Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

129. The Ishi Terrorists [2]

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The clones charged at Team Tango, barely giving them a chance to breathe

"Rei! Bodyguards!" (Suzu)

"Right!" (Rei)


"Doton: Golem no Jutsu!1Earth Style: Golem Technique" (Rei & Suzu)

As the clones rushed the team, Rei and Suzu weaved several hand seals before simultaneously placing their hands on the ground. Rock and stone gathered in place to form two large automatons

"I'll maintain control of them so you can fight unabated!" (Suzu)

"Okay, let's go!" (Rei)

Rei charged forth with the golems in tow, doing everything in his power to prevent the clones from reaching his teammates. The latter of whom supported him with long range attacks


{So there is resistance, I guess they really are corporal clones. Though something still feels off, even when I give them a good hit, they don't disappear. And every time I clash with them, I feel an abnormal level of physical feedback...just what is this?!} (Rei)

When the fighting began, Rei assumed the strange sensation he felt was something along the lines of Genjutsu. After disturbing his chakra to break it, the strange phenomenon continued regardless, leading his team to deduce it was something else

"Even the golems are having are their clones so strong?" (Suzu)

"Don't worry, I'll keep replenishing your chakra no matter how many show up!" (Tai)

"Thanks" (Suzu)

{Every time we clash, there's this strange sensation that appears as quickly as it disappears. I wonder...} (Rei)

But deep down, he still believed it was in someway related to Genjutsu, despite confirming the attacks they received were real. He had to solve this mystery quickly...or his team would pay the price




The northwestern side of the island


"Agh! This is ridiculous!"

The battle between Toroi and Kajūra grew more intense by the second, the area around them was devastated within minutes of their fight. Toroi had no choice but to bear the brunt of it as his mission entailed protecting the island itself, he couldn't allow Kajūra's rampage to spread

But staying in one spot while dealing with an enormous giant of stone, iron, and other materials was easier said than done. He'd hoped this technique couldn't be used for extended periods of time, and attempted to wear his opponent out


"Uh?! Again?!"

However, Kajūra showed no signs of slowing down, already positioning himself to strike Toroi again. The latter raised several large shuriken in the air with his Jiton2Magnet Styleto form a make-shift shield



Struggling with all his might, Toroi was still sent flying into a tree. Though his blades took most of the impact from the golem's strike, he couldn't protect himself completely

"Augh! Okay, I'll admit it...huff! I felt that one"

The golem stood in place, the outer structure on its right shoulder began to shift and soon enough, Kajūra emerged. Leaning on the side of its head with a smile on his face

"Getting tired already old man? I can do this all day"

"Old?! I'm still in my 30's you little shit! I'm not tired, I sure as hell can do this all day!"

"Hehe, I'm sure you'd like to believe that but, I meant it quite literally"


"I forgot to mention where the name of this technique originates from"


Kajūra formed hand seals and appeared to use a Raiton3Lightning StyleJutsu except, he didn't attack Toroi. Rather, he called forth a charge from beneath the golem

"What did you just-?"

"This jutsu was initially unnamed and Raijinga4Lightning God Selfwas originally my nickname. My Raiton isn't just to reinforce this golem's materials, can you guess what else it does?"

{He hasn't slowed down...that lightning came from beneath...Uh?!} "No. F**cking. Way. That's not possible..."

"It's funny, everyone usually says words like that until said impossible occurs in front of their very eyes"


"Through some experimentation, I discovered a groundbreaking method to utilize energy in minerals I crush from the ground below in place of my own chakra"

Toroi immediately understood what he was getting at. Taking advantage of electromagnetic principles, this giant held together by the Raiton and Jiton nature transformations respectively, gathered energy from the very earth itself

"Its giant footsteps crush rich minerals in the earth like graphite, with each massive step, causing electric discharge you take advantage of to strengthen its structure"

"You guessed it, the more it moves around, the stronger it becomes. And because its form is modeled after me, it wasn't long before my nickname, became this Jutsu's name"

"Jiton: Raijinga5Magnet Release: Lightning God Selfeh? What a pain in the ass"

"Unfortunately, not many know of it, or myself for that matter. Maybe killing you with it can change that. Consider me sharing the history of my one-and-only original Ninjutsu as thanks for the future notoriety I'll receive!"

Kajūra re-entered the golem, and prepared to continue his attack. Toroi stood up, his resolve unshaken, and prepared to meet his foe head on

{He's practically unstoppable, on the ground. Fortunately, we're on an island. If I can force him to coastline, it should cut him off. Whoever runs out of gas last will win this fight!}


The large, floating shuriken around Toroi assembled into a singular line, aimed straight at Kajūra's golem

"Jiton Jakuhō no Sōjin: Hadan!6Magnet Style Conserving Bee Twin Blades: Rupture"

"That's the spirit. Let's go, Jiton no Toroi7Toroi of the Magnet Style!"




Team Tango's battle

The fight was at a stalemate, neither side able to finish the other off. But unlike the Ishi terrorists, who let the strange clones fight while they kept their distance, the Genin started to feel taxed

Rei charged in recklessly, desperate to figure out the secrets of this strange Jutsu

"Rei! Your fighting is getting sloppy!" (Suzu)

"I've almost figured it out, just need a little more-!" (Rei)

"EH?!" (Tai & Suzu)

"?!" (Metoro)

"What the-?!" (Etoro)

Just as the conflict nearly reached its peak, the present party was met with a violent shockwave! Nearly everyone lost their footing and tumbled to ground

"An...earthquake?!" (Tai)

"No. More like...aftershocks!" (Suzu)

"Ugh! Aftershocks?! From wha-huh? Is that what I think it is?" (Rei)

Picking himself up from the ground, an object nearby caught Rei's eye, and soon after...he had a epiphany

"You okay Suzu?!" (Tai)

"Y-Yeah! I'm fine!" (Suzu)

{That's it! That's how these twin assholes are pulling this off!} (Rei)

"Damn it! What the hell was that?!" (Etoro)

"Kajūra is getting serious..." (Metoro)

"Hm? Oh! The hell's with boss?! Did he have to make it that big?!" (Etoro)

"Toroi..." (Metoro)

"Mm, makes sense. Alright, I've had my fun. I thought these guys could put up a better fight, but as usual I'm met with disappointment" (Etoro)

Etoro increased the quantity of clones, intent on ending the fight. Rei simply smiled and instructed the others to stay back

"Are you sure?" (Suzu)

"Trust me, I got this" (Rei)


"What's he up to?" (Tai)

"..." (Suzu)

{Gotta time it just right!} (Rei)

Rei charge towards the nearest clone, intercepting its attack. Just as their blades met, he weaved several hand seals at frightening speed

{Magen: Kakuran!8Demonic Illusion: Disturbance(Rei)


"Rrgh!" (Metoro)

"ARRGH!" (Etoro)

"?!" (Suzu & Tai)

Etoro and Metoro writhed in pain the moment after Rei attacked. The figures of the clones surrounding the team began to distort and vanish until only the two terrorist of Ishigakure9Hidden Rock Villageremained

"Show's over, dickheads" (Rei)

"You little shit!" (Etoro)


Rei retreated back to his teammates

{They managed to dispel my Genjutsu so quickly...} (Rei)

"Mind explaining to us common folk, o wild one?" (Tai)

"Stop calling me wild, I'm creative" (Rei)

"Only you think that" (Tai)

"Whatever. Long story short, these guys have been using Genjutsu the whole time" (Rei)

"But the clones-!" (Tai)

"There were never corporal clones, but basic ones with no substance. A combination of clones and Genjutsu to be specific" (Rei)

He went on to describe the exact intricacies of this strange Jutsu. The twins had combined basic clones with Genjutsu while launching their own attacks from the distance. Tricking the Kumo-nin into believing the clones were real

Rei pointed to an object a few feet from them, a small steel ball

"That's the same thing they attacked us with earlier, only it's a bit smaller" (Tai)

"Of course, they're smaller so we'd never notice. I only managed to find out when I was knocked over from the small quake earlier" (Rei)

"Is...that how they got us with Genjutsu?" (Suzu)

"Yup. It's how even I, a frigging sensor-type ninja, didn't notice our chakras being messed with. The attacks we felt from the clones were just us colliding with these things. But more than that, these things are coated with their chakra" (Rei)

"Genjutsu works through connecting chakra via the five senses. So in this was touch?" (Tai)

"I think so, and to make things worse, they repeat the process. Putting us under Genjutsu and cancelling it with each attack, to prevent the victim from seeing through it" (Rei)

{No wonder it took Rei so long to discover it} (Suzu)

"Touch is, arguably, the most dangerous sense to be cast under Genjutsu with. Even compared to sight, or the other senses, its especially difficult to dispel illusions when one has direct physical contact with you" (Rei)

"So...they put us under Genjutsu over and over again?" (Tai)

"Every time you made physical contact with one of their attacks, yes" (Rei)

Sensors could detect whenever one's chakra was influenced by another, making them an excellent defense to fight off other Genjutsu users. But Etoro and Metoro managed to circumvent this by repeatedly casting and ending their Jutsu within seconds

This loophole made it almost impossible to discover. Fortunately, luck was on Rei side as the fight between Toroi and Kajūra gave him the opportunity to unravel the secret of this technique

"Because they cancel it so quickly, there's no time to detect any change in our chakras" (Suzu)

"This method, along with clones and real attacks, fools the senses in the brain. Creating a sort of, anachronism within our minds, a weakness that even the best of us have trouble seeing through" (Rei)

"Now I get it, when you clashed with clone again, you returned the favor to them" (Suzu)

"Heh, that's right" (Rei)

"Oh! Genjutsu Gaeshi10Illusion Technique Reflection! I remember Tango-sensei pulling that on you almost two years ago" (Tai)

"You know me, I'll take whatever I can to improve" (Rei)

"Sending their illusion back at them with interest. Not bad" (Suzu)

"Since Genjutsu connects chakras, you were connected with them the moment you made contact...clever" (Tai)



"?!" (Team Tango)

Etoro stood in place clapping, and while he was smiling, he certainly wasn't happy

"Well done brats, really! That trick of ours has even been able to fool Dōjutsu11Eye Techniquesusers on certain occasions" (Etoro)

"..." (Metoro)

"You wanna go first?" (Etoro)

"Mm..." (Metoro)

Metoro stuck his hands out towards the Genin. Rei tensed up and raised his guard, prompting the others to do the same

"Careful guys, despite how much of a pain it was for us, that Jutsu earlier was just child's play for them!" (Tai)

"Now they're gonna come at us for real" (Suzu)

"It doesn't take a genius to know which is stronger here, don't drop your guard!" (Rei)


A strange, near-transparent substance emerged from Metoro's hands before shaping itself into the form of a ball

" that a Suiton12Water Style?" (Rei)

"I don't think so. It looks like, glass?" (Tai)

{...It's not!} "REI! GET BEHIND ME!" (Suzu)

"?!" (Rei)

Metoro fired the two strange objects from his hands, Suzu reacted in time by placing the two golems she and Rei made earlier in defense of them


"AGGGH!!!" (Team Tango)

~Got you~ (Etoro)

The stone automatons were reduced to rubble and the explosion from the impact blasted the entire team away. When they struggled to get up, the weapon Metoro used was on the ground was for all to see

"Is that what I think it is?" (Rei)

"A stainless steel ball, that's what they were using earlier. But I thought they were weapons he was just summoning!" (Tai)

"He clearly created them from nothing...which means only one thing" (Suzu)

{To think my first encounter with it in this world would be here} (Rei)

Etoro simply laughed aloud at the sight of Team Tango getting blasted away by his younger brother. He casually placed his arm on Metoro's shoulder and bragged about him

"What's the matter guys? Haven't you ever heard of the Kōton13Steel Stylebefore?! HAHAHAHA!!!" (Etoro)








"Kuh! Kekkei Genkai14Bloodline Limit..." (Rei)


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