Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

156. Goes Unpunished

Okay...kinda burnt out with this one, and I've run out of coffee. But I powered on through and got it done! And I'm already working on the next one. Please enjoy!


"New Moon was breached?!"

"The Fourth Phase. Gone..."

"That hasn't happened big of a force are we dealing with?!"

"This can't be just the Chinoike and Fuma...!"

Unrest began to spread after Tomoe Yotsuki made her announcement. While the eldest mused over the ramifications, the majority of younger ninja were clueless as to what this news meant

Never one to hide his curiosity, Rei asked the closet person who'd have answers

"Hey Tai, what's this New Moon thing your mom's talking about?" 

"Sigh. My clan maintains four hidden layers of defense around the village, labeled after different phases of the moon. We're called Yotsuki1Night Moonafter all"

"I remember when you showed us your clan's symbol. A giant moon with clouds in front of it" Suzu recalling the first time she invited them into her home

"Mm. The four layers starting from the outermost one; New Moon, First Quarter, Third Quarter, Full Moon. The adults are freaking out because no one has managed to break through the New Moon since the 2nd Shinobi World War"

"I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess your clan didn't name these layers of defense just because your surname has moon in it"

"No Rei, it's because of Kumogakure's unique position. It's a village built both within, and on top of mountains. The terrain amongst the northeast leading to Unraikyō2Valley of Clouds and Lightningis so rocky and unstable, it makes building facilities and watch posts impossible"

"Now I get it. Each layer of defense is not a full circle, there are gaps in some of them"

"Now that you mention it, the order of phases seemed off. Third quarter is supposed to be after Full moon, not before"

"This system of my clan was established long ago, when astronomy wasn't a heavily explored subject. Our clan was formed on the day of a Lunar eclipse, and in the process, our ancestors got the order of the phases wrong. Heck, New Moon is supposed to be the first phase of the moon, yet it's designated as the fourth"

"The order is in reverse from the village" Suzu added

"They're mainly labeled for their shape. The closest and last layer of defense against invaders, Full moon. It's the only layer that encompasses a complete circle of defense around the village. Due to the disorderly terrain, the others are broken circles, each resembling a different phase of the moon cycle" 

{This world is really on point when it comes to names, and how they define...well, everything}

"Listen! We're not done!" yelled Dodai as he continued to placate the crowd

"I know it's a lot to take in so suddenly, but as shinobi, this is your duty. My husband has already left to defend the First QuarterTomoe continued

Dodai had his subordinates pull down a giant map of the village for everyone to see, conveying their current situation, along with reported enemy movements

"Ganjō-sama has already ordered all soldiers from Third Quarter to retreat back and reinforce Full Moon"

"But First Quarter is stretched thin, and he can't be everywhere at once. My husband is leading a set a troops down south to defend the coastline from any potential invasion by sea. There have already been reports of suspicious individuals in that direction"

"That's where you come in! Under no circumstances can we allow the enemy to breach Full Moon. Effective immediately, I'm ordering all Chūnin and Jōnin to combat the incoming force before they reach said phase"

One of the many shinobi crowd rose his hand

"Sir! What of the village itself? Isn't it possible the Chinoike have infiltrated our walls, hidden amongst the countrymen we took in recently?"

The ninja had a point

Despite Dodai's best efforts to root out the hidden enemy, none of his men had anything significant to report once they began evacuating the populace sometime earlier

Even now, these contemptible saboteurs continued to reign down destruction within the village


"Go ahead"

Dodai gestured for Moroi to step forward after the latter requested to speak

"That's where my squad comes in. As many of you know, we specialize in all forms of barriers, including detection. As we speak, my subordinates are forming several barriers of like nature around the village in its entirety"

"The Chinoike have a distinct chakra, the moment they use their Kekkei Genkai3Bloodline Limit, the Ketsuryūgan4Blood Dragon Eye..." 

"My squad will notice and apprehend said invaders"

Dodai once again pointed to the giant map of the village, specifying certain areas within

"All Genin shall proceed in Support-type roles such as:

  • Working at the general hospital located across from this building (C will be directing those assigned there)
  • Transporting materials such as weapons and supplies (Many of our caches in the village are being targeted by the enemy)
  • Delivering reports and other vital correspondence (Communication is paramount for our success)
  • Aiding the, currently active, village patrol in the evacuation of our citizens (Many citizens still remain unaccounted for)

This may be a war, but our main priority is the protection of the people. No one gets a break today"

{Support jobs, figures. We are just Genin. And since I'm not that keen on participating in a war, I've got nothing to complain about} Rei thought

"We've already assigned several Genin to work in the rooms next door. As soon as we're done here, you lot will enter said rooms, receive your orders...and move out!"


A figure set apart from the crowd, leaning against a wall gathered everyone's attention. Not that it was hard to notice him, bearing a large and muscular build, he towered over many. Wearing his forehead protector as a bandanna, he spoke with a burly tone

"You are...Tajiki right?"

"Yes sir. Dodai-sama, you've been talking all this time about invaders and the Yotsuki barricades being breached, and there's obviously more to discuss but...aren't you forgetting one crucial detail?"

"And that would be?"

"Where is Raikage-sama?"


That was one subject Dodai was unsure he should share now. He needed to keep morale up and everyone focused

"All due respect, for an event like this, he'd normally be the one to brief us. Yet, I haven't even seen him once, did he already leave for the battlefield?"

Dodai sighed upon receiving Tajiki's understandable query. He wanted to keep the nervous crowd from coming apart

"...Raikage-sama and the Daimyō-sama, along with a squad led by Toroi-san, left for Kusagakure5Hidden Grass Villageon a mission of vital importance. However...we've now come to understand the entire ordeal was nothing but a ruse to get our leaders out of the country"


"Kusagakure. Was it about those rumors of them closing down Hōzuki-jō6Demon Lantern Castlefor the east?"

"Wait. A ruse?"

"Someone planned this?"

{Dodai-san, it'd be best if you told them now} thought Tomoe as she nodded in affirmation to Dodai

"Two of his squad returned to the village to inform of us of this attack, as the Chinoike had long infiltrated and taken control of the prison. The warden himself was turned into an exploding human. As result, both ninja Osoi and Toroi-san...have passed"


The reaction upon hearing news of Jiton no Toroi's7Toroi of the Magnet Styledeath went as Dodai suspected

Even Team Tango grew uncomfortable...Rei especially

"No way...! We had just-!" whispered Suzu as she covered her mouth in shock

"We had talked to them barely over a day ago...we were gonna train together again. Toroi-sama, Osoi-sensei..."

{Toroi. In the end, he still died. Is this what Notitia called "remnant influence" of the author? The Story's original plotline getting back on course after I...disordered things?}

But the bad news didn't stop there. Dodai spoke once more

"The Daimyō's bureau has already attempted contact with Kusagakure. Unfortunately, the connection was cut prematurely. We suspect the enemy outside has blocked all outside communication. There was enough time to learn they hadn't receive news of our leaders arrival. Leading us to believe Raikage-sama and Daimyō-sama are under attack...they may even be dead"


The room was consumed with uproar, though the majority had enough sense not to act out violently, there was more than enough yelling. Rei feared the possibility of A actually dying. The 4th Raikage's death would naturally cause no end of problems

The shinobi in charge attempted to appease everyone present, but to no avail

{I knew I shouldn't have told them, it only served to make things worse...} 

As the yelling intensified, Tomoe grew more and more irritated. Though her facial expression appeared serene, she was boiling on the inside.

The sight of such unruly behavior from her fellow shinobi...only served to infuriate her


Unable to endure it any longer, Tomoe strolled past Dodai

"Eh?! Tomoe-sama?!"

{Oh no, is Mom gonna-?!} 



Within barely a second, Tomoe both unsheathed and sheathed her sword, performing something akin to Iaidō8Martial Art related to quickly drawing the sword. Despite not cutting anything, the sheer force of her sword slice caused a short turbulent wind inside the room, drawing everyone's attention to the front

The room went completely silent, as if the uproar that occurred seconds ago never happened at all...

"Tai. Your mom is...impressive"

"Thanks Rei"

"Maybe I really should hang out with her some more"

"You'd better keep your distance if you know what's good for you!" Tai threateningly whispered

"Rei, stop messing with Tai"

"He makes it too easy Suzu"

{This little...!}

Tomoe spoke in a calm, commanding tone as she asked a single question

"What were you told the moment you received your headband?"


"What did she say?"

She spoke once more

"I'll ask again. What were you told, when you received your headband?"


"You're no longer children, but ninja! You've just been informed our village is under attack, and the first thing you do is panic like children?! I've never been so embarrassed to be a shinobi of this village!"

Silence permeated as the ones who screamed and panicked held their heads down in shame. Even with the insults, none dare to retort

Fully understanding how shameful their behavior was, especially in the presence of younger Genin. Many of whom remained calm and alert

"There's much that's happened, and so suddenly as well. So much we don't know about this situation. However, what is known besides the ignorant fools outside who believe they can take down our home, which has stood for over a century, is the identity of our current commander. This man standing behind me!"

Tomoe turned towards Dodai, using her expression as a means of urging him to speak. A hint he quickly picked up on before stepping forward

"I know I'm not your first choice. Hell, I wouldn't pick me either...but here I am. And I intend to follow through my duty. The same duty each and everyone of you pledged to follow when you graduated from the academy. The very same academy our now fallen comrade Osoi used to teach at"

Osoi's son Musai was also present, shedding a tear upon hearing this man honor his now deceased father

"Despite everything that's happened, I'm not scared. No. No I'm...I'm pissed. And not just pissed, I'm royally pissed off! These bastards come out of nowhere, and think they can just kill our friends and family, just like that?! NO! You shouldn't fear them, they should fear you! Fear, what we're gonna do to them for their transgressions! Fear, that we're gonna pay them pack ten-no, a hundred fold!"

"B-But what of Raikage-sama?!"

"What about him? You think he's dead? Bullshit! As if that hardheaded man would die so easily! Raikage-sama will be back before you know it, and then, the only thing you'll need to be afraid of is his wrath for neglecting your duties!"

"W-We know what we're supposed to do but..."

"Without a qualified leader to-"


"The Fuma and other unknown enemies are currently besieging our home from the outside. And! There are Chinoike running amok inside our home, turning people-YOUR people into bombs! Destroying everything we hold dear!"


Dodai had no speech planned, he was completely inexperienced as a commander, the thought "What the hell am I doing here?!" consistently echoed inside his mind

An attendant or right-hand to the his entire career as as a shinobi, that's all he's ever been

"What should you really be doing right now?!"


Opting instead to speak from the heart, hoping his simple honest passion would light a spark


"You think Raikage-sama's gonna accept you letting the village fall because you were...what? Scared? Terrified?!"

Vigor began to return...

"Are you a bunch of frightened rabbits?!"

Morale was rising...


The crowd began yelling in unison

"Is that how our ancestors behaved when they fought, bled, and died for our home?!"


"Is this village filled with nothing but cowards?!"


"Well if that's not what you are...!"

Dodai pointed directly at the crowd



With their sprits renewed, they answered







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