Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

169. The Network

Almost there...


As the current conflict within Kumogakure neared its climax, the reigning majority of its citizens were successfully moved to the various evac centers situated in each district

Largely in part to the brave efforts of the village Genin

"Alright, can you three help those elders over there? Find them a place to sit down"

"Got it Mariko"

"Be subtle about it, everyone's nervous enough as it is. We don't wish to rile them up...that means you Omoi"

"Yes. My mouth is sealed"

At one such facility, Mariko and her foster children had been working non-stop to aid their fellow villagers. Doing whatever it took to keep everybody calm, attending to any who required help

They even aided shinobi in their evacuation efforts on their way to the center. Escorting people who didn't know where to go, helping the injured, or those too afraid to travel in the chaos


"Hm? What is it Karui?"

"They'll be fine right? Nothing's going to happen right?"

"This facility is built to withstand much worse, our family will be-?!"

Karui, along with several other kids gathered together, all of whom stared at the doors leading outside. Mariko could easily guess what they were worried about

She called the other foster kids to come closer as she bent down and gave a reassuring smile

"Don't worry. Those three will be fine, I promise. Once this over, we'll resume our picnic with them"



Some time later, restlessness returned amongst the crowd of civilians when several shinobi staff began exiting the building in orderly fashion

"What's going on? Why are they leaving?" Karui asked

"Oh, that...heh heh heh...don't worry. It's good they're leaving"

"Eh? Why?"

"The fact they are means only one thing..."




"It signals the end of the evacuation. Now, it's time to go on offense..."




Back at the intelligence division, Tai and Dodai were on the building's rooftop with Moroi. Members of the latter's Barrier squad were present as well

"Nodes are active, the light is green. Your sensei is ready, what about you Tai?!"

"My solution is also ready for dispersal Dodai-sama! Moroi-san!"

"My team is ready to coordinate with other squads! Dodai, we'll begin at your leisure!"


Tai sat cross-legged as he formed the appropriate hand seals, pushing his chakra to the limit. Moroi's subordinates stood next to various canisters placed along the confines of the roof. "Oxide bombs", containing the agitating agent Tai developed to counter the Ketsuryūgan1Dragon Blood Eye

They weren't alone. There were squads placed on locations throughout the village, all remaining on standby

"On Tango's signal only!" Dodai yelled, holding his hand up as he prepared to signal the others




{Suiton: Kiri Seigyo no Jutsu2Water Style: Mist Control!}

At Dodai's word, Tai activated his original, signature Ninjutsu. Vaporizing the chemicals within the canisters


"It's airborne and ready to travel. Time to bring it out Dodai-sama!" Tai shouted

Dodai signaled a subordinate, who promptly trailed downstairs, making his way to the basement room where Tetsuo and Tango awaited. The latter of whom was still strapped to a mechanical device

No longer wasting anymore time, Tetsuo flipped a switch, activating the device. Engines began churning, accompanied by rattling sounds and sparks of electricity

Despite being right under it, Tango remained calm as he performed his Ninjutsu

{Chakra Transmission!}


Back on the roof, the skittish group eagerly waited until...

⌈Dodai-sama, the connection is stable, I've already connected with the other squads. I can issue orders whenever⌋


...Tango's voice reached their minds


"So this is Charka's my first time experiencing it. Quite handy, my barrier team would like this..."

"Good! Now let's see if it holds. Moroi, begin!" Dodai commanded

"On it. Fūton3Wind Styleusers at the ready!"

⌈Information has come in from the scouts, fortunately this building is right by the epicenter of the village⌋

"We built it next to the Raikage's governmental office for that exact purpose! No need to state the office Tango! Continue!"

⌈Understood. Our first confirmed sighting is in the southeastern most area of District 4⌋

"You heard him, send it out!" Moroi yelled to members of his squad

"Yes sir!"

⌈Next. We've detected a saboteur in the northern area of District 25...oh! Just received word, a squad is already engaging. Next up...⌋

The wind style users sent Tai's chemical mist away as Tango coordinated with other squads of similar skill in different locations. Allowing the concoction to be properly dispersed

It took a moment for the shinobi to get used to it, but in no time at all, Tango began working in cohesion with several squads throughout the village

Tai was flabbergasted at the sight of so many different ninja cooperating in unison, all while being so far away from one another. Using his invention to root out the hidden Chinoike saboteurs

"This is the Network...amazing" Tai muttered

"What's amazing is all the effort it took to make this happen. I've been working on this with Raikage-sama for quite some time"

"It is an impressive feat...but Dodai. Hasn't this already been done before? Doesn't the Yamanaka Clan of Konoha posses secret Ninjutsu producing the same effect?" Moroi asked

"That's where you're wrong, the Network is far more than just a simple communication's hub"

Dodai went on to elaborate the differences between this, and the Yamanaka. How the Network doesn't require the need to have a sensor-type ninja at its core

Tango was not a sensor, but the machine he's connected to temporarily increases his chakra sensitivity, turning him into psuedo-sensor

"A machine that turns people into sensors?!"


"Not quite! What Dodai-dono said is an oversimplification"


"Back so soon Merchant-san?" Moroi coyly asked

Tetsuo had arrived on the rooftop. With the Network online, there was no reason for him to get in the way of the staff who managed to get a handle on things downstairs

"Every user of chakra--no, every living being can feel chakra, sensors are simply more attune to it. This device temporarily boost the area of the human brain housing Spiritual Energy. Bringing said, sixth sense to heightened levels"

"Is that safe?"

"It sure as hell should be with all the safety tests we had. This project had numerous delays to ensure we wouldn't fry the user's brain. Our research has determined prolonged use for over 36 hours is unhealthy" Dodai added

"This is just a prototype, there's plenty of room for improvement Dodai-dono"

"I would certainly hope so. However Tai, sensing chakra isn't it's primary function"


"Unlike the Yamanaka, this device doesn't just telepathically send thoughts to others...but chakra itself. As we speak, there are several shinobi in the basement below us sending their chakra into the central hub. Once sent, Tango disperses it to those in need, reinvigorating your troops" Tetsuo elaborated

"There have been variations of the concept before...but Tetsuo-dono has managed to create a true connection between electricity and chakra"


At this revelation, Tai recalled a conversation he had several years ago

{Energy and chakra, working together...didn't Rei mention something like that before? Going on about Chakra being "the power to connect"}

"How is he micromanaging so many tasks at once? You'd think issuing commands and sharing chakra on such a scale, even the strongest of human mind's would..." Moroi asked

"That was the main issue to get over, fortunately, I have one hell of an architect. The new-age batteries reduce energy consumption significantly, solving a large portion of the process. Keeping his Spiritual energy and mind unburdened"

Everyone present knew the main source of spiritual energy was located in the brain. Realizing the device used electricity as a substitute to avoid overloading Tango's mind

A feat that never would've been possible without the designs Rei, as Developer R, came up with for Tetsuo and Mori Sp.

"This is just the prototype, but company we'll be able to manufacture hubs small enough for ninja to carry in their pockets"

"Even more, we'll be able to send more than thoughts and chakra. We're planning to push this wide-range connection even further. Can you either of you guess as to what?" Dodai smugly asked



Seeing as the two couldn't figure it out, Dodai pointed towards the direction of the mist

"Wait, you mean-?!"


"Quite so. Someday, we'll be able to send pre-kneaded chakra from one individual to another. Think about it Tai. The ability to apply Medical Ninjutsu to anyone, regardless of distance...with no contact whatsoever"

Both Tai and Moroi thought about the implications of such an achievement, what it meant for the shinobi world as a whole. There were many who could achieve similar feats with methodical, natural ninjutsu

But this machine allowed anyone to reach such heights with hardly any need for training...and this device was merely a prototype

Rei's invention would change shinobi warfare forever...

"This project has been an ambition of ours for some time. God knows the amount of money and resources we've put into it. Were it not for Tetsuo-dono, this never would've been possible..."


"What is it?!"

⌈There's a new chakra signature, it's just entered the village from the north!⌋

"Whose is it?! Friend or foe?!"








"Hey, you see that? Over there?"

"What? It's just smoke"

"Is it? There's something off about its color"

Two Chinoike members situated in the village sprinted through a district, in search of any survivors to execute. The pair had already wrought quite the amount of property damage in the area

Clouds of ash flew everywhere thanks to the ruins left in their path. But their destructive actions were put on hold when one of them noticed a shroud of mist spreading above the village

"Come, we've a job to complete. Don't get distracted"

"Don't brush me off like that! I'm just saying-?!"

"Hm?! Who's there?!"


A single figure's silhouette could be seen as it emerged from the dust

"Who's that? A civilian?"

"Wait. Is he...bouncing?"


♫Yeah, yeah! I'm here to shine!
Sup ya fools, it's about damn time!
O Lordy Lord, the hero is back!
Straight out the Unraikyō4Valley of Clouds and Lightningdungeons of rap!♫

♫Chinoike came bleedin', Fūma came throwin'!
The village be yellin'! I came runnin'!
Beyond the walls of strife, life is defined
Thinkin' of revenge, when I'm in a Kumogakure state of mind♫

♫Doing all this mess, took some real nerve!
So why don't you sit down, yer bout to get served!♫

♫Felt something whack, my boy Tango gave the bits!
Y'all made a Tailed Beast drug? WHAT THE SHIT?!♫

♫Crazy, amazing, great, like an Ox
No, No. I ain't the damn fox!♫

♫I can't take your Sabotage, y'all moving like evil mice
Hidden in the shadows, fool, ya fools! I'll cut you right!♫

♫There's no future for you, I ain't doing this by the books!
I'm ruthless as hell, but I got some fine-ass looks!
Recipe for the day? What am I gonna cook?
Oh? I know! How bout some invading crooks!♫






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