Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

164. O-Onions?!

Tis the season to be stuffed with so much food you go into a coma and can't finish the chapter when you want to. Especially when you don't have your computer with you. But I got it done!

Happy Holidays!


Kumogakure's Intelligence Division

Within Kumo's temporary command center, the mission desk for evacuation assistance was overrun. Genin were still coming and going, receiving new orders for different locations around the village

There was even a Genin squad working with the staff at the desk

"Team F reporting! District 23 has been safely evacuated"

"Good work"

"We're ready for our next area"

"Here, District 7 is in dire need of aid"

"Sir? We were just at 23"


"Um...well, since we know the terrain, shouldn't we be sent somewhere closer. I can see on the map, the 19th is in need of help"

"That area is one of the worst of the worst. No way we're sending Genin there. Head to your assigned location"

"Sir! Let's go guys!"


That's how it normally went, even the Genin hardly had time to rest. Once inside, they received orders, left to evacuate a zone, then returned for another. Nearly every Genin squad in the village was hard at work



"You! Where's Dodai?!"

"H-He's still in the command center!"

"Thanks. You three, this way!"

A particular Genin team came storming in with a high-ranking Jonin at its head. Charging through area before entering the command center

"H-hey Hiroshi. Those three Genin, were they...?"


Back at the assignment desk, the Genin assistants organizing files for the adults in the back murmured to one another

"Come on, let's go tell him."

"Right, no way in hell I'm missing out on this opportunity"




Inside the central command center...

"Dodai-sama, we're getting reports of push back on the northern coastline. The same phenomenon from the front line is also occurring in that area!"

"The Fūma there are out of control, we don't know how long Tomoe-sama can hold out!"

"The battle between Nobuyuki Fūma and Ganjō-sama has shown no signs of slowing down!"

"The Chinoike saboteurs are ramping up their attacks in the eastern district!"

"What the hell is this?!" {Things were quieting down a second ago, we'd finally gained our bearings since this incident began!}

At the Intelligence Division HQ, Dodai had received numerous reports of enemy combatants entering a so-called "Berserk State". Almost simultaneously, Chinoike attacks increased exponentially, putting even more pressure on the village

He'd long been ready to begin the mysterious "Network" project, but couldn't take the chance with the enemy still lingering inside the village

"There is something seriously wrong here!"

"I know sir, this strange power of the enemy is-"

"No, not that! Can't you feel it? Everything is!"

For Dodai, this strategy felt all too convenient...



"Hm?! Oh, it's you"

It was none other than Moroi, captain of the Kumo Barrier Team, who barged into command center. His team currently maintained a detection barrier around the entire village, hoping to catch the hidden Chinoike

Unfortunately, the enemy suppressed their chakras, performing short guerrilla attacks by turning people into bombs, before disappearing once again. There simply wasn't enough time to mobilize and intercept the enemy before they escaped

They've only managed to catch a small number so far

"The news you bring...good or bad?" asked Dodai with a weary tone

"It's just not working Dodai, by the time a squad gets to the intended target's destination, said target will have already fled"

"Bad news it is then..."

"Not necessarily"



After Moroi whistled, three Genin entered the room, all of whom were holding a dead body

"You guys? Wait...did you three actually manage to take down a-?!"

"Heh, I couldn't believe either, yet there it is"


The Genin squad that arrived was none other than Team Tango, dropping the deceased Chinoike member who almost killed Akina on the table in front of Dodai

They lined up, side to side before Moroi spoke again

"They ran into this guy on their way back to HQ. And as fate would have it, the same time I came here to issue my report. But that wasn't the most interesting part of their journey here"

"Excuse me?"

"Tai, tell Dodai what you just told me" Moroi said as he gestured for the young man to step forward

Tai was a bit hesitant at first, but managed to speak out after getting some encouragement from Rei and Suzu. Standing at attention with his arms behind him, he presented his findings

"D-Dodai-sama. Most don't know, but I'm a Medical-nin who also specializes in poisons, particularly poison mist"

"I know, I've gone over all the reports for Genin in the village" {Largely in part for selecting the team to represent us in the upcoming Chunin Exams}

"Yes. I employed the same tactics during our fight with the man before you. However, hitting him with my mist yielded an unexpected reaction. Specifically his eyes, which are the focal point of his clan's Kekkei Genkai1Bloodline Limit"

"Oh? What kind of reaction?"


Using his armbands, Tai summoned a glass vial of his favored poison before vaporizing it with his jutsu, exposing it to the dead body in front of them

Waiting for a certain, chemical reaction

"Hm?! His eyes are...!"

"This is my newest batch of poison. Notice how, even being deceased, this man's eyes react to it?"

"What did you do?"

"This brand of poison contains a synthesized variant of syn-propanethial-s-oxide, an organic sulfuric acid commonly found in-"


"Exactly. But this variant I've created...I can use it to specifically target the Chinoike within the village"

"We've determined this sensitivity is specific to their unique Ketsuryūgan2Blood Dragon Eyeeye. It won't stop them, but it will single them out" said Moroi

It didn't take a genius to figure out what Tai was suggesting. And Moroi had a point, this solution could solve one of their major problems right now

If the Chinoike were dealt with, it'd give them the leeway to focus solely on the invading force outside the village

"Okay, this plan seems utterly ridiculous...but I'm desperate now. So, say I were to agree to it, do you have enough for the village?"

"We stopped by his greenhouse before arriving here. By my calculations, we have enough to blanket the entire village three times over. The only problem is how we'll disperse it" Rei stated

"I can't control my mist to cover the entire village, I'm going to need some help"

"Not to mention, our overall coordination with Moroi-san's barrier team, and the squads sent to engage. This has to be done with precise timing, which is going to be especially difficult with no long range communication thanks to the enemy's radio interference" Suzu added


Everyone waited for a response, but Dodai remained silent. Quietly pondering as solution came to mind. Eventually, the eyes of everyone in the room were focused on him

To many, it had been the longest minute in their lives

"I've got it. Rei & Suzu, report back to assignment desk. There are still areas that need evac and we're short on staff as it is"

"Just us two?"

"Can you function as a two-man unit?"

The pair glanced at Tai, asking with their eyes if he was okay with splitting up. The young man simply nodded, assuring them it'd be alright

"We can, Rei and I will be just fine" Suzu said

"Tai, you're with me, I may have something that can put this crazy plan of yours into action"


"Moroi, can I count on your support?"

"Naturally. You'll have what you need from me Dodai"

"Good, I'll meet you and Tai in the room behind me. There's something I want to show you"

"I'll go on ahead then"


Moroi left the room, and Dodai was just about to follow in suit before addressing the present staff, all of whom were gazing at Dodai with anticipation

"The hell are you all staring at, we've got a job to do!"


"Tai, come meet us in here once you're finished"

"Ah! T-Thank you sir!"

Dodai gave the team time to say farewell as they split up



Tai saw his team out to the Evac assignment desk to receive new orders. Exiting the building before breaking the silence

"Looks like this is it..."

"For today Tai. When you're done here, the adults will take care of the rest. The second this conflict is over, we'll get something nice to eat"

"Pfft! Of course the only thing on your mind is food Rei"

"Like I always say, priorities"

"Still, I don't like us separating" said an uncharacteristically anxious Suzu

"Hoh, what's this? Did we just get glance at Suzu's softer side?" Tai teased


"Hey, I'm gonna be working in here, one of the most guarded places in the village now. If there's anyone who should worry, it's me. You guys will out on the field"

"Hey, it's not like you can't join us when you're done" Rei said

"I'm still not sure about that. The hospital next door is need of more assistance, so they might assign me there once we're done"

"Ah...we might not see each other until after this is over"

The trio went silent again, despite having strong resolve, they all felt safest when moving together. Even Rei, who typically treated this world as a fantasy, became somewhat uneasy

"My mo--um...a person close to me once said, if you're strong enough to part ways, you'll be met with an even better reunion" said Rei


"Let's get this done so things can't get back to what we weirdos consider normal, alright?"

"And here I was, teasing Suzu for showing a softer side"

"Ah, shut up Tai"

"Tehehe" giggled Suzu

"Be safe you two"


"See ya later Tai"


With no other options, the team bid their farewells before splitting up. Rei and Suzu heading towards the inner parts of the village as Tai reentered the building




As Tai made his way to the room Dodai instructed him to enter, his mind was too preoccupied to notice the figures behind the assignment desk

Three young men in particular, with two of them reporting to the one seemingly in charge

"And...they're gone"

"So...did you manage to do it?"

"Yup, those two are heading straight for district 19. Swapped for number 43"

"And no one will be able to trace it back to us?"

"This ongoing chaos ensures that'll never happen"

"And we just handed out 43 to another squad. It's too late for anyone to find out what we did"


The one in charge couldn't hold back from laughing

"Well done Mikage, Hiroshi. I've been waiting to pay those two back for a long time"

"You're not the only one boss"

"And we've eliminated more competition, the team set to be selected for the upcoming Chunin Exams. Raikage still hasn't made his decision"

"Of course that meat-headed oaf hasn't. My uncle would've never allowed this mess to happen in the first place"



The three were startled at the yell of the Jonin at the desk, wondering what was taking his "helpers" so long in the back

"Mikage, Hiroshi! Get over here!"

"We're coming sir, some...papers got mixed up in the back! We were just cleaning up is all!" lied Hiroshi

"Well hurry up, more teams are coming in!"


"Our work is never done"

"You guys go, we still have a job to do after all. The Jonin looking after me will also be back in a sec"


"See ya later boss"


As Mikage and Hiroshi left, another Jonin entered the room

"Hey Sekiei, I need those documents I asked for earlier. Have you finished the task I gave you?"

"Here they are, all accounted for"

"Great! You're quick and efficient, I'll be sure to report your initiative to the higher-ups when this is over. Any problems while I was gone?"

"Oh no. In fact, I'd just finished..."


The young man wore a smile as big as the moon





"Tying up some loose ends"


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