Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

15. The Struggling Few

On the South eastern border of Kumogakure resided a neighborhood that clearly exuded it's wealth. This area belonged to a clan that had loyally served the village since its founding. In one of these beautiful houses, a young man was humming as he tended to his personal garden. He carried a joyful conduct while breathing in the aroma surrounding him

"Looks like the jasmine and spearmint are coming along nicely. It should only be a matter of time before they begin to sprout"

The garden could only be described as one that was 'truly cared for with love' by the humming child


"...I see you're still preoccupied with this 'hobby' of yours."

"Oh! F-father..."

"If you have time to raise plants, you should be focusing on training to better yourself as a ninja"

"'re right"

The boys expression quickly changed from happy to timid with the arrival of his father

"You are aware that the Academy has limited spots for graduation, are you not?"

"I am aware Father"

"Are you also aware that even some of the most talented students have trained constantly and STILL fail to acquire a spot?"

"I know"

 "And yet you waste your time with this..."


"...Look, I'm not reprimanding you or anything it's're going to be a real shinobi soon right?"


"Then you should find a more productive way to spend your time. Wasn't my brother supposed to train with you today?"

"He was called back to the 'front', when you were gone. And I had already planned to meet someone today, I was just doing some last minute watering before I left"

"The war has been worse lately, more and more of us are being made to answer the call. Someday, you too will have to carry this burden"

"Yes...Father. I understand"

"I would certainly hope that you do. As a member of this clan, our home and its people depend on it"

Clang! Clang!

Before the father and son could continue, an alarming noise resounded from outside their home

"Damn it, there's trouble at the border again. I thought Moroi and the barrier team handled it yesterday. You go on ahead to your 'meeting', we'll continue this discussion later"


As the young man left he began to contemplate

"I do understand Father, it's you who doesn't understand me..."




In a more impoverished part of town dwelled a small home. Its only resident, a young girl with a melancholy look in her eyes. The girl was on her knees in front of a household memorial shrine1 . In front of the altar, she began burning incense sticks while praying.

"...There's no need to worry, I'm fine. I've been preparing for this my entire life. My resolve was forged a long time ago"

Thump, thump...Someone had knocked on her door. Opening it, a tall figure stood in front of her with a box in his hand

"Can I help you?"

"Oh! Um...uh...young lady...are...are your parents home?"

"'s just me. But I can take that delivery"

"G-great! Please take it!"

"Do I need to sign-"

"! There's no need for that!"

"Are you sure? Because I can-"

"NO! I mean...that won't be necessary. I was just tasked with making sure it was delivered and now I have"

Before anything else could be said, the delivery man ran away with all his might before muttering

"Man, why is my luck so bad. To have my first assigned delivery of the day be to a member of THAT family is more than I can handle"

The young child looked at the fleeting man with a disappointed expression before returning inside. Opening the package, she found sets of uncooked food provided for her with a note stating it was sent on behalf of the Kumogakure government

"He could've just left the package by the door. There was no need to make a scene and run off like that"

This girl possessed the misfortune of being born in the wrong family, such reactions from others were pretty common. Putting the items away, she returned to the shrine

"Slowly but surely, I'm getting there mother. Just two more years...and then...I can finally begin to cleanse the past. Only at that time will I be free...only at that time will I truly have peace..."

Despite the way she was forced to live, she did not hate anyone in the village for it. Simply believing this was just another trial on the path called "Life"

"You have to fight through the bad days to receive the best ones. Nothing is ever truly free in this world..."




Towards the center of village was quite the sizeable house. It stood next to many government buildings. Inside was a young boy, who in his anger, made a mess of his room.

"Argh! Damn it! No matter what I do, there's been no change! That annoying girl is just mocking me!"

Tiring himself out, he left his room only to run into a tall man with dark eyes and lines underneath them, black hair and a goatee. He wore an older-styled Kumo flak jacket that had thick shoulder pads. His head was bandaged and his forehead protector covered his right eye.


"Hey nephew"

"What are you doing here? Weren't you suppose to be away to coordinate on the battlefield"

"I was...but new orders came in"

"New way...don't tell me we're going to?!"

"No, nothing so extreme. I can't tell you, but it's nothing you should worry about"


"But enough about me, what's going on with you. I could hear the noise from here. Just what happened anyway? Did someone do something to you at the academy?"

"There's this little flea that has infested my class, doing everything she can to disrespect me..."

The uncle frowned as he looked towards the nephew's room, then back at him

"Wrecking your own room won't solve your problems"


"You think your father would do such things if he were still alive?"


The young man seemed disheartened

"...I am head ninja, which means someday YOU will be head ninja. As one who comes from such a noble background, you shouldn't waste your time with such meaningless acts like destroying your room when faced with a problem"

"...T-then...what should I do. This person is standing in the way of reaching the top of my class"

The uncle approached the boy, got down on bended knee and put his hands on the nephew's shoulders

"The answer is simple. When it comes to this person who is standing in your way you should..."


As he continued, the uncle expression turned into a wicked smile


"?! You mean destroy their school life?"



"Dear nephew...we are the elite of the elite. This family has paved the way to some of Kumogakure's greatest achievements. Our noble status is not be trifled with by any random piece of trash that shows up"

"Elite of the elite"

"Yes! You're parents sacrificed their lives for this village. I too have given my right eye for this village. The respect to our family is owed by everyone in this village"

Before he could continue further, steps could be heard from outside

"Looks like I won't be staying the night. I have to go now, but remember what I said!"

"Yes uncle!"

As the man left the house he was approached by men in masks

"'re needed"

"I assume it's about the new 'network' being established right?"

"Yes. The elders request your presence"

"Haah...fine. And just when I thought I could have some time with my nephew. Let's go!"

The men left while the boy returned to clean up his room

"Uncle is right, destroying MY things won't help me. I should focus on crushing that little bitch and anyone else who gets in my way. Let's start by investigating her background..."


Chuckling under his breath, the boys expression was as twisted as his uncle's

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