Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

167. Fear

First week of the New Year, and EXTRA LONG chapter for you! Enjoy!



It can be many things.  The cause of a problem, or the means to avoid one. For the life I've lived, it's usually the former...



Callous acts are present no matter where you go. Regardless of age, nationality, or religion...there's always going to be at least one unreasonable, cruel individual

Whether you stand out in a good or bad way, they'll find you


"Bwuhahaha! Score!"

"Nice shot!"

Being unique isn't always a good thing

"That's what you get, freak!"

" hair"

Honestly...despite what I've just said, who raises a child to believe its funny throwing eggs at a little girl?

"That's what you get!"

"I told you what would happen if you came to my playground again!"

"It's not even yours..."

"What did you say to me?!"

Fear, it's a very basic instinct. The others are only following the leader since he's the biggest of them, he'd probably single them out if they didn't listen

As for the leader himself, the one he was scared of is me...due to where I come from



"That's what happens when you talk me like that!"

Honestly, I don't even remember feeling hurt when he pushed me, he was just that weak. I was living with Mariko at her foster home back then, so I had prior training

I could've easily kicked the crap out of them all, but even at that age, I knew what would happen if I did such a thing

Yes...I had to grow up quickly...



"My clothes are dirty now"

"Did I say you could get up?!"

"I don't need your permission. Leave me alone"

If I had beaten them up, they'd start crying and whine to their parents. Once it was known I fought back, everything would suddenly and unfairly become my fault, and then I wouldn't be able to come here again without trouble

Mariko would definitely stand up for me, and there aren't many who can stand up to her...but I didn't want to cause any problems for her

I've always hated others having to deal with my baggage

"And where do you think you're going?!"

"Somewhere I don't have to hear your stupid voice, or see your stupid face"

"Rrrgh...! You little freak of nature!"

It sucks we can't choose where we're born, or in my case, who we're born to






See? Just a simple release of chakra with a side of bloodlust, and they went their pants. Nothing like a little fear to keep the ignorant in check

Still, I didn't get the result I wanted


"Oh great, that's perfect. Start crying"

Because I stooped to this child's level, using fear to get what I want, my isolation only got worse. I proved him right, my heritage and advanced ability alienated me from everyone else




I never came back to that stupid playground since...





"Phew! Finally out of there"

"Sorry about that Rei"

"No worries, our guest should be here right about..."



"I see, you made a hole in the ground to avoid the blast. I presume with Doton1Earth Style?" Kyō asked after landed several feet from us

"Why don't you come over here and find out?"

"Really? It'll be snowy day in hell when I let children provoke me"

"I didn't know it snowed in hell. Then again, with all the dead Chinoike lying around, your clan would know better than I"


Wow. Just wow

Gotta give Rei credit, he knows how to get under your skin

"Hm? Something I said? Cat got your tounge?"

"It would've been quick, but now...I'm gonna kill you. Slow...and painful"


Uh-oh. That's A LOT of blood gathering around him. He's getting serious now. I'm not even a sensor-type, and I can feel his immense chakra!

"Rei, I know you were gonna provoke him but...maybe you overdid it?" I whispered in secret

"If he's angry, he's sloppy. Regardless, you and I both reasoned this was never gonna be easy"

"Yeah, that's fair"

"You remember what to do?"

"Of course, let's get this over with"


And here come the hundred blades of blood. Honestly, I'd consider it embarrassing if you need THAT much to take out two Genin kids

"This is gonna hurt. I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm not"

"Yup, I definitely got under this guy's skin"

"Sigh. I'm fast, but my speed isn't much compared to yours"

"Long as you don't look at his eyes, you'll be fine. Just don't get cut by his blood attacks"

Yes...he's a Dōjutsu2Eye Techniqueuser like the Uchiha. The whole premise of his attacks is to infect us with his chakra, placing us under his control via Genjutsu

Fighting against someone you can't even look at is ridiculous

"Here he comes!"

"Right, I'll try and repel as many as I can!"

"No matter how small, every bit helps!" Rei shouted as he charged at Kyō

"Phew. Fūton: Shinkūgyoku3Wind Style: Vacuum Spheres..."



Nice, I can actually stop the blood attacks with my technique. It requires more control than power, so I need focus. I won't be able to move around much when using it


"How annoying. I'll take care of the girl fir-?!"



"Using a staff to make up for your small stature?"

"Better than using those ridiculously overblown attacks of yours. Is someone overcompensating for something?"


Sure Rei, make the incredibly strong and dangerous enemy in front of you even more angry. That'll surely turn out great for us down the line

Still, it's been forever since he used that black staff, Rei's going all out for this. At least now I can support him while he prevents Kyō from unleashing torrents of blood blades




Again, wow

Rei's been using various chakra natures in recent years, I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed watching him fight. The Kakuran Taijutsu4Disturbance Body Techniqueshe picked up from Killer B-sama only added to his fighting style

His strikes were strong, fast, and precise yet, his body expressed refined grace and elegance. With such unpredictable movements throwing Kyō off, he practically has the fight completely under his control

This must've been what he meant during our last training session when he said, "I'm going back to basics"

"Stop bouncing around you little-!"


"Ngh...!" {Not just fast, his strength is far too great for one so young. The blows are actually heavy...he hits like an adult. And that stupid girl keeps preventing me from using blood}



"So annoying. Sigh...!" {I wanted to conserve my strength for later battles, but I have no choice now}



Kyō's ignoring me and focusing solely on Rei with that "blood"...just as we predicted. It's almost time to put our plan into action...

"Uh-oh..." {It's even harder for me dodge at close range. Can't afford to get hit before he uses Genjutsu}


"You're fast boy..."




"But not fast enough" Kyō smugly said as he grabbed Rei by his throat


"Tsk! Fūto-!"

"Ah. Ah. Don't even think about girl, or I'll snap his neck"

That's just perfect...


"Boy, everything about you is impressive. Though I was distracted by your friend, you still managed to give me trouble., you're already at Chunin level. Given the opportunity, you'd make it to Jonin in record time"

That's it, keep talking...

"Unfortunately, you must pay for the sins of your ancestors. And I will be the one to carry out this justice"

"Taking your baggage out on a generation of people who've never even met you...urgh! That's what you call justice?"

"Yes. What Kumogakure did to my clan occurred decades ago, but my family and I have payed for it to this day. No more"

A little more Rei...

"Just as our children have, too, will the Cloud's"


"Yes, people will think little of me after this is over. They'll think I'm a fool, a hypocrite, and a monster. A stain on my legacy, but honestly..."


Here it comes!

"I stopped caring about what people thought of me a long time ago" Kyō uttered as his eyes glowed red, pulling Rei into their view


{Genjutsu: Ketsuryūgan5Illusion Technique: Blood Dragon Eye!}




-Journal Log: First day at the academy

The entire affair was stereotypical. In an effort to identify the ones with and without family backing, kids started asking for surnames. It was obvious I'd be singled out, but I never imagined it'd happen the moment I entered the room. I couldn't get to my seat because some idiot and his two stooges were going around "Interrogating" everyone

His pompous attitude made it clear, he's a spoiled brat from a spoiled family. He started yapping when I shoved my way to a seat, but I can't even remember what he said...not that it matters

Sitting towards the back, there was no one next to me except two kids on the opposite side. Oddly enough, they didn't seem to care about my lack of belonging to a powerful clan

They're probably from some incredible family that's too big to even notice my existence. Whatever, anyone who doesn't harass me is a boon, I'll take someone ignoring me over that any day

I doubt we'll be interacting much


-Journal Log: Weeks in the academy

Osoi-sensei had us undertake a history lesson with an elder Jonin. He was a wise old man named Rashii who looked like someone's great-grandfather. The things he must've seen, I'll be honest, it got my attention

The history and founding of this nation was something I've always enjoyed studying. But to actually hear it from someone who was alive during the era of the 1st Raikage is an entirely different experience

Things were going terrific until one of the kids brought up the subject of the Kin-Gin Brothers6Gold & Silver BrothersNo one else caught on, but he was basically declaring "I know what you are" to me

I don't think I'll be sleeping well tonight...


-Journal Log: Months in the academy

Just who is this "Rei" kid that sits by me?! I always thought my "heritage" would give me an edge, but we were matched in a sparring session by Osoi-sensei today

None of the other kids could keep up with me, or were too afraid of me, but Rei...I could barely handle him! Even more strange, he offered me his hand after knocking me down and just walked away

Is he unaware of my background?

I don't think my eyes came off him once when we returned to class. I didn't even care about the other lessons, I just watched him and the one next to him

His...friend? I think they're friends...the talkative guy who always sat next to him...he's called Tai or something


-Journal Log: Over a year and half in

Rrggh! I just can't seem to come out on top! No matter how many times I try, Rei always wins. Don't get me wrong, this isn't about pride, rising to the top guarantees I graduate. My need to become a shinobi surpasses that of anyone here and yet...!

The way he looks at me whenever we fight, it's like he doesn't even care. Looking down at everyone else, like an adult being forced to play with children

Which is ridiculous considering he's the youngest kid in the entire school!

Agh! So annoying! I'll show you!


-Journal Log: Two years

Things are moving forward, no one bothers me anymore. I think they took the hint after seeing me fight. Oddly enough, everyone's going after Rei instead of me...I actually feel bad for some of them. That guy is ruthless...

With our tenure here nearing its end, the competitive drive has never been higher. Makes sense going after the #1 student

I'm still trying to beat him, with no success. Looking back, he never complained whenever I challenged him during practice. He always accepted every request without complaint. You'd think he'd be annoyed but...the more we spar, the less I understand about him

His face never contained malice, but no joy either, devoid of any emotion whatsoever. Like everything was just a troublesome chore, behaving as if he was too tired to cared for who I am. At least, that's what appears on the surface

But I can tell...he has passion and drive, a fierce fire that directs his course. He desire to become a ninja is no different than...


-Journal Log: Almost Three Years

Graduation was...interesting. Sekiei and his cronies decided to gang up on me, hurling every insult they could think of. Despite how ignorant they are, put together, I was having some serious trouble

But out of nowhere, Rei showed up and just looked at me, but didn't say much. Rather, his eyes spoke more, asking "You just gonna sit there and take it? From these losers?". He moved so calmly, like wind, dodging everything they threw at him.

He was basically toying with them, buying time for me recover and finish them off. And after some..."cathartic" release on their faces, I passed! I'm a ninja now!


-Journal Log: About a year later

Fate can be very funny. Because of the last war, Genin squad assembly was delayed due to the lack of Jonin captains. That drowsy kid Nemui was suddenly transferred to another team, and I was his replacement. Now I'm teamed up with Rei and Tai was kind of awkward at first. More so after our disastrous first mission on Genbu Island. But Rei suddenly shows up at my door step the next day with Tai, before the Sun even rose, and takes us to his so-called "Third favorite spot" in the village...a diner

Then, he just opens up about himself. Telling us about his family, his goals, even his hobbies...prior to asking us to do the same. Tai stepped up first, I had no idea he was heir to one of the most powerful families in the village...the Yotsuki Clan itself!

Seeing them share, it really made me take a look at myself. I always talk about moving forward, but I still haven't done anything significant besides becoming a Genin. I wanted to I shared my history with them

Yup, the whole deal. My relationship with the Kin-Gin brothers, the traitorous "Kinkaku Force" most of my family members were apart of, even my embarrassing desire to pick a surname for myself

I have to admit, opening up, it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. Mariko knew about my past and accepted me, but we never really talked about it

Having people, friends to share this's changed my whole world


-Journal Log: I've lost track of time

Okay, it's been a while since I've written one of these...but maybe that's for the best. This log has been my only sense of comfort since I always believed there was no one who could ever understand me

But with Team Tango, I have those who not only do, but even care for me. Not just friends, but family. I mean come on, Rei got everyone to literally build a new house for me!

We've gone on mission after mission, training together, fighting together, uplifting each other every step of the way. In the process, I've learned they too have considerable "weight" on their shoulders

Tai's family has been having even more drama than usual lately. I wish there was something I could do to help


You know...looking back at some of my past entries, it's easy to see how conceited the old me used to be. Throwing around baseless assumptions, that I needed this more than anyone else. Everyone has their own struggles, issues, some have it even worse than me

Which is why...I've decided. It's time to stop complaining about the have nots. Instead, I'm going to be grateful for what life has blessed me with. Good health, a home, Mariko and the team

That's a nice way to live my life. One no longer dictated by fear


I'm proud to say there's nothing I wouldn't do to keep them safe




"This is..."

"My Genjutsu world, it's over boy"


"Take pride in the fact a child young as you forced me to get serious. Don't worry, while our children suffered at the hands of your ancestors, I'll make this quick"


"Urgh!" {A world comprised of nothing but a red sea, a drowning illusion where I can't move. Okay...yeah. I always wanted to spar with another Dōjutsu user in Genjutsu, but I never imagined it'd be this hard. Seriously, people with weird-ass eyes in this world are stupidly overpowered! I know its fake, but it feels so real...thank god I made preparations beforehand}

"...You resist. I thought you were a Taijutsu expert, but Genjutsu seems to be your real forte"

"Heh! I almost forgot about it myself"




"It's not enough. Don't fight it, things will only get worse"

"For me? Or you?"



Kyō yelled in shock as the "Rei" before him disappeared along with his Genjutsu, now he was back in reality

"A clone! That's why it didn't work. Then where's the real-?!"


"What the hell? A metal...bottle?"







Minutes ago

"But Rei, how are you going to get him to drop his guard?"

"The best time, it's always when the opponent believes he's won, especially the arrogant ones. Kyō's had multiple opportunities to kill us, but he's clearly reserving his strength for other battles"

He doesn't think we're worth his time. Truth be told, we aren't. But...

"He's a Dōjutsu user, Genjutsu is the specialty of the Chinoike, just like the Uchiha. He'll definitely try to finish us off with his eyes. Sure, it's a little risky-"

"It's very risky. I don't like you giving him more chances to kill you"

"It's all we've got. I'll use a clone if that makes you feel better"

It doesn't

"Once it disappears, that's when you use it-"

"And afterwards, we go on offense, I know. It's bold but..."

"I'm tired, we can't run, and he's stronger than both of us"


"Hey, this plan worked well the last time we used this"

Last time we were knocked out cold, and we had more. This time, there's only one shot. We screw up, we're dead

"This is the best I've got. But I'm open to suggestions if you have something better"

"Sigh...let's go"






With nothing to lose, I charged at Kyō. Right behind me was the real Rei, emerging from the hole I previously used to avoid the explosive trap Kyō set. The "Rei" he fought this entire time had been a clone

I have to say, it was real nerve wracking. If he'd been hit and vanished, or had his memories read through Kyō's eyes, the whole plan would've been for naught. I couldn't have pulled it off, thank god he specializes in Taijutsu and Genjutsu


"That's gotta sting"

"I wouldn't know, I was in the hole"

When the clone vanished, I tossed a tool made by the Mori Sp. company. The very same smoke-flash bomb we used to rescue Yugito-sama years ago. The weapon has a wide range, hence the reason I've kept my distance throughout the fight

Sound and light come out in waves, and at close range, with his eyes...I can't even imagine the pain he's going through


{Katon: Karyū Endan7Fire Style: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet!}

Rei unleashed the most powerful fire-based Ninjutsu in his arsenal. Taking the shape of a serpent dragon, the pin-point attack shot straight at its intended target

At the same time, I mustered all the wind chakra I could to increase its potency



The flaming dragon struck right at his chest, blasting him through several buildings before finally crashing within one. The structure then collapsed on top of him, burying him under rubble

That wasn't what I was going for, but it's welcome all the same


"Huff...huff...! Rei?"

"Yeah Yeah. Gimme a sec..."

Forming a hand seal, Rei sought to determine whether or not Kyō had been taken care of with his senses. I doubt many could survive an attack like that, but I'm still just a "frog in a well"


After several uneasy seconds of waiting, he smiled after confirming Kyō's chakra signature was indeed gone

We'd triumphed over the leader of the Chinoike clan...I still can't believe it


The two us fell on our butts, exhausted and relieved

"What can I say, watching the building collapse on him was brilliant. Was that your idea?"

"Not at all Suzu. Just good old fashioned luck, something you and I are overdue for"




I think this is the first time we've laughed together like this. It might even be the only time either of us have laughed like this. What's curious is that I wasn't afraid the entire time. I know that seems a little ridiculous to say now, but it's true

Fighting Kyō wasn't what scared me...

"Alright, let's get out of here"

"Mm. We need to inform HQ of the traps Kyō set throughout this district"

"Dodai-ossan is gonna love this. Once he hears the leader of the Chinoike has been taken care of, he might just do a backflip"

"More like, he'll be skeptical upon hearing that two Genin beat him. I still can't believe it. Also, he doesn't like being called ossan8Honorific that addresses one of middle or old age/i.e. "Uncle", he's not that old"

"He's close enough, and I call him that because his reaction is hilarious every time"

"I'm starting to see what Tai says about you being a closet sadist"

"His reactions are even funnier"

"Case. In. Point."

After some playful jokes, we stayed there a little longer before leaving. I was just about to take the lead when Rei grabbed my shoulder. He wanted to show me something he took from Kyō

It was a round, seamless white pill

"Is that...?!"

"I'd assume so. The mystery drug reported to be in use on the front. He had a full bag of them, my clone swiped one and threw it away right before he grabbed it by the throat"

"According to our intelligence, they're called the LIFT"

Talk about sticky fingers

Rei suggested we bring it back to HQ. Since it's working in cohesion with the hospital next to it, the staff there may be able to find out this thing's true nature

More importantly, create a countermeasure that could end this small war


With our next objective in sight, the two of us took our...took our...too...h-huh?


What's...happening? I can't...I can't feel my...I'm...falling...can't move. I'm so tired all of sudden. Eyes...heavy...

Rei's trying to say something as he reaches out to me...but I can't hear what he saying

His expression...I've never seen him so...hurt. What's wrong Rei? Is...someone hurting you? Who is it? I'll...take care of them...

Oh...Oh. I think I know...Oh no. This...this reminds me of what I'm really...really afraid of...

N-Not me...It's never been me...I thought it was...but it wasn'


It's them...what I fear most...





Is losing them...


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