe I almost forgot about it...the Yotsuki Clan Selection" (Rei)

Tai still had to deal with his family issues, particularly, the protection of his line's position as Clan head. All the other clan heirs, his cousins, were off on their own respective pilgrimage's. Performing honorable, meticulous deeds to earn favor for their eligibility to become the next head

And while Tai wasn't that eager to come along on this mission at first, once he found out how vital this island is to the village, his mood completely shifted in the opposite direction. A good performance here would certainly add to his stock

Because their village hadn't received many shinobi jobs in recent years, there wasn't enough opportunity for him to gain outstanding achievements. As to not be the one to break his bloodline's tradition of becoming Clan head, there's no way he'd let this chance slip past him

{I'm definitely gonna make sure we ace this mission!} (Tai)

"Sigh!" (Rei)

"?!" (Tai)


Rei dashed in front of Tai and spoke without turning around

"I get why you're eager, but don't forget our primary purpose. As a ninja, you are to put personal feelings aside and focus only on the mission" (Rei)

"...I know" (Tai)

"..." (Suzu)

"Okay then...this way!" (Rei)

Because Toroi's group was on the opposite side of the island from Sabu, it took them more time to arrive at their destination. But after a while, they reached their colleagues only to find Toroi holding the front. They were being attacked by a group of enormous Komodo dragons

Musai was doing his best to slow them down with his wide range Kanashibari no Jutsu5Paralysis Jutsu. Funsui was protecting him with his Suiton6Water Stylewhile Toroi restrained the giant lizards with metal nets, via his Jiton7Magnet Style

"Back-up's here!" (Tai)

"Just in time! You guys are a sight for sore eyes!" (Funsui)

"I've got the ones over here, assist Musai and Funsui!" (Toroi)

"Right!" (Team Tango)

Repeating the very same formation they used in Sabu's area, it wasn't long before the situation took a turn for the better. Once the creatures here were properly placated, Toroi sent them to the bunker and everyone present took a breather

Rei informed them of the situation, letting them know everyone's task was completed

"So we're the last to finish...kinda leaves a bad taste in your mouth" (Musai)

"Hey, we had the largest and most ferocious group. I expected we'd be last, don't think too much on it. Senpai, shall we?" (Funsui)

"Right, now that we're done, let's meet up with-?!" (Toroi)

Before he could finish his sentence, something unsettling caught his attention. The now "former" invisible barrier covering the island suddenly became visible to the naked eye. And worse, cracks began to form on its surface

"?!" (Everyone)

"SHIT!" (Toroi)

"Impossible! This barrier is almost as strong as the one on Genbu, and that one can hold a friggin Tailed Beast!" (Funsui)

"But-! If it's like the one on Genbu, shouldn't it repair itself?!" (Musai)


Everyone paused with trepidation, waiting for the cracks to repair themselves, but no such phenomenon occurred. They continued to form and spread from the bottom of the barrier. Once the cracks reached the very top...


The barrier was destroyed in its entirety



"BREACH!" (Toroi)


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