Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

189. To Each Their Own [6]

Heya Shinobi! I got to take the day off, so here's another one for ya!


"There's so many...can we please get these documents organized?!"

"What of the villages further east? Have we heard anything from them?!"

"There news of another new VIP! A major investor from the Land of Valleys is interested in the exams, and he's bringing others along with him!"

Inside a building housed at the the center of Iwagakure1Hidden Stone Village, a meeting composed of the villages top officials took place. The entire room was covered in dark blue tiles, floor included. A cleanly paved, rectangular stone desk place at its center

These ten men sitting at the desk hosted a discussion pertaining towards the preparations for the Chunin exams, set to take place within their very walls. Even with months ahead, a great load of work was still required

For it remained paramount they keep the notable public figures, set on attending, pleased and content during their stay

Iwagakure's reputation as hosts was on the line...

"This really is what people are already calling it, a Chunin exam for the ages..."

"One more?! At this point, we'll need to expand the very arena itself if there's going be enough seats...!"

"Forget the arena, what about the Canyon?! Is there any word from Kitsuchi yet?!"

"Don't worry about that horrid place, it'll take care of itself. Right now, the arena is our main concern!"

"We've already spread so much, there's no space left. Don't forget, we need the protective barrier to function properly for the audience"

Four sat across another four on the long sides of the rectangular table, opposite of one another. The Earth Daimyō sat alone on the short side of the table, opposite of the village leader, the 3rd Tsuchikage2Earth elderly man known to the world as "Ryōtenbin no Ōnoki"3Ōnoki of Both Scales

"I don't see further expansion as a possiblility..."

"Unless we rebuild it, and the surrounding infrastructure entirely..." Ōniki suggested

"Tsuchikage-sama! Such an overhaul...the price alone will be-!"

"Substantial. I'm aware, nor more than anyone else at this table. However, what we need to discern is the importance between the costs, and the event itself. Otherwise, why are we even here in the first place?"

"T-That is..."

Most wouldn't think one bearing an appearance resembling Ōnoki's could command such respect

An old man of small stature, thick white and eyebrows, a bulbus-like nose, and a bald head. Dressed in standard Iwa-nin attire, but accompanied by a split green coat divided into four sections with yellow trimmings, and a red collar

This attachment appeared to signify nobility and rank, for other important officials at the table wore clothing of similar design

"I grow weary of this inane prattle between you all, just give me an answer already. Can we do it, or not?"


"Our restoration is still ongoing, sir"

"It's not that we can't do it, but if we put our all into this and fail to impress enough patrons..."

"It'll be years before we can recover what we've lost"

Iwagakure was nation built upon harsh terrain, its framework composed of the surrounding rock and stone, with numerous tall towers constructed from the terrain, suiting the village name

While the rocky mountain ranges that surround the village provide a natural stronghold they pride themselves on, the majority of land itself is non-fertile. Wide-scale farming is next to impossible in this land, as such, there's always a shortage of produce yearlong

That, combined with a high population 2nd only to Konohagakure4Hidden Leaf Villagetheir economy was always in flux. As the costs for the exams grew, the more frustrated these group of men became

For the military-focused Iwagakure, the village heavily relied on shinobi work for financial support. It was for this reason they typically went to war with their neighbors in the Lands of Wind and Fire respectively. Usually the latter for its fertile land founded by the 1st Hokage5Fire Shadow and sole wielder of the Mokuton6Wood Style...Hashirama Senju

Hence the debating and intense desire to display goodwill for the rich patrons visiting in the months to come

"I can help cover the costs..." The Daimyō offered

"Quite generous of you, but your overall they not come from-?" Ōnoki asked as he tried to ascertain his intentions

"Haaa...logistics. They're always a pain in the ass, aren't they? Nevertheless, my predecessors and I have accumulated a sizeable fund taken from taxes payed by those who dwell outside this village, our fellow countrymen I oversee"

"Daimyō-sama! Have you been skimming-?!" One of the councilmen poised to make an accusation

"Don't imply things that aren't true. This hedge fund was agreed upon long before the creation of this very village, meant only to be used for the benefit of the Land of Stone. It's a small amount anyway, just 0.7% of the taxes I take"

"And since its accumulated..."

"The current amount is more than enough for exams. My only question is, what do you want in return?" Ōnoki inquired

Though apart of the same country, Daimyō's and Shinobi villages were separate leaders of different domains, each looking after their own interests. The relationship was somewhat, symbiotic in nature, though possessing plenty of room for conflict

Ōnoki knew this generous offer the Stone Daimyō made wouldn't be free

"It's nothing much, just you overlooking my previous overstep involving the Cloud"

"H-Huh?" {The Cloud?}

{What's Kumogakure have to do with this?}

"That? Heh! Too afraid to be in my debt?"

"We've been friends for a long time Tsuchikage, I know how scary your temper can be"

"Pfft! Hahahaha!"

Everyone else remained clueless as they watched these two old veterans playfully banter with one another

Some time ago, the Earth Daimyō had unofficially requested of the Lightning Daimyō that Kumogakure only send one shinobi squad to Iwagakure. This "request" sat upon the grounds they'd cause an international disaster, similar to their previous transgression, the Hyūga Incident

In truth, it was simply a means of weakening the competition. Normally, the Tsuchikage cared little for behind-the-scenes dealings between Daimyō, but this matter involved shinobi, and the Earth Daimyō acted without his permission nor consent

Kages and village leaders were always looking for a means to one-up their respective Daimyō's, and Ōnoki would be no exception. The Earth Daimyō was hoping to put this matter to rest by relying on the old friendship he held with the Tsuchikage


"It's forgotten, long as our relationship remains the same, regardless of the exam results"

"...That's fine by me, old friend" {Clever old fox}

"Glad to hear it"


Everyone else began whispering amongst themselves

{Nice! Well played Ōnoki-sama!}

{Tsuchikage-sama has guaranteed the Daimyō won't outsource shinobi work if we perform badly!}

{Phew! I hate politics!}

The others were pleased with Ōnoki's negotiations. Now there was less to fear if their shinobi gave a lackluster performance, granting them leeway when it came to budgets and economic recovery for the future

"Let's move on to the next subject, our participants. We've already gone through a majority of them, but does anyone here have any...unique recommendations?" Ōnoki wondered

"Well, there are several...I'm thinking about this one. A young one called Sagan, showing promise as a potential sensor-type"

"That'll definitely come in handy. Anyone else?"

"There's a promising Genin named Ittan who demonstrates a calm and collective demeanor even in the most dire of circumstances. His prowess in Ninjutsu involving Nature Transformation is quite impressive for his age"

"Excellent. Either place them as a two-man squad, or find another team in need of numbers. Next?"

After several more candidates were put forth, silence blanketed the room...until one of the elders decided to cautiously raise his hand. Himself unsure of what he was about to suggest

"I know this is going to spark debate, but have you considered sending some of the potential candidates for the Demolition Unit?"

"Whoa whoa whoa! Are you feeling okay?!"

"They'd be an asset..."

"Asset? My ass! That team was created for a reason, we needed a place to put our most unstable shinobi. A squad that focuses solely on chaotic destruction, practically every single member is a lunatic"

"Well...what about Deidara? His official transfer into the unit was just approved not too long ago. Bonus, he's still a Genin, and will certainly prove to be useful in eliminating the competition"

"Deidara?! He's a textbook example of that damn unit! Even when we forgave his transgression for learning our village's Kinjutsu7Forbidden Techniques, the little bastard showed no remorse! Going on about, how his ascetic views as an artist demanded he take it!"



Ōnoki clapped his hands

Stopping the banter before anymore arguing went on, ordering his colleagues to put said matter on hold. Feeling only he needed to oversee the matter of whether or not Deidara performs in the exams

Knowing this meeting had completed its primary purpose, there was no point in proceeding any further. Ordering them to complete the testing grounds and arena for the event posthaste, using whatever resources they could spare

After issuing his final commands and tasks to those present, the Tsuchikage adjourned the meeting. Sending the others away while he departed the room with the Daimyō





The two venerable leaders made their way to the top of the tower-shaped building, the office of the Tsuchikage their primary destination. As they moved, the Daimyō couldn't help but stare at Ōnoki, who was levitating along the way

"That never ceases to amaze me, the ability to fly"

"I'm simply decreasing my overall weight with Doton8Earth Style, so it's more like floating"

"Simply, eh?"

"Come in, there's one more thing I'd like to discuss with you" 

The floating old man invited the feudal lord inside his office, gesturing him to sit on the chair placed in front of his desk


Ōnoki locked the door before proceeding to take a seat as well

"So what's this about?"

"It's about our previous discussion, the one we had months ago"


"When it comes to help, I've heard you've gotten real cozy with our newest neighbors in Ishigakure9Hidden Rock Village"

"No more than you, old friend. Since the shinobi over there move strictly for contract work, they care little for the exams. Are you thinking of hiring some help?"

"I'd like for them to participate, but I want to make sure no one else knows we've reached out to them"

"Most of them are rowdy rogues, many with criminal records. Although, I can think of one squad fitting the criteria. While they were incarcerated, that incident with the Blood Prison will make it impossible for anyone to find, let alone prove they're criminals"

"The prison break...I remember. Considering what they've done, I'd prefer not to have them. But we need every advantage we can muster, even if it means relying on outside help"

"Then...shall I make the call?"




"...Do it"


And with that, we're done with the POV chapters from other nations! Next time, we're heading back home to the Cloud! Also, the next illustration is coming up soon! I'm doing my best to make sure it's not totally horrible ><! See ya soon!


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